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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . We are_ in the _ film.Ainterested, interestingBinteresting, interestingCInterested, interestedDinteresting, interested2 . (2017黑龙江齐齐哈尔2)I have_ useful book. It is about how to play_ basketball.Aan;/Ba;/Can;the3 . My favorite TV program is Readers. I think we should spend more time _.AreadBto readCreadingDreads4 . What did Tom say to you just now, John?He asked _ .Awhy I am excited todayBwhat will I do for Peters partyCif I could go to the movie with him tonightDWho did I play computer games with after school5 . Judy, your speech is excellent!_.AOh noBThanks a lotCIt doesnt matterDIts nothing6 . you everFrance?No, never.AHave; gone toBHave; going toCHave; been to7 . Calligraphy(书法) is a traditional Chinese artMore and more kids are becoming_in itAinterestBinterestedCinteresting8 . Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination(中考)Why not_music?It can make you_Alisten to;relaxingBto listen to;relaxedClisten to;relaxDto listen to;to relax9 . Look! How carefully _!Adoes she walkBdid she walkCshe is walkingDshe walks10 . Id like to have a try, _ I may fail.AsinceBthoughCafterDuntil11 . Many children _ your age are always _ a good mood to do the things theyre interested in.Aat, inBof, inCat, onDof, with12 . How long have you_?Since two years ago.Abought the cameraBbeen awayCleft homeDmarried13 . One of the wonders of the _ world is the pyramids in Egypt.AcrowdedBnaturalCancientDmodern14 . We _ play on this road. There is too much traffic.AmustBmustntCneednt15 . Im not good _music,but Im talented _sports.Aat, withBfor, inCat, inDfor, with二、完型填空完形填空。通读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A man was walking along the street when he saw a woman struggle(奋力)with a large box. It was half in and half_of her car. He was a helpful man, so he went up to the woman and said, “Let me give you a hand with that box. It looks very_”“Thats very kind of you,” the woman said. “Im having a lot of_with it. I think its struck(卡住).” “Together well soon move it,” the man said. He_into the car and took hold of the other end of the box. He said, “Im ready.” And he began to_hard.For several minutes the man and the woman struggled with the box. Soon they_, “Lets rest for a minute,” the man said. A few minutes_, the man said, “Lets try again. Are you ready?”_of them took hold of the box again. “One, two, three!” the man said, and they went on with their struggle.At last, when they were very tired, the man said, “You are_It is really stuck. I dont think theres_we can get it out of the car.” “Get it out of the car?” The woman cried. “Im trying to get it in!”16 . AinBoutConDoff17 . AheavyBstrongCdearDnew18 . AtroubleBquestionsCmatterDaccidents19 . AgotBwentCcameDwalked20 . ApullBcarryCpushDlift21 . AwentBstoppedCgrewDseemed22 . AlateBlaterCafterDago23 . AEveryBAllCEitherDBoth24 . AreadyBrightCcleverDsure25 . AanythingBanywhereCanyoneDanyway三、阅读单选Last summer my parents and I went to Yunnan. It left us wonderful memories. If you like a spring climate(气候), clean air and nice views, then Yunnan is the best place for you!Day 1 Shanghai KunmingActivities: Arrive in Kunming. Hotel check-in.Meals: No meals(We flew to Kunming. After our arrival(到达) in Kunming, the guide took us to our hotel by bus. Then he showed us around the shopping center for the rest of the day.)Day 2 KunmingActivities: Visit Stone Forest, Bird & Flower Market.Meals: Breakfast, Chinese Lunch(In the BirdFlower Market, we saw many kinds of flowers and birds as well as some traditional Chinese arts.)Day 3 Dali LijiangActivities: Arrive in Lijiang. Visit Lijiang Dayan Ancient(古代) City, and its famous Square Street.Meals: Breakfast, Chinese Lunch(The Ancient City of Lijiang is known as Dayan Town. It has a long history of over 800 years.)26 . The writer went to Kunming from Shanghai _.Aby busBby planeCby shipDby train27 . Where is the Square Street?ABeside the Ancient City of Lijiang.BIn Dayan Town.CIn the Stone Forest.DIn the center of Dali.It is a fine day. Pierre is a Frenchman and he knows little English. Now he is sitting near the window of a restaurant in London. He hears someone shouting (喊), “Look out!” Then he puts his head out of the window to see what is going on. At this time somebody pours (倒) water over his head.Pierre gets very angry. Some men sitting around him laugh and Pierre gets even angrier(生气).