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2020版人教PEP版六年级上册期末检测英语试卷(六)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im sorry, Dad. ( )_AFine, thank you.BThats OK.CThank you.2 . Howdoyou _school? ( )AcomeBcomesCcometo3 . How _ the flowers smell? ( ) They are nice.AdoBdoesCare4 . Whatareyou_now? ( )AdoingBdoCdoes5 . From now, eat plentyvegetables. ( )AFor, offBon, toCon, of6 . The giraffe is _. The cat is _. ( )Along; smallBshort; tallCtall; small7 . ( ) Who did Jenny go _?AwithBat8 . We shouldnt use _ plastic. ( )Atoo muchBmuch tooCa few9 . She _ helpful and you _ hard-working. ( )Ais; isBis; areCare; are10 . , I cant guess. ( )ASorryBNoCYes选出毎组单词中不同类的一项。11 . AgoatBhorseCcarrot12 . AduckBhowChen13 . ApigBsheepCfarm14 . AgardenBtomatoClibrary15 . AtryBeatCanimal二、阅读选择阅读理解。Today Ill introduce a beautiful city-Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong. In Guangzhou, we can go to the Baiyun Hill to watch birds. The birds sing very well. Xiangjiang Zoo is a good place to visit too. We can see many rare animals, such as white tigers, pandas. In the Six Banyan Temple, we can take photos and all of us will have a good time there. Do you like shopping? There are a lot of shopping centers and shopping departments in Guangzhou. The dimsum in Guangzhou is very famous. We can have it at the Guangzhou Restaurant or Banxi Restaurant. Going on the Pearl River Cruise is a good choose at night, because the night views are beautiful.Welcome to Guangzhou!16 . The capital of Guangdong is _. ( )AShenzhenBZhuhaiCGuangzhou17 . We can see a lot of _ at Baiyun Hill. ( )AtigersBbirdsCmonkeys18 . There arent any _ in Xiangjiang Zoo. ( )Ablue whalesBwhite tigersCpandas19 . Banxi Restaurant is famous for_. ( )AfishBdimsumCchicken20 . We can see_ in Guangzhou. ( )Athe Long RiverBthe Yellow RiverCthe Pearl River三、填空题21 . 按要求写词1.begin (第三人称单数)_2.hobby (复数)_3.easy (反义词)_4.collect(现在分词)_5.does not(缩写)_6.be interested in (汉语意思)_7.散步(英语短语)_8.plant flowers (汉语意思)_9.擦门(英语短语)_10. collect stamps (汉语意思)_选词填空。AcelebrateBcardsChappy DgiftsEMay22 . Mothers Day is on the second Sunday in _.23 . Children want to make their mothers _on this day.24 . They write nice things to their mothers on Mothers Day_.25 . Some children like to make their own _or cards for their mothers.26 . Some families will have a delicious dinner to _Mothers Day.四、单词拼写27 . girl(对应词)_五、填内容补全对话28 . 根据题意,补全对话。1.What day is it today?_ .(星期四)2.补全对话。Does he have English on Monday? _(做肯定回答)六、看图题29 . 看图,写出下列房间的英语名称。1. 2. 3. 4. _七、连词成句30 . 连词成句:world, she, all, travelled, over, the(.)_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、单词拼写1、五、填内容补全对话1、六、看图题1、七、连词成句1、

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