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精选资料 铁 矿 买 卖 合 同IRREVOCABLE SALES/PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR IRON ORE合同编号 Contract No: 合同日期 Contract Date:THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered on the date of 28, SEP 2010本合同由买卖双方于公元2010年 9月28 日共同签订。SELLER 卖方:ADDRESS 地址: .TEL 电话:FAX 传真:CO Seller 法人代表 : BUYER 买方: ADDRESS 地址: TEL 电话: FAX 传真: CO Buyer 法人代表 : The SELLER shall sell and deliver, and the BUYER shall buy and accept delivery of the goods below stipulated: Representative of the bilateral parties are fully authorized by both companies 以下议定之商品内容,卖方必须销售与交运,买方必须购买及提领。双方之代表人皆由公司充分授权。可修改编辑1 COMMODITY AND QUANTITY 商品和数量1.1. Commodity :IRON ORE商品 :铁矿沙1.2. Country of Original:Indonesia原始产地 :印度尼西亚1.3. Loding Point : 装货港 : 1.4. Loding Rate : 5,000 DMT /Day装货率 : 5,000 DMT/日1.5. Discharge Port: 卸货港 :1.6. Quantity: One Year 240,000DMT +/- 10%. The first shipment 20,000DMT +/- 10%. 数 量 :一年240,000DMT, 增减额 +/- 10%, 第一次交运20,000DMT +/- 10%,1.7. Packing: In Bulk包装 :散装2.PRICE AND DELIVERY TERMS : 价格和交货条件 :2.1Price: Magnetic Iron Ore Lump Fe Basic 53%Washed, FOBT USD48.00/DMT (FOB). Price be discussed every 3 months.价格 :基准 53%铁品位之磁铁矿石块, :每干吨 FOBT:48.00美元. 价格每三个月讨论一次。 2.2SHIPMENT IN LOTS OF :货物装运批次 :The first shipment will be 20.000DMT(+/- 10% decided by Buyer). If the Goods cant be shipped or quality not qualified as per contract, the buyer has the right not to continue the contract.第一船 二万吨,(+/-10%的溢短装由买方决定)如果第一船货物未能装运或者装运货物不合格,买方可以不续约。2.3DELIVERY: 交货日期 : The first shipment shall start loading within 15 days after receipt of Buyers First 40% payment.第一装运日期于收到买方第一次40%的货款后25天内装船 :3COMMODITY SPESIFICATIONS: 商品规格:CHEMICAL COMPOSITION % REJECTION_ Fe 铁 53 % Lower 低于 51.00% SiO2 二氧化硅 10.0 % MaxAl2O3 三氧化二铝 3.0 % MaxSulfur 硫0.33% Above高于 0.40 %Phosphorus (P) 磷 0.07% Above 高于 0.10 %TiO2 二氧化钛 0.20 %Above高于 0.25 %4PRICE ADJUSTMENT AND REJECTION GOODS 价格的调整和拒收 :4.1Fe content take 53%as criterion, if Fe content is excess 1.0% the price will be increase US$1.00/DMT , If Fe content reduce 1% the price will be deduct US$1.00/DMT. If Fe content Lower than 51% Buyer has the right to reject the goods.铁(Fe)含量以53%为基准,高出的部分每增加1.0% ,每干吨加1.00 美元,不足的部分每减少1%,每干吨减1.00美元。若铁(Fe)含量低于51% 买方有权拒收。4.2SiO2 takes 10% as criterion, every 1% exceed will be deducted US$0.10/DMT. If not up to 1% be calculated proportionally. If under 8%, every 1% decrease will be bonus US$0.10/DMT. If not up to 1% be calculated proportionally. 二氧化硅含量 10%为基准,超出的部分每增加1%扣US$0.10/干吨。不足1%按比例计算。降低的部分每减少1%奖励US$0.10/干吨。不足1%按比例计算。4.3 Al2O3 takes 3% as criterion, every 1% exceed will be deducted US$0.10/DMT.If not up to 1% be calculated proportionally. If under 6%, every 1% decreasewill be bonus US$0.10/DMT. If not up to 1% be calculated proportionally. 三氧化二铝含量3%为基准,超出的部分每增加1%扣US$0.10/干吨。不 足1%按比例计算。降低的部分每减少1%奖励US$0.10/干吨。不足1%按 比例计算。4.4 Sulfur takes 0.33 % as criterion. If sulfur above 0.4% Buyer has the right to reject.硫含量0.33% 为基准,若硫含量超过0.4%买方有权拒收。4.5Phosphorous takes 0.07% as the criterion, every 0.01% exceed will be deducted US$0.10/DMT. If not up to 0.01% be calculated proportionally. If under 0.07% every 0.01% decrease will be bonus US$0.10/DMT. if Phosphorous above 0.10% Buyer has the right to reiect.磷含量0.07%为基准,超出的部分每增加0.01%扣US$0.10/干吨。不足0.01按比例计算。降低的部分每减少0.01%奖励US$0.3/干吨。不足0.01%按比例计算。