外研版2020届九年级英语上册Module 12 Save our world单元测试B卷

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外研版2020届九年级英语上册Module 12 Save our world单元测试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空The giant panda is one of the most popular animals in the world.A giant panda can grow up to 1.5 meters long and _ up to 160 kg.People think the giant panda is very lovely.So it is not surprising that the World Wide Fund for Nature _ the giant panda as its symbol.The WWF tells people about animals that they are in danger and raises money _ them.The giant panda only lives in the wild in China._ the early 1980s,there _ only 1,000 left in the wild.The main reason why pandas are endangered is that the area where pandas can live has become smaller.The WWF works to help giant pandas in the wild in many ways.One of the ways that help them is to increase the size of_ reserves(保护区)Some reserves need to be joined by _ bamboo between them to make “hallways”These are paths that lead pandas from one reserve to _No one may harm the pandas in these areas.The “hallways” let pandas _ from one reserve to another to look for food.People _ very hard to make sure the giant panda does not die out.1 . AputBweighCliftDpromote2 . AchoosedBchoseCchosenDchoose3 . Ato saveBsavingCsavedDfor save4 . AForBAtCOnDIn5 . AareBwereCisDhad6 . ApandaBtreesCanimalsDlion7 . AplantBplantedCplantingDplants8 . AotherBthe otherCanotherDany9 . AmovesBmovingCmovedDmove10 . AworksBare workingCworkedDworking二、阅读单选As we all know, people couldnt live without water. Some parts of our bodies are made of water. We depend on clean water to live every day.However, we human beings are polluting water seriously. In some areas of China, people are still in great need of clean water. Dirty water is one of the worlds biggest health problems. Its harmful to our health. When water from the rain and melting(融化) snow runs through roads, it picks up some dangerous chemicals and other things along the way. Many of the rivers are short of protections, so they are easy to be polluted by factories or animals waste.World Water Day has grown to become one of the important dates since 1993. In 2013, World Water Day shares the topic of Water Cooperation(合作). If everyone tries their best to save and protect the clean water, our living conditions will be much better.11 . we know that people couldnt live without _ according to the first paragraph.AfireBwaterCbooksDlanguage12 . Many of the rivers are easy to be polluted by _.Aanimals Bhuman beings wasteCfishDfactories or animals waste13 . he underlined phrases “pikes up ”in paragraph 2 means“_”.A毁坏B接送C带走D拾起14 . When has World Water Day become one of the most important dates?Asince 1993.Bin 1993Cin 2013.Dsince 201315 . Which of the following is NOT right?ADirty water does harm to humanshealth.BHuman beings arent short of clean water.CThe topic of 2013 World Water Day is Water Cooperation.DWe should try our best to protect the clean water.(题文)London used to be “foggy”- the “fog” was in fact smog, amixtureof smoke and fog. In other words, it was caused by air pollution. In London, some of this pollution came from factories, but a lot of it came from the coal that people burnt in their houses to keep warm during the winter. By the 1950s, Londons smog problem had become so bad that the government decided to do something to clean up the air. It didnt allow people to born coal in any British city. A few years later, the air became much cleaner.Today many Chinese cities face the same problem with air pollution that London faced sixty years ago. However, this problem is more difficult for Chinese cities to solve. One reason is that more of pollution comes from big factories, rather than from the coal burnt in peoples houses. If these factories were suddenly closed, it would harm the economy and lots of people would lose their jobs. Another reason is that changing from coal to cleaner fuels is quite expensive. However, the air in many cities will become cleaner, as the government and ordinary people pay more and more attention to protecting the environment.16 . (小题1)Where was the pollution from in London over sixty years ago?AThe pollution came from factories.BThe pollution was from coal that people burnt in their houses.CThe pollution was from too much traffic on the roads.DThe pollution was from factories and coal that people burnt in their houses.17 . (小题2)How was the air in London after the government didnt allow people to born coal in any British city?AIt was still foggy.BIt was smog.CIt was much cleaner.DIt was