牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit 8 Growing healthy, growing strong单元测试卷

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牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit 8 Growing healthy, growing strong单元测试卷_第1页
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牛津上海版英语七年级第一学期Unit 8 Growing healthy, growing strong单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Whats the weather like in Shanghai? The underlined part means _.AWheresBHowsCWhatsDWhens2 . Danny is going to eat less _and _to stay healthy.AmeatsweetsBfried foodmeatCchocolatecrispsDhamburgerssugar3 . Jessicas parents always encourage her _ out her opinions.AspeakBto speakCspeakingDspeaks4 . I prefer Lily _ Lucy because Lily is _ unusual girl.Ato;aBto;anCfor;aDfor;an5 . I went to the park yesterday. _. But I didnt see you.ASo do IBSo did ICNeither did IDNeither I did6 . Yesterday, Spaceboy _ too _ lemonade.AdrinkmanyBdrankmanyCdrinkmuchDdrankmuch7 . The man was born _ 15 August , 1945.AinBonCatDfor8 . The team won the competition with _time and _ workers.AlesslessBfewerfewerClessfewerDfewerless9 . Did your father _take a walk after supper?Aused toBuse toCbe used toDwas used to10 . I dont like the new book. It is boring. _ASo do I.BEither do I.CNeither do I.DMe too.11 . “All” rhymes _ “ball.AtoBwithCforDabout12 . He is so rich that he has got _ten cars.Aat lastBat leastCat mostDat once13 . (题文)Hello! This is Greens Restaurant.What do you want to _?10 beef dumplings,a bowl of fish soup and a cup of green tea,please.AsellBseeCcookDorder14 . Audrey Hepburn was a ballet dancer _ a very young age. In her twenties she became a famous film star.AfromBinConDat15 . Write _ and try not to make any mistakes.Aas careful as possibleBas carefully as you canCas you can as carefullyDmore careful16 . (题文)Because I had a lot of homework to do,I didnt go to bed _12 olock last night.A. until B. when C,while D.as17 . You should know how _ a computer.AuseBwill useCusedDto use18 . Why dont you play football _ just looking on?Aas well asBinstead ofCin order toDwould rather19 . _ you Mingming?_, Im not.AAre; YesBAm; NoCAre; No二、完型填空In the corner of my desk is a note, slowly yellowing from time. It is a card from my mother, containing only four sentences, but with enough impact to _ my life forever. In it, she praises my abilities as a writer. Each sentence is full of _. The word “but” never appears on the card; _, the word “and” is there many times.Every time I read it, I am _ to ask myself how many times Ive “but-ted” my own daughters. Although our eldest daughter _ got all As on her report card, teachers would always suggest that she _ too much in class. I always forgot to ask them if she was making improvements. Instead, I would greet her with, “Congratulations! Your Dad and I are very proud, but could you try to talk less in class?”The same was _ of our younger daughter. Like her sister, she is a lovely and bright child. She also treats the floor of her room as a closet, which has often caused me to say, “Yes, that project is great, but _ your room!”Ive noticed that other parents do the same thing. “The hockey (曲棍球) team won, but Mike should have made that last goal.” “Amys the homecoming (同学会) queen, but now she wants $200 to buy a new dress and shoes.” But, but, but.What I _ from my mother is to start thinking “and, and, and” instead. _ : “The hockey team won, and Mike did his best in the whole game.” “Amys the homecoming queen, and shes going to look perfect!”The _ is that “but” feels bad, “and” feels good. When our children feel _ about what they are doing, they do more of it. This is not to say that children dont need or wont respond to (响应) their parents_. They do and they will. When those expectations are _ , amazing things happen.Its not _ just to say we love our children. Were also going to have to start guiding and taking part in what is right with our children.