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2019-2020学年七年级(人教版)英语下册培优测试卷:Unit10测试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tina is very good at_ because she likes to read_ books very much.Atelling a story; storiesBtell stories; storyCtelling stories; storyDtell a story; stories2 . Would you like some _to eat? Just a little, please.AchickenBorangeCcarrotsDapples3 . - I got the last ticket to Jay Chous concert.- What a _guy you are !AlazyBluckyCseriousDfunny4 . _ the cards together _glue.AAdd toBPourintoCStickwithDConnectwith5 . What about a drink of tea?There is little time for a drink.ANo hurry.BWhy not?CWhy in a hurry?DHurry up!6 . There _ two football matches on TV if the rain_ tomorrow afternoon. Really? Thats great.Awill have; will stopBwill be; stopsCis going to be; stopsDare going to have; will stop7 . The children are making so much _. Please tell them to be quiet.AspaceBnoiseCfoodDtime8 . -Is everyone here today? -_.AYes, please.BNo, Jack isnt here.CYes, it is.DLets go.9 . All the government officers consider the _ as the first step towards peace. The next is to put it into practice.AdevelopmentBtreatmentCagreementDadvertisement10 . -Would you mind my sitting here? -_ . Its for my sister.AYoud better notBOf course notCCertainly notDNot at all11 . The car is too _. I cant buy it.AcheapBdearCniceDgood12 . _ do you go shopping? Once a week.AHow many timesBHow oftenCHow longDHow soon13 . Do you like eggs for breakfast?AaBtheC/Dan14 . _ our school, my dear friends. Let me show you around.Thank you.AWelcoming toBWelcome toCWelcome come to15 . Its very nice to have some teaSaturday afternoon.AinBonCatD/二、补全对话7选5Waiter: Good evening, sir. Welcome to our restaurant.Mr Black: Good evening. I booked a table for three this afternoon. Im Mr. Black.Waiter: OK. 16 . Waiter: Here is the menu. 17 . Mr Black: Yes. 18 . Lucy: Id like dumplings with seafood.Mr Black: What about you, Susan?Susan: Er, 19 . Waiter: Beijing Duck in our restaurant is very delicious. Would you like some?Mr Black: OK. And some vegetables, too. 20 . AMay I take your order?BThis way, please.CIs that all?DId like noodles with beef.EWhat would you like, dear?FId like a table by the window.GThats all.三、完型填空Im _ China now. I have many new _here. Theyre very_. I often have dinner _ them. Id like some_ for breakfast. Id like _ and some vegetables _ lunch. Id like noodles for supper. I often have _ after supper. Id like many _ of Chinese food, like Sichuan food, Shandong food and Fujian food. They are very delicious. Im very glad _ here.21 . AatBinConDof22 . Aa friendBfriendCfriendsDfriendly23 . AfriendsBfriendlyCfriendDis friendly24 . AandBforCwithDof25 . Aegg and milkBeggs and milksCeggs and milkDegg and milks26 . Atwo bowls of riceBtwo bowl for riceCtwo bowls of ricesDtwo bowls for rice27 . AofBforCinDon28 . Aa cup of teasBa cup of teaCa cups of teaDa cups of teas29 . Aa kindBkindCkindsDthe kind30 . Ato beBbeCcomeDgo四、阅读单选Johnny got up at five past seven this morning. His parents and his little twin sisters had gone traveling in France and he had to look after himself these days. He opened the fridge, but he found nothing in it. “Oh, my goodness!” said Johnny to himself. Then he remembered there was a nice restaurant across from the street and the food there was fresh and delicious. He walked across the street quickly and sat down at a table. The owner of the restaurant, Mr.Hunt, came up and said, “Can I take your order, Johnny?” “But you havent shown your menu to me, Mr.Hunt,” said the boy. “Oh, Im sorry! I forgot it. Here you are.” Johnny looked at the menu carefully. It was: Bread $1.3Hamburger $2.4Egg $0.6Sandwich $1.8Ice-cream $2.5Milk $1/cup Juice $0.5/cup Coffee $0.7/cupJohnny took out his wallet and found there was only 6.5 dollars in it. “Well,” said Mr.Hunt. “What about a hamburger, an egg, an icecream and a cup of milk?” “Oh, no!” said the boy. “Ill buy a picture book this afternoon. Its 1.5 dollars.” “I see,” said Mr.Hunt. And then he brought the boy a nice breakfast.31 . Johnny got up at _ today.A5:07 am.B6:05 