若磷含量超过0.1%买方有权拒收。4.5 TiO2 takes 0.2% as criterion, every 0.01% exceed will be deducted US$0.1/ DMT. If not up to 0.01% be calculated proportionally. If under 0.2%, every 0.01% decrease be bonus US$0.1/DMT. if TiO2 above 0.25% Buyer has the right to reject. 二氧化钛含量0.2%为基准,超出的部分每增加0.01%扣US$0.1/干吨。不足0.01%按比例计算。降低的部分每减少0.01%奖励US$0.1/干吨。不足0.01%按比例计算。若二氧化钛含量超过 0.25%买方有权 拒收。4.7Size: diameter not exceed 100mm直径 不超过100mm.4.8 8% moisture by dry tons of pricing, more than 8% water withholding water pricing 含水份在8 %之内按干吨计价,超过8%水份扣水份计价5PAYMENT TERMS 付款条件 This 20,000DMT Iron Ore Sales Contract will be paid by T/T in 3 portions: 本2万吨铁矿石的买卖合约分3次以电汇付款: 5.1 After both parties signed Contract, Seller should arrange 20,000DMT of qualified Iron Ore as above specification mentioned ready for Buyers inspection. Buyer will arrange International independent Surveyor (CCIC) to inspect at the site at buyers own cost. If the inspection result is fulfill this contracts requirement, within 3 banking days Buyer should T/T the 1st 40% of the 20,000DMTs payment US$336,000 (US Dollars Three Hundred Thirty Six Thousand) to Seller. Seller then transport the 20,000DMT of Iron Ore to Buyers stockpile at the Panjang Port (Rental will pay by Seller).买卖双方签约后,卖方应备妥如本合约规范要求的2万吨磁铁矿供买方验货。买方将自费安排国际独立验货公司(如CCIC)到卖方现货现场取样。报告出来如符合要求,3个工作天内买方须电汇2万吨铁矿的第一笔40%货款US$384,000(384000美元)给卖方。卖方马上安排将2万吨的铁矿石运送到在Panjang港卖方租用的堆场。5.2 The 2nd 40% which is US$384,000 payment will be transfer when Iron Ore start loading to the Mother Vessel. 第二笔40% 384,000美元的货款於铁矿石开始上母船时电汇。 5.3 The balance 20% payment US$192,000 will be transfer when Seller hand over all necessary documents. The documents contents:a. Invoice (发票) b. Bill of Lading (提单)c. Certificate of Quality (品质证明书)d. Certificate of Weight (重量证明书)e. Certificate of Country of Origin (原产地证明书)20%的尾款192,000美元於交付上述必要文件时付清。 6PAYMENT DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: 付款单据:6.1The Buyer agreed to pay 100% of the contracted shipment value under the FOBT term when the following documents present by the seller. 买方同意支付依FOBT条款之合同价格数量的 100% 给卖方。但卖方需出具下 列FOBT条款的文件:A.) Invoice in 3 (three) original and 3(three) copies indicating contract number, product value and the name of carrying vessel.发票3 正 3 副注明合同号,货物金额及承运船名。B.) Certificate of Quality of contracted goods in 1 (one) original and 3(three) Copies issued by CCIC Indonesia. The Certificate of Quality should show actual result of the test of chemical composition.由印尼 CCIC 公司签发的品质证明 1 正 3 副,品质证明显示化学成分测试的实际结果。C.) Certificate of Weight of contracted goods in 1(one) original and 3(three) Copies issued by CCIC Indonesia., showing the actual weight loaded on vessel under the contract.由印尼CCIC公司签发的重量证明1正3副,显示此合同实际装船重量。D.) Certificate of Origin in 1(one) original and 3(three) copies detailing the name of commodity, loaded quantity, and the name of carrying vessel.原产地证明 1 正 3 副,详细注明产品名称,装货数量及承运船名。E.) Copy of the shipping document should fax/email to the Buyer within 5 working days after completion of loading. It should advise contract number, name of commodity, invoice value, gross weight, net weight and name of carrying vessel, shipment date, B/L number, ETA date at destination and the country of original.在完成装船后的5 天之内传真/电邮给买方全套装船文件。内含合同号,品名,发票金额,毛净重,船名,发运日期,提单号,预计到达卸货港日期及产地证明。