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. 购 销 合 同Purchase Contract合同编号:SH3211Contract No. SH3211需方:Purchaser:供方: 上海欧时凯泰办公设备系统有限公司Supplier: HI-TECH OFFICE SYSTEM CO., LTD日期: 2011 年 月 日 Date: Month Date , Year 购 销 合 同Purchase Contract甲方(需方):Party A (Purchaser):乙方(供方):上海欧时凯泰办公设备系统有限公司Party B (Supplier): HI-TECH OFFICE SYSTEM CO., LTD 合同日期: 2011 年 月 日 Contracting date: Month _ Date _, Year _.一、 产品名称、色泽、规格、数量、单价、金额详如附件Name, colors, specifics, amount, unit price and total price are set in the Attachment.二、 本合同含税总金额为(大写)人民币 (即人民币 元)。Total price with tax included of the contract is (capitalization) RMB _ _ _ _. (i. e. RMB _ _)三、 交货时间为 2011年 月 日2011年 月 日Delivery dates are: from Month _ Date _, Year to Month _ Date _, Year_ _四、 安装时间为 2011年 月 日2011年 月 日Installation dates are: from Month _ Date _, Year _ to Month _ Date _ , Year_五、 交货地点: Delivery Location is: _ 六、 交货及安装:由乙方负责运输及安装 Delivery and installation: party B is responsible for delivery and installation.七、 验收:乙方于安装时间负责安装完成。安装完毕后,由乙方提出书面验收资料,呈请甲方验收。甲方于收到正式之书面验收资料时,应派员于三日内验收完毕。甲方逾期未提出异议,视同本项目验收合格。Acceptance checks: party B shall complete installation within the installation dates. Upon completion of installation, party B shall submit to party A written checks material to facilitate checks for acceptance by party A. Upon receiving formal written checks material, party A shall dispatch its staff to complete acceptance checks within three days. It shall be deemed as party As acceptance of the project if it lodges no objection within the three-day period.八、 付款条件Terms of payment: 1、本合同签定时,甲方立即支付本合同总金额之50 %即(大写)人民币 为本合同之预付货款。(即人民币 元)Upon signing of the Contract, party A shall pay _ % percentage of the contract price, (capitalization) RMB _ _, as down payment of the Contract. (i. e. RMB _ _);2、验收完毕后,甲方立即支付本合同之余款即(大写)人民币 。(即人民币 元)Upon completion of acceptance checks, party A shall pay the rest of the contract price, i.e. (capitalization) RMB _ . (i. e. RMB _ _);货物所有权:本合同之货品,于甲方付清合同之总金额后,所有权归属甲方。在甲方尚未付清合同总金额之前无论该货品是否已交至甲方指定之交货地点,其所有权仍归属乙方。Ownership of goods: Ownership of the goods under issue in the Contract shall be transferred to party A after it pays up the total of the contract price. Ownership shall remain with party B before party A pays up total contract price, no matter whether the goods have been delivered to a location designed by party A.九、 本合同甲方采用之付款方式为(请打 ) 支票 汇票 汇款至乙方指定之账户, 现金。如甲方付款之方式为现金,乙方人员至甲方收款时,乙方人员必须出示乙方盖公章之委托授权收款书,交由甲方后,甲方始得付款。Method of payment adopted by party A in the Contract is (please tick it): _ Checks; _ Bills of Exchange; _ Remittance to Accounts designed by party B; or _ Cash. If party A pays party B in cash, as staff from party B comes to party A to collect payment, they shall have to produce a letter sealed by party B authorizing them to collect payment on behalf of party B and present it to party A for it to pay the contract price.十、 合同签定后,甲方若未能依约支付预付货款,乙方将不予以下单生产。若因此乙方未能于合同所订立之期间交货及安装,其责任由甲方负责。Upon signing the Contract, party B shall not issue production bills if party A fails to pay the down payment pursuant to the Contract. The resultant failure of party B to perform delivery and installation within the periods set by the Contract shall be the sole responsibility of party A. (The total contract price includes the costs for furniture installation and delivery).十二、 交货前乙方将先行派员至现场勘察甲方之交货现场环境,若交货环境不适合本合约产品进入或不适合安装,乙方将以书面形式告知甲方现场不适合交货及安装之原因。乙方有权推迟交货安装时间,直至甲方改善现场环境,并经乙方确认,如因此而无法于本合同所定之时间内完成交货及组装,其责任不在乙方,所产生的后果由甲方自行承担,甲方不得追究乙方的责任。Party B shall dispatch staff to check the environment of party As delivery location before the actual delivery. If the environment is not suitable for the physical delivery or installation of the contracted goods, party B shall notice party A in writing the reasons why the location is not suitable for delivery or installation. Party B retains the right to postpone the dates of delivery or installation till the environment of the location is improved by party A and the improvements are subsequently confirmed by party B. If for these reasons delivery or installation can not be completed within the dates set in the Contract, the responsibility shall not reside in party B. The resultant consequences shall be taken up by party A alone, and it shall have no right to allot responsibility to party B.十三、本合同双方在履行过程中遇有争议,由当事人双方协商解决,协商不成,当事人双方同意将争议提交上海市仲裁委员会仲裁,该仲裁裁决是终局的。 Both parties shall negotiate a settlement to their disputes if any arise when the Contract is performed. Both parties agree to submit their disputes to an arbitration committee for arbitration if a settlement is not possible. The arbitration shall be the final judgment.十四质保期: 我司产品于正常使用情况下保用五年,于一年内产品的零部件如有非因人为因素造成的损坏我司将予以免费维修。 All the HI-TECH products will be free from manufacturing defects, under normal use and care within one year, over one year the specified warranty period the parts must be charged.十五、本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,并至双方签章之日起生效。 The Contract shall be in two copies with each party holding one of them. The Contract shall be effective on the date when both parties sign and seal it.甲方(需方)Party A (Purchaser) 乙方(供方)Party B (Supplier) 上海欧时凯泰办公设备系统有限公司Shanghai HI-TECH OFFICE SYSTEM CO.,LTD授权代表人: 授权代表人:Legal Representative: Legal Representative:甲方联络地址: 乙方联络地址:上海市长寿路127号财富时代大厦508室Contact Address of Party A Contact Address of Party B: RM508, Fortune Time Building No.127 Changshou Road, Shanghai, China甲方联络电话: 乙方联络电话:021-62275373 Contact Telephone of Party A: Contact Telephone of Party B:62275373; 62276863甲方联络人: 乙方联络人: 周永芳13764616896 Contact Person of Party A: Contact Person of Party B:Allen zhou 13764616896开户银行: 中国农业银行曹家渡支行 Deposit Bank:cao jia du agriculture bank of china 银行账号: 03302100040007185 Account NO: 03302100040007185欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求ppt课件设计制作,word文档制作,图文设计制作、发布广告等,公司秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档9.

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