am.C6:55 am.D7:05 am.32 . Johnny decided to eat out because _.Ahe didnt like to do any cookingBhe didnt find anything to eat at homeChe wanted to take a walk outsideDhe loved talking with people when eating33 . Which of the following was the cheapest food in Mr.Hunts restaurant?AAn egg.BA hamburger.CA sandwich.DAn icecream.34 . Johnny probably had _ for breakfast in the end.Aan egg, a piece of bread, an icecream and a cup of milkBa hamburger, an egg, an icecream and a cup of milkCa piece of bread, a hamburger, an egg and a cup of coffeeDtwo eggs, a sandwich, an icecream and a cup of juiceMy name is Tony, 13 years old from Los Angeles. I often eat my lunch at school. My mother is a nurse. She thinks most of the foods the students eat at school are healthy. The cooks(厨师) make different food and I can eat different things every day. I choose my favorite things. Today, I have some noodles, an apple, a cookie and a glass of milk. Milk isnt my favorite drink. Juice is my favorite, but they havent got any juice today. I always have a cookie. It isnt healthy food, but it is my favorite part of my school meal. Apples arent my favorite fruit, but they havent got any oranges. Sometimes I give my apple to my friend Sam. Sam gives me some chocolate for the apple.My mother makes sure I can eat a healthy dinner. She never gives me hamburgers, cola, candy, ice cream and too much meat. She thinks eating a lot of fruit, vegetables, some noodles, rice, fish, cheese and milk is good for me.35 . Tonys mother thinks Tonys school foods are _.AexpensiveBsweetCcoldDhealthy36 . What are Tonys favorite food and drink?AJuice and apples.BMilk and cookies.CMilk and oranges.DJuice and oranges.37 . How does Tony get chocolate?AHe buys chocolate at school.BHe gets chocolate from Sam.CHe takes chocolate to school.DHe gets chocolate from the cook.Welcome to the zooDay open : Fees :Monday to Friday Adults : $ 8. 0010:00 am6:00 pm Ages 814: $ 3. 00Saturday to Sunday Ages 1518 : $ 6. 008 :00 am8 :00 pm Under 8 : FreeTry our train ride for $ 2. 00 per person!根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填人题前括号内。38 . On Sunday the zoo opens at _A10:00 in the morningB8:00 in the momingC6:00 in the afternoonD8:00 in the aftemoon39 . The zoo opens _ .Atwice a dayBsix days a weekCevery dayDon sunny days40 . If you are 13, how much do you pay to go into the zoo?A3 dollars.B6 dollars.C8 dollars.DNo money.41 . Which of the following statements is true?AThose over 18 have to pay 17 dollars to go into the zoo.BYou can not take a train ride in the zoo for 2 dollars per person on weekdays.CChildren under 8 can go into the zoo at any time without paying anything.DThe zoo has longer business hours on Saturday and Sunday than on other days.42 . . If you are 13 and your brother is 7, how much do you pay for the train ride?A3 dollars.B4 dollars.C6 dollars.D7 dollars.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式。43 . He plans to go on a _(野餐)with classmates at the weekend.44 . There are lots of old things in the city _(博物馆).45 . Mr. Wu is my _(地理)teacher.46 . To play in the next World Cup is my _(梦想).47 . Now most people live in tall _(楼房), they dont live in small houses any more.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空。48 . France is one of the _(Europe)countries.49 . Everyone who visits Beijing hopes to watch the _(raise)of the national flag.50 . With the _(develop)of science,man can do what they couldnt do in the past.51 . _(luck),I won the first place in the table tennis match.52 . Im too tired to walk any _(far),so I have to stop to have a rest.七、完成句子根据所给提示将下列各句译成英语。53 . 科学家们正在努力工作来让这个梦想成真。Scientists are _ to make this dream _.54 . 你认为对宇航员来说什么是最不重要的?What do you think is_ for_?55 . 人类需要食物,水合空气来生存。_need food, water and air_.56 . 让机器人做所以家务真是太好了。It will be great to_ for us.57 . 火星重力只有地球重力的八分之三。The _ on Mars is only about_ of that on Earth.八、材料作文58 . 假如你叫Nick,你捡到了一串钥匙(a set of keys)。请写一则招领启事,你的联系电话是5203677。不少于三句话。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、材料作文1、


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