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楼主这个是国际上通用的佣金协议不可撤销佣金保障协议(IMFPA)不可撤销佣金保障协议和保密协定附录日期:支付文书代码:合同编号/交易代码:商品:核定总数量-/+ 5%:合同期限:货物总数量:每批货数量:买方联系信息买方名称:买方地址:买方电话:买方传真:买方邮箱:买方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:卖方联络信息卖方名称:卖方地址:卖方电话:卖方传真:卖方邮箱:卖方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:1.1 我方, 公司名称和地址 完全遵循法律规范且履行企业职责,保证上述交易双方每批货物的成功交易。 装载; 航运; 目的地卸载; 买方接受并且无条件拥有; 资金从买方银行全额支付已定约的一批货物总额; 佣金提供和/或支付于 公司 作为主要受益者并且履行它的义务。按照上述规定的合同编号、交易代码和支付文书代码,同意支付佣金 USD$(美金)每 (公吨或单位)给 (中间方公司名称)作为应付佣金。上述每批货物约定的佣金将通过银行转账立即支付。1.2 该佣金无条件无障碍免税不得留置,用美金在货款支付当天支付,若要求延期支付则必须通过双方书面达成共识否则不得延误。买方中间方/授权方/委任方中间方企业名称:中间方代理人姓名:中间方地址:中间方电话:中间方传真:中间方邮箱:中间方对应银行信息银行名称:支行名称:银行地址:银行高管:银行高管头衔/职位:银行电话:银行传真:银行帐户:银行帐号:银行代码:银行汇款路径号码:2.1 我们, 公司名称和地址 (填写中间方公司名称和地址),同意立即执行任何可能有利于促进目标达成的增加文件。该签署的被认可和保证的不可撤销佣金保证协议在买卖双方正式交易执行前将提交给买卖双方对应的银行。由卖方银行或由主要支付者的指定银行直接以银行转账的方式支付给上述中间方指定银行。2.2 该转账支付金额不含税,受益者自行缴纳适当税费。2.3 买卖双方及中间方任何一方自行负责各自税务和政府收取的相关费用。3.1 该不可撤销佣金保证协议直到整个交易完全结束和终止方才失效。4.1 该协议不可转移,不可分配,不可分开,并且有条件包含所有条款和协议。交易开始该协议按照条款1.1所述生效并执行,该协议在有效期中持续生效和执行,若要对本协议进行更新、扩充、转移或另外相关内容的增加需在签订本协议之日起5年内提出申请。5.1 任何一方同意不得直接或间接披露,在签订此协议5年内不得设法避免和/或避开任一方当事人进行交易且所有当事人需遵从本协议所有条款、条件,有义务履行在 2008(填入和中间方签订的保密协定的时间)签订的保密协定。所有当事人同意该不可撤销佣金保护协议作为保密协定的附件,该保密协定涉及到包含如下对象但不限所有当事人、及其雇主、雇员、合作伙伴、代理商、附属企业、子公司和总公司。6.1该不可撤销佣金的支付于买方 和卖方 买卖交易合同一签订立即生效,并且卖方接受的买方提供的有效支付文书都将有效执行合同的所有条款。所有当事人对附属于保密协定的该协议的相关条款和约定有责任有义务履行,当事人在如下签字,签字后拥有合法的权力执行本协议。 签字 签字日期名字,盖章(佣金支付方) 签字 签字日期名字,盖章(佣金受益方)Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement (IMFPA)Irrevocable Master Fee Protection AgreementandNon-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure Agreement AddendumDate:Payment Instrument Code(s):Contract Number/Transaction Code:Commodity:Total Contracted Quantity -/+ 5%:Contract Length:Total Number of Shipments:Quantity per Shipment:Buyers Contact InformationBuyer:Buyers Address:Buyers Phone:Buyers Fax:Buyers E-mail:Buyers Banking CoordinatesBank:Bank Branch:Bank Address:Bank Officers Name:Bank Officers Title / Position:Bank Telephone:Bank Fax:Bank Account Name:Bank Account Number:Bank SWIFT Code:Bank Routing Number:Sellers Contact InformationSeller:Sellers Address:Sellers Phone:Sellers Fax:Sellers E-mail:Sellers Banking CoordinatesBank:Bank Branch:Bank Address:Bank Officers Name:Bank Officers Title / Position:Bank Telephone:Bank Fax:Bank Account Name:Bank Account Number:Bank SWIFT Code:Bank Routing Number:1.1 Whereas we, Koala Corp of 2248 Meridian Blvd. Suite H., Minden, Nevada 89423, USA with full legal and corporate responsibility, do hereby irrevocably guarantee that upon the successful transaction of each shipments: Loading; Voyage; Destination discharge; Buyers acceptance and possession of commodity without protest; Funds released from Buyers bank for full payment of contracted shipment value; Commissions are made available and/or released to Koala Corporation to act as Paymaster and fulfill its obligations;agree to pay a commission of USD$ _ (United States Dollars) per _ (Metric Ton or Unit) to _ (Enter Intermediates Company Name) for commissions payable from the above stated Contract Number/Transaction Code and Payment Instrument Code. The above stated commission per shipment shall be paid immediately by Bank Wire Transfer.1.2 Payment shall be marked Same Day Payment in good, clean, and clear United States Dollars free from any liens, or local taxes and without restrictions, protest, impediments, or delays unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.(If transaction is tranched, payment will be made after each tranche.)