2019届中考英语复习 课时4 七下 Units 5-8课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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2019届中考英语复习 课时4 七下 Units 5-8课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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2019届中考英语复习 课时4 七下 Units 5-8课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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课时4 七年级 下 Units5 8 课前自主热身 beautiful beautifully Australian southern African slept sleepy asleep forgot forgotten remember dangerous cut cutting useful useless used drank drunk shopped shopping men American children rainy windy cloudy sunny snowy cooked cook cooker worse worst him his himself hotter hottest warmth Canadian sat sitting European countries countryside Russian paid across crossing northern spent easily getlost bein great danger cutdown be madeof readanewspaper makesoup gotothemovies eatout drinktea takeamessage call sb back on a vacation postoffice policestation payphone acrossfrom infrontof goalong turnright left spendtime in doingsth Isthere nearhere kindof It Thatsoundsgreat joinyou talkingonthephone doingmyhomework How stheweather What stheweatherlike havingagreattime havingfun takeamessage Wherearelionsfrom They refrom pet smart walk dance Istheanimalbig Why interesting Whatanimals Whatareyoudoing readinganewspaper heis heisn t How stheweather cloudy 中考考点解读 Isthere Where s nextto 甘肃真题专练 1 2016省卷73题 Thelittlegirlisoftenafraidto cross thestreet 2 2017省卷91题 越来越多的人喜欢观看 朗读者 这个节目 MoreandmorepeopletheprogramTheReader 3 2015兰州103题 五泉山坐落于兰州南部 WuquanMountainliestheofLanzhou 重点词汇 cross like enjoy lovewatching in south 4 2017省卷71题 It sdifficulttobe friend witheveryone 5 2017省卷72题 Bequiet Thepatients sleep 6 2017省卷23题 Lookatthepictureontheright Momis A wateringtheflowersB doingsomeshoppingC drawingflowersD cooking7 2017省卷27题 Thereabasketballgamebetweenthesetwogradesinthegymthisafternoon A willB isgoingtohaveC isgoingtobeD willhave8 2015省卷34题 Hey Jenny Let sgohometogether Justamoment Iane mail A sendB sentC amsendingD havesent 重点语法 friendly aresleeping A C C 9 2017省卷30题 Doyouthinkit sgoingtorainthisafternoon We rejustplanningtohaveapicniclaterthisafternoon A Ihopenot B Iexpectso C Yes itwas D No Iwon t 10 2015兰州38题 Howdoyoulikethishouse It severythingI vebeenlookingfor A Terrible B Perfect C Awful D Delicious 情景交际 A B 课堂重点剖析 1 enjoy的用法 ItisveryquietandIenjoyreadingthere 那里很安静 我喜欢在那里阅读 Unit8 P47 vt 享受 喜欢 用作动词 后可接名词 代词或动词的 ing形式作宾语 不能跟动词不定式 如 Mikeenjoysplayingfootballwithhisclassmatesafterschool 迈克喜欢放学后和他的同学们踢足球 enjoy后接反身代词 意为 过得愉快 玩得高兴 enjoymyself yourself等 与haveagood wonderful nicetime havefun同义 如 Theyenjoyedthemselvesinthepark Theyhadagoodtimeinthepark 他们在公园里玩得很开心 1 IenjoyedputergameswhenIwasachild ButnowIknowit snotagoodhabit A playB playedC toplayD playing 考点小练 2 Wereallyenjoyed our onthetriptoSanya D ourselves 2 辨析bemadeof bemadefrom bemadeinto与bemadein Wemustsavethetreesandnotbuythingsmadeofivory 我们必须拯救树木 不要购买象牙制品 Unit5 P29 bemadeof意为 由 制成 表示从成品中能看出原材料是什么 如 Thescarfismadeofsilk 这条围巾是由丝绸制成的 bemadefrom 由 制成 表示从成品中不能看出原材料是什么 如 Wineismadefromgrapes 酒是用葡萄酿成的 图示助记 bemadeinto意为 被制成 后接成品 Thegrapeswillbemadeintowine 葡萄将被制成葡萄酒 3 苹果7是在美国制造的 TheiPhone7ismadeAmerica 4 这个漂亮的风筝是由塑料制成的 Thisbeautifulkitewasmadeplastic 考点小练 bemadeinsp 意为 在某地制造 如 ThecarismadeinChina 这辆汽车是在中国制造的 in of 3 辨析other theother others theothers与another Butthereisn taDragonBoatFestivalintheUS soit slikeanyothernightforZhuHuiandhishostfamily 但是在美国没有端午节 所以对于朱辉和他的寄宿家庭来说 这天晚上和其他任何一个晚上都一样 Unit6 P35 5 Maryandhersisterlookthesame Ican ttellonefrom 6 Lucy youshouldknowhowtogetonwellwith 考点小练 other theother others theothers another 7 Therearetwentysixstudentsintheclass Twelveofthemareboysandaregirls 8 Wouldyoulikedrink 9 Mr Smithandthreeteacherswereintheoffice theother others theothers another other 4 辨析infrontof in atthefrontof与infront Therestaurantisinfrontofthepostoffice 餐馆在邮局的前面 Unit8 P44 10 Mylittlebrotherwantstositthecartoenjoythebeautifulscenerybetter 考点小练 11 Doyouknowtheboywhoisstandingtheschoolgate 12 Theirhouseistheonewithagarden infrontof infront inthefrontof infrontof in atthefrontof infront 5 辨析across cross over与through It sacrossfromthebank behindthehotel 它在银行的对面 旅馆的后面 Unit8 P45 13 TomandJerrysawafoxwhentheywerewalkingtheforest 考点小练 16 Thedogquicklyjumpedthefencefthepark runningtoitsowner through 14 Weshouldn ttheroadwhenthetrafficlightisred 15 Gothisbridge andyou llseethehouseonyourleft cross across over over through across cross 6 辨析spend take cost与pay Iliketospendtimethereonweekends 我喜欢在那儿度过周末 Unit8 P47 17 It sniceofyoutosomuchtimeshowingmearoundyourschool A payB spendC takeD cost 考点小练 18 吉姆每天花费大约半个小时做作业 ItJimabouthalfanhourdohishomeworkeveryday 19 Mysister pay 30dollarsforapairofjeans thoughshethoughtthepricewasalittlehigh B 图示助记 20 ThedictionaryLindaboughtyesterday cost herfivedollars takes to paid cost 7 询问天气的句型 How stheweatherinShanghai 上海的天气怎么样 Unit7 P37 1 常用来询问天气的句型有 How stheweather What stheweatherlike Whatdoyouthinkoftheweather 注意 weather是不可数名词 不能用a或an修饰 Whatfineweatheritis 多好的天气啊 2 根据不同的时态be动词采用不同的形式 在一般过去时中用was 在一般将来时中用willbe HowwastheweatherinXi anyesterday 西安昨天的天气怎么样 Whatwilltheweatherbeliketomorrow 明天的天气会怎样呢 3 表示天气状况 特征的形容词一般由 表示天气的名词 后缀 y 构成 意为 的 常见的有 cloudy windy rainy snowy等 21 istheweathertoday It ssunny 考点小练 22 istheweatherinCanadathesedays It ssnowy AndI llgoskiingthisweekend A WhatB HowC WhenD Why B like What


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