stormy.18 . (小题3)What is the main idea of the second paragraph?AIn most of Chinese cities there is smog.BThe reasons of smog in China.CThe reasons of why its difficult for China to solve “smog”.DWhat did Chinese government do to solve “smog”.19 . (小题4)Which of the following is not true EXCEPT _.Apeople in London were allowed to born coal sixty years ago.Bthe air pollution in many Chinese cities is not serious.Csmog in fact is a mixture of smoke and fog.Dchanging from coal to cleaner fuels is quite easy and cheap.Most of us know that Ikea is the worlds biggest furniture company. However, did you know that its also a pioneer in environmental protection?Ikea says its working hard to improve the environment. The company has made huge efforts to cut the carbon emissions(碳排放)of its suppliers(供应商). Over the past five years, Ikea has helped its suppliers become 18 percent more energy-efficient. It managed to do so by bringing its suppliers together. The one that produces the least carbon emissions will be praised. Ikea has also invested(投资)heavily in clean energy. The company now operates more than 300 wind turbines(叶轮机)around the world. It has also set up nearly 750,000 solar panels(太阳能嵌板)on the roof of its stores. As a result, Ikea can produce 71 percent of the energy it uses, which are all from clean sources. In some countries,such a Denmark and Finland,the company produces as much energy as it uses. Ikea has been buying forests as well. It owns nearly 750 square kilometers of forest. Last but not least, Ikea has tried changing customers behavior(行为). It does so by improving product designs. In 2015,Ikea changed all of its lighting products into LED. This change alone,it says,has saved lots of electricity.20 . According to the article, which of the following are examples of clean energy? Fire wood. Oil. Solar energy. Wind power.ABCD21 . What is the main idea of the article?AIkea is the worlds biggest furniture company.BIkea has been working hard to protect the environment.CIkea has invested heavily in clean energy.DIkea has helped customers save lots of electricity.22 . Why did Ikea change all of its lighting products into LED?ATo cut the carbon emissions of its suppliers.BTo make itself famous.CTo save money and buy more forests.DTo make customers behavior changed.三、用单词的正确形式完成句子一用适当的介词填空of in at on under next to23 . My baseball is _ the bed.24 . Wei Fang lives _me.25 . This is a picture _my family。26 . There is a kite_the tree.27 . Look _this picture_the wall , What can you see?四、单词填空根据句意将将所缺单词补充完整。We are beautiful red-crowned cranes(丹顶鹤). We have red caps on top of our heads. You may think the caps are our f28 . . In fact, they are combs(冠)。We are one of the largest birds in size in the w29 . . We are the heaviest cranes(鹤). An adult(成年)red-crowned crane can w30 . up to 11 kilograms. We are good at dancing. I think we are the most beautiful dancers of all the birds. We are also good s31 . We sing loudly and beautifully .We are good at flying as well, we fly to warm East Asia when s32 . comes. We give birth to baby cranes there. We like to live together on wetlands in Southwest China and some o33 . places. We feed on worms(虫子)and small fish. We like to live in long grasses. Water and grasses are i34 . for us. But sometimes, life is harder these years. We are one of the most endangered(濒危)birds in the world now. People keep t35 . our living areas to make farms and build houses. We dont have e36 . space to live. And we dont have enough food to feed our babies because many people go f37 . and hunt too much. Can you help us!五、语法填空语法填空Pollution is a dirty word. To pollute means to make things unclean or unfit for38 . (use).At first, the problem was not so serious because there39 . (be) plenty of clean air, land and water. There 40 . (not be) so many people then and their needs were fewer. All the dirty things could be absorbed吸收by nature and41 . (recover) soon. But this is no longer true. The increasing population 42 . (连词) the developing industry have changed it a lot. People are43 . (slow) poisoning the environment.As we know, environmental pollution does great44 . (harm) to human beings. It is a big danger to our health, our45 . (happy), and our lives, so it must attract our attention. Fortunately, our government is trying its best 46 . (fight) against pollution. We have done a lot of47 . (work), but there is still a long way to go. We are sure that we will win the battle.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、


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