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2019-2020学年人教PEP版五年级下册期末测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题根据短语选择相应的图片。1 . dining hall ( )AB2 . do homework ( )AB3 . sing songs ( )AB4 . have meals( )AB5 . at room ( )AB6 . bathroom ( )AB7 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AsummerBcoldChot8 . Lets go by bus. Its _ than_. ( )Afast; walkBfaster; walkCfaster; walkingDfast; walking9 . In Grimms Fairy Tales, there are about 210 famous fairy tales, such as Little Red Riding Hood, the Frog Prince, Cinderella and _. ( )ASnow WhiteBMonkey kingCMu lan10 . _ is your birthday? ( )Its on the eighth of April.AWhereBWhatCWhen11 . 语音知识。从下列每小题四个选项中选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项,并将其序号填入 题前的括号内。( )1. A. nearB. learnC. hear D. clear( )2. A. bought B. thought C. broughtD. about( )3. A. careB. hareC. hearD. share( )4. A. turnB. Thursday C. Saturday D. nurse( )5. A. yourB. colour C. fourD. course12 . You need a robot _ you. ( )AhelpBto helpChelping选出下列每组单词中与其他两项不同类的一项。13 . AeveningBlunchCmorning14 . AMondayBsometimesCusually15 . AstudentBteacherCEnglish16 . AwatchBoftenCeat17 . ASundayBfootballCping-pong18 . Mr Black _ his son_school every day. ( )Atakes; toBtake; forCtook; to19 . I like art. I often _on the weekend. ( )Aplay footballBplay sportsCdraw pictures20 . A: _, Nancy. Its late. ( )B: OK.ADont worryBHurry upCStand up二、填空题21 . 选词填空。Abecause Bcold CChildrens Day Dleaves Eseasons1. Robin likes all the four _.2. Children like summer because _ and summer vacation are in summer.3.The weather in autumn is cool but the _ on the trees begin to fall.4. The weather in winter is too _. Some people dont like it.5. My favourite season is summer _ I like swimming best.22 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1.I can help _(your) 2.The bear is_the meat.(bite)3.Therere some nice_ (potato) and_ (tomato) in the photos.Please put _(this) _(photo) on the wall.4.The students are talking_.(loudly)5. Our classroom was on the_floor last year. (two)23 . 选词填空watch tree wash sandwiches am read Tuesday hard-working flowers homeworkHello! Im Li Hong. I 1_a student. Im thin and 2_. My favorite day is 3 _ ,because we have tomatoes and 4_ for lunch that day. On Saturdays I often 5 _TV and play sports. On Sundays I often 6_ books and do 7_ at home. Im helpful at home .I can 8_ the clothes. Look! There is a big 9_ and many colorful 10_ near my house ! How nice!三、排序题24 . 请你按时间的顺序重新排列下列词或词组,抄写在横线上1. autumn spring winter summer_2. eleven o clock half past eight six o clock fourteen o clock_3. morning evening night afternoon_4. go to school go home have breakfast have dinner_5. New Years Day Spring Festival Christmas Teachers Day_四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答问题。There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. I love all the seasons. Because they are beautiful.In spring, the weather is fine and the flowers are beautiful. I can fly kites in the park. Its very hot in summer. I can eat ice cream. I like to go on a trip to the sea, but I cant swim. In autumn, I can pick apples and pears. They are delicious. Its white in winter. Because its snowy. I can play in the snow. I can make a snowman. I can throw the snowballs. So winter is my favourite season.25 . How many seasons are there in a year?_26 . Whats the weather like in summer?_27 . What can the writer do in spring?_28 . What colour is it in winter?_29 . Which season does the writer like best?_五、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正误。Sarah: Can I see your English book?Mike: Talk quietly! We are in the classroom now. We should talk quietly. Oh, where is my English book?Sarah: Is that your English book?Mike: Yes. it is. Here you are.Sarah: Thanks. You should keep your desk clean.Mike: OK. I will. Thanks.30 . Sarah is reading her English book.(_)31 . Mike and Sarah are talking. (_)32 . Mikes desk is very clean now. (_)33 . Theyre in the classroom now. (_)阅读短文,判断正确T还是错误F。AletterHereisaletterfromJimtohisfriendintheUSADearlily:IaminChinanow.Igotoschoolfivedaysaweek.Theschoolandthefoodaregoodhere.IhavesomeChinesefriends.Theyareallveryfriendlytome.OnSaturdaysandSundayswestayathome.Intheafternoonweplaygames.MyChinesefriendslikeEnglishverymuch.TheyaskmetoteachthemEnglishandtheyteachmeChinese.Ilikestayinghere.Pleasewritesoon!34 . ThisletterisfromJimtoLily. (_)35 . Jim likes Chinese food but he doesnt like the school. (_)36 . Jim is not at school on Saturdays and Sundays. (_)37 . Jim thinks his Chinese friends are good to him. (_)38 . Jim and his friends doesnt play games。(_)六、英汉混合英汉互译。39 . T恤衫_40 . 奶奶_41 . 爸爸_42 . 妈妈_43 . 红色_44 . 姐姐_45 . 家庭_46 . 朋友_47 . it_48 . new_49 . what colour_50 . great_七、匹配题51 . 从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内。(_)1. Do you like cakes?AIts cute.(_)2. How many pencils do you have?BYes, please.(_)3. Would you like a pie?CSeven.(_)4. Look at my dog.DNo, I dont(_)5. What do you like?EI like monkeys.根据问题找答案。AYes, but sometimes I walk.BIts fifteen degrees.CIts windy.DThree.EI am washing clothes.52 . What are you doing now? (_)53 . Hows the weather today? (_)54 . Whats the temperature? (_)55 . How many lines make a triangle? (_)56 . Do you usually go to school by bus? (_)第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、2、3、三、排序题1、四、阅读回答问题1、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、英汉混合1、七、匹配题1、2、

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