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。AGREEMENT OF EXCLUSIVE SELLING AGENTManufacturer:制造商:Agent:代理商:The two parties sign this agency agreement on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation. Both sides must comply.本着平等自愿,协商一致的原则,签订此协议。双方均应严格遵守。Section 1: Exclusive Selling Agent第一条独家销售代理The manufacturer appoints the agent to act as their exclusive selling agent in China to sell the following products of the manufacturer:制造商同意将其生产的下列产品在中国的独家销售代理权授予代理方:Section 2: Responsibility of the Agent第二条代理人的职责The agent shall make all efforts to promote the sale of the products of the manufacturer using the agents marketing organization. The agent shall send all enquiries and orders received by them to the manufacturer and have no rights to sign any binding agreement on behalf of the manufacturer. The agent shall explain to the customers all the technical parameters and commercial terms stated by the manufacturer and take all steps to co-ordinate between the manufacturer and the customers to secure the orders.代理人利用自身的销售网络在中华人民共和国积极拓展用户。代理人向制造商转送接收到的询价和订单。代理人无权代表制造商签订任何具有约束力的合约。代理人应把制造商规定的技术参数和商业条款对用户解释。采取措施配合制造商获得订单。The agent, in relation to the products covered by this agency agreement, describe them only as sales and service agent for the products and not hold themselves out or permit any person to hold himself out as being authorized to bind the manufacturer in any way or to do any act which might reasonably create an impression that the agent is so authorized.The offers given and orders received will always include a clause “Subject to approval/acceptance of the order by M/s Veejay Lakshmi Engineering Works Limited.” The right to receive/accept the orders and making the invoices for the products is expressly reserved to the manufacturer.相关代理商只能介绍自己是这些产品的“销售服务代理商”,不得以制造商授权自居去从事给制造商带来不良印象的活动。所有报价和定单须包括这样一个条款“需经“M/s Veejay批准”。制造商有权保留收到的订单和商品的销售发票。The agent shall not make or give promises, warranties or guarantees or representations concerning the product other than those authorized by the manufacturer in writing.未经制造商书面授权,代理商不得做出对产品的承诺、担保或保证、陈述。The agent shall not use any advertising, promotional or selling materials in relation to the products except those supplied or approved by the manufacturer.除非制造商提供或批准,代理商不得使用任何与此产品相关的广告、促销和销售材料。The agent shall obtain all the permissions required by them for carrying the business as agents for sales and service and shall also keep the manufacturer informed of the import duty rates and conditions for any concessions, the laws and regulations in China relating to method of manufacturing, labeling or sale of the products and will also notify the manufacturer in the event the agent is aware that any of the products of the manufacturer is in breach of any such laws or regulations.代理商须获得规定的商品和服务的代理许可权,还应该告知制造商进口税率、优惠条件以及适用于中国的加工方法的法律法规、商品标记等,一旦意识到制造商的产品触犯了中国的法律法规,代理商应及时告知制造商。Section 3: Training第三条培训3.1 In order to understand the technical characteristic of the products, the manufacturer agrees to assign technicians to train the sales personnel of the agent in China.The no of persons to be trained and the place of training shall be discussed and finalized on mutual consent from time to time.为使代理人能了解所推销产品的技术性能,制造商同意派人来中国对代理商的销售团队进行系统培训。培训人数及地点由双方协商确定。3.2 In order to provide after-sales service like erection, commissioning and attending service calls during the warranty period, the manufacturer agrees to train two technicians of the agent (one is mechanical technician, the other is electrical). If it is necessary for these two technicians to be trained in India, the boarding and lodging and their local travel expenses in India will be borne by the manufacturer. Air fare to & from China will be borne by the agent. Similarly if the manufacturer deputes their engineers for training in China, air fare will be borne by the manufacturer and all expenses for boarding and lodging and local travel expenses in China for the manufacturers engineers will be borne by the agent. The after-sales service fee within guarantee period should be charged by the manufacture, if out the guarantee period should be charged by the agent to the customers, will be negotiated and finalized separately.