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人教版2019年八年级英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空Jennie sat at her window as usual, looking out upon the street, with a look of sadness on her face, “What a long day this is going to be!”Then she saw a little boy running down the street, swinging his schoolbag. Looking up to the window, he took off _hat and bowed with a bright, pleasant smile.“What a nice _ ,” said Jennie to herself, as the boy ran out of sight. “It seems like having the sunshine. I wish everybody who goes by would look up_smile.George, the little boy, told his mother about that_girl when he got back home, “She looks so helpless. I wish I could do something for her.”“Why not give her some _?” said his mother. George agreed.The next morning, as Jennie_at the window again, she saw George with a handful of beautiful flowers carefully picking his way across the street. He stopped in front of her window, smiling pleasantly, and said, “Can I come in?” Jennie told him _to get into the house.Opening the door to Jennies gentle “Come in”, George said, “Ive brought you some flowers.”“Are they for me?” said Jennie _. “How kind you are,” she continued, as George put the flowers on her lap. “Ive_received any flowers since we moved to the town.”“Did you live in the countryside?” asked George,_the old, small and empty room.“Yes,” said Jennie.Jennie used to have a happy family and live in a beautiful house in the countryside. However, she lost her right leg in an accident. She _walk like other people any longer. Later, her father died, and her mother was sick _so many years that their money was all gone. They sold the house, and move here to get work to do.George told his parents _. They decided to help her. More and more people in the_gave Jennie friendly smiles when they passed by her house. She was greatly cheered up.A few months later, Jennie and her mother _a flower shop. People could always see Jennie sitting in the shop, having a lovely smile on face.1 . AherBhisCyourDmy2 . AhouseBdoorCsmileDschoolbag3 . AandBbutCasDor4 . ArichBluckyCbadDpoor5 . AmoneyBflowersCclothesDfood6 . AdancedBcriedCsatDlaughed7 . AhowBwhoCwhenDwhy8 . AangrilyBeasilyCsadlyDhappily9 . AneverBusuallyCalwaysDsometimes10 . Alooking forBlooking aroundClooking likeDlooking after11 . AshouldntBneedntCcouldntDmustnt12 . AforBinCatDon13 . AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing14 . AcountrysideBtownCvillageDcity15 . AreachedBleftCclosedDopened二、阅读单选Kate is a waitress in a restaurant. She is always careful. She has never been late once. In fact,she sometimes has to go home late because of extra work in the shop. But things dont go well all the time. One morning,Kate missed the bus and arrived late for work. The manager is usually in a good mood(心情),but that morning he wasnt. After she put away her handbag,she went up to the manager and said,“Am I always late?For the past two years,I have never once been late. You know that. Why are you shouting at me when this is the first time I have ben late?” “Im sorry. I know youve always been on time. And you know I dont always shout at latecomers,but this morning I am in a bad mood. I am sorry. ”“Thats all right. My bus,which is always on time,was late this morning. Maybe the driver was also not in a good mood!At that time,the manager laughed. There were smiles on the faces of all the other waitresses.16 . Kate is always_.Acareful with her work in the restaurantBcareful with her extra work in the hotelCcareful with everythingDcareful with her housework17 . The manager of the restaurant_Aalways loses his temper(脾气)Bseldom loses his temperCis strict with his menDis always strict with Kate18 . When the manager shouted at Kate,Kate. _Aquarreled (争吵)with him at onceBsaid something at onceCreceived his criticism(批评)Dsaid nothing at that time19 . Who said “Im sorry”?AKate.BThe manager.CWaitresses.DAnother person.20 . Which of the following is NOT true?AThe manager was in a bad mood that morning.BThe bus was late that morning.CKate was late for work that morning.DThe other waitresses were in bad moods.My very First Christmas BookLois Rock and Alec Ayliffe A big , bright book, which tells the story imply and happily for very young children.Ages 03; 12 pages;Tel :0745940560The Little White House Elizabeth Goudge A fairy tale and winner of the Camegle MedalAges 