2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级上册Module 4 第四模块综合提升训练卷B卷

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2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级上册Module 4 第四模块综合提升训练卷B卷_第1页
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2020年(春秋版)外研版英语九年级上册Module 4 第四模块综合提升训练卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Read the sentence. “I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.”The underlined word “because” is used to _.Aconnect ideasBcreate new wordsCshow timeDgive examples2 . How do you celebrate_?We usually eat zongzi and watch boat races.Athe Spring FestivalBthe Mid-Autumn FestivalCthe Lantern FestivalDthe Dragon Boat Festival3 . We had better stop _ a rest because all of us are very tired.AhaveBto haveChavingDto having4 . Lisas birthday is coming. Im not sure what to get for her.Oh, I have no idea, .AalsoBtooCeither5 . Theres nothing in his schoolbag. Its _AbrokenBemptyCopenDlost6 . The old man lives _ , but he doesnt feel _ .Alonely; aloneBalone; lonelyCalone; aloneDlonely; lonely7 . My father often tells me to _first when I get into trouble.Acalm downBcome downCget downDput down8 . Im going to spend my summer holiday in Hawaii. What a lucky boy! _ And dont forget to send me a postcard.AThat sounds good.BHave a great trip!CGood luck!DCan I go with you?9 . -Will you please go to Mr Zhangs birthday party tomorrow?-._ if you do.ASo do IBSo will ICSo I doDSo I will10 . Please turn _ Page 18 and write _ the answers.Ato, toBon, downCto, downDon, for11 . Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday.-OK. Shall we _ a book online for him?AaffordBorderCoffer12 . Tom went for a picnic yesterday._ASo did IBSo I didCNeither did IDNeither I did13 . The radio says the temperature will to -5C tomorrow.AdropBthrowCkeepDlead14 . There are buses _ the town every day and people there are very _.Afor; friendlyBfrom; friendsCto; friendlyDin; friends15 . -Sally, Im going to Shanghai tomorrow.-_.AWell doneBWith pleasureCHave a good tripDNot at all二、完型填空Homealone is a very funny 1990 American film.It tells a story about a boy who is accidentally left alone at home.One night_ Christmas,the McAlister family meet at their home.Theyre planning to _ to Paris for the coming holiday and are busy getting ready.8yearold Kevin is the youngest child and is fighting with his brothers,sisters and his cousins.When he goes to bed,he is so mad that he wishes all his family would _ .In the morning,everyone wakes up very _ .They are all in a hurry to get to the airport,so they forget Kevin and he is left alone at home by accident.Although Kevin is alone,he is very happy at first.His terrible family has gonehis _ has come true.He watches TV,eats lots of fast food and plays games.He has a good time.But later on,he goes out and hears two _ men called Harry and Marv planning to steal from his house.He goes home and plans some very funny ways to_ them.Many things in the house get broken as Kevin tries to stop them.Finally,the_ come and the men are taken away.The house is now a mess,_ Kevin tidies it up and waits for his parents.They get back from Paris and are very happy to find that Kevin is _ .16 . AbeforeBafterConDfrom17 . ArideBdriveCflyDwalk18 . Arun inBcome outCfall downDgo away19 . AearlyBlateCquicklyDeasily20 . AwishBplanCpromiseDorder21 . AbraveBniceCbadDhonest22 . AkillBcatchCpleaseDreplace23 . ApoliceBfamilyCarmyDclass24 . AorBbutCsoDas25 . AactiveBquietCfreeDsafe三、阅读单选Do you know World Reading Day? It is on April 23rd. It is the eighteenth World Reading Day. As we know books are very important for us.In Germany, more than 70% of people like reading: They often read. They read in their homes. They read in libraries. They read in parks. They even read in hospitals. Parents often read books for kids.It is easy to buy books in Germany. There are many bookshops in Germany. They are in big cities and small town. A bookshop can sell many books every day. Germans also like to buy books on the Internet. More and more people buy books on the Internet. In Germany, people often have reading parties. They are happy at the parties.Do you love reading? Hope you enjoy it!26 . April 23rd is_.AWorld Reading Day.BChina Reading DayCGermany Reading Day.DGermans Buy Books Day27 . Where can Germans buy books?ABookshops.BSmall towns.COn the Internet.DEverywhere.28 . If there are 10 Germans, _ like reading according to the passage.Asix.Bfive.Cseven.Deight.