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人教版2020年山西中考英语专题复习题库:图文阅读题库姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、回答问题任务型阅读Prevent Bullying(欺凌)On Thursday, the Ministry of Education (教育部) asked schools across China to make the efforts to prevent bullying in schools after a 7-year-old girl in Henan province was bullied by three classmates.Liu Yugang, director of the Mnistrys department of basic education, said preventing school bullying has always been one of the most important tasks and the situation has improved in recent years.However, school bullying still happens once in a while. The girl, a second-grade student at Dajian primary school, was held down by two boys while another boy put small pieces of paper into her eyes on Sep.28.The girl visited several hospitals from Sep.30 to Oct .25.The doctors said that it was not clear how many pieces of paper were put into her eyes.In order to prevent school bullying, strict school rules should be made. Also, parents should play their part in teaching their kids not to bully others, Liu said. Kids learn from adults actions. By treating others with kindness and respects, adults show the kids in their lives that there is no place for bullying, Liu added. Even if it seems like they are not paying attention, kids are watching how adults manage stress and conflicts, as well as how they treat their friends, workmates and families.1 . Has preventing school bullying improved in recent years?_2 . How many boys took part in the school bullying on Sept .28?_3 . According to Liu,how can parents do to prevent school bullying?_4 . What should you do to prevent school bullying?Please list two suggestions._Festivals are symbols of traditional culture of a country. But nowadays there appears a phenomenon(现象)in China. Western festivals, such as Christmas Day, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving Day and so on, are becoming more and more popular. This has been a fact of life!A survey showed that almost all the young men celebrate western festivals. Among them, college students like the western festivals best. The western festivals provide a good chance to go to the party, go shopping and do any other things they want to do.The popularity of western festivals in China has been known for long and the discussion about it has never stopped. In a survey, 10,000 people expressed their opinion about the popularity of western festivals in China. It tries to find the real reason why Chinese like the western festivals and provide us with a correct attitude(态度)toward whether we should celebrate western festivals or not.Chart : Opinions about the popularity of western festivals in ChinaChart : Main reasons why western festivals are popular in China5 . According to the passage, Which phenomenon appears now?_6 . How do the college students celebrate the western festivals?_7 . According to Chart , how many people think the popularity of western festivals is just a way to relax?_8 . Chart shows the reasons why western festivals are popular in China. What does 17% refers to?_9 . As teenagers, should we celebrate western festivals? Why or why not?_The Hanging Gardens of Babylon(巴比伦空中花园) is one of the seven wonders of the ancient. It is a large collection of plants that are hung from the walls of a palace in Iraq. Some stories described the Hanging Gardens were hundreds of feet tall, but some historians said that they were really not that high.The reason behind the Hanging Gardens sounds like a fairy tale. A king built the gardens around 600BC in order to make his wife less homesick(想家的). The kings wife missed her home in Medea where it had great mountains, so the king decided to bring the mountains to his palace. He ordered his men build a huge hill and plant trees and flowers on it. In the 1st century BC. An earthquake happened in Babylon, destroying(毁坏) a large part of the city, including the Hanging Gardens.Today, some people think that the Ganging Gardens of Babylon is not real because Babylonian records never talked abut this amazing gardens.However, the writings of some Greek historians gave lively descriptions of the gardens. Recently, some findings showed that some great gardens existed(存在) in Iraq. But they still need to be further proved(证明).10 . Where is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?_11 . When did the king build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?_12 . Was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon destroyed by a big fire?_13 . Why do any people doubt that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon is real?_14 . Who gave lively descriptions of the gardens?_Do you have pocket money?Students all around the world think it great to have some money in their pocket. But how much do they get?American kids andpocket moneyMost American children think having pocket money will help them to understand money better. Heres what some of them say:Jacob- I have to do 10 times of the housework a week to get pocket money.Katty- I get $20 twice a month. I put $5 in the bank and spend $15 on new stuff Nathan, Sam- We save half of our pocket money every week. Amy- I get $10 a week for doing the housework. I dont get money if I dont do that. Amber- I dont save too much. I spend a lot when I go shopping. Sam, Tess-We put our pocket money in the bank, and spend our birthday and Christmas money. British children and pocket moneyIn London, children get 10 pounds every week, children in Scotland (苏格兰) get 8 pounds, and children in Wales (威尔士) get the most, about 13.5 pounds! Also, British boys get a little more pocket money than girls.Like kids in the US, British children do the housework to earn their pocket money. Thats why British children know a lot about spending money. 