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Buyers Contract No. Sellers Contract No. MALAYSIAN BAUXITESALE AND PURCHASE CONTRACT马来西亚铝矿买卖合同Buyers Contract No. 买方合同号: Sellers Contract No. 卖方合同号: This contract is concluded on the date July 13th, 2016, between:合同于2016年07月13日签订,签订的各方是:The Seller卖方: 公司 Tel : Fax :Email :(Hereinafter called “the Seller”) (在下文中称为卖方)The Buyer买方: 有限公司 Tel: Email: (Hereinafter called “the Buyer”) (在下文中称为买方)The parties hereto agree to perform the contract between them under the following Terms and Conditions: 合同各方约定遵守以下条款和内容:This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller whereas the Buyer agrees to buy the Metallurgical Grade Trihydrate Bauxite, Malaysia origin ( hereinafter called “GOODS”) from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sell the GOODS to the Buyer on the terms and conditions stated below:本合同是由买方和卖方之间共同订立的,按照本合同中规定的以下条款,买方同意从卖方处购买铝土矿(铝土矿是指冶金级三水铝土矿,原产地马来西亚,以下称为“货物“)卖方同意出售货物给买方。Article 1 QUANTITYTotal quantity: (+/-10%, at Sellers Option) wet metric ton of GOODS.DMT: Dry Metric Ton, means wet weight minus free moisture, measurement by metric ton. WMT: Wet Metric Ton, means wet weight including free moisture, measurement by metric ton (MT).第一条: 数量货物总数量为 湿吨并含10%溢短装由卖方选择“干吨”干公吨,是湿吨减掉自由水的公吨数“湿吨”湿公吨,是湿吨包含自由数的公吨数Article 2 GOODS / QUALITYMetallurgical Grade Trihydrate Bauxite, Malaysia Origin, with the following chemical specification:Al2O3: 45%SiO2: 5%Fe2O3: 17%-35%LOI: 20%-28%Free Moisture: 15% MaxSize 0-100mm: 90% MinType: Trihydrate Bauxite第二条货物/质量原产地为马来西亚的货物符合如下规格:三氧化二铝: 45% 二氧化硅: 5% 三氧化二铁: 17-35%烧失量:22-28%自由水: 15% 最大粒度 0 -100mm: 90% 最小类型: 三水铝土矿ARTICLE 3 PRICE3.1 Unit PriceThe unit price for the GOODS is USD per dry metric ton CIF Port in accordance with provisions of INCOTERMS 2010 (USD or US$, means the lawful currency of the United States of America).3.2 Unit Price AdjustmentsThe unit price shall be adjusted based on Certificate of Quality issued by China Certification & Inspection Group Co, Ltd /or its subsidiary co.(CCIC) or the average between the CCIC China and SGS China (Article 6) in discharging port and as per below contents.Al2O3:1) If Al2O3 45PCT, the unit price shall be increased by USD 2.00/DMT for every 1PCT higher than 45 PCT, fraction pro rata2) If Al2O3 = 45PCT, the unit price shall not be adjusted.3) If 44PCT Al2O3 45 PCT, the unit price shall be decreased by USD 2.00/DMT for every 1PCT lower than 45PCT, fraction pro rata4) If Al2O3 44PCT, the Buyer has the option to reject the cargo or to decrease the unit price by USD 4.00/DMT for every 1PCT lower than 44PCT, fraction pro rataSiO2:1) If SiO2 5 PCT, the unit price shall be increased by USD2.00/DMT for every 1PCT lower than 5 PCT, fraction pro rata.2) If SiO2 =5 PCT, the unit price shall not be adjusted.3) If 5 PCT 6 PCT, decrease the unit price by USD4.00/DMT for every 1PCT higher than 6 PCT, fraction pro rata5) If SiO2 7 PCT, the Buyer has the option to reject the cargo or Renegotiate the rewards and punishment standard.第三条: 价格3.1: 单价货物的基准价格是到岸价, 港 美金每干吨。(以下称为“单价”,依照国际商会的2010通则)3.2: 价格调整价格调整:单价将根据中国认证&检验集团有限公司或其附属公司(CCIC)在卸货港出具的质量证或者根据卸货港中国CCIC与中国SGS的平均值(依据第六条中的规定)按照如下标准进行调整。三氧化二铝:1) 当三氧化二铝 45% 时, 高于45%的每1% 单价升高2.00美金/干吨,不足按比例计算 2) 当三氧化二铝 = 45% 时, 单价无调整3) 44% 当三氧化二铝 45% 时, 低于45%的每1% 单价降低2.00美金/干吨,不足按比例计算4) 当三氧化二铝 44% 时, 买方有权拒收货物或对小于44% 的每百分之一单价降低4.00美金/干吨,不足按比例计算二氧化硅:1) 当二氧化硅 5% 时, 低于5% 的每1% 单价升高2.00美金/干吨,不足按比例计算2) 当二氧化硅 = 5% 时, 单价无调整3) 当5% 6% 时, 对高于6%的每百分之一单价降低4.00美金/干吨,不足按比例计算5) 当二氧化硅 7% 时, 买方有权拒收货物或重新商议奖罚标准。