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2019-2020年度外研版(一起)二年级上册期末检测英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . They are _-lovers and they love kangaroos and koalas very much. ( )AsportBtreeCanimalDphoto2 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。【小题1】AnoodlesBtwelveChamburgersDrice【小题2】AsnakeBpandaCowlDbamboo【小题3】AnightBcomeCliveDeat【小题4】AsingBflyCdeafDswim【小题5】AthreeBalmostCeightDsixteen3 . May I speak to Tom? ( )Sorry, hes not here. You can leave a _.AmessageBEmailCwords4 . _ comes in March, April and May. ( )ASpringBSummerCAutumn5 . 从下列单词中选出不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. headacheB. toothache C. coldD. stomachache(_) 2. A. CanadaB. China C. the UK D. Beijing(_) 3. A. teacherB. workerC. postman D. farm(_) 4. A. youngerB. shorterC. bigger D. small(_) 5. A. appleB. banana C. orange D. shoe6 . Which season do you like best? ( )I like_.AspringBsnowCsong给下列汉语找到相符的英文单词7 . 大海( )AseaBsky8 . 保持( )AstickBstay9 . 记者( )AreporterBbusinessman10 . 迅速地( )AquicklyBslowly11 . 工厂( )AfactoryBfarm12 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AtomorrowBtodayClive【小题2】AmakeBhobbyCread【小题3】ApianoBpipaCmusic【小题4】AwatchesBreadCcooks【小题5】AdoesBdancingCsinging13 . Listen. _. Dads coming. Thats his car. ( )ATick-tockBHonk-honkCCrack-crack从下面各题三个单词中找出一个与其他词不同类的。14 . AredBcapCcoat15 . ArideBreadChead16 . AniceBboredChobby17 . AdressBshortCT-shirt18 . AmagicianBsweaterCfirefighter二、匹配题选出下列英语指令的汉语意思,并把序号填在括号内。A打开你的铅笔盒。B拍手。C棕色棕色。转转圈。D摸摸你的眼睛。E让我看看绿色。F背上你的书包。G摸摸你的耳朵。H. 跺跺脚。I. 把它涂成棕色。19 . Brown, brown. Turn around. (_)20 . Show me green. (_)21 . Touch your ear. (_)22 . Stamp your foot. (_)23 . Colour it brown. (_)24 . Open your pencil box. (_)25 . Clap your hands. (_)26 . Touch your eye. (_)27 . Carry your bag. (_)Read and choose.(给句子选择合适的图片)A. B. C. D. 28 . Its windy. I can go on a picnic. (_)29 . Its snowy. I can play in the snow. (_)30 . Its very hot. I can eat ice cream. (_)31 . I often go swimming in summer. (_)三、字母题32 . 读一读,写出所给字母的左邻右舍,注意大小写。(1) e (2)x (3)K (4)O (5)r 四、连线题33 . 读一读,连一连。(1) look left A接近(2) next to B向左看(3) in front of C在.前面(4) a taxi driver D帮助一个孩子(5) help a childE一名出租车司机第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、匹配题1、2、三、字母题1、四、连线题1、

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