7% of them spend less than 1 each week, 22% spend between 1 and 5, and 20% spend over 5 each week. What do they buy with their money? Most of them spend it on sweets, crisps (薯片) and chocolate.Is it good to have pocket money?Some parents may ask the question, the answer is: Of course yes! If children have some pocket money, they can learn to find out what things cost, save money for things that they want. There are lots of good lessons to learn:If you spend it all at once, there is no money until your next “pay day” (发薪日).If you bought the wrong thing, youll be more sensible (明智的) next time. If you borrow money, you have to pay it back.15 . What do most of American children think of having pocket money?They think having pocket money _.16 . British children earn their pocket money just like kids in the US, dont they?_.17 . Who get more pocket money in Britain, boys or girls?_.18 . In the US, according to Katty, how much does she save in the bank every month?_.19 . What do most of British children spend money on?Most of them spend it on _.请阅读下面短文,简要回答所给问题。并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。Do you like the Minions?They are so funny! Here,Ill show you how to make Kevin. You can also make two other Minions,Stuart and Bob!What you needA cardboard tube(硬纸筒)Yellow, blue, white and black paperScissorsBlack marker(记号笔)GlueHow to makeStep1. Cut out a piece of yellow paper. Make it as tall as the tube.Step2. Wrap the yellow paper around the tube . Then, glue them together.Step3. Cut the blue paper into this shape . Draw two buttons(纽扣) and a pocket(口袋). Glue it to the yellow tube.Step4. Cut out two round pieces of white paper . Glue them above theoveralls(背带裤).Step5. Draw the black parts . They are Kevins big eyes.Step6.Dont forget Kevin s cute hair and little mouth.20 . How many kinds of things do we need to make a Minion holder?21 . What color paper do we need in this DIY?22 . Does Kevin have cute hair in this DIY?23 . What is the fifth step?24 . Do you have a pen holder? What s it like?Shanghai Womens Federationand Shanghai Women and Children Service Center recently released a survey on local womenlooking at theircareer development, family conditions and social demands, hoping to use the results to build a better social service system and to enable such women to make full use of their skills.25 . Why does this organization do this research?_26 . According to Chart , how many factors are related to success?_27 . What social public service do women need most?_28 . If 1000 women are interviewed, how many of them say they need the service of the Children centers?_29 . Do you think what success is? Why?_The traffic lights are the same in every country. They are very important to keep the traffic safe. There are always three lights: red (means “stop”), yellow (means “wait”) and green (means “go”). I think everyone knows this. But do you know how they were born?An American named Garrett A. Morgan was the father of traffic lights. Morgan was born in a poor family in 1875. He left(离开)school at the age of 14. He was very clever. He always looked for better ways to do things. And he liked to make new things. At that time, every American wanted to have a car. Streets were full of cars. The traffic was not good. “Why not put three lights at each street crossing? They should be red, yellow and green,”Morgan said. “Let them tell cars to go, wait or stop.” So he made a timer(定时器)to change the lights. Now we have traffic lights on the street today. When we go by car, by bike or on foot on the street, we must follow the signs of the traffic lights.30 . How many traffic lights are there in every country?31 . When was Garrett A Morgan born?32 . What should we do when we was yellow lights?33 . Who was the father of traffic lights?34 . Do we use the traffic lights at each street crossing today?Answer the questions:Open your wardrobe!Teenagers tell Teenage Magazine whats in their wardrobes.Sharon Choi of Central.Sharons father owns several restaurants in Hong Kong.In the wardrobe“Im very pleased to get this chance to tell you about my clothes. Im crazy about them and cant refuse the latest fashions. For important parties, I wear Jacques Fath. Hes the French designer who design for most of the princesses in Europe. His evening dresses are perfect. My day clothes are mostly DKNY and Ralph Lauren Polo Jeans. Some of my handbags cost $4,000 and some cost even more. Here, in my wardrobe, I have forty pairs of shoes and some Gucci wallets and sunglasses. I usually pay about $2,500 for a pair of shoes.”She still needs:“Oh, I still need a lot of clothes, dont I? I dont like wearing the same clothes twice.”Carman Hung of Causeway Bay.Carmans family owns a bakery.In the wardrobe“Hi! Im not really interested in clothes. I play tennis a lot. Im in the Hong Kong girls team. I have three or four pairs of trainers and four tennis dresses. I also have three pairs of shorts but I prefer the dresses. I love wearing T-shirts and skinny tops. Theyre comfortable. I have a pair of purple jeans and two pairs of trainers. I also have a purple velvet skirt for special occasions(场合).”She still needs:“I dont need more clothes, do I? But, I need a new tennis racket!”Perry Wong of Central.Perrys parents both work for the Star Ferry Company.In the wardrobe“Whats in my wardrobe? I dont know! I hardly look. I dont know where to buy clothes. Lets see. Two pairs of trousers, a pair of trainers, a few pairs of socks and an old, green sweater with a hole in it.”He still needs:“Oh, I dont need anything. Ive got all the clothes I want.”35 . How many girls were interviewed by Teenage Magazine?36 . Who has the most clothes in his/her wardrobe?37 . Carman Huang doesnt like dresses, does she?38 . Why doesnt Penny Wong know what is in his wardrobe?39 . Whose family is the richest? Give at least One reason.Mary is reading a postcard(信片)from her friend, Jenny. Hi Mary This is a picture of the beach in Penang. It is an island in Malaysia and it takes about six hours to fly here from Shanghai. We are having a great time. It must be very cold in Shanghai now. Right? But here the