Article 4 DELIVERY TERMS AND TIME OF DELIVERYCIF China main portLoading port: MalaysiaDischarging port: North China Main PortShipment: on or before 30th July, 2016第四条 交货条款和交货时间成本加运费加保险费,中国北方主要港口装货港:马来西亚 卸货港:中国北方主要港口2016年7月30日前装运 ARTICLE 5 WEIGHT DETERMINATION5.1 Each GOODS shipment shall be weighed at the loading port and certified by shipmaster and SGS Malaysia according to the draft of the vessel, the cost of such inspection will be for the Seller. Weight thus weighed shall be hereinafter called “Sellers invoice weight”, the Buyer has the right to be present or dispatch third party to be present to evidence the loaded quantity determinate at loading port.5.2 At discharging port: Final weight determination of the GOODS shall be decided by China Certification & Inspection Group Co, Ltd /or its subsidiary co. (CCIC) or the average between the CCIC China and SGS China at discharging port, the cost of CCIC China will be for the Buyer,and the cost of SGS China will be for the Seller. Final dry weight is based on actual weight measurement mentioned in Certificate of Weight issued by CCIC China or the average between the CCIC China and SGS China at discharging port minus actual free moisture shown in Certificate of Quality issued by CCIC or the average of the free Moisture between the CCIC China and SGS China at discharging Port.第五条: 重量决定5.1 每船货物将在装货港由船长与马来西亚SGS根据船的吃水测量重量,测量费用由卖方承担。如此测量的重量称为“卖方的发票重量”,买方有权出席或者派第三方出席监督装货港的重量测定。5.2在卸货港:最终货物的重量将由中国认证&检验集团有限公司/或其附属公司(CCIC)在卸货港或者中国CCIC与中国SGS的平均值来确定,其中中国CCIC费用由买方承担,中国SGS费用由卖方承担。最终的干吨数按照中国CCIC在卸货港出具的重量证上的实际重量数或者中国CCIC与中国SGS的平均值减掉中国CCIC在卸货港出具的质量证上的自由水分数或者中国CCIC与中国SGS的平均值的结果。ARTICLE 6 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS6.1 Sampling and analysis will be carried out at Sellers expense by SGS Malaysia during loading at the loading port. The Buyer may, at Buyers expense, have its representatives present at the time of sampling and analysis. 6.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, in order to ensure a fair inspection, after arrival of the vessel, the seller will commission SGS China to conduct sampling. Sampling and analysis will be carried out independently by CCIC China and SGS China at the discharging port. Subject to paragraph 6.3 below, the CCIC China result shall be the basis of the Final Settlement. All expenses in connection with such sampling and analysis by CCIC China shall be on the Buyers account. The sample taken for analysis shall be in 3 parts and sealed, one sampled for analysis by CCIC China, one sampled for analysis by SGS China, and one retained for the purpose of an umpire analysis (sampled by SGS China), if required, to be analysed by an independent ISO-approved laboratory . The third party analysis cost to be borne by the losing party. 6.3 If the CCIC China discharge port results are above or below the rejection level, or the difference between CCIC China and SGS China analysis results at discharge port are over 0.5 % (inclusive of 0.5%) for Al2O3, SiO2, or moisture, the seller can choose either using the average between the CCIC China and SGS China discharge port as the final basis, or can choose to challenge CCIC China discharge port results and use umpire sample results as the final settlement.If the difference is less than 0.5% (exclusive of 0.5%), the discharging port CCIC China report as a basis for final settlement.第六条: 质量检验6.1在装港取样分析由SGS Malaysia施行,并由卖方承担检验成本。买方有权到场或派第三方到取样分析现场,相关费用由买方自行承担。6.2尽管前有所述,为保证检验的公平,货物到卸港后,卖方委托SGS China进行取样/检验。卸港取样以及分析由CCIC China 和SGS China单独实施。除6.3所述情况,此CCIC China分析结果为最终结算依据。与CCIC China 有关的取样分析成本由买方承担。测试及测试样品总共有3份并妥善封好, CCIC China取的一份作为CCIC China的分析之用, SGS China取的一份作为SGS China的分析之用,一份(SGS China取的一份)会保留以备日后可能需要的独立ISO认可的仲裁分析之用。其仲裁费用败诉方承担。6.3如果CCIC China 卸港检验结果超过拒收值,或卸港CCIC China 与 SGS China检验结果之间AL2O3, SIO2, 水分任一指标检差值在0.5% 以上(包含0.5%),卖方可以选择按卸港CCIC China与SGS China的检验报告中的平均值作为最终结算依据, 或者卖方可以选择以仲裁样品化验结果作为最终结算依据。如果相差在0.5%内 (不含0.5%),将卸港CCIC China报告作为最终结算依据。ARTICLE 7 PAYMENT 第七条: 付款Payment of the Upon Signing payment, Provisional Invoice and, if relevant, the Final Invoice, shall be paid by T/T in accordance with this Agreement. 