“What are you laughing at?” he says unhappily.One of the men answers, “You must be from other countries. Look out means be careful (小心的).”28 . Pierre puts his head out of the window to see.A. who tells him to do so B. what is going on C. who pours dirty water29 . What makes Pierre angry?A. Somebody pours water over him.B. A man fools (愚弄) him.C. A man laughs at him.30 . Why does Pierre get even angrier?A. He meets some trouble (麻烦) in the restaurant.B. He gets dirty all over.C. Some men laugh at him.31 . Someone says “look out” .A. when he sees Pierre in the restaurantB. after Pierre puts his head outC. when he pours water32 . What does the writer want to tell us in the story?A. Its important to learn English when you travel (旅行) to England.B. Dont sit by a window.C. Take an umbrella when you travel to England.Mr. Read works in a hospital. Hes a good doctor but he often forgets things. People know him well and don t mind it.One morning he looked over an old woman and found something was wrong with her eyes. He began to do an operation. It took him three hours to finish it. The old woman could see again and thanked him very much. After that he had a look at his watch and found it was half past twelve. He felt hungry and wanted to buy some food for himself.When he reached the lift. He remembered he didnt wash his hands. He had to return to his office .He took off his coat and put it on the back of the chair. After that he left. However in the restaurant, he realized he wasnt wearing his coat. All his money was in one of his pockets(口袋).He got up and went back to the hospital. The lift was just on the first floor. He ran to it but it was going to close. He put his head into it, and the doors opened. A man in the lift called out, Oh, dear, sir! Why didnt you hold the doors open with your hands? Its too dangerous to do so with your head!”I think my hands are more important than my head, I have to do operation not with my head, but with my hands!”根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。33 . People know_and they dont mind it.AMr. Read is a doctorBMr. Read has a bad memoryCMr. Read works in the hospitalDMr. Read often does operations34 . What does the underlined wordoperationmean in Chinese?A手术B检查C测试D实验35 . How did Mr. Read feel after he finished his work?AHungry.BNervousCHappyDLonely36 . Where was his money?AOn the floorBIn the liftCIn his pocketDHe didnt bring any money.37 . Mr. Read put his head into the lift because_.Ahe wanted to know who was in itBhe wanted to get out of it Chis head was much harder than his handsDhe was afraid it could hurt his handsThere was once a guy who suffered from cancer, He was 18 years old and could die anytime.He stayed in his house and never went outside. He was sick of staying home and wanted to go outfor once. So he asked for his mothers permission, who was his only lifelong friend.He walked down his block and saw a CD store. He stopped and looked throgh the front door.He saw a beautiful gid about his age and knew it was love at first sight (看见). He opened the door and walked closer and closer to the desk where she sat. She looked up anid asked, “Can I help you?” She smiled.He thought it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen before, He answered, “Uh.Yeah.Umm.I would tike to buy a CD.”He picked one out and gave her money for it. She wrapped(包裹) it carefully and gave it to him.He took it home and put it in his closet. From then on,the same thing happened every day until one evening the phone rang. The mother picked it up and answered, “Hello?” It was the girl!The mother started to cry and said, “You dont know? He passed away yeaterday” The line was quiet except for the cries of the mother.Late that nighL, the mohter went into the boys room and opened the CDs. She found pieces of paper with words: “HiI think U R really cute, Do u wanna go out with me? Love. Jocelyn.”38 . Who took care of the guy all his life?AHis father.BThe girl.CHis mother.DA doctor.39 . The guy fell in love with the girl_.Aafter he talked with herBafter she wrapped the CD for himCThe moment he saw herDwhen he gave her money for the CD40 . What can we know about the girl from the passage?A. She was beautiful. B. She loved the guy.C. Her name was Jocelyn. D. Both A, B and C.41 . How did the mother feel when she saw the words on piece of paper on the CDs?AExcited and surpried.BDisappointed but excited.CMoved and excited.DMoved but deeply sad.42 . The best title(题目) for the passage can be _.ASay “I love you”BLove From a MotherCA Beautiful Girl Selling CDsDA CD Store四、根据首字母、中文提示填空. 