weather is sunny every day. We go for a swim in the pool in the morning and then have lunch in the hotel restaurant. We can have delicious durian(榴莲)ice cream there! I want to go to the water park. There are lots of slides. You must climb to the top first and then you can go down into the water very fast. I am afraid but it is fun! See you next week! Jenny40 . What picture is on the postcard? There is a picture of_ on the postcard.41 . How long does it take Jenny to travel to Penang by plane? It takes_.42 . Where does Jenny eat durian ice cream? She eats durian ice cream at_43 . What can Jenny do on the slide in the water park? She can_44 . When will Jenny meet Mary? They will met _阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题Is it difficult for you to remember things? Id like to tell you some ways to improve your memory, so you shouldnt feel upset.My first advice is that if you want to remember something well, you have to review it regularly(有规律地). You might review the material two days after you learn it, then a week later, then two weeks later, and then a month later. After a month you will find that you can easily remember the material.My second advice is to use a colored pen to highlight (标注)the important parts on your book. This will help you in two days. First, it will help you pay attention to the most important parts when you learn the language. It is always easier to remember only the key points. Second, this will make reviewing easier. When you open your book, the colored parts will show you the most important things quickly. In this way, you dont have to review all the material again.Another piece of advice is to use the proper time well. First, review all the information in your mind right before you go to sleep. Your brain is working while you are sleeping. If you think about the information before you go to sleep, you might be able to remember it better. Another good time for memorizing information is in the morning because you have just rested and your brain is fresh and clear. So you might also try to review the important information in the morning.45 . How long may it take you to remember the material easily if you review it regularly?46 . Is it easier to use a colored pen to help remember the key points?47 . What is the good time to review information?48 . How many pieces of advice does the writer give?49 . What is the passage mainly about?阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Its about TimeDo you know what time it is? If you do, you probably are looking at a clock or Long ago, people didnt have clocks or watches like you do. When the sun rose, they got up and when the sun went down, they went to bed. They told timeby the position of the sun in the sky.People discovered that they could use a stick and the sun to tell time. This was called a shadow clock. They put a stick in the ground, pointing straight up. The direction of the sticks shadow and how long or shortit was told them the time.A better kind of shadow clock was called a sundial. Sundial had a pointer and a base. The pointer cast a shadow on marks around the base. People could tell time by reading the marks.But shadow clocks were not good for telling time on cloudy days or at night.One kind of clock that didnt need the sun was a water clock. A water clock was container with a tiny hole in the bottom. Water would steadilydropout of the hole. Marks on the inside of the container showed the time. It took one hour for the water to go down one mark.Another kind of clock that didnt need the sun was a candle clock. You would know the time by how much of the candle had melted(熔化). The candle had marks down its side to show the hours.Sometimes people used candle clocks as alarm clocks. They put a nail(钉子)in the candle at the time they wanted to wake up, hanging a shoe on the nail. When the candle melted down, the nail fell outand the shoe hit the floor with a BANG! Now there are all kinds of timepieces, from tall grandfather clocks to watches we wear on our wrists(手腕). Most clocks run on electricity from batteries.There are many more types of clocks, too. Clocks hang in and on buildings. Clocks are everywhere!50 . Did people have clocks or watches like you do long ago?51 . What did sundial have?52 . How long did it take for the water to go down one mark in water clock?53 . How would you know the time when you use a candle clock?54 . What does the writer want to tell us?My green life started when I was 13. One day I read a magazine with a Save the Earth, Girl! cover. It talked about all kinds of easy ways to go green. From the magazine I learned that turning off the water while brushing teeth could save about 900 kilograms of water every year一per person! I started to do it right away. It was important to save water because we might run out of fresh water one day.My parents supported me. We started to live a green life. We carried used bags to the supermarket and our own water bottles to the restaurant. I knew it was the right thing to do, but my face turned so red every time my mom took a plastic bottle out of a bin and put it in the recycling bag she kept in the car.One day, our class went for a picnic in the park. In front of my whole class, my classmate Steve laughed at me for drinking out of an old water bottle. I felt so upset that I hurried back home. I told my mom what happened. Well, which one is more important to you, Steve or the earth? my mom asked Right then, something woke me up. I knew I didnt have to care about others when I did the right thing.55 . Why did the writer think it was important to save water?(不超过10个词)_56 . Why did Steve laugh at the writer?(不超过10个词)_57 . What does the story tell us?(不超过15个词)_阅读下文并回答问题。A soap opera called Tiger Mother and Cat Father is popular in China now. The tiger mother is pretty strict with her daughter and the little girl is not allowed to watch TV or play

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