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越南 太原 钢铁厂工程项目总承包合同 中英文 第二部分 越南 太原 钢铁厂工程项目总承包合同 中英文 第二部分 TECHNICAL ANNEX FOR EPC CONTRACT OF TISCO SECOND STAGE EXPANSION PROJECT TISCO VIETNAM 4 DESCRIPTION OF GENERAL LAYOUT TRANSPORTATION ROADWAY RAILWAY AND PIPELINE WORKS OF THE WHOLE PLAN STAGE II 全厂钢铁厂工程之总图运输 公路 铁路 各种管网的概述 4 1 GENERAL 概述 TISCO being a important enterprise in Vietnam was established in 1958 TISCO possesses coke making plant sinter plant iron making plant steel making plant rolling mill plant as well as corresponding utilities and auxiliary facilities etc Its annual output of iron and steel is about 200 000t and common carbon steel casting billet is about 250 000t TISCO始建于 1958年 是越南国有重点企业 TISCO 现有焦化 烧结 炼铁 炼钢 轧钢生产厂和相应的公辅设施等 年生产钢 铁约 20万吨 普碳钢连铸坯约 25万吨 In the plant there are railways and station yard of railway and total railway length in the whole plant is about 60 km including railway of mines The railway transportation is the main transport means in the plant complementary with roads so the transportation in the plant is very convenience 厂内设有铁路及铁路站场 全厂共有铁路约 60公里 包括矿山铁路 厂内运输主要以铁 路运输为主 并设有厂内道路 交通运输极为便利 6 2 DESIGN CONTENTS 设计内容 Raw material yard coke making plant sinter plant iron making plant steel making and continuous casting plant form an complete system by themselves to produce 500 000t steel billets annually 原料场 焦化 烧结 炼铁 炼钢及连铸 自成体系 GENERAL LAYOUT总图 The newly built raw material yard is located at the northwest of existing underground receiving bins of iron ore and ore powder it occupies the place of original coal piling yard for coke making plant The raw material yard consists of a material evenly blending yard piling yard of ores and coal unloading facilities for train etc Details refer to attached drawings 新建原料场布置在原有铁矿石 矿粉地下受料仓的西北面 占用了原有焦化煤堆场的位置 原料场内设有混匀料场 矿 煤堆场 火车等地下受料仓 详见附图 Newly constructed coke oven and its utilities are located at the northeast of original coke oven details refer to attached drawings 新建焦炉及辅助设施布置在原有焦炉的东北面 详见附图 Newly constructed sintering machine and its utilities are located at the northeast of original sintering machine details refer to attached drawings 新建烧结及辅助设施布置在原有烧结的东北面 详见附图 Newly constructed 550m3 blast furnace is located at the northeast of original blast furnace 新建一座 500m3高炉布置在原有高炉的东北面 Blast furnace auxiliary facilities include hot blast stove gravitation dust catcher water granulated slag piling yard main control room gas cleaning system blower station de dusting system for cast house coal powder injection system mud milling room switchgear station material charging system water system including circulating water pump station suction well cooling tower turbid water pump station deposition basin pig cast machine pig iron storage house repairing shop of hot metal ladle hot metal weighing system etc 高炉辅助设施包括 热鼓风炉 重力除尘器 水渣设施 主控室 煤气净化设施 鼓风机 站 出铁场除尘系统 煤份喷吹设施 碾泥机室 开关站 原料装料系统 冷却塔 浊环 水泵站 沉定池 连铸机 铁块库 铁水罐修理间 铁水称重系统 Hot blast stove is located at the southwest of blast furnace gravitation dust catcher gas cleaning facility blower station de dusting system of cast house circulating water pump station and suction well all of them are located at the southwest of blast furnace Stock house and main control room are located at the northwest of the blast furnace De dusting of the stock house water granulated slag piling yard pig iron storage house pig cast machine repairing shop of hot metal ladle are located at the northeast of the blast furnace Turbid water pump station deposition basin cooling tower mud milling room switchgear station coal powder injection facilities and wagon weigher are located at the southeast of the blast furnace The details refer to the attached drawings 热风炉布置在高炉的西南侧 重力除尘器 煤气净化设施 鼓风机站 出铁场除尘 循环 水泵站 吸水井均布置在高炉的西南面 矿槽 主控室均布置在高炉的西北侧 矿槽除尘 水渣堆场 铁块库 铸铁机 铁水罐修理间均布置在高炉的东北面 冷却塔 浊环水泵站 沉定池 冷却塔 碾泥机室 开关站 煤粉喷吹设施 称重设施布置在高炉的东南 详情见 附图 Newly constructed steel making shop is vertically arranged at the place