根据汉语提示填入所缺的单词43 . Its safer to move when the ground stops _ (晃动).44 . Leave the building _ (快速地) when its safe.45 . Stay away from _ (桥) and trees.46 . He is a _ (勇敢的) boy.47 . Keep _ (远离) of fires. Its too dangerous.五、单词填空阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。passenger, rise, exciting, smile, raise, water, land, until, wonder, high, but, Ipassenger, rise, exciting, smile, raise, water, land, until, wonder, high, but, II climbed a hill so that I could be in a cloud. I kept climbing until I reached the top of the cloud. I looked down and saw my friends waving to me. The cloud began48 . up. I found myself rising with the cloud. The cloud kept rising higher and higher49 . I felt like I was touching the sky.The cloud was very soft. I 50 . what it tasted like. Oh! It was cotton candy.It was 51 . to look at everything down below. The cloud took me over an amusement park. I could see kids riding a Ferris wheel, roller coaster, merry-go-round, and other rides. The roller coaster didnt look so big and scary from up 52 . .There was so much 53 . . There were many ponds, rivers, lakes, and even swimming pools. When the cloud took me over the ocean, I wondered when I would see 54 . again. When I passed a huge ship, I waved to the 55 . on board.My favorite site was a castle in England. I said hello to the princess (公主), and she waved and 56 . at me.I knew it was time for 57 . to go home. When the cloud reached a rainbow (彩虹), I stepped off the cloud onto the rainbow. I slid down the rainbow and landed in my backyard.六、信息归纳A hobby is an activity we can do in our free time, so that we can keep ourselves busy with something that makes us happy. Hobbies are activities we choose to do, but not activities we have to do. Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. For example, they are a way of connecting us with our inner(内部的) self. The time used to take up a hobby is our own time. This is the time when we can connect and communicate with ourselves. During this personal time, we can do whatever we like. Doing things according to our own wishes gives us a sense of inner satisfaction, and also helps develop self-confidence.Hobbies also help discover talents. It is possible that we are interested in a certain activity, but have never had a chance to try it. If we develop our interest as our hobbies, its quite clear that well do it with great interest. Our talents can be discovered, and this can make them feel more confident.Its human nature to try to know more about the things we like. When we pursue(追求) some activities as our favorite hobbies, we want to get more knowledge about the hobby. Whether its gardening, cooking, painting or collecting stamps, we always try to get a deeper understanding of what were doing, so that we can do it more correctly. Whats more, we also happen to meet people with similar tastes and sometimes. Besides getting knowledge, hobbies also provide us with a chance to meet people who share similar likes and dislikes with us.Whatever our hobbies are, they can be developed at any age. However, if we begin at a young age, we can get more time to experience the joys. 58 . do we take up hobbies?OutlineSupporting details59 . Hobbies are activities we do in our spare time and can make us happy.Hobbies are activities we do according to the 60 . we make.Advantages Connecting with the inner selfThe time 61 . on the hobby is our personal time when we can be free to do anything we like.Well feel satisfied and become more confident.62 . talentsWe can learn a lot by trying some activities that we show 63 . in. Well be able to find our 64 . talents.Getting knowledgeWhen pursuing a hobby, we should try our best to 65 . it well, and then we get a lot of knowledge.We are also be 66 . a chance to meet people who share similar likes and dislikes with us. Conclusion 67 . all hobbies can be developed at any age, yet its better to develop one when we are young.七、汉译英:整句句子翻译68 . 这部电影适合各个年龄段的人。_69 . 由于奥黛丽在这个领域的努力,她获得了许多奖。_70 . 赫本的美丽和魅力吸引了作家的注意。_71 . 我一贯主张喝白开水。_72 . 他写的那篇小说后来被改编成一部剧本。_八、材料作文73 . 去年2月28日,前中央台记者柴静向多家视频网站免费奉献了大型空气污染深度调查记录穹顶之下,该纪录片再度唤起了我们对环境问题的关注。你校学生会将在6月5日“世界环境日(World Environment Day)”举行关于 “环境保护”英语征文比赛,要求大家踊跃参加投稿。请你以“Environmental Protection” 为题,结合下列要点,完成一篇90字左右的文章。要点如下:1. 污染是目前世界上最严峻的问题之一。2. 污染对我们的生活产生了很大的影响,如:垃圾;空气。(省略处至少各举一例)3. 在一些西方国家,垃圾被分成了不同的类别,然后收集起来。4. 我国政府已采取措施来保护环境。鼓励人们节约水,减少污染等。5. 作为青少年,我们在日常生活中应该如何做? (至少补充两点)Environmental Protection第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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