“No more buts!” is a call for joy. Its an opportunity every day to put our attention on what is promising about our children. And if I ever forget, I have my mothers note to remind me.20 . AenrichBprepareCchangeDruin21 . AloveBdoubtCinterestDhumor22 . AbesidesBfinallyCanywayDhowever23 . AremindedBforcedCattractedDrequested24 . AseldomBneverCusuallyDpossibly25 . AforgotBtalkedCrememberedDunderstood26 . AtiredBcertainCtrueDshort27 . Alook intoBclean upCput up withDmake use of28 . AheardBexpectedClearnedDdiffered29 . AAfter allBFor exampleCIn shortDIn turn30 . AfactBpurposeCchanceDchallenge31 . AbadBgoodChardDcurious32 . AdecisionsBquestionsCinstructionsDexpectations33 . AinterestingBlowCpositiveDhigh34 . AenoughBnecessaryCnormalDdifficult三、阅读单选People in different countries speak different languages. But is there a language that can be understood by everyone in the world? If there is, the answer might be EMOJIS(表情符号).Emojis are a kind of special language. Pictures are used to put meaning across. A group called the Unicode Consortium works on choosing emojis. It has added new emojis every year since 2014. They show what people think about and like. Emojis can be used to represent(代表) different groups of people. In 2015, emoji faces with different skin tones(肤色) were added. In 2016, different jobs were added , such as doctor, police officer and painter. This year, emojis of disabled people were added including emojis of blind people and people in wheelchairs. But there is also more to emojis. They can also refer to(指的是) pop culture and new cultural trends(潮流).New emojis in 2019 also include several animals, such as sloths(树懒) and flamingos(火烈鸟). These animals are not very common, but are known to many people. For example, sloths have become popular because of the 2016 film Zootopia(疯狂动物城). Many fashion designers(设计师) have included flamingos in their designs in recent years. This animal makes people feel like theyre on a vacation.It seems that emojis are a mirror of the world we live in. It will be interesting to see how they change and grow in the years to come.35 . Emojis use to express ideas.AmusicBsoundsCwordsDpictures36 . What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe Unicode Consortium.BAn emoji.CA country.DA language.37 . In which year were emojis of disabled people added?AIn 2014.BIn 2015.CIn 2016.DIn 2019.38 . According to the passage, emojis include the following EXCEPT .Apeople with different skin tonesBpopular filmsCsome interesting animalsDdifferent jobs39 . Which sentence is Not True according to the passage?APeople all over the world might understand emojis.BEmojis can represent pop culture.CMany fashion designers used sloths in their works.DEmojis are changing and growing every year.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)40 . The lawyers dealt with many _ of stealing children from their parents. (case)41 . Year 2019 will be the _ birthday of China - our great motherland. (seventy)42 . We will have to depend on _ during the survival training in the wilderness. (we)43 . He travels around the world and makes _ for university students. (speak)44 . The crime that happened _ made each one of us very shocked. (recent)45 . He doesnt _ about his clothes. He always wears T-shirts and blue jeans. (careful)46 . My PE teacher asked me to _ the coming basketball competition. (organization)47 . The engineer said that the main _ of the project was the high cost. (advantage)五、完成句子根据汉语完成句子48 . 不同国家的人有不同的肢体语言。People _ have _.49 . 他张开双臂拥抱了妈妈。He _ and hugged his mother.50 . 当你和人交谈时,目光旁视是不礼貌的。When _ someone, its impolite _.51 . 在一些同家,人们摇头表示同意。In some countries, people _.52 . 他不懂这个手势,是吗?是的,他一点不懂。He doesnt know this gesture, _?_.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文从下面方框中选择恰当的词填入短文中,使短文通顺正确。每词只用一次,有些词要用适当的形式。Some time ago, a fire broke out in a building late at night. Nearly all the families were 53 . inside the house. After the firemen came, they rushed into the burning building and saved the people to the safe 54 . .The crowds thought 55 . the people were safe. But it was not so. Two little orphan( 孤儿 ) girls were still asleep alone at the very top of the building in a small room. 56 . thought of them. Luckily, they lived with a dog. The dog tried to wake them up, but he 57 . . He ran to the window and barked(吠叫) loudly for help, 58 . no one noticed him. Then he climbed down the ladder ( 梯子 ) and tried to pull a fireman to the ladder.The fireman kicked him away, thinking he was mad. Then the dog ran to 59 . fireman, jumped on him and then ran to the ladder, barking all the time and looking back as if he was asking the fireman to follow him.This fireman realized there must be someone in the small room, as the dog was acting so strangely. So he followed the dog 60 . the ladder and there he saw the two girls and saved them.Where was the 61 . ? A brave fireman rushed into the room to look for him and 62 . him lying near the window, choked ( 窒息 ) with smoke. He brought him down with care, but he had already been dead. He had given his life for his friends. What a faithful friend!