between original high speed wire rod workshop and original scrap shop The steel making shop of converter includes slag bay material charging bay molten steel receiving bay continuous casting bay steel billets discharging bay 新建转炉炼钢车间垂直布置在原有高线轧钢车间与原有废钢车间之间 转炉炼钢车间包括 炉渣跨 加料跨 钢水接受跨 连铸跨 出坯跨 The auxiliary facilities for steel making with converter include primary de dusting system secondary de dusting system electrical room water system including complex water pump station suction well cooling tower chemical de oiling tank cyclone well deposition basin water treatment shop turbid water pump station suction well and cooling tower and safety water tower 转炉炼钢辅助设施包括 一次除尘 二次除尘 混铁炉除尘 电气室 水系统 包括综合 水泵站 吸水井 冷却塔 化学除油池 旋流井 沉定池 水处理间 浊环水泵站 吸水 井 冷却塔和保险水塔 The primary de dusting system and electrical room are arranged at the northwest of the steel making shop deposition basin water treatment workshop turbid water pump suction well cooling tower chemical de oiling tank cyclone well all of them are arranged at the northwest of steel making shop complex water pump station suction well cooling tower and safety tower are arranged at the west of steel making shop 一次除尘 电气室均布置在转炉炼钢车间的西北面 分离池 水处理间 浊环水泵站 吸 水井 冷却塔 化学除油池 旋流井均布置在转炉炼钢车间的北侧 综合水泵站 吸水井 冷却塔 保险水塔均布置在转炉炼钢车间的西侧 Newly constructed utilities air compressed station is arranged at the place between blast furnace shop and steel making shop newly constructed oxygen generating station is arranged in the vicinity area of steel making area boiler house and fresh water boosting pump station are arranged at the north side of coke oven 新建公用设施 空压站布置在高炉与转炉炼钢车间之间 新建氧气站布置在原有氧气站区 内 锅炉房和淡水增压水泵站布置在焦炉的西北侧 详见附图 General layout plan is to be decided during technical design review 技术设计评论决定总平面图 Main pipelines are arranged at the both sides of road and the pipelines for gas steam and oxygen are laid overhead Trench for water pipe and cable is laid underground along with the both sides of the road 主管线布置在道路两侧 煤气 蒸汽和氧气管道架空 水管和电缆沟布置在道路两侧的地 下 General layout features in compact arrangement smooth process flow and convenience for transportation 总图布置紧凑 工艺流程顺 铁路运输条件较好 The Contractor does not consider the dismantling of old building and structures as well as old piping 承包商无需考虑旧建筑和管网的拆除工作 4 4 VERTICAL ARRANGEMENT AND REGIONAL WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM 竖向布置及区域排水 According to the present terrain documents in electronic from submitted by TISCO the volume of earthwork of current bid document is estimated about 498 350 m3 due to incomplete information about current terrain 根据 TISCO提供电子版现状地形资料 经不完全统计 本次标书土方量估算约 498353m3 The drainage system for rain water on the site will use the existing drainage system in the plant The final plant drainage plan provided by TISCO will govern 使用现有雨排 雨排系统最终由 tisco 负责 4 5 TRANSPORTATION 运输 4 5 1 Railway 铁路 Total transportation amount of newly constructed raw material yard is 1 64 million tons yearly among which 50 of concentrated fine ore lump ore will be transported by railway and the remained 50 of which will be transported through road Coal and coke will be transported 100 by railway from outside to the raw materials yard Newly built railroad system shall be P50 Material yard will be provided with new railway two lines to enable turnaround of empty wagons 新建原料场堆的总运输量为每年 164万吨 50 的精矿粉和矿石用铁路运输 其余 50 由 公路运输 煤炭和焦炭将 100 由铁路从厂外运至原料场 新建铁路系统将 原料厂将 提供新铁路 双线 从而能够空车反向运输 The transportation amount for newly built 550 m3 blast furnace is 549 700 tons yearly among which hot metal is 543 200 tons yearly gas dust is 6 500 tons yearly Hot metal is transported from cast house to converter for steel making or pig cast machine by railway Gas dust is transported to sintering workshop from gravitation dust catcher by railway 新建一座 500m3高炉运输量为 54 97万吨 年 其中 铁水运输量为 54 32万吨 年 瓦斯 灰运输量为 0 65万吨 年 铁水从高炉出铁场经铁路运往转炉炼钢或铸铁机 瓦斯灰从重 力除尘器经铁路运往烧结 New railway will be provided for transportation of Continuous Casting Billets from Steel Making