人教版七年级上英语Module4 练习

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人教版七年级上英语Module4 练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Mum, let me_you carry(搬)the box.Its very nice of you, Thank you for _ me.Ahelp; helpBhelping; helpingChelp; helpingDhelping; help2 . -Mary, you look so sad. What has happened?-The Maths exam to be much more difficult than I thought.Acame outBbroke outCfound outDturned out3 . On her way_ the park, she sees a lot of flowers.A/BtoCforDon4 . Mary, you speak Chinese? Yes, only a little.AmustBneedCmayDcan5 . We should keep our _ information safe when using the Internet.AspecialBprivateCsimilarDtraditional6 . The TV is always _ at my homeAbyBwithCinDon7 . My brother bought a pair of gloves _ me.AtoBofCforDat8 . Kitty has eyes.Atwo black bigBtwo big blackCbig black twoDbig two black9 . -Miss Wang once _art at Badon School for ten years and now is a singer.-No wonder I often hear her sing in the garden.Ahas taughtBtaughtCis teachingDteaches10 . Jim, dont be afraid. Be brave and tell yourself _.Adont give upBnot to give upCnot give upDto give up11 . Your sweater looks nice, is it made of wool?Yes, and its made _ Shanghai.AbyBinCforDfrom12 . _?Hes friendly and helpful.AWhats he like?BHows he?CWhats he?DWhat does he like?13 . Work hard, and you will be a famous actor_ .Aat futureBin the futureCin a futureDin futures14 . Whats that in English? _ an English book.AIts.BThis isCThats15 . -As soon as their party came into _,they changed the law.ApowerBforceCfameDwealth二、完型填空Welcome to Moonlight Music Club!Mr.Dean is a good _.He can play the piano,the violin _ the drums.And he is very good with kids.Do you _ Zhang Shaobo?He is Mr.Deans good friend.He _ play the violin in different ways.He often _ here to teach children to play the violin.Do you like him?Please come and watch his great _.Do you want to learn _ music?Please come and join _.We can _ you with music.My telephone number is 0109587.My _ address(地址)is deanviolin126.com.16 . AmusicBpainterCmusicianDplayer17 . AbutBandCorDwith18 . AknowBlikeCmeetDshow19 . AdoBdoesCcanDis20 . AcomesBjoinsCasksDwatches21 . AviolinBshowChelpDdance22 . AforBofCatDabout23 . AherBusCyouDhim24 . AcallBspeakChelpDsing25 . AfamilyBhomeCclubDemail三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填入恰当的单词。26 . March is the best time to p_ trees.27 . Look!There are many birds flying in the s_.28 . The market is very c_because there are too many people shopping there.29 . How many_(公寓)do your parents have?30 . A noisy room is not the best_(环境)to work in.(题文)单词拼写(单句首字母填空)31 . (小题1)What kind of v_ work do you think I could do?32 . (小题2)He has no friends here, so he feels l_.33 . (小题3)My car doesnt work. I need to ask someone to r_ it.34 . (小题4)The old man cant walk and move his arms easily. He is d_.35 . (小题5)I dont u_. Could you explain that again, please?36 . (小题6)Can you really mend a b_ heart?37 . (小题7)Its hard to i_ how he can improve English so quickly.38 . (小题8)Have you any d_ in doing this work?39 . (小题9)Do you think Mr. Smith is the o_ of the shop?40 . (小题10)He was wearing a new cap, but I didnt even n_ it.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。41 . _ (do) your homework right now(立刻).42 . Please _ (be) quiet.43 . _ (not let) the dog come in.44 . No _ (swim)!45 . Stop _ (talk)!五、完成句子完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。46 . 昨晚萨姆最喜欢的足球队输了决赛。这个消息让他发疯。Sams favorite soccer team lost the final last night. The news _.47 . 凯莉是一个交换生,她想知道如何与英国人成为朋友。Kelly is an exchange student. She wonders how to _ an Englishman.48 . 杰夫没有被邀请参加尼克的聚会,他感到被冷落了。Jeff wasnt asked to Nicks party and felt _.49 . 迈克尔在学校表现不好,他总是让他的父母失望。Michael doesnt behave well at school. He always _.50 . 如果他们通力合作的话,他们一定会赢得这场足球比赛。They are sure to win the soccer game if they _.51 . 他明天能来我的聚会吗?Can he _ my party tomorrow?52 . 我不得不帮我的妈妈做家务。I _ my mother with the housework.53 . 陈翔打算在2016年的年初去旅行吗?Does Chen Xiang plan to _ at the beginning of 2016?54 . 待在家里,直到你妈妈回来。