定金、首款和尾款都是以美元为货币,电汇支付.7.1 50% Payment Initial Invoice (“Initial Payment”) amounting to 50% of the total value shall be paid to the seller upon the cargo loaded on the barges reach 24000 ton. The total value calculated based the contract stated price (USD 40.00) without adjustment, and the dry weight calculated on the basis of the quantity stated in the contract (55,000.00 MT) minus the maximum free moisture content stated in the contract (15%).“首付款”在卖方驳船装货数量到24000吨,买方支付卖方50%货款,总货款计算:价格为合同规定价格:40美元无任何价格调整,数量为合同规定湿吨数量(55,000吨)减去合同规定最大水分(15%)。7.2 Provisional Documents for Balance 40% Paymenta. The Sellers signed provisional commercial invoice in three originals for 40% of shipped goods value, indicating contract no. ,vessel name, chemical composition, the dry weight calculated on the basis of the B/L weight minus maximum free moisture content stated in the contract (15%), based on the base price without price adjustment. b. Full set (3/3) of original clean on board Bill of Lading made out to order, blank endorsed, marked freight prepaid.c. Certificate of Weight issued by SGS Malaysia at loading port.d. Certificate of Quality issued by SGS Malaysia at loading port, indicating respective chemical specifications: AL2O3, SIO2, FE2O3, FREE MOISTURE, L.O.I., SIZE.e. Certificate of Originf. Certificate of insurance.7.2 40%临时货款支付单据:a. 卖方签字的首款商业发票,正本三份,发票显示40%的无任何调整的货物金额,并显示合同号,船名,化学成分分析,干吨重量为提单上显示的重量减掉合同中显示的最大水分(15%),价格为基础价格,没有奖金和罚金。b. 全套清洁正本已装船提单,空白背书,受益人凭指示,运费已付。c. 在装货港SGS Malaysia出具的重量证书。d. 在装货港 SGS Malaysia 出具的质量证书,并分别显示各种成份含量。e. 原产地证书。f. 保险单。7.3Balance 10% Final Payment value (i.e. final goods value after price adjustment based on CCIC China or the average between the CCIC China and SGS China (According to Article 6) calculated as per Article 3, minus upon 40% payment and 50% provisional payment in Article 7.1 and Article 7.2) will be paid upon presentation of following documents:a. The Sellers signed final commercial invoice including price adjustment calculated based on Certificate of Quality issued by CCIC China or the average quality between the CCIC China and SGS China (According to Article 6) at discharging port and as per Article 3, indicating contract no., vessel name, chemical composition, dry weight calculated based on the Certificates of Weight issued by CCIC China or the average weight between the CCIC China and SGS China (According to Article 6) at discharging port showing final goods value after price adjustment, minus the 40% payment and 50% provisional payment in Article 7.1 and Article 7.2.b. Scanned copy of Certificate of Quality issued by SGS China at Discharging Port China.7.3 10%余款在卖方提交以下单据后支付(最终货款依据卸港中国CCIC出具的质量、重量证或者中国CCIC与中国SGS的平均值并且按条款3所做的价格调整,并减去7.1条款7.2条款中支付的40%和50%货款):a. 由卖方签字的最终商业发票,并在发票中显示合同号,船名,化学成分分析等。b.在卸货港由SGS China 签发的质量证书扫描件。7.4If the final goods value after price adjustment calculated as per Article 3 and based on certificate of quality and certificate of weight issued by CCIC China or the average between CCIC China and SGS China at discharging port is less than the provisional payment amount in article 7.2 the balance shall be returned to the buyer within 5 working days after copy of certificate of quality/weight sent by the buyer by email/or fax to the seller, and relative debit note issued by the buyer to the seller required.7.4 如果依据中国CCIC的报告或者中国CCIC与中国SGS的平均值的报告并且按照本合同第三条价格调整后得到的最终货款比第7.2条计算后首款发票金额低,卖方应在买方通过邮件或传真书面通知后5个工作日内把低出部分货款汇到买方指定账户.7.4 Sellers bank information 卖方银行资料: Beneficiary:USD Bank Account No: SWIFT Code: Bank Name: Bank Address: Article 8 -Chartering and Discharging Terms第八条 租船及卸货条款Buyer to provide port details and discharge terms, as well as port agency contacts.卖方提供港口資料,港口代理的联络方式及卸货条款。Discharging terms to be provided by the seller. 卸货条款由卖方提供。