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2019年人教PEP版六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(十)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Harbin is in theof China( )AsouthBwestCnorth2 . This is _ bedroom._ small but nice. ( )Ayou; ItBmy; ItsCmy; its3 . “Parents Day” 的汉语意思是:_. ( )A放暑假的日子B开学的日子C开家长会的日子4 . Mr Zhang has a _way to make his students_in class. ( )I cant agree more.Agood ,happilyBgood, happyCwell,happyDwell;happily选出不同类的一项5 . AauntBdanceCrun6 . AhobbyBplayCcook7 . AmathsBdrumCpiano8 . AsingBdanceCtoday9 . AuncleBdrawCskip10 . Whats the matter with you,Mike?( ) _AI have a ruler.BI have a toothache.CI like swimming.选出不同类的单词。11 . AnoodlesBchopsticksCspoon12 . AkitchenBchickenCbathroom13 . AthinBtallChead14 . AgrandmaBdoctorCdriver15 . AstorybookBEnglishCmath book16 . There _ no library or computers in my time. ( )AareBwasCwere17 . We should learn the lesson _ the animals. ( )AforBtoCfrom18 . Look! Henry is hiding_ the sofa. ( )AwithBaboutCbehind选出不同类的一项19 . AteacherBnurseCjump20 . AsportBfootballCbasketball二、阅读选择选择最恰当的答案Mrs. Brown is very fat. She has a lot of health problems. Her husband (丈夫) and she go to see the doctor. Her doctor says to her, Dont eat meat and cakes. Her husband says, I am going to make her stop eating them, doctor. The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat and her husband eats half (一半) of it. Then he leaves home to work. Mrs. Brown cuts (切) a very small piece of it and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a big piece of and eats it. Ten minutes later she eats it all.My husband will be angry. What shall I do? she thinks. She buys another (另一个) can of meat very quickly.She eats half of that and leaves half on the table. Her husband comes back later and he sees the half meat on the table. He is very happy.21 . Mrs. Brown is _.( )AtallBslimCshortDunhealthy22 . The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat and cakes because _.( )AMrs. Brown likes themBmeat and cakes arent goodCMr. Brown tells him to say soDmeat and cakes make her fatter23 . The next morning Mrs. Brown buys a can of meat for _. ( )AherselfBher husbandCher childrenDthe doctor24 . Mrs. Brown buys another can of meat because _.Ashe is good at making cakesBher husband likes meat( )Cshe wants to eatDshe is afraid that her husband will be angry三、填空题根据首字母或中文提示填空。25 . Miss Li says the _(下一个) sentence.26 . Lily p_ a wallet in the classroom yesterday.27 . Its not easy. Wang Bing is thinking _(努力的).28 . Then the lion t_ into a prince.29 . There was a swing _(在前面) the house.30 . There are many _(故事) in this book.四、单词拼写31 . Read and complete根据首字母或汉语意思完成单词。1. We b_ some drinks and food for the picnic, we had a good time.2. Lets m_at the bus stop at 8:30 this afternoon.3. My grandpa listened to the radio for n_ many years ago.4. I was very thirsty. So I had a _(瓶子)of water.5. There are some _(办公室)in our school.五、匹配题选出相对应的中文A你好,彼得!B这是我的哥哥。C这是我的家人。D请坐下。E下午好!32 . This is my brother.(_)33 . Good afternoon.(_)34 . Sit down,please.(_)35 . Hello,Peter.(_)36 . This is my family.(_)37 . 选出与句意相符的图片。( ) 1. Im going to visit my grandparents tomorrow. ( ) 2. Your brother will love this kite. ( ) 3. Will you play football tomorrow?( ) 4. Mum will make a cake for me. ( ) 5. I think hes got a toy train.A、 B、 C、D、 E、38 . 给下列句子选择正确的答语。( )1.Does he go to school by car?( )2.What do you have at school today?( )3.What do you do in spring?( )4.Wheres my pencil?( )5.Has Sam got a new sweater?AIts in your schoolbag.BYes,he does.CWe fly kites.DI have maths and English.EYes,he has.六、书面表达39 . 书面表达。周末你打算做什么,你有什么计划吗?用“be going to”结构来写一写你的计划。要求:1、条理清晰,用词得当,书写工整,规范。2、不少于5句_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、五、匹配题1、2、3、六、书面表达1、

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