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2019-2020年度人教PEP版四年级上册期末测试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There lots of Chinese shops and restaurants in Chinatown. ( )AisBareCam2 . Dont take your foodthe room. It doesnt smell _.( )AinwellBintowellCintogood3 . The men over there are fathers .ATom and MikesBToms and MikeCToms and MikesDTom and Mikes选出每组单词中不同类的一项。4 . Aa capBa jacketCpies5 . Aa dollBfatherCa car6 . AfatherBmotherCgrandpa7 . AmeBherCI8 . AGood morning.BGood afternoon.CThank you.9 . Is it a cat? ( )No, its a fish.AB10 . Helen always has on Sundays. ( )Adancing lessonsBdance lessonCdance lessons读单词,选出不属于同类的一项。11 . ApenBblueCbook12 . AblackBdogCyellow13 . AcrayonBhelloChi14 . AbagBpenCorange15 . AappleBbrownCwhite算一算,写答案。16 . two + five= _17 . nine + one= _18 . six + three= _19 . four + four= _20 . sevenone= _21 . eightseven= _22 . sixfour = _23 . tensix= _24 . two + three= _25 . eightfive= _26 . Mikes favourite food is chicken. _ favourite drink is milk. ( )AHeBSheCHis二、填空题27 . 将正确身体部位的名称填到相应的方框内。foot head eye arm leg hand ear face mouth三、排序题28 . 给下列句子排序,使其成为一段通顺的对话(_)Good morning, boys and girls. (_)How are you?(_)Good morning, Miss Wang!(_)Im fine, thank you.(_)Yes, Miss Wang.(_)Look at the blackboard, please.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。There are many holidays in China. New Years Day is on January 1st. We wear new clothes and say “Happy New Year” to our family and friends. We eat dumplings. April Fools Day is on April 1st. People trick each other. Childrens Day is on June 1st. Children wear beautiful clothes on the day. They sing and dance. National Day is on October 1st. All of the Chinese people celebrate (庆祝) the great day!29 . New Years Day is on January 2nd. (_)30 . We eat dumplings on New Years Day. (_)31 . April Fools Day is on April 1st. (_)32 . Children dont sing and dance on Childrens Day. (_)33 . All of the Chinese people celebrate (庆祝) the National Day. (_)五、匹配题选出相对应的答句。A. We visited our grandparents.B. It means “No smoking”.C. Clothes.D. They are making dumplings.E. It was rainy.F. Yes, it did.G. Good idea!H. Yes, they did.34 . Did the fashion show go well? (_)35 . What was the weather like yesterday? (_)36 . What did you do last week? (_)37 . Lets make a poster. (_)38 . What does the sign mean? (_)39 . Did your parents give you red packets? (_)40 . What are they doing? (_)41 . What makes our bedroom dirty and messy? (_)42 . 在右栏找出左栏中句子的回答,把编号写在括号中。(_)1.Good afternoon.AGood morning!(_)2.Whats your name?BHi, Im Sarah.(_)3.Hello!CFine, thank you.(_)4.Bye!DGreat!(_)5.Lets go to school!ENice to meet you, too.(_)6.Good morning!FMy names John.(_)7.How are you?GSee you!(_)8.Nice to meet you.H. Good afternoon.(_)9.Lets make a puppet.I. Hi!(_)10.Hello!Im Wu Yifan.J.OK!匹配题AlibraryBclassroomCswimming poolDdining hallEplaygroundFteachers room43 . Teachers work there.(_)44 . Some children read books there.(_)45 . People eat there.(_)46 . People can swim there.(_)47 . Children have lessons there.(_)48 . Children can play games there.(_)选择相应的答句,使其成为通顺的句子。A. It is so big.B. Water the flowers.C. Its on the second floor.D. Forty.E. No, it isnt.49 . Where is the teachers office? (_)50 . Is this the art room? (_)51 . How many students are there? (_)52 . Look, this is my classroom. (_)53 . Go to the garden. (_)六、音标题音标题。54 . 选出画线部分发音不同的单词:( )AflagBclubCflower55 . 选出画线部分发音不同的单词:( )AhaveBfaceCname56 . photo ( )A/ft/B/fatan/C/fat/57 . 选出画线部分发音不同的单词:( )AbikeBinCfive58 . 选出画线部分发音不同的单词:( )AageBaroundCdate七、连线题59 . 请将下列单词与图片连线1. a. grandfather2. b. Canana3. c. twenty4. d. twelve5. e. watermelon第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、填空题1、三、排序题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、匹配题1、2、3、4、六、音标题1、七、连线题1、

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