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人教版七年级下学期期中考试英语卷(带解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Is thiscomputer ?Call Lucy324-675.Ayou; atByour; atChis; inDyour; in2 . Im free this evening. Shall we go out for a walk?Its a little cold. Wed better _.Why not _the TV series Ruyis Royal Love in the Palace(如懿传)?Anot go out, watchingBnot to go out, watchCnot go out, to watchDnot go out, watch3 . -does your sister go skateboarding?- Every day.AHow longBHow manyCHow muchDHow often4 . Sarah and June are both_ girls, and June is_ of the two.Afriendly; friendlierBfriendlier; friendlyCfriendly; the friendlierDthe friendly; friendlie5 . I think the best way _is taking part in(参加) outdoor activities.Ato relaxBrelaxingCrelaxedDrelaxes6 . Tony _ fruits. He eats an_ every day.Alike, pearBlikes, applesClikes, apple7 . Whatnice weather!Whatgood time we are having!Aa;aBa;/C/;aD/;/8 . do they kill elephants?They kill elephants their ivory.AWhat; onBWhat; forCWhy; onDWhy; for9 . Five bottles of water_for us. They are on the table.AisBareChas10 . Mr Brown is an editor. And he finds a _ job _ a teacher in our school.Apart-time;asBpart-time;forCfull-time;asDfull-time;for11 . (题文)The post office isthe parkAtoBonCbetweenDbehind12 . He became ill after swimming in the river _ its cold water.Abecause ofBbecauseCbyDwith13 . Do you know how toyour e-dog?Alook atBlook afterClook upDlook over14 . _ is your Maths teacher?The man _ a white shirtAWhat; wearsBWho; inCWhich man; wearsDWho; on15 . -Linda, have a good day. -AYou, tooBIm sorryCThat s rightDNot much二、完型填空The Earth is _ home. We must take care of it. We should keep the land, air and water _. But people on Earth have made a lot of pollution since they could first burn things _ a fire. They _ washed in the river and threw away rubbish on the ground. Many years ago, pollution was not so serious because there _ not so many people.There was enough clean air, land and water long time ago. _ the land or water was dirty in one place, people moved to another place. People now, however, are slowly _ the whole world and there is not enough clean air, land or water.Perhaps you are afraid _ is endless(无止境的) for people to make pollution. Luckily, we are glad to tell you that people begin to know the danger of pollution. _ more and more people are working hard to protect our Earth. We hope one day all the people in the world can enjoy _ in the clean environment.16 . AweBusCourDourselves17 . AcleanBcleanestCcleanerDcleaning18 . AmadeBmakingCmakeDto make19 . AalsoBtooCeitherDas well20 . AisBwereCareDwas21 . AWhatBWhereCWhyDWhen22 . ApollutingBpollutesCpollutedDpollute23 . A/BitCthisDthat24 . ABecauseBSoCButDWhy25 . AliveBlivedCto liveDliving三、阅读单选Recently, a three-part BBC documentary Are Our Kids Tough Enough? Chinese School has become a hot topic. The TV documentary followed five Chinese teachers who spent a month working with 50 teenagers, aged from 13 to 14 at Bohunt School in the southern English county of Hampshire. The Chinese teacher used Chinese ways to teach the students instead of British ways.The first part, broadcast on August 4th, showed the students performing morning exercises, taking part in a long-distance running race and learning how to do eye exercises during breaks.It was tough on the teachers, because they had to spend a great deal of energy and time keeping the noisy students quiet, and the leading teacher complained that the classroom was always “chaotic(混乱的)”. At the same time, many students complained that the teachers were too strict, the lessons were boring and they found it difficult to get used to the new ways.The TV documentary causes a debate(争论). Some people say that Chinese teachers are too strict and fail to engage students interest. In their opinion, Chinese teachers prefer spoon-feeding education that will help students pass exams, but it will be useless in the real world. However, supporters say that the Chinese education system can produce hard-working and polite students.26 . Which of the following things was NOT showed in the first part?AHaving breakfast with teachers.BTaking part in a long-distance running race.CPerforming morning exercises.DLearning how to do eye exercises during breaks.27 . Many students at Bohunt School said that the Chinese teachers were too _.AfriendlyBstrictCkindDpatient28 . What does the underlined word “engage” in the last paragraph mean?ATalk with.BKeep.CAttract.DTeach.29 . Whats the main idea of the passage?AChinese teachers are helpful.BChinese education system is better than the British one.CBritish students are very good.DThe debate about a BBC documentary.Peter always doesnt know the way. His friends often laugh at him. They say he needs a map to find the