2019-2020学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 5 Grammar 同步练习C卷

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2019-2020学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 5 Grammar 同步练习C卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit 5 Grammar 同步练习C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . - Where is Mike?- He to New York. He the airport at 5 in the morning.Ahas gone; has left forBhas been; has left forChas gone; left forDhas been; left for2 . -If you dont like the red T-shirt, take the blue one.-OK, but do you have _ size in blue? This one is a bit small for me.Aa bigBa biggerCthe bigDthe bigger3 . -Would you like some bread?- _. Im full.ANo, thanksBYes, pleaseCI dont like itDYes, I would4 . Yesterday I met Amy _ .Aon my way homeBin my way homeCon my way to homeDin my way to home5 . Which of the following is right?ADo you have sports regularly? BWhich skirt would you like to buy? CYes, youre right. DWhat a cute puppy! 二、完型填空Mrs. Wang lives in Nanjing now. She is 102 years old. People often ask her _ she can keep healthy in her life. Mrs. Wang says everyone can _ to 102 if he eats healthy food and does some_ every day.Mrs.Wang thinks, first of all,_ is very important. She often_ a glass of milk and two eggs for breakfast at about 8:00 a.m. Milk and eggs give her energy(能量). So she doesnt often feel _ in the morning. She never eats snacks(零食)_ she doesnt think they are healthy food. She only eats very_ meat, too. She usually has some rice and vegetables for _ and supper. And_ meals, she usually has an apple or a banana.Mrs. Wang does some _, too. She thinks she is still _ . She plays Taiji for half an hour every day. Sometimes she also dances _her friends in the parks or at _ “Do you want to be young forever(永远)? Im _ you can have a good lifestyle(生活方式)! ” Mrs. Wang says to us.6 . AwhatBwhenChow7 . AliveBgetCwant8 . AhouseworkBexerciseCshopping9 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupper10 . AeatsBcooksChas11 . AtiredBhappyCwell12 . AthatBwhereCbecause13 . AmuchBlittleCfew14 . AbreakfastBlunchCsupper15 . AfromBnearCbetween16 . AdanceBsportsCwork17 . AhappyByoungCbusy18 . AinBonCwith19 . ApartiesBnightCdinners20 . AdifficultBsureCsurprised三、阅读单选The coast redwood is the unchallenged tallest of North Americans trees. But do you know it grows from a seed (种子) that is smaller than a pea?Whats special about redwoods?Redwoods are special for a couple of reasons. The first is their size. Imagine standing next to a tree which is the height of a 30-floor building. The second is their age. Redwoods usually grows to about 600 years old. Some are even more than 2000 years old.Where do redwoods grow?To find a coast redwood, youll have to go to Oregon or California. The land along the west coast, about 450 miles long and up to 35 miles wide, is home to the redwoods. Coast redwoods do not grow anywhere else in the world.Why do redwoods grow there?The coast of the Pacific Ocean provides a special environment for the redwoods. Cool, wet air comes from the ocean and keeps the trees wet all year. That is important because most of the rain falls between October and May. During the dry summer months, the trees depend on the wet air over the coast.How do redwoods survive?Redwoods have a couple of protection systems(系统). The skin of an adult redwood tree can grow to as thick as 12 inches. The thick covering protects the lower part of the tree from fire damage. Also, most of a redwoods branches and leaves are high up on the tree. This keeps them safe from forest fires. Redwoods are safe from insect damage because the wood has a bitter-tasting chemical.What should I do?If you ever get a chance, visit a redwood forest. Look among the tree trunks and imagine who might have camped there a thousand years ago. Look upward and just imagine how high the trees might grow if we protect them.21 . To see a redwood tree, you should go to _.Athe west coast of North AmericaBthe coast of the Atlantic OceanCSouth American coastDanywhere in the world22 . What is important for redwoods to grow in dry seasons?ARain fall.BSea water.CWet air.DOcean life.23 . Redwoods are safe from forest fires because ofAtheir tasteBtheir chemicalCtheir systemsDtheir colors24 . If you want to know how big coast redwoods are, under which question should you look?AWhats special about redwoods?BWhere do redwoods grow?CWhy do redwoods grow there?DHow do redwoods survive?25 . What is the authors main purpose for writing this passage?ATo praise.BTo suggest.CTo introduce.DTo question.四、句型转换改写句子26 . Jack put books in the bookcase. (改一般疑问句)_?27 . There are some apples on the desk. (改为否定句)_28 . Tom is going to play basketball after dinner. (划线部分提问)_?29 . They arent students, are they?_. (不,她们是的。)30 . will them, with, my, and, cook, friends, meals, eat(连词成句)_.31 . 中文翻译:眼见为实。_五、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空32 . Tom _ (tell) me the whole story yesterday.33 . This book is _ (interest) and we all like it.34 . My door is always _ (open) to visitors.35 . Does your father _ (real) enjoy the trip to Beijing?36 . He looks so _ (fun) in the red cap.六、填空In modern society(社会) there is a great deal of argument about competition. Some value it highly, for they believe that it is helpful for social progress and richness. Others say that competition is bad, and that it sets one person against another and leads to unfriendliness between people. I have trained many children who held the belief(看法) that their self worth came from how well they performed at tennis and other skills. For them, playing well and winning are often life and death matters. Sadly, they forget to develop many other human qualities. However, while some seem to be lost in the strong wish to succeed, others think quite the opposite. In a culture which values only the winner and pays no attention to the ordinary(普通) players, they strongly blame competition, especially youngsters who have suffered under competitive pressures(压力) from their parents or society. Teaching these young people, I often find that they even choose to fail. They seem to choose failure by not trying to win or achieve success. By not trying, they always have an excuse, “I may have lost, but it doesnt matter because I really didnt try.” In fact, they are worried that if they had really tried and failed, the failure would mean that they were worth nothing. Clearly, this belief is the same as that of the true competitors who try to prove themselves. Both are based on the mistaken belief that ones self worth comes from how well one performs in comparison(比较) with others. Both are afraid of not being valued. We can only discover a new meaning in competition as such worries and fear begin to disappear.Title: Opinions about competitionMain argument Some believe that competition can push society37 . , while others think competition38 . unfriendliness between people. Childrens performances Some children39 . care about performing well and winning.Some children give up trying to prevent themselves from40 . .Reason behind They think one can prove his self worth only by performing better than others in competition. Writers41 . to children Understand the new meaning of competition.七、汉译英:单词/短语翻译下列短语42 . 倒霉_43 . 在新年里_44 . 在午夜_45 . 一年到头_46 . 在除夕_47 . 上网_48 . 下载音乐_49 . 压岁钱_50 . 看看_51 . 扫除_八、其他52 . 从II栏中找出与I栏相匹配的答语。(共10分,每小题2分)【小题1】_【小题2】_【小题3】_【小题4】_【小题5】_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、句型转换1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、填空1、七、汉译英:单词/短语1、八、其他1、

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