ARTICLE 9 FORCE MAJEURE 第九条 不可抗力 9.1If strike, fire, riots, accidents, weather, war, embargoes, orders or regulations or acts of any governmental authority, prevent or hinder or delay delivery by the Seller or receipt by the Buyer, this contract shall be deemed suspended so long as delivery by the Seller or receipt by the Buyer is prevented or hindered or delayed by such cause or contingency. The party affected by the occurrence of an event of Force Majeure shall immediately advise the other in writing. 第九条: 不可抗力9.1一旦发生罢工,火灾,暴动,意外,天气灾害,战争,港口禁运,延期,政府授权的命令、规定或者行动,或任何超出买方、卖方控制范围的事件,此类事件阻碍或者延迟卖方发货、买方收货,本合同将延续直至卖方可以发货或者买方可以收到货物。并且受影响一方应立即书面通知对方。ARTICLE 10 NOTICE 第十条: 通知10.1All notice given under this contract shall be in writing or Email, and shall be addressed to the parties at the addresses set forth below or at such other addresses as each party may from time to time notify the other: 10.2If one party sends Email, the other party has received the Email as one party sends successfully.10.1本合同项下所有的通知都需要以书面形式或电子邮件形式进行,经由以下列明的地址:10.2如以电子邮件发送,任何一方发送成功即视为另一方已经收到该电子邮件。The Seller卖方: 公司 Tel : Fax :Email : The Buyer买方: 公司 Tel: Email: Article 11 - DEFAULT RESPONSIBILITY 第十一条 违约责任Whatever happens, if the vessel cannot be shipped before the latest date of shipment, and each one day exceed the latest date of shipment, the seller shall pay the buyer USD 0.1/DMT. If the vessel cannot be shipped within 10 days beyond the latest date of shipment, the buyer has the right to cancel the contract at sole discretion and the buyer does not need topay anycompensation or penalty to theseller. Theeffectiveness of Article 11 shall prevail Article 8.不论何种原因,如卖方未能在最迟装运期之前发船,每超出1天,卖方将向买方支付每日0.1美元/干吨的违约金。如卖方超最迟装运期10天仍没有发船,买方有权单方面解除合同,且不需向卖方支付任何赔偿金或违约金。本条款效力优先于第八条之规定。ARTICLE 12 TITLE AND RISK12.1The risk shall pass from the seller to the buyer as per incoterms 2010.第十二条 货物风险12.1货物风险转移依据国际贸易术语通则2010。ARTICLE 13 ASSIGNMENT 13.1Neither party may without the prior written consent of the other assign this contract or any of its right or obligations hereunder to any third party. Any such purported assignment shall be avoided.第十三条: 转让13.1 如果没有提前预先通知另一方,任何一方不得委托,指派,分包,抵押,指示或者转让其本协议项下的权利义务。ARTICLE 14 ENTIRE CONTRACT: MODIFICATION 14.1This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Seller and the Buyer concerning the subject matter hereof. All previous documents, undertakings and agreement, whether verbal, written or otherwise. Between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof are hereby cancelled and shall not affect or modify. Any modifications of this contract shall be made by written agreement between the parties. If there is any conflict between English and Chinese, Chinese will prevail.第十四条: 合同效力及修改14.1本合同涵盖了双方认可的条款和要义,合同签订之前文字或者口头的约定或文件无效。对本合同的任何修改需要双方同意。如果本合同发生任何中英文解释上的冲突,则本合同以中文为准。 ARTICLE 15 GOVERNING LAW AND ARBIRATION 15.1 The parties hereto shall undertake all efforts to amicably settle any disagreement or dispute arising from or in connection with this agreement. The claimed party (herein after called “the Petitioner”) should send a dated notice to another party (hereinafter called “the Respondent”) indicate the dispute or disagreement and its character. 15.2 Either party can submit the disputes or disagreements which cannot be amicably settled within 60 days to The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration. The governing law is the current laws and regulations of the CHINA.15.3The arbitrators adjudication shall be final and binding, and the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.第十五条: 适用法律与仲裁15.1由本合同而引起的,受到影响的一方,即申诉一方,应向应诉方提供有日期的通知。15.2当分歧争端60 天内不能得到友好解决时,任何一方可到中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员请求仲裁。适用法律为中华人民共和国现行法律法规。15.3仲裁结果视为最后结果,败诉一方承担费用。In WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date first above written. 本协议相关各方已于下述日期正式签署本协议,以昭信守.Signed on July 13th, 2016Signed for and on behalf of the SELLERSigned for and on behalf of the BUYER_ _ 公司 公司 12 / 12


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