2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 1训练案(课本P9-P10)课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 1训练案(课本P9-P10)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 1训练案(课本P9-P10)课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019秋八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you rcise Period 1训练案(课本P9-P10)课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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Period1训练案 课本P9 P10 Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise 一 单项填空 1 IlikeEnglishverymuch soI listentotheEnglishtapesinthemorning usuallyB hardlyeverC neverD ever A 训练案 2 Whatdoesyourfatherdointheevening Heusually watchTVB exerciseC readsbooksD playsoccer C 训练案 3 doyougoskating Onceamonth HowoftenB HowmanyC HowmuchD Howlong 4 What she onweekends is doB does doesC does doD do do A 训练案 C 5 Moststudentsinmyclass exerciseeveryday doB doesC isdoingD aredoing 6 TheywatchTV onceweekB onceaweekC oncetheweekD weekonce A 训练案 B 7 Tom watchesTV Helikesplayingsports hardlyeverB hardeverC alwaysD often 8 AnimalWorldisoneofmyfavorite A foodB houseworkC programsD bicycles A 训练案 C 9 Doyouenjoyplaying piano No Ilikesurfing Internet A the B the aC theD the the 10 Alice goesshoppingbecauseshedoesn tliketowalkinthemall usuallyB neverC sometimesD always D 训练案 B 二 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 11 Ihavealotof homework todoeveryday 12 Myfathergoestothepark one aweek 13 Heoften exercise twiceaweek homework 训练案 once exercises 14 Howoften do Tinagoshopping 15 Therearelotsofinteresting program onTV does 训练案 programs 三 完成句子 词数不限 16 你多久看一次电视 大约每月两次 doyouwatchTV About 训练案 Howoften twiceamonth 17 我爷爷几乎从不使用互联网 Mygrandfather usestheInternet 18 莉莉每周上两次钢琴课 Lily twiceaweek 训练案 hardlyever has takespianolessons 19 放学后 我弟弟和我常常在操场锻炼 Afterschool mybrotheroften withmeintheplayground 20 他们多久帮忙做一次家务 Howoftendothey 训练案 doessports doesexercise takesexercise helpwithhousework 四 根据课本2d完成短文填空 Claireisverybusy Nextweekisquite21 forher Shehasdanceandpianolessons She slearningswingdance Itisfun She22 classesonceaweek everyMonday Asforpianolessons shehasthem23 aweek full 训练案 has takes twice onWednesdayandFriday And24 Tuesday shehastoplaytenniswithherfriends 25 abusyweekshehas on 训练案 What 五 完形填空 Itisveryimportanttokeephealthy Ihaveaneighbor Sheisanold26 Shecandoallthehousework 27newspapers watchTVandsearchontheInternettolearn28new Shelooksyoungandbeautiful29sheisover70 训练案 Lastweekareporterfroma30interviewed 采访 her Thereporteraskedherabouther31life Sheansweredthequestions32asmile Shesaid It squite33 Keepyourmindactive takeaninterestintheworldaroundyou andlearn34onenewthingeveryday 训练案 Exerciseisthebestwayto35 Ithink Myneighborsetsagoodexampleforus Weshouldkeephealthylikeher 训练案 26 A maB womanC girlD people 27 A lookB readC seeD watch 28 A somethingB othersC nothingD somebody 29 A andB becauseC soD although 30 A magazineB bookC hospitalD restaurant B 训练案 B A D A 31 A healthyB newC terribleD short 32 A toB inC withD on 33 A easyB hardC cheapD expensive 34 A atleastB atmostC atlessD atlittle 35 A sleepB workC relaxD study A 训练案 C A A C 谢谢观看


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