bathroom in his own house. In his eyes, every street has no difference, and he doesnt know which way to go. Sometimes he has to take a taxi home because he cant remember the way to his house.Peter watches a lot of films and reads a lot of books about animals. Each bird knows which way is south. Bats (蝙蝠) can fly at night and find their way with their ears. He feels embarrassed (困窘的) because all these animals have a good sense of direction. He tries to find his way with the help of stars in the sky. There is a star called the North Star, and he knows how to find it.Of course, Peters friends are still laughing at him, because he can only see the North Star outside when it is sunny at night. He cant tell the directions in the daytime or when he is inside or when it is cloudy.30 . Why Peter has to take a taxi home?Ahe is tired after shoppingBhe doesnt know the way homeChe likes taking the taxiDhis friends want him to do that31 . Bats find the way with their _.AearsBmouthsCnosesDeyes32 . How does Peter find his way in the evening?ABy reading a map.BBy asking others.CWith the help of stars in the sky.DWith the help of Bats.33 . What does the underlined phrase “sense of direction” mean in Chinese?A幽默感B责任感C幸福感D方向感34 . Why do Peters friends still laugh at him? cant still find his way in the daytime cant still find his way when he is inside cant still find his way when it is cloudy cant still find his way when he sees the North StarABCDEvery year the Greens go to the beach for a weeks vacation. There are many interesting things to do at the beach.The children play games on the sand. Sometimes they build sandcastles (沙堆小城堡). There are saltwater (咸水的) swimming pools. The children can swim safely in these pools and the water is always clean.There is an esplanade (海滨大道). This is a long road by the beach. There are many cafes (咖啡厅) and restaurants on the esplanade. There is also a park beside (在旁边) the beach. This is a place that many people like to go to.The Greens always stay at the same hotel. They usually have the same rooms. These rooms are at the front of the hotel. There is a goodviewof the sea from their windows. The children are a little sad when the vacation is over because they dont want to leave.35 . How often do the Greens go to the beach?AOnce a year.BOnce a week.CTwice a year.DEvery a half year.36 . Which place do many people like to go to?AThe hotel.BThe saltwater swimming pool.CThe esplanade.DThe park beside the beach.37 . Whats the meaning of the underlined word?A景色B观点C意见D观察38 . Why are the children a little sad when the vacation is over?ABecause their parents will go home.BBecause they should go to school after the vacation.CBecause they enjoy themselves so much that they dont want to leave.DBecause they cant come to the beach any more.39 . According to the story, which of the following is TRUE?AThe Greens stay in the rooms at the front of the hotel.BIf they want to see the sea, they must go to the beach.CThey wont go to the beach next year.DThere are no restaurants by the beach.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。40 . London is a_(rain) and foggy city in Britain.41 . There are some _ (child) playing in the park.42 . Its _ (snow) now.The ground will get white tomorrow.43 . The hats are made in three _ : small, medium and large.44 . _(luck), the train was late and we finally got on it.45 . You can find the bank _ (easy).46 . The weather is _ (cloud) today.47 . Tom likes China because Chinese people are _ (friend).48 . The boy and his father go _ (swim) every weekend.49 . There are two _ (hospital) in the neighborhood.50 . I can see some _ (mountain) in the photos.51 . What time do you brush_ (tooth)?52 . _ (Lily) family has a cat. Its very interesting.53 . Its a _ (funny) time for the radio show.54 . Look! Here are three _(bus).(题文)用所给词的正确形式填空。55 . (小题1)My uncle often works late because he has a lot of work_(do)56 . (小题2)After school he often_(go)shopping in the supermarket57 . (小题3)Does your sister like_(read)in her spare time(业余时间)?58 . (小题4)The children enjoy_(play)soccer after class59 . (小题5)_(thank)for helping me完成句子(7分)60 . 高老师对我们很友好,我们都很喜欢她。Miss Gao _ _ _ us, we all like her.61 . 在实验室和电脑室之间有一个图书馆。_ _ a library _ the lab _ the computer room.62 . 每年很多人死于交通事故。_ _ _ people _ their _ in traffic accidents every year.63 . 你必须照看好你的东西。You must _ _ your things.五、材料作文64 . 反思可以使每个人成长进步,为未来做好计划可以铸就成功。初中的生活即将结束,新的高中学习将要到来。请你用英语记录下一两件最让你感动或遗憾的事,同时为你将来的生活做一点设计,下列句型可以帮助你完成作文。Onething in my mind is.,I am happy that,It is a pity that I didnt ,I will要求:内容真实,要点齐全,行文连贯,字数80左右,作文的开头已给出。My life in Junior school will come to an end soon.第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、2、3、4、五、材料作文1、


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