7 SAMPLINGAND ANALYSIS 样品分折7.1. The Seller shall designate authorize CCIC Indonesia. inspection organization to inspect the chemical composition, physical characteristics and weight etc. at the loading port in accordance with the international standard. The inspection certificate should be provided as stated in above mentioned Article 3 and 4 as the basis of the invoice.卖方在装货港须按国际标准,指定由印尼CCIC 独立检验机构针对货品的化学成分,物理特性,重量等,如条款“3和4“规格约定之检验提供证明,作为发票的基础。7.2.The inspection certificate shall indicate the result of the survey to determine the quantity(to determine the water content, the calculation shall be enclosed), chemical composition, physical characteristics, water loss at the temperature of 105OC检验证明必须叙明水尺测量的数量证明(以议定查校后实际随分量并附带详细计算清单),化学成分,物理特性,摄氏 105oC水分流失量。7.3 The Buyer has the right to appoint a representative as per supervisor to present at sampling analysis at the loading port at his own cost. 买方有权以自费指派代表,于装货港抽样分析时,出席为监察员。7.4 The Buyer agrees that the Seller may appoint a representative to present at the sampling analysis at the discharge port at its own cost.买方同意卖方可以自费指派代表,于卸货港抽样分析时,出席为监察员。7.5 The two parties shall respectively pay for the expenses incurred in the inspection 双方就检验所发生的费用各自负担。8. The Seller must comply all regulation of the Indonesia Government. Seller must arrange the relative export Customs formalities legally, otherwise the Seller shall bear all economic and legal responsibility. 卖方必须符合印尼政府的所有规定,必须安排相关的合法出口文件,否 则卖方必须负担所有的经济损失及法律责任。9. SHIPPING TERM : 货运条款9.1 Shipment shall be made from port of loading in vessel arranged by the Buyer. The Buyer shall nominate a performing vessel to the Seller at least fourteen (14) days prior to the commencement of the lay can and the Seller shall con- firm the acceptance of the vessel within one (1) working day from such nomination. The performing vessel should have at least 4 cranes/derrick of minimum 15 MT capacity each and the loading shall be varied according to crane/derrick capacity. 4000 MT PWWD SHINC for 20MT x 4 cranes/derricks or greater_ 3000 MT PWWD SHINC for 15 MT x 4 cranes/derricks or greater_ 运货之船舶由买方安排,货运由装货港算起。买方於母船抵港前14天要通知卖方,卖方在24小时内要确认接受。买方来的船应该含4套吊杆及抓斗。其每斗容量至少要有15吨。9.2 Master of the vessel shall cable the loading port agent and further notify the Seller 7 days, 72 hours, 48 hours and 24 hours prior to the vessel estimated time of arrival at Port of Loading-Panjang. 船东於船抵港7天前,72小时前,48小时前及24小时前,要通知其装货 港(Panjang港0的代理及卖方。9.3 Demurrage and Dispatch : 滞港费及速装费Demurrage Rate: US$4000 per day of 24HRS. Fraction ProrataRate of demurrage and dispatch money per twenty (24) hours day or prorate for port of loading. Demurrage / Dispatch if any will be settled within 9 days after completion of Loading and presentation of lay time sheet/notice of readiness/ statement of fact.Seller should be responsible for full cargo and all necessary export documentation & export License/ formalities/ sufficient transport/ labors etc. to be fully read on/ before vessels arrival at loading port. Failing which, any vessel detention caused is for Sellers account at the Demurrage Rate. If any of above mentioned happened should be settled between Seller & Buyer within 9 days after completion of loading with presentation of all relevant documents at the loading port.滞港费每天(24小时)4000美元,不足者按比例计算。滞港费或速装费乃发生於装货港。万一有该情况发生,在完成装货9天内凭滞港记录,完成装运通知书及事实声明书妥善解决。卖方在母船到港前对以下几点要负完全责任:备齐足量铁矿石及所有出口文件/出口准字/手续/足够的运输工具/足够的人力等等。