为了在保修期内向顾客提供售后服务(如安装、试车和服务热线),制造商委托代理方进行必要的售后服务,制造商为代理方培训两名技师(机械和电器技师各一名)。如果两名技师需要在印度培训,制造商应当承担他们在印度的食宿费和当地的交通费用。代理商承担他们往返机票费用。同样,如果制造商派工程师来中国培训,往返机票费用应自理,代理商负责制造商工程师在中国的食宿及交通费用。保修期内的售后服务费用由制造商负担,假如超出保修期范围,代理商向客户收取售后服务费,此费用应当另行商定。Section 4: Advertisement and Exhibition第四条广告和展览会Both the manufacturer and the agent will discuss and finalize the budget for the sales promotion activities like advertisements in newspapers, road shows, seminars, participation in exhibitions etc and the expenses will be shared by both sides. The sharing pattern will be on mutual consent after discussions. The Manufacturer at their own expense will provide the catalogues for all products printed in local language. The agent will provide all assistance for translation and printing.双方应就各种促销活动的费用展开讨论,诸如在报纸上刊登广告、路演、研讨会、参展等活动。费用由双方共同承担。分担模式由双方共同讨论后确定。制造商须出资提供印刷有当地语言的产品目录。代理商负责提供翻译和印刷的帮助。Section 5: Financial Responsibility第五条代理人的财务责任5.1 The agent is responsible for all activities relating to collection of payment for the goods sold like following with the customer for opening of letters of credit and collection of payment as per the terms of the order.The agent shall also adopt appropriate measures to inquire upon the customers credit worthiness and paying capacity whenever the order is secured on credit terms. In the unlikely event of any litigation for collection of payment, the agent will provide all assistance required for such litigation. However, all expenses relating to the litigation will be borne by the manufacturer.代理商有义务按时收回信用证支付条件下的货款和订单条款下的兑现。在赊账付款条件下,代理商应采取适当方式了解当地订货人的信誉和支付能力。假如出现对货款回收的诉讼,代理商应全力提供帮助。通常的索款及协助收回应付货款的开支应由制造商负担。5.2 The agent has no rights to accept payment on behalf of the manufacturer without permission.未经同意,代理人无权利也无义务以制造商的名义接受付款。Section 6: Users Opinion第六条用户意见The agent has rights to heed and accept the customers advice and complaints. The agent shall inform the manufacturer immediately and pay attention to the manufacturers vital interests.代理人有权留心并接受用户对产品的意见和申诉,及时通知制造商并关注制造商的切身利益。Section 7: Providing Information第七条提供信息The agent shall forward once every three months to the manufacturer detailed reports on current market conditions and competition. The agent shall periodically visit all customers or potential customers in the territory for the purpose of promoting the product as the agent thinks fit and maintain an updated list of customers and potential customers for the products in the Territory and supply the manufacturer a copy of such list whenever required by the manufacturer. The agent shall also notify the manufacturer of all enquiries received and offers submitted for the products to prospective customers.代理人应尽力向制造商提供当前商品的市场行情和市场竞争等方面的信息,每季度需向制造商寄送工作报告。为了促进销售,代理商需定期走访代理区域的所有客户以及潜在的客户,还要保留一份客户及潜在客户的更新清单。假如制造商要求,还应提供一份给制造商。代理商还应把潜在客户对产品的询价以及报价告知给制造商。Section 8: Fair Competition第八条公平竞争8.1 The agent undertakes the following.代理人应遵从以下要求:a) not to compete or help others compete with the manufacturer不能与制造商或帮助他人与制造商竞争;b) not to manufacture the products covered by this agreement or similar products不能制造代理产品或类似于代理的产品;c) not to get any benefits from the manufacturers competitors and opponents不能从与制造商竞争的任何企业中获利;d) not to take agency or sell products similar to the products covered by this agreement不能代理或销售与代理产品相同或类似的任何产品。8.2 As soon as this agreement comes into effect, the agent shall inform the manufacturer of all their signed binding agreements with others. And all agreements signed in future shall be informed to the manufacturer. During the period when the agent is engaging in other business activities,the agent shall not ignore their obligations to the manufacturer under this agreement.此合约一经生效,代理人应将与其他企业签订的有约束性的协议告知制造商。不论是作为代理的或经销的,此后再签订的任何协议均应告之制造商,代理人在进行其他活动时,决不能忽视此条约中对制造商承担的义务。Section 9: Secrecy第九条保密9.1 The agent should not expose the business secrets of the manufacturer, and should not use confidential information exceeding the scope of the agreement.代理人不得泄露制造商的商业机密,也不得将该机密超越协议范围使用。9.2 All the product design and specification belong to the manufacturer, and the agent shall return them to the manufacturer when the agreement is terminated.所有产品设计和说明均属制造商所有,代理人应在协议终止时归还给制造商。