_Buyers Intermediaries/Mandate/DesignateIntermediates Company Name:Intermediates Representative Name:Intermediates Company Address:Intermediates Telephone:Intermediates Fax:Intermediates E-mail:Intermediates Banking Coordinates Bank:Bank Branch:Bank Address:Bank Officers Name:Bank Officers Title / Position:Bank Telephone:Bank Fax:Bank Account Name:Bank Account Number:Bank SWIFT Code:Bank Routing Number:2.1 We, _ (Enter Intermediates Company Name and Address), agree to immediately execute any and all additional documents as may be necessary or required to effectuate the intention contained here within. The undersigned confirms and warrants that this Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement will be lodged with each parties respected Bank before the commencement of the transaction(s). Payments are to be made from Sellers Bank or designated Paymasters Bank directly to the above named Intermediate via Bank Wire Transfer to the banking coordinates of the Fee Recipient listed herein.2.2 Wire Transfer payments shall be made subject only to the bank fees for normal transfer of funds. The recipient shall be responsible to provide his / her Tax Identifier information as appropriate.2.3 It is understood and agreed that the parties shall each be individually responsible for the payment of their own respective taxes and government charges that may be applicable.3.1 This Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement shall remain unchanged until the transaction has been completed and terminated.4.1 This agreement is Non-Transferable, Non-Assignable, Non-Divisible, and conditional to the terms and covenants contained herein. This agreement shall be effective upon the commencement stated here within paragraph 1.1 for the said transaction and shall remain in full force and effect for the full term of the said transaction, and shall apply to all renewals, extensions, rollovers, or additions pertaining thereto not to exceed five (5) years from the date of this agreement.5.1 Both parties hereto agree not to directly or indirectly disclose, circumvent and / or bypass any of the parties to this transaction(s) for a period of five (5) years and parties shall comply with all terms, conditions, and obligations of the Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure, Confidential Agreement signed and dated _ 2008 ( insert date / spell out the month the NCNDA was signed with Koala Corp). Parties hereby agree that this Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement is to be made as an addendum to the Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure, Confidential Agreement referred to herein and binds the parties, their employers, employees, associates, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and Parent Company.6.1 This Irrevocable Fee Pay Order is valid upon the signing of the Purchase and Sale Agreement herein referred to as Contract by and between _, the Buyer and _, the Seller and Sellers acceptance of Buyers operative payment instrument(s) and shall remain valid and enforceable for the full term of the contract.The parties herein are responsible and liable for the terms and conditions of this agreement pertaining to Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure, Confidential Agreement obligations and commission distribution. Parties signing below vow that they have full legal and corporate authority to enter into this agreement._ _Signature Date Name, Seal / Stamp of Paymaster_ _Signature DateName, Seal / Stamp of Beneficiary


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