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is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the third grade library, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the companys raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the companys business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is:建设工程施工合同(示范文本)(GF-1999-0201)中华人民共和国建设部 中华人民共和国国家工商行政管理局 一九九九年十二月二十四日 第一部分协议书发包人(全称): 承包人(全称): 依照中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国建筑法及其他有关法律、行政法规、遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,双方就本建设工程施工项协商一致,订立本合同。一、工程概况 工程名称: 工程地点: 工程内容: 群体工程应附承包人承揽工程项目一览表(附件1)工程立项批准文号: 资金来源: 二、工程承包范围承包范围: 三、合同工期: 开工日期: 竣工日期: 合同工期总日历天数天 四、质量标准 工程质量标准: 五、合同价款 金额(大写):元(人民币) ¥:元 六、组成合同的文件 组成本合同的文件包括: 、本合同协议书 、中标通知书 、投标书及其附件 、本合同专用条款 、本合同通用条款 、标准、规范及有关技术文件 、图纸 、工程量清单 、工程报价单或预算书 双方有关工程的洽商、变更等书面协议或文件视为本合同的组成部分。 七、本协议书中有关词语含义本合同第二部分通用条款中分别赋予它们的定义相同。 八、承包人向发包人承诺按照合同约定进行施工、竣工并在质量保修期内承担工程质量保修责任。 九、发包人向承包人承诺按照合同约定的期限和方式支付合同价款及其他应当支付的款项。 十、合同生效 合同订立时间: 年 月 日 合同订立地点: 本合同双方约定后生效。 发包人:(公章)承包人:(公章) 住所:住所: 法定代表人:法定代表人: 委托代表人:委托代表人: 电话:电话: 传真:传真: 开户银行:开户银行: 账号:账号: 邮政编码:邮政编码: 。时至今天,中国共产党已经走过了97年的历程,但我们要一直保持着建党时中国共产党人的奋斗精神和一颗永远爱人民的赤子之心。面向未来、面对挑战,中国共产党要始终不忘初心、牢记历史、坚韧不拔、继续前行!


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