Stay in your house _ your mother _ .六、用单词的正确形式完成句子二、从方框中选出适当的短语完成句子on foot, a few, far away from, in front of, go to school55 . I have to take a rest for _ minutes. I am so tired.56 . The train station is _ here. Youd better take a bus.57 . How does your sister _?On foot.58 . I think we can go there _.59 . Shall we meet _ the school library at 6:30 p. m. tomorrow?七、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,选出适当的单词填空,使语意通顺完整。after passed skating on and hard help water fast fellIt was a very cold morning. Some children were 60 . on the ice. It was snowing 61 . but they enjoyed themselves there. Mike, the tallest boy, skated 62 . and he didnt see that there was a hole63 . the ice. He 64 . into the water. The other children called out loudly for 65 . . Just at the moment a young worker 66 . by and heard them. He put his bike by the side of the river 67 . ran to them. When he pulled Mike out of the 68 . , he was all wet. Then he sent Mike to a hospital. 69 . that the young man hurried to work.八、单词填空70 . 缺词填空Hi, Im Jim Green. I was b_1_ in New York. I am an A_2_. Now I live in China. I am in Beijing with my p_3_. My father is a w_4_. He works in a factory. My mother works in a school, and she a_5_ works hard. But she is not a t_6_. She works in a l_7_. There are many books in it. I have a t_8_ sister. Her mane is Alice. We are in the s_9_ school, but in d_10_ classes. We both like reading.九、信息匹配My name is Tom Harriman. Im an English teacher. I have a brother. His name is Mike Harriman. Hes a policeman. We have a sister. Shes a driver. We call her Ann. We eat breakfast at home. Usually I eat a light breakfast, but my brother eats a big breakfast. Ann has only a glass of milk. We live in Toronto with our parents.I usually go to work at eight twenty. I have fifty-four students. They all like me very much. I work hard all day and eat lunch at about twelve thirty. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I eat it at school. I come back home at five forty-five. My parents cook supper for us every evening. We have it at about six twenty. I love my family very much.Match the events with the family members.1.Tom Harriman 2.Mike Harriman3.Ann Harriman4.Mr. and Mrs. HarrimanAhave two brothersBcook dinner for the familyCwork at the police stationDteach EnglishEhave lunch at schoolFhave three childrenGjust have a glass of milk for breakfasH.eat a lot at breakfastJ.drive people everywhere in his/ her carI.eat a light breakfast71 . _72 . _73 . _74 . _十、多任务混合问题We moved to a beautiful twofloor house The house was built in 1905.Everyone thought it must be very nice,but some strange things happened.At first,small things began to happen,then,things became stranger and stranger. Something was missed early,and it was found somewhere else later.Then the strangest thing happened. Last November I was at home alone. When I was sweeping the kitchen,I felt a very cold wind blow my hair. I thought the kitchen window must be opened,but when I checked it,it was closed. The other windows were new,and there was no way any cold air came in.We all felt very strange and moved away from there later.我从来没有真正害怕过。It was just strange,like something or someone was trying to get my attention.75 . When did the strangest thing happen?76 . What was the strangest thing in the passage?77 . Did the writers family move away from the old house at last?78 . 将划线译成汉语。79 . 将划线译成英语。十一、其他Choose the one which has difficult pronunciation with others80 . AthreeBtheyCthereDthen81 . AthankBthinkCthoseDthirty82 . AtoothBthroughCthiefDthough83 . AthinBthiefCworth Dmother84 . AthinkBthisCnorth Dsouth第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、2、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、2、六、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、七、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、八、单词填空1、九、信息匹配1、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、其他1、

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