Section 10: Sub-contract Agent第十条分包代理The agent can use sub-contract agent if agreed by the manufacturer. The agent shall take full responsibility for the activities of the sub-contract agent.代理人事先经制造商同意后可聘用分包代理人,代理人应对该分包代理人的活动负全部责任。Section 11: Protection of Industrial Property Rights第十一条工业产权的保护If the agent finds any third party whose behavior is detrimental to the manufacturers industrial property right and benefits, he shall report the truth to the manufacturer. The agent, in consultation with the manufacturer shall take all steps to prevent such illegal action by third parties, and the relevant expenses shall be borne by the manufacturer. This will be subject to manufacturers prior acceptance, in writing, regarding quantum of expenses.代理人发现第三方侵犯制造商的工业产权或有损于制造商利益的任何非法行为,代理人应据实向制造商报告。在和制造商磋商后,代理人应尽最大努力并按制造商的指示,帮助制造商使其不受这类行为的侵害,制造商将承担正常代理活动以外的费用。一切依照制造商先前书面承诺的相关费用分担。Section 12: Scope of Exclusive Selling Right第十二条独家销售权的范围This is an exclusive selling agency agreement for the territories mentioned. The manufacturer, during the currency of this agreement, shall not appoint any other person, firm or Company as agent for the promotion, sale or service of the products in the Territory. However, the manufacturer can utilize the services of third parties for sale of the products provided the same is approved by the agent in writing. The manufacturer also retains the right to utilize the services of third parties in China who are already involved in the promotion of the products for such further periods the manufacturer and the agent discuss and agree.When such third parties are involved, the commission will be shared with such third parties in such proportion as mutually agreed by all the parties-the manufacturer, the agent and the third parties.这是一份该地区独家代理协议。在协议执行期间,制造商不得同意其他任何人、团体或公司作为该地区促销、销售或服务的代理商。制造商应把其收到的直接来自该地区用户的订单通知代理人。代理人有权按第十五条规定获得该订单的佣金。然而,制造商可以利用代理商书面批准的第三方为其提供服务。在制造商和代理商讨论并同意的情况下,制造商可以有权使用那些长期合作过的第三方提供的服务。当第三方参与进来时,关于佣金的分配,由三方共同商量决定。Section 13: Technical Assistance第十三条技术帮助The manufacturer shall help the agent to train the agents employees to obtain knowledge of the products covered by this agreement.制造商应帮助代理商培训雇员,使其获得代理产品的技术知识。Section 14: Amount of the Commission第十四条佣金数额The manufacturer shall pay to the agent 5% of the FOB value of the goods invoiced as commission to the agent.This commission will become payable only after the goods are invoiced and the payment is realized in full by the manufacturer. If the customers have not given the whole payment of the goods due to the reason of the products quality, the agent shall get commission in accordance with the manufacturers actual received payment.制造商支付给代理商货物FOB价格的5%作为佣金。超出正常销售价格,另行商谈确定。只有在货物开出发票且制造商得到全部货款时,代理商才能得到佣金。若是由于产品质量问题用户没有付清全部货款,代理商可以根据制造商实收货款提取佣金。Section 15: Commission on a fifty-fifty basis第十五条平分佣金If two agents of different areas have made massive efforts to get one order or if the delivery against an order is made to a customers plant located in another agents territory, then the commission will be shared on a fifty-fifty basis between the two agents involved.不同地区的两个代理人为争取一份订单都作出极大努力,当订单于某一代理人所在地,而供货之制造厂位于另一代理人所在地时,则佣金由两个代理人平均分配。Section 16: Failure in business, or termination of the agreement第十六条商业失败、合约终止The agent cannot get commission if the manufacturer didnt accept the order; the agent cannot get the commission if the contract introduced by the agent is terminated. This is not applicable when the termination of the contract is caused by the manufacturer.如制造商不接受订单,则代理人无佣金。代理人所介绍的订单合约已中止,代理人无权索取佣金,若该合约的中止是由于制造商的责任,则不在此限。Section 17: Calculation of the Commission第十七条佣金计算方法The commission will be calculated on net realized value.Net realized value will be FOB value of the goods invoiced minus payments, if any, due to third parties.佣金以净实现价值计算,净实现价值是开发票货物的FOB价格第三方费用。Section 18: Date of Paying Commission第十八条支付佣金的时间The commission will be paid to the agent within 30 days of receipt of payment for the goods. For sales made on credit/deferred payment terms, if the credit is fully secured by letters of credit/bank guarantees, the payment of commission will be made within 30 days of delivery of the goods.If the transfer of currency abroad for payment of commission requires any permission from the Government of India, payment shall be made after such permission is received.