812;240 pages ;Tel: 0745945783Star of Wonder Pat AlexanderA wonderful collection of Christmas stories and poems filled with lively pages to read and enjoyAges 712;224 pages;Tel : 0745939323First Festival: Christmas Lois RockAn all-in -one book to help grown-ups and children prepare their Christmas celebration together. Presents, activities and customs.Ages 58;48 pages;Tel:074593907421 . If you want to make a Christmas plan together with your children , which book do you prefer?AStar of Wonder.BThe Little White House.CFirst Festival: Christmas.DMy Very First Christmas Book.22 . Which number will you call if you want to order a book for your 2-year-old child?A0745940560.B0745939323.C0745945783.D0745939074.23 . If your child wants to read fairy tales, whose book will you choose?APat Alexanders.BAlex AyliffesCLois Rocks.DElizabeth Goudges.24 . From the information above we can learn that these four books are all for _.AAdultsBchildrenCteensDparentsBody language does not use words. It is communication with the movement or position of your body. The way you stand, a hand gesture, a big smile. In order to understand body language better, you should know the following rules.Eye contact: Look into a persons eyes during a conversation. It makes your opinion more believable. Most people like to have eye contact with their listeners.Smile: Smile when you talk to somebody. It is not only polite but also makes you feel relaxed.Stand up straight and tall: It shows your respect to others. It also makes you more confident.Dont cross your arms. This means you are upset and uncomfortable. Keep your arms open and you will feel more relaxed.Dont slouch in your chair. It shows that you are not interested in what others say. Sit up straight and lean a little forward to look more interested.Dont touch your face in a conversation. It shows that you are not confident of your words. Youd better put your hands along the sides of your body.25 . Which is not body language?AsmileBspoken languageChand gesturesDthe way of standing26 . When should you make eye contact?Ain a talkBin an examCin a basketball gameDat any time27 . What should you do if you want to show your confidence?Across your armsBtouch your face in a talkCtalk without a smileDstand up straight and tall28 . What does the underlined word “slouch” probably mean?Asit straightBlie flatCstand upDsit lazilyMost people want to work, but it has become more difficult in todays world to find work for everybody. The economics(经济) of the world need to grow by 4% each year just to keep the old number of jobs for people. Often it is not possible(可能的) and so more and more people are without work. Some people have no jobs now because new machines can do the work of many people in shorter time.Also, machines do not ask for more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines are taking work from people, not only in factories but also on the farms. One machine often can do the work of forty people. About 75,000 people are moving to the cities a day to look for jobs, but only 70% of them can find jobs.29 . If the economics(经济) of the world grow by 4% each year, _.Apeople will have no jobsB4% of the people will have jobs tooCpeople can have the same number of jobs as beforeD96% of the people will have jobs.30 . One machine can do as much work as _.A40 peopleB75,000 peopleC70% of the peopleD96% of the people will have jobs31 . Which of the following is not true?AMost people want to have jobs.BMachines need more money and longer holiday.CNow more people are without jobs.DMachines are taking work from people not only in factories but also on farms.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子(题文)用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。Have, should, play, need, stay, get, enjoy, help, shouldnt , give32 . (小题1)Carlos has a bad headache, so he _ to go to the doctor.33 . (小题2)A lot of vegetables _ you to keep in good health.34 . (小题3)Roses mother wants her _ the piano every day.35 . (小题4)A sore throat can _ you a fever.36 . (小题5)Students _ sleep for nine hours every night.37 . (小题6)Most of the students _ listening to the pop music.38 . (小题7)You _ study when youre tired.39 . (小题8)Whats the matter with Sonia? She _ a headache.40 . (小题9)Exercise every day to _ healthy.41 . (小题10)Dont _ stressed out, it will make you sick.