如果疏於准备上述各项导致船的延滞发生,卖方要负全责并缴滞港费。9.4 Lay Can Time : 装卸期Lay can time for loading shall commence 12 hours after NOR tendered, whether in berth or not, unless loading sooner commenced. Lay time used shall cease to count immediately on completion of loading. 装卸期於NOR送件12小时后启动,不管船是否在泊船席。装卸时间於 装载完成后应马上停止记时。9.5 Ships Agent: 船务代理 The ships agent at the port of loading will be nominated by buyer. 在装货港的船务代理由买方指定。9.6 Dead Freight: 额外运费 Seller shall be responsible for Dead Freight arising from not loading the Cargo up to quantity agreed between Buyer & Seller. 若因为卖方短装,未达到买卖双方同意的数量,造成空舱费,卖方要负 担该费用。9.7 Vessels Non-Performance Port Charges: 装货港的空船港务费 If the vessel is not capable to receive the cargo due to Sellers fault, all of Port costs incurred by the vessel are to be born by the Seller in normal Course of business against receipt of relevant bills of documents. 如果因为卖方的错误造成买方的船来到装货港没货装,依正常生意惯 例,卖方要负担买方装货船在装货港的所有费用。 10 SHIPMENT ADVICE: 装船通知:SELLER shall notify BUYER within 3 days by fax or email upon completion of loading. Giving details of contract Number, Name of contract Number, Name of Commodity, Gross, net Weight, Loading Date, Name of vessel, approximate Invoice value, and ETA at Discharge Port.卖方应于货物装裁完成后 3天内以传真或电子邮件方式通知买方,内容应详细注明合约编号,商品名称,毛净重,装运日期,船舶名称,发票概约值,到达卸货港的预估日。If there are any regulations applicable to entry of vessels and discharge of cargo, to Ports of China, then the BUYER shall take such steps as required, at its own cost, to comply with the said regulation, including but not limited to : application for entry/exit inspection, quarantine of vessel, and weights of cargo at discharge port, and meet all expenses for release of the vessel on its toward voyage from the discharge port.船舶进入中国卸货港后,依港务规定办理停泊,卸货作业,通关等一切规费及所需成本由买方负担,不单包括货品检验,船舶隔离,货物秤重,更进而包含船只离港作业所需费用之负担。 11 TITLE AND RISK: 权利及风险:11.1.The risk of the goods shall be passed from the seller to the buyer as the cargo cross the vessels rail at the loading port.在装货港货物越过船舷后,货物的风险由卖方转移至买方。12. INSURANCE ; 保险 The Insurance shall be covered by Buyer or the Buyers ultimate Buyer for the full cargo value of the shipment from the time Iron Ore is loaded on board of the vessel at the loading port. 从铁矿石在装货港入舱起,就进入买方投保保险的含盖范围。13 TAXATION: 税务 Any taxes or levies in the nature of taxes, which may be imposed whether on the freight or shipping by country of origin shall be for account of the Seller. 在印尼针对本船运费或船务若要被征任何税或类似名目的课征,应 含在FOB费内。14FORCE MAJEURE: 不可抗力:Both sides in this contract will be exonerated from their obligation in case of force majeure event. Force majeure is understood as per provisions under ICC500 and means any event such as fire, explosions, hurricanes, floods, earth quakes and similar natural calamities, wars, epidemic, military operation, terrorism, riots, revolts, strikes, industrial unrest, government embargoes, or other unforeseeable actions occurring after the conclusion of this contract and outside the sides reasonable control and which cannot be avoided by the reasonable diligence that could delay or prevent the performance of either sides obligations in this contract.受到无可避免外力介入时双方均可免除承担该合同的责任。所谓不可抗力是指 ICC500 条款说明的外力伤害双方都能谅解并接受,例如火灾,爆炸,暴风雨,洪水,地震及类似之天然灾害,战争,流行病,军事行动,恐怖攻击,暴动,判乱,罢工,工业动荡,禁行令或合约签署后所发生之类似不可抗力因素所导致的延迟。