七、单词填空Once there was once a farmer who was always criticizing his wife. One day, she was so angry with him that she said, Im going to work in the fields. You can do my work in the house. Lets see how w63 . you do it!The mans first task was to make the butter.The work soon made him t64 . , so he went down to the cellar to drink some wine. While he was opening the barrel(桶), he heard the pig come into the house and knock over the butter dish.He ran back upstairs to stop the pig from doing more d65 . , forgetting to put the cork(软木塞) back in the wine barrel.By the time he had chased the pig out of the kitchen, it was lunchtime.He put the soup on to boil, and then remembered that he had not f66 . the cow yet. There wasnt time to take the cow out to the field, so he decided to take it onto the roof. There it could eat the grass that grew among the tiles(瓦片).It wasnt easy getting the cow onto the roof, but at last he s67 . . To make sure that it did not fall off, he tied it to the chimney with a rope.He did not want it to burn, so to get to the kitchen quickly, he decided to lower himself down the chimney.He tied one end of the r68 . to his foot and the other end to the cow. He had just reached the kitchen when the cow slipped and fell off the roof.The first thing his wife saw when she came home was the cow hanging from the rope, so she cut it loose.When the woman entered the house, she saw the floor covered with butter, the cellar flooded with wine and her husband upside down with his head in the soup!The farmer p69 . never to complain again if his wife would do the housework in the future.八、回答问题The hardworking blacksmith (铁匠) Jones used to work all day in his shop. The son of Mr. Smith, a rich neighbour, used to come to see the blacksmith every day and for hours and hours he would enjoy himself watching how the blacksmith worked.“Young man,why dont you try your hand to learn to make shoe tacks (铁钉), even if it is only to pass the time?” said the blacksmith. “Who knows, one day, it may be useful to you.”The lazy boy began to see what he could do. But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.Old Mr. Smith died and the son lost all his things because of the war. He had to leave home and live in another country. It happened that in this village there were many shoemakers spending a lot of money buying tacks for their shoes and sometimes even when they paid high prices they were not always able to get what they wanted, because in that part of the country there was a great need of tacks for soldiers shoes.Young Mr. Smith remembered that he had learned how to make shoe tacks before, so he had a talk with the shoemakers. He told them that he would make the tacks if they would help him to set up his workshop. The shoemakers were very glad to help him. And after a while, Mr. Smith found that he was making the finest shoe tacks in the village.“How funny it seems,” he used to say, “Even by making shoe tacks, one can become rich. My business is more useful to me now than all my riches in the past.”70 . What was Jones job?_.71 . Why did Jones ask young Mr. Smith to learn to make shoe tacks?Because Jones thought it _.72 . Where did young Mr. Smith live after his father died and he lost all his things?_.73 . What did a lot of shoemakers in the village need?_.74 . What would young Mr. Smith do if they helped him set up his workshop?_.75 . What do you learn from this story?_.九、话题作文76 . Writing a passage about the topic “Why is healthy life important?”Suggested questions:(1)What is healthy life?(2)How can we stay healthy?(3)What does healthy life look like?第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、完成句子1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、话题作文1、


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