制造商在收到货款后,应在30天内支付佣金。对于信用证或延期付款方式进行的销售,如果有信用证或银行担保保证买方信用,在交货后三十天内支付佣金。如果佣金支付货币转移到国外需要印度政府的许可,佣金会在收到许可后支付。While making the commission payment, the manufacturer shall also send a credit note giving the details of the workings for the commission with the details of the total invoice value, fob value and the commission amount.In addition, the manufacturer shall send to the agent a quarterly statement giving the details of the sales made in the territory, the details of the credit notes sent and payments due/made during the quarter. This statement will be sent within 30 days of end of a quarter.支付佣金时,制造商还应提供一份保值单据,上面列有支付佣金方式详细资料和关于总发票金额、FOB离岸价和佣金总数的详单。除此之外,制造商还应每一季度寄送给代理商报表,上面涉及该区域的销售详情,及每个季度信用证和货款详单。这个报表在每一季度的最后一月寄出。Section 19: Currency for Commission第十九条支付佣金的货币The commission is calculated and paid in the same currency in which the goods have been invoiced to the customer.佣金按照开给顾客发票的货币种类来计算和支付。Section 20:Period of the Agreement第二十条协议期限The agreement will become effective after being signed by both parties and will have duration of three years and can be renewed by giving three months notice before date of expiry subject to acceptance to the other party. If no such notice is given by either one of the parties the agreement will expire on the date of expiry.本协议在双方签字后生效,有效期三年。如果一方想续约,应该提前3个月通知并得到对方的同意。如果双方都无意续约,协议将在终止日终止。Section 21:Premature Termination第二十一条提前终止The agreement can be terminated earlier only if there is any breach of the duties and obligations under this agreement and one party is acting against the interest of the other party. The agreement also can be terminated earlier, before the expiry, if sufficient sales volumes are not achieved and if both the parties mutually come to a conclusion that it is not viable to continue the efforts for marketing the products in China.只有在一方违背了协议规定的职责和义务,或者一方侵犯了另一方的利益时,协议才可以提前终止。如果没有达到预定的销售量,或者双方一致认定没有必要在中国继续开拓市场时,协议也可先于最终期限提前中止。Section 22:Return of the Stock第二十二条存货的退回When the agreement is terminated, the agent shall return the products and spare parts on stock according to the manufacturers instruction, and the relevant expenses shall be borne by the manufacturer.协议期满时,代理人若储有代理产品和备件,应按制造商指示退回,费用由制造商负担。Section 23:Unfinished Business Affair第二十三条未完之商务The agent is eligible for full 5% commission for all orders received and pending to be executed at the time of expiry of the agreement and also for orders received with advance orLetters of Credit within 60 days of expiry of the agreement for offers made prior to the expiry of the agreement. This will be only for orders supported by Letters of Credit or advance payments and accepted by manufacturer in writing.代理商可以获得全额5%的佣金的情况:协议到期的之前得到并执行的所有订单;在协议到期之前得到的可以在60天内预期付款或是以信用证支付的订单。这只适用于那些信用证支付或是预期付款的订单,由制造商以书面形式承认。Section 24:Compensation第二十四条赔偿Unless the agreement is terminated due to the reason of breach of terms by the other party, both sides shall not make any claim for any compensation/loss if the agreement is terminated on its expiry.除协议因一方违约而终止外,由于协议在终止日终止,则双方都不得向另一方提出赔偿。Section 25:Modification第二十五条变更The modification and additional clauses of this agreement shall be based on the written form.本协议的变更或附加条款,应以书面形式为准。Section 26:Prohibition on Transfer第二十六条禁止转让This agreement shall not be transferred without negotiation in advance.本协议未经事先协商不得转让。Section 27:Lien第二十七条留置权The agent has no lien on the manufacturers property.代理人对制造商的财产无留置权。Section 28:Application of Law第二十八条法律适用The execution and performance of this Agreement is governed by Chinese Law.本协议的签订和履行均适用于中国之现行法律。Section 29: Arbitration第二十九条仲裁All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. In case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the relevant Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and binding upon both parties. Arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party.双方在履行本协议发生争议,须经友好协商解决。如果协商不一致,提交有关仲裁委员会按法令规定的程序进行仲裁,仲裁裁决为终局裁决。仲裁费用由败诉方承担。Signature:签署Manufacturer:制造商Agent:代理商Representative:授权代表Representative:授权代表Date:日期Date:日期欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求11。


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