The party to this contract whose performance of this contract is prevented by a Force Majeure event must notify the other party within 7(seven) days of the effective date of occurrence, which is to be confirmed by a certificate issued by the local chamber of commerce and Industry, including particulars of the event and expected duration.签约双方万一碰到这些外力因素无法履行合同契约时,应于事情发生 7日内通知对方,该通知书应由当地商会及工会发出确认书以昭公信,包括告之事情原委及大约持续时间。Failure to submit such a legal notification will not waive the partys exoneration from contractual obligations under Force Majeure event. 如果末能在此期限内及时有效通知对方,相关一方将不能以不可抗力为由免责。The performances of either partys obligation will be in such a case postponed with the period of the existence of the Force Majeure event plus a reasonable period to remobilizing production and shipping. No penalty incurred for the duration of this delay.相关一方因此不可抗力事件做成的履约延迟,可根据不可抗力事件的周期作适当的顺延以调整生产及装运。此延迟不作任何罚款。Should delay caused by a Force Majeure event last for more than one month, both sides should try their best to allow contract to continue. Should such an agreement not be reached within 30 (thirty) days from the date of certified Force Majeure event, any side are entitled to terminate the contract.如不可抗力事件造成的履约延迟超过一个月以上,双方应尽力采取措施使本合同能够继续执行。如30天内双方不能达成一致,任何一方有权终止合同。15 GOVERNING LAW : 司法管辖:This contract shall be governed and construed by the interpretation of the Court in Hong Kong. The contract is made into two copies and each party keeps one copy. The buyer and seller shall both agree to perform its obligations under the contract takes effect after being signed by the representative of each party.本合同以香港法庭之解释作为司法管辖之依据。本合约一式二份,买卖双方各持有,保留一份。本合约于买卖双方同意其内容条款,并于下列签章处完成签约后,其合约效力开始生效。16 ARBITRATION: 仲栽:In case of any disputes between then buyer and seller. Which can not be settled through friendly negotiation, it shall be submitted to the international economic and trade arbitration committee in Hong Kong and the verdict of the arbitration committee shall be deemed as the final result.买卖双方若有争议,应以友好协商来解决,如经协商不能解决时,提交香港国际经济贸易仲栽委员会仲栽,以仲栽委员的栽决为最终栽决。17 INCOTERMS: 国际贸易惯例:For all and not covered by the above, INCOTERMS 2000 and any further editions or amendments shall apply.本合约不及备载之内容或条件,应以国际贸易惯例2000版或其最新之修改版作为依据。18 CONFIDENTIALY: 保密协议:The terms of this Contract and the cargo details and results are confidential except as agreed between the parties which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.本合同内所有条款以及货物相关细节,属机密,除了双方同意任一方不得随意揭露之。19 Circular of or the transmission related to this contract should be communicated in writing by courier, email or the facsimile.与本合约有关信息之通告或传达,应以书面由快递电邮或传真方式传达。20 The contract is executed mainly in English and it shall be confirmed in writing by the two parties in case of any revision or change.合约内容以英文为主,如内容需要修订,变动,双方应以书面形式作为认定。 21 DURATION OF CONTRACT: 合约有效期限:The two parities reach an agreement on the performance of the contract and it shall be fully executed within 12 months after being signed by the two parties.双方同意合约的履行,由买卖双方当事者签定后,12个月内执行完毕。SELLER BANK MATERIALBanks Name:Address:TEL:Account NameAccount NO:Swift Code : BUYER BANK MATERIALBank Name:Bank add. : Bank Tel:Bank Fax:Account Name:Account No. Swift Code:买方 ( BUYER ) Witness (见证人):Mr. Mr. Date:_ Date:_卖方 ( SELLER ) Witness (见证人):Ms. Mr. Date:_ Date:_THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考

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