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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期末英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、补全短文5选4During the time it takes you to read this sentence, the population of the world have grown by ten. That may not sound much, but it is 14,000 people in an hour.Most of these new people were born in “developing countries”. 1 . In the developed countries of Europe and North America, the population is growing very slowly. This is because women in these countries have, on average(平均), only one or two children. 2 . In the developing countries, more than one billion people already live below the poverty(贫困)line.3 . Children get little or no time at school and people suffer (遭受痛苦)from many kinds of diseases.The UN has said that the worlds population will reach 12. 5 billion people by the year 2100. Many experts are worrying that so fast population growth could have very bad results. 4 . 根据短文内容, 从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项, 选项中有一项多余。AThese people do not have enough food to eat and they live in poor housing.BOne of the main reason is the change of the lifestyle.CThese countries are found in much of Africa, South America and parts of Asia.DIt could hurt the environment and increase the number of poor people.EBut in the developing countries, many women have five or more children.二、完型填空Everybody wants a new start for a new school year. So, students often go back-to-school shopping. They buy _ , and shoes. But, the story is not so easy.Mum, I want this pair of shoes!Dear! Those are 900 yuan! That is too _.But all the boys in my class wear this brand (牌子).So the real story is: kids _ to catch up with school fashion (时尚).Chinese students _ uniforms at school. Parents think all the kids look the same, but _ know the differences. The rich kids wear amazing watches, ride good _ and use cool pencil cases. They show off (炫耀) their expensive things to _ kids. Then everyone else wants them too. For example, some rich kids use a pencil box that _ 500 yuan! It not only holds pencils, but also has a thermometer (温度计), a compass (指南针), a music box and even games in it But think about it. Do you really need _ a special pencil box?What can you do with a compass _ thermometer in class? They only distract(分散注意)you.As for these rich kids, they are not rich at all. _ parents buy them all their cool things. They may have an advantage (优势) now, _ it wont last forever. If you want to show off _ money you have, you have to make it yourself first. So, study hard. You will get a great job in the future.Parents should also learn _ to refuse(拒绝)their kids demands(要求). They should _ their kids: As students, what is really important not to follow school fashion but to work hard for good school grades.5 . ApicturesBschool thingsCcomputer gamesDfood and drinks6 . AexpensiveBcheapCuglyDnice7 . AhateBgive upCwantDget8 . Aput onBtake offCbuyDwear9 . AkidsBfathersCmothersDparents10 . AcarsBbicyclesCMP3DCDs11 . AanotherBthe othersCothersDother12 . ApaysBcostsCspendsDbuys13 . AsoBsuchCasDlike14 . AandBbutCorDwith15 . AHisBHerCTheirDYour16 . AbutBbecauseCifDhowever17 . Ahow manyBhow muchChow longDhow often18 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhere19 . AsayBtalkCspeakDtell三、阅读单选Hello, my name is Gina. John, Anna and I are good friends. We are in the same grade(年级).But they are in Class Five and I am in Class Three. We get up (起床)at 7:00 and go to school at 7:30. In the morning we have four lessons. We have English every morning. John and Anna have English at 10:00 in the morning and I have it at 11:00. English is my favorite subject. Math is their favorite. And we all like P. E.In the afternoon, we have three lessons. At 2:30 we have art in the same classroom. After school we often play soccer. We all like soccer. Sometimes(有时)we watch TV at my home. We dont play any computer games.20 . What time does Gina go to school every morning?AAt 6:00.BAt 6:30.CAt 7:00.DAt 7;30.21 . 文中画线单词“it”指的是:Aa tripBan English lessonCa talkDa math lesson22 . John has_lessons a day.AfourBfiveCsixDseven23 . Which lesson do Gina and her friends have in the same classroom?AEnglish.BMath.CArt.DP. E.24 . Gina and her friends all like_ .AP. E. and soccerBEnglish and computer gamesCP. E. and EnglishDsoccer and computer gamesDenson is a mechanic, but he lost his job a few months ago. He is kind and helpful, but always feared applying for a new job.One day, he gathered up all his courage and decided to attend a job interview. His appointment was at 10:00 a.m. and it was already 8:30. While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed, he saw an old man kicking the tyre of his car. Obviously there was something wrong with the car. Denson immediately went up to lend a hand to him. When Denson finished repairing the car, the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Denson said there was no need to pay him and he just helped someone in need, and that he had to rush for an interview. Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office. Its the least I could do. Please, I insist.” Denson agreed.When he arrived at his destination, Denson found a long line of applicants (求职人) waiting to be interviewed. Denson still had some grease (油脂) on his shirt after repairing the car, but he didnt think he had enough time to wash it off or change the shirt. One by one, the applicants left the interviewers office with disappointed looks on their faces. After a long time, Densons name was finally called. The interviewer was sitting on a large chair facing the office window. Rocking the chair back and forth, he asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed?” Densons heart sank. “Wearing such a dirty shirt, how could I possibly pass this interview?” he thought to himself. Then the interviewer turned around the chair, and to Densons surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning. It turned out that he was the general manager of the company. “Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as a member of the company before you even stepped into the office. I just know youd be a trustworthy worker. Congratulations!”25 . The beginning of the passage tells us that Denson .Agot a new job a short time agoBdidnt want to be a mechanic any moreCwent to several job interviewsDwasnt confident about finding a new job26 . What happened on Densons way to the interview office?ADenson kicked the tyre of an old mans car.BThe bus didnt stop for him at the bus-stop.CDenson helped an old man to repair his car.DThe old man told him how to get to the office.27 . When the old mans car was able to work properly again, .Athe old man paid Denson for the service he providedBthe old man offered Denson a free ride to the officeCDenson told the old man to pay someone in needDDenson rushed to the interview office by himself28 . When Denson got to the interview office, .Ahe found that he had to wait for the interviewBhe saw many applicants left the office happilyCthere were few people waiting to be interviewedDDenson changed his shirt because it was very dirty29 . When he was asked a question by the interviewer, Denson thought .Ahe didnt really need to be interviewedBhe had been kept waiting for too longCthe old man had made the right decisionDhe couldnt possibly pass the interview30 . Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?APractice makes perfectBOne good turn deserves anotherCAll roads lead to RomeDOne is never too old to learnYour final exam( 期末考试)is coming, and I think you must be very busy with it and a little nervous(紧张). But I think that you will do well.When you review( 复习 )your lessons, first you must remember what you have learned. Then you must do a lot of exercises to help you get a good score(分数) in the exam.If you are tired before the exam, you will not do well. So a day or two before the exam just try some other things: going out to do some sports, seeing a film and having fun with your friends.When you take the exam, dont be nervous because you have got ready for it. Then read the questions carefully and write your answers clearly on the paper. Last, you should pay attention to the time. Use the right time to answer each question. I hope what Ive said will be helpful to you. Best wishes to you.31 . How many steps(步骤)are there to review the lessons?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.32 . If you feel tired before the exam, you neednt_.Alearn from day to nightBgo out to do some sportsCsee a filmDhave fun with your friends33 . The underlined phrase“pay attention to” means“_”.A抓紧B注意C放松D看一下34 . Which is the best title?AReview Your LessonsBWork HardCHow to Take the ExamDHow to Have a Rest35 . Which is TRUE according to(根据) the passage?ADoing exercise is helpful to you before the exam.BYou are tired, but you must work hard.CWe neednt be careful in the exam.DThe author(作者)doesnt hope that you can get a good score.四、语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Mike is a firefighter (消防员). It was Saturday, 36 . he still had to work. He arrived 37 . the fire station at 7:30 in the morning. 38 . (He) work started at eight. As a firefighter, Mike must be 39 . (care). He first saw if the fire trucks (消防车)40 . (be) OK and then cleaned the workplace. At ten, he went to the sports center and did exercise. Exercising is also a part of his job. After having lunch at twelve, Mike had one hour41 . (have) a sleep. Then he started the busy afternoon-taking 42 . (class) and then did homework. The dinner was at six oclock. Mike could do his favorite things 43 . dinner. He and some other firefighters 44 . (play) basketball at the sports center. At half past ten, Mike went to bed. It was 45 . easy day, because he didnt get any calls.五、多任务混合问题I live with my grandmother in a Beijing yard house.One day last year,I was surprised to see a foreigner coming out of the house next door to ours.He was very tall with brown hair and a pair of glasses.The first time I saw him,I was too shy to speak to him.“My English is too bad!” I thought.我的祖母告诉我说他刚搬进我们的院内。 “I dont like him,”she said.“Foreigners arent like us.Maybe hell play loud music and have parties every night!Im sure hes going to cause trouble.”Several days later,I met the foreigner as I was walking home after work.“Hello!” he said,“My name is Tony.Ive just moved into the house next door to yours.” While I was wondering what to say,he continued,“Theres a nice bar down the road.Why dont you and your family come to the bar and have dinner with me?” “Bars are bad places,”said my grandmother when I told her,but we decided to go.The bar was not at all what I had expected.It was in a beautiful little yard house,with several large bookshelves and pictures of Tibet on the walls.Several Chinese people and foreigners were sitting drinking or reading books.I noticed that some of the foreigners were speaking Chinese in a low voice to each other.“Oh,what a civilized(文明的)place!” said my grandmother.The bar served special “hutong pizzas”.As we ate,Tony told us about himselfhe is an expert(专家)in environment.He always likes to be quiet.My grandmother said to me,“He really seems like a very nice young man.” Yes,Tony is my new neighbor,a nice foreigner.根据短文内容完成下列任务。46 . 将句译成英文。47 . 将句译成中文。48 . 从文中找出与下列句子意思相近的句子:When I didnt know what I should say,he added,“_”49 . What does the foreigner look like?50 . 用文中词汇概括短文主题。六、汉译英:整句完成句子51 . 星期一你上什么课?_52 . 早上8点我们上语文。_53 . 10点10分我们上英语课。_54 . 他们上午上四节课。_55 . 你的英语课什么时候上?_七、看图作文56 . 书面表达。根据下列图画,写一篇80词左右的短文。提示词:bucket n. 水桶,tap n. 水龙头_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、补全短文5选41、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、语法填空1、五、多任务混合问题1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、看图作文1、

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