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2020年(春秋版)人教PEP版四年级下册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . How many horses _ you have? ( )AareBdoesCdo2 . _ ( )I visited my grandparents.AWhat did you do yesterday?BWhat are you doing?3 . Where are they? ( )AAt home.BAt school.4 . We can listen _ the CDs _ the evening. ( )Ato; inB/; atCon; on5 . Is this a ball? ( )_AYes, I can.BOK.CNo, it isnt.6 . The elephants _ four legs. ( )Ahad getBhas gotChave got7 . He plays _ his friends. ( )AtoBforCwith8 . _ comes after spring. I love it. ( )ASummerBAutumnCWinter9 . 给下列句子选择相应的答句。(10分)( ) (1) Did you take Amys doll ?AI lost my key ( ) (2) What are you doing ?BYes , I did . It isnt here ( ) (3) Did you look for it in your bag ?CYes , it is .( ) (4) Is this your hat ?DI came back last Wednesday( ) (5) Did they come for the music competition ? E. No , I didnt .( ) (6) When did you come back ?F. I played the flute .( ) (7) Where did you go last Saturday ? G. I fell off the tree. ( ) (8) What did you do ?H. Yes , they did .( ) (9) What happened to you ?I. He fell over .( ) (10) What happened to the boy ?J. I went to the park .10 . MissZhaohasfive_.( )AchildBchildsCchildrenDchildes11 . are you late? ( )Because the bus was late.AWhereBWhyCWhat二、填空题选择合适的单词填空.12 . -What do you need? -I need four_(potato/potatos/potatoes).13 . The rabbit is_(happy/full/sad).She cant swim and climb trees.14 . The panda_ (have/has/having) a glasses shop.15 . -What would you like? -Id like some _(sweet/biscuit/candy).16 . - _(Wheres/Whats/Hows) in your desk?-Some books.三、任务型阅读阅读理解,判断正误,用T或F表示。Dear Sarah,Last Monday was a school holiday. My friends and I had a great day at the Zhongshan Park. The park is very big. We can do many things there. I flew kites with John and Zhang Peng. Liu Yun, Amy and Chen Jie sang and danced. We were all very happy.At 12 oclock, we had lunch. We had some fruit, some juice and hamburgers. In the afternoon, we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in the park. On Tuesday we put the pictures on the wall in our classroom. Do you like going to the park?LoveWu Yifan17 . Wu Yifan flew kites with John and Zhang Peng. (_)18 . The boys sang some songs. (_)19 . In the afternoon, we drew some pictures of the trees and flowers in the park. (_)20 . We put the pictures on the wall near our school gate. (_)21 . We had a good time. (_)四、判断题22 . 判断题,判断单词或句子与图片是否一致,一致的在括号里写“正确”,不一致的在括号里写“错误”。(_)1. book (_)2. black (_)3. Goodbye. (_)4. Show me your eraser. (_)5. I have a ruler. 五、连词成句23 . 连词成句。【小题1】your, What,is, teacher, like (?)_【小题2】is, My, teacher, science, polite (.)_【小题3】is, quiet, she (.)_【小题4】Chinese, is, my, Miss, teacher, Wu ( . )_【小题5】are, from, they, Canada(.)_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、判断题1、五、连词成句1、

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