四、单词填空根据首字母及短文内容填空Some time ago, a fire broke out(爆发) in a building late at night. Nearly all the families were s42 . inside the house. After the firemen came, they rushed into the burning building and saved the people to the safe p43 . .The crowds thought all the people were s44 . . But it was not so. Two little orphan(孤儿)girls were still asleep alone at the very top of the building in a small room. N45 . thought of them. Luckily, they lived with a dog.The dog tried to wake them up, but they couldnt hear him. He ran to the window and barked l46 . for help. B47 . no one noticed him. Then he climbed down the ladder (梯子) and tried to pull a fireman to the ladder. The fireman kicked him away, thinking he was mad. Then the dog ran to a48 . fireman, jumped on him, ran to the ladder, barking all the time and looking back as if he was asking the fireman to follow him. This fireman r49 . there must be someone in the little room, as the dog was acting so strangely. So he followed the dog up the ladder, there he saw the two girls and saved them.Where was the d50 . ? A brave fireman rushed into the room to look for him and found him lying near the window, choked (窒息) with smoke. He brought him down with care, but he was d51 . . He gave up his life to save his friends. What a faithful friend!请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为66-75 的相应位置上。As youve just found out, opening a book doesnt require much effort. However, even that would be i 52 . if you spent the night on the streets.After lying for hours on cold ground, with only a thin sleeping bag to protect you from rain orice, your fingers would probably be so numb(麻木的)that you could hardly m53 . them. Youd most likely spend the day trying to find something to eat and somewhere to shelter from the freezing cold.You might be surprised to hear that the number of people sleeping rough(露宿)in London hasdoubled in the last five years and has i54 . by 30% across the rest of the country during the last two years.Once we bring a homeless person out of the freezing cold, we need your help to give him aw55 . welcome at St Mungos very much.Will you please give a Christmas gift of 25, which could p56 . a homeless person with aSt Mungos welcome pack? It could have a towel, shampoo, soap(肥皂), so a homeless person can have a hot s 57 . and a proper clean up. The difference you could make wont end there. You see, welcoming someone into warmth and safety is just the b58 . . You really could enable someone to change their life for good.For Harvey, it was losing his job that led to him becoming homeless. Since Harvey was welcomed into St Mungos, he has received t 59 . for his health and so much more. After he took courses in useful life skills, he recently moved into his own flat.With your gift, you could help us offer a warm welcome to someone I60 . Harvey whos come in from the freezing streets. Im sure youll a 61 . thats a wonderful present to give at Christmas. I hope you will send 25, or as much as you can, today.五、句子排序组成对话或短文A hobby is something you enjoy doing when youre free._. Western people like to try exciting new things. They like to go on adventures(冒险)and often do something physically challenging(体力挑战)._. They usually do something like handwriting or painting for fun.Hobbies can bring us great joy as well as a lot of knowledge._. Making things can develop our imagination(想象力)and creation (创造力). Sports can help us stay healthy. Hobbies are fun._. Sometimes we have to spend a lot of time studyingfor our hobbies. But I think that if you really enjoy doing something, you should never give up. And then you will have a lot of fun with your hobby.A.However, most Chinese dont like adventures.B.In different countries people have different hobbies. C.However, some hobbies are difficult to learn.D.For example, reading can help us open our eyes.62 . _63 . _64 . _65 . _66 . According to the passage, which of the following sentence is TRUE?AChinese people like to try exciting new things.BPeople in the USA usually do something like handwriting or painting.CHobbies can make one happy as well as knowledge.DSports can develop our imagination and creation.六、材料作文67 . 下周六是你的生日。你准备在家里开一个生日晚会,并邀请你的同学和朋友参加。晚会七点开始。你家在车站的对面。房子是红色的,门是黄色的。请根据所给信息给你的好友林林写一封信。80词左右。Dear Linlin,_Yours,xxx第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、2、五、句子排序组成对话或短文1、六、材料作文1、

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