Shop and dry slag from BF 550m3 新建铁路将负责来自炼钢车间的连铸坯和 BF550m3 矿渣的运输 4 5 2 Road道路 Transportation amount for newly constructed raw material yard is 471 600 tons yearly Concentrated fin ore and lump ore are transported to raw material yard from outside of plant by roads 新建原料场年运输能力为 471 600吨 精粉矿和矿石通过公路由厂外运进 Total transportation amount for 550m3 blast furnace and steel making with converter is 1107 248 tons yearly among which 254 348 tons transport in 852 900 tons transport out The other materials such as coal granulated slag mud for mud gun river sand scrap ferroalloy material bulk material refractory material blast furnace slag garbage etc all of them are transported by road 550m3 高炉和炼钢转炉总运输能力为年 1107 248吨 其中 运进 254 348吨 运出 量为 852 900吨 其他原料如 煤 水渣 炮泥 河沙 铁合金 散料 耐火材料 炉渣 垃圾等由道路运输 Roads for small cars and inaccessible for load carrying vehicles within workshops will be constructed by the Contractor Roads for load carrying vehicles connecting plant workshops shall be constructed by the Employer Roadway will be used for transportation of converter slag from Steel Making Shop 供小型车和厂内禁止重车通行的道路由承包商负责修建 通往厂区供重车通行的道路由承 包商负责修建 道路用来运输炼钢车间的转炉炉渣 4 6 TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT 运输工具 Railway transportation 5 sets of diesel locomotives 30 x60t wagons with bottom opening 铁路运输 5 辆内燃机车 30 台 60t敞车 Road transportation 5x20t semi trailers 29x16t dumping trucks 1x7t camion 8x7t dumping trucks and 2x5t camions and 1x150t track scale 道路运输 5 台 20t半托挂车 29 台 16t自卸卡车 一台 7t载重汽车 8x7t 自卸卡车和 2x5t载重汽车 1x150t 4 7 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM 消防 The roads design in the plant can not only meet the requirements of transportation but also can be used for the roads of fire fighting cars New cars and garages for fire fighting will not be considered in this proposal design TISCO will consider it as a whole The facilities for locomotives repair will use existing facilities 厂区道路设计不仅要满足运输的需要 同时要能供消防车使用 本次设计不新增消 防车及车库 由 TISCO统一考虑 内燃机修理使用现有设备 4 8 MAIN TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDEXES AND ENGINEERING VOLUME 主要技术经济指标及工程量 See table 4 1 Main Technical and Economic Indexes and Engineering Volume 主要技术经济指标及工程量 Table 4 1 No 项目名称 单位 数量 备注 1 Occupied land area 占地面积 m2 359 000 Excluding coke making plant sintering plant 未包括焦化 烧结 2 Railway 铁路 m Specified in technical design 技术设计指定 3 Internal plant roads 厂内道路 m2 Specified in technical design 技术设计指定 Railway transport volume 铁路运输量 t a 1 718 100 Among which Transport in 其中 运入 t a 1 711 600 4 Transport out 运出 t a 6 500 No 项目名称 单位 数量 备注 Road transport volume 道路运输量 t a 1 578 848 Among which Transport in 其中 运进 t a 725 948 5 Transport out 运出 t a 852 900 Road transport equipment 道路运输工具 20t Semi hook truck 20t半挂车 Set 台 5 16t dump truck 16t自卸汽车 Set 台 29 7t camion 7t载重汽车 Set 台 1 7t automatic dump truck 7t自卸汽车 Set 台 8 6 5t camion 5t载重汽车 Set 台 2 Railway transport equipment 铁路运输设备 Diesel locomotive 内燃机 Set 台 5 7 60t wagon with bottom opening 60t敞车 Set 台 30 8 150t track scale 150t轨道衡 Set 台 1 9 Level crossing 平交路口 Place 地 3 No 项目名称 单位 数量 备注 10 Bumper post for railway 铁路缓冲柱 Pcs 件 5 11 1 10 single track switch 1 10单开道岔 Group 组 Specified in technical design 技术设计指定 12 1 10 cross over 1 10 交叉渡线 Group 组 1 13 Volume of earthwork 土方量 m3 498 350 14 Retaining wall 护岸 m 1 500 15 Drainage ditch 排水沟 m 4 400 16 Manning 人员配备 Man 人 182 5 EQUIPMENT LIST AND LIST OF CATEGORY OF CLASS A B AND C EQUIPMENTS 设备清单和 A B C 等级设备目录 5 1 EQUIPMENT LIST设备清单 5 2 6 TRAINING人员培训 The total man months for training are not more than 200 man months Within the 200 man months the expenditures of trainee s salary insurance and international flight ticket will be borne by the Employer while the expenditures of trainee s boarding lodging transportation and training fee in China will be borne by the Contractor 每月培训人数不得多于 200人 月 在 200人 月范围内 培训人员的工资 保险和飞机票 由雇主负责 而培训人员国内的住宿 交通和培训费由承包商负责


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