四、句型转换根据要求改写句子29 . Our train number is T28. (对画线部分提问)_ your train number?30 . We will start immediately. (改写同义句)We will start _ .31 . He stopped working after 11 oclock last night. (改写同义句)He didnt _ until 11 oclock last night.32 . I can take care of myself. (改写同义句)I can _ myself.33 . The Greens went to Paris by plane last month. (改写同义句)The Greens _ Paris last month.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空34 . Be q_ and listen to the teacher! OK, sir.35 . Dont run in the hallways.S_, Mr. Li. I wont.36 . You cant b_your music player and cell phone to school.37 . We must b_on time for class.38 . Does she h_to eat in the dining hall?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。39 . I like the little girl. She is _(love).40 . Thank you for _(have) a birthday party for me, Mum.41 . Its very relaxing _(watch)an exciting football match on TV.42 . It is said that the film is very funny. So I cant wait _(see)it.43 . Is the old man afraid of _(live) alone in the village?七、完成句子七、情景交际根据情景提示,完成下列句子44 . 你想知道你同学怎样去学校,可以这样问对方:_?45 . 你想知道Kangkang什么时候出生,可以这样问:_, Kangkang?46 . 有人敲门,想请他进来,你可以这样说:_, please47 . 你妈妈告诉你别在街上玩,她会怎么说:Dont_48 . 你想知道对方会不会弹钢琴,可以这样问她:Can_?八、用单词的正确形式完成短文Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词。,首字母已给)explains 82. common 83. used 84. change 85. besides 86. usuallyZhangMing, a college graduate from Shandong, created a 9-pageWechatguide. With drawings and simple words, the step-by-step guide e49 . how to send messages, take pictures and make video calls. Zhang made the guide for his parents. My parents are getting old. They need an easy way to learn how to use technology, he said.Zhangs experience is c 50 . nowadays.Worldwide,40percent of parents learn about new technologies, including computers, mobile Internet and social media, from their children, according to a study from the International Communication Association in 2017.Parents u 51 . to teach their kids about almost everything. Now for the first time, the teachers become the students, and the students turn into the teachers.The c 52 . of the roles comes from the rapid development of society and technology says Zhou Xiaohong, a sociology professor from Nanjing University. Zhou said the Internet and other forms of media give children ways to get information b53 . from asking older generations. Therefore, in the age of information, its possible that children know more than their parents do.According to the China Internet Network Information Center, 56.7 percent of Internet users and 67.2 percent of social media users in China are under the age of 30. The younger generation u54 . acts as a link between their family and the new environment. But when they teach their parents new technologies, parents can connect to the new world by themselves, noted Zhou.In Zhang Mings eyes, teaching his parents about Wechat brings him c55 . to his parents.People can communicate more by using new technology. Why should we keep our parents out? said Zhang.九、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话Linda: Hello! whos that?Jack: This is Jack. 56 . ?Linda: Nothing much. Im just watching TV. Jack: 57 . ?Linda: No, they arent. Theyve gone to the hospital to see my grandma. She is ill. Jack: 58 . . Hey, why not come over to my home? We can play cards together. Linda: 59 . , but my parents asked me to stay at home. Jack: Oh, what a pity! By the way, have you finished your homework?Linda: No, not yet. Ill do it in the afternoon. 60 . ?Jack:Ive finished mine. And Ive sent it to Mrs Li. See you on Monday. Linda: See you.十、多任务混合问题Peter,Jack,Sam,Bob and John are on our school basketball team. It is one of the most popular teams in our city. Next Sunday,theyre going to play against No.20 Middle School basketball team. Let me introduce the five players.(1)萨姆是最瘦的,但却是跑得最快的。Peter is the tallest. He can jump the highest,too.(2)He can throw the ball into the basket easily. Bob is a new player,but he is also a great player. Of the five boys,Jack is the best player. In the last basketball match,he got twenty points for his team. John is the heaviest. He is 65 kg.(3)He runs slower than any other boy. But he is good at stopping the players of the other team from getting near the basket. Theyre a strong team. Are they going to win?Lets wait and see!任务一将(1)处画线句子译成英文。61 . _任务二将(2)处画线句子改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答。62 . _任务三写出(3)处画线句子的同义句。63 . _任务四回答下列问题。64 . Who are the boys going to play against?_65 . What is John good at doing?_十一、材料作文66 . 书面表达根据下面的提示,用100词左右的英语短文介绍一下自己度过的理想暑假。提示:1. 回老家和祖父母生活半个月的时间,既陪伴了老人,又享受了清新的空气;2. 利用十天的时间参加了一些活动,锻炼了自己的生活技能;3. 剩余的假期,上午在家里做暑假作业和预习(preview)新课;下午做点家务或外出和朋友踢足球;晚上和父母看电视、聊天。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、填写适当的句子补全对话1、十、多任务混合问题1、十一、材料作文1、


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