人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语周测 unit 5

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人教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语周测 unit 5姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . I spent my summer holiday in Hong Kong. It was really a experience.AcolourfulBbeautifulCmeaningfulDuseful2 . Didnt they beat you last time? .But we lost by only 3 points.AYes,we didBNo,we didntCYes,they didDNo,they didnt3 . I dont know if he _here.If he _tomorrow,I will tell you.Awill come;comesBcomes; will comeCcomes;comesDwill come;will come4 . _ did you study English? By asking the teacher _ help.AHow; forBHow; inCWhat; forDWhat; to5 . Mike is my friend. I often help _ with his Chinese.AhimBheChisDhimself6 . The TV is too noisy. Could you please _ a little?Aturn up itBturn it upCturn down itDturn it down7 . Can you speak ChineseEnglish?I can speak English.AandBbutCsoDor8 . She often helps _ do homework.AIBheCmeDit9 . can we find your brother at weekends? On the football field。AWhenBWhichCWhy DWhere10 . Sorry, Im late._ the film_?Yes.It_ for half an hour.ADid; begin; has begunBDid; begin; has been onCHas; begun; has begunDHas; begun; has been on11 . I didnt go to the party not_the weather, but_I didnt feel well.Abecause of;becauseBbecause;because ofCbecause of;because of12 . (题文) Thank you _ your telephone number. Can I call you _ the number?Afor ; onBat ; atCat ; forDfor ; at13 . Is _ your backpack?- No, _ isnt. Its _ backpack.Athis, this, yourBthis , it, youCthat, it, hisDthat, that, her14 . (题文)How _ story books _ you have?Amuch,areBmuch,doesCmany,doDany,is15 . Can you spell it ?_AYes ,I can BYes,C-A-R ,car .CC-A-R,car二、完型填空My name is Dan. I have _brothers, Bob and Roy. We like hamburgers _lunch. Bob and I _carrots, _ Roy doesnt. I dont like _ for breakfast, but Bob and Roy_.For dinner,I _fruit. Bob _ vegetables. Roy likes _ for dinner. We really like chicken and salad for _.16 . AoneBtwoCthreeDfour17 . AinBonCatDfor18 . AplayBbringClikeDtake19 . AandBbutCtoDat20 . AeggsBvolleyballCpenDsports21 . AareBisCdoDdoes22 . AwatchBwatchesClikesDlike23 . AhaveBlikesCeatDdoes24 . AtomatoesBpencilsCsoccer ballsDpens25 . AsportsBdinnerCschoolDbirthday三、阅读单选Today, millions of people run in the United States. Many more women now take part in the sport. Many children in public and private schools run as a part of their physical education programs.Running has gained popularity for several reasons. You can do it anywhere, anytime. You do not need other people. You do not need much equipment. However, experts say you should wear a good pair of running shoes to protect your feet. The make of running shoes has become a huge industry.People run for different reasons. Many say running makes them feel better physically. It prevents them from gaining weight. It provides needed exercise to help prevent some diseases. Many people also say running makes them feel better mentally. It makes them feel happier. Some say they forget their worries when they run.Many people also run to help others. For example, Ed Burt of Hopedale ran in the Boston Marathon to help the American Liver Foundation. This deeply pleased his father, who was suffering from liver disease.Sports experts suggest that people should prepare themselves before trying to run in long races. They say special exercises and repeated runs are needed to build strength.Doctors also advise runners to make sure they are in good health before entering a running race. They say 42 kilometers is a long way to run as fast as you can, without stopping.26 . Why do many school children in the USA run?ABecause running is a national program for culture.BBecause they dont need to run with other people.CBecause running is a part of their physical education.DBecause they can get ready for the coming sports me eting.27 . Why is running becoming popular?ARunning is easy to do.BPeople can wear good shoes.CNo equipment is needed.DBusiness for sports develops fast.28 . Why does Ed Burt run?ATo forget his worries when running.BTo make money for his father.CTo help the American Liver Foundation.DTo keep away from liver disease.29 . What is doctors advice for runners?ARunners should be healthy enough.BSpecial exercises are needed after long races.CRunners can run as fast as they can.DStopping isnt allowed in a 42-kilometre race.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据汉语提示完成单词。30 . The students are doing a school _(调查)about their eating habbits.31 . The workers are making the products carefully to meet the _(标准)of the international.32 . He father was so angry that he broke the _(键盘)of his computer.33 . This page has the clear _(说明)of this kind of medicine.34 . The man did the same job as us but was paid _(双倍的).五、完成句子完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。35 . 虽然米勒先生七十五岁了,但他还在掌管着某些事情。Although Mr. Miller is 75, he _ still _ something.36 . 马克放弃了他的工作,开始写诗。Mark _ his work and started to write poetry.37 . 当食物吃光时,他开始吃树叶。When his food _, he began to eat leaves.38 . 令我们吃惊的是,这个小女孩独自住在这所房子里。_, the little girl lives alone in the house.39 . 为了挽救他的生命,医生截掉了他的双腿。To save his life, the doctor _ his legs.六、信息匹配40 . _ A small change in your daily routine can bring about noticeable improvements for the situation of sub-health(亚健康). The following are simple suggestions for students to fight sub-health. 5 to 7 am: This is the best time to get up. Getting up early and having a good breakfast is the easiest way to raise your energy and fight tiredness.41 . _ A study shows that drinking water before work and study improves cognitive(认知的) ability. Drinking two liters of water can circulate(使循环)the levels of oxygen and minerals in the body.42 . _ Take your eyes off the book or screen every two hours and look into the distance. The eyes can affect brain and heart functions if overused, which can lead to a risk of sudden death.43 . _ Working out for one hour every day is important for students to remain healthy. Taking part in group sports is also a good way to reduce pressure.44 . _ Reading paper-based books is good for improving concentration. A consistent amount of information allows you to memorize more efficiently. 10 pm to 11 pm: This is the suggested bedtime.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、完成句子1、六、信息匹配1、


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