2020年秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou ll have a great time!D卷

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2020年秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou ll have a great time!D卷_第1页
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2020年秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10 If you go to the partyyou ll have a great time!D卷_第3页
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2020年秋人教版八年级英语上册Unit 10 If you go to the party,you ll have a great time!D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Not only I but also Jim _ to go to the dancing lessons at weekends.AwantBwantsClikeDare wanting2 . We fell in love Shanghai when we visited it for the first time.AforBinCatDwith3 . You had betterlies to your parents because it wont do good your communication.Anot tell, toBnot to tell, toCnot say, forDnot to say, for4 . Actions speak _ than words.AlouderBloudCloudly5 . -I was unaware of the mistake until you told me just now. Thank you very much.-In fact, youve done a good job.Adidnt realizeBdidnt understandCdidnt compare6 . Half the class_.Ais singBis singingCare singingDsings7 . May I have _to watch TV now, Mum? Go ahead. But you can watch it for only half an hour.ApermissionBexpressionCimpression8 . (题文)“重要的事情说三遍。”can be translated into Important things must be _ again and again.”AspokenBrepeatedCdescribedDintroduced9 . _ our surprise, she didnt pass the English exam.AInBWith CTo二、完型填空Summer is coming. Grade 9 students are going to goodbye to each other. Everyone must have _to say to their classmates at this moment. But where can they pull all their warm _?In the past, each student would buy a big beautiful notebook and ask their classmates _ in it. But things are a bit_ now.Grade 9 students use USB flash disk (软盘) _notebooks. Some students are not good at Chinese. They cant use sweet words to show _they love their friends. But with the USB flash disk they can write, draw or even make cartoons for each other.One of the students said, “I like USB flash disk because it _ less than fifty yuan. And there is a lot of _ for me to write in.”But some students still like notebooks better. They say words in computers are cold. It is bad for their eyes to use computers_. “Though a notebook may have less space, I still choose one. A notebook can keep my classmates handwriting which makes me_ of them.” said a boy.Which way will you choose to say goodbye to your classmates?10 . Aa lotBa lot ofCmanyDplenty of11 . ApresentsBbooksCwordsDschoolbags12 . Ato readBto writeCto singDto look13 . AsameBdifferentCinterestingDwonderful14 . AinsteadBbutChoweverDinstead of15 . AwhenBwhyChowDwhere16 . AcostsBpaysCtakesDspends17 . AroomsBpaperCcardsDspace18 . Atoo muchBmuch tooCtoo manyDmany too19 . AthoughtBthinkCthinkingDto think三、阅读单选Everyone likes gifts. Some little kids think they dont get enough gifts. Some old people think they get too many gifts. Different people like different kinds of gifes.Some presents are never too small. A litlke child may give his mother a leaf from a tree. It is enough to make her very happy.Gift giving is different in different countries.In JapanPeople sometimes give special gifts but they are not opened.The same gift may be given away to someone else.Many people have enough things and dont want too many gifts themeselves.In CanadaMany people will nol give big gifts to someone else.They will pay for a park beach or a tree to help remember a person.In the USASome peopke ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy ther gifts.In SwedenDing something for someome is the best gift. People dont need to spend too much money. Instead. Making a meal is enough.20 . People in different countries give _gifts.AdiffrentBsameCexpensive21 . In Japan, people sometimes give special gifts.but they are not _.AcloscdBopenedCbroken22 . In Canada, many people will pay for a park bench or a tree to help remenber a(n) _.AanimalBthingCpcrson23 . In _,some people give money to charityAChinaBthe USACCmada24 . In Swedetn. Making a _ as a gift is enough.AmealBpotato pieCtea四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。25 . They have _(取消) the sports meeting because of the storm.26 . The young _(女士) bought a red handbag in the shop just now.27 . Pu Cunxin,a famous actor,acted as an _(军官) in the play.28 . Finally these animals _(消失) because people cut down lots of trees.29 . Although it was a _(骗局),many people,especially young people,treated it seriously.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空30 . Among the three students, Jim drank _ (little) juice .31 . We can draw as _ ( better ) as Mary does .32 . It is _( good) to teach a man to fish than to give him fish .33 . He did _(well) in English than us.34 . Whose pen is _(long), Jims, Peters or Sams?35 . The number of students of my school _ (be) over 1000.六、信息归纳阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。Im Jame, from America. I cant sleep well and I always wake up several times during the night. I know for a fact that there are many other people who have trouble going sleep, too. So, Ive collected some advice. Ive received over the past few months that have not only helped me get to sleep faster, but helped me get better night sleeps.Have regular sleep habitsGo to bed at the same time every night. Try not to break this habit on weekends when you may be made to stay up late. Wake up at the same time every day. If you are getting enough sleep, you should wake up naturally without an alarm.Turn off your computerDont play on the computer for half an hour before you decided to sleep. Studies show that it is bad for the quality of your sleep. Read a book or listen to some light music to prepare your body for sleeping.Have a nice bedroomA clean environment helps people to be happy and relaxed. Make sure that you have turned off all lights that might come into your room, and that the temperature is comfortable.Exercise oftenExercising will help you to fall asleep more easily, so walk out for 45 minutes every day and you will sleep better at night. But dont do it just before you go to bed.Eat properlyEat only a little for supper. A full stomach may make it much harder for you to sleep.Advice on sleep wellHave regular sleep habitsGo to bed and wake up at the same time every day.Get 41.36 . sleep and youll wake up naturally.Turn off your computerTry to read a book or listen to light music 42.37 . you go to sleep.Have a nice bedroomKeep your bedroom clean. It will make you 43.38 . and relaxed.Turn off all lights that might come into the room.Exercise oftenGo out for a 44.39 . every day for sleeping better.Eat properlyIts much 45.40 . for you to fall asleep if you only eat a little for supper.七、书信作文41 . 书面表达假如你是李丽,你的好友玛丽来信向你讲述了她的烦恼。请你仔细阅读来信,向玛丽提出建议。Dear Li Li,Hows it going? I feel sad these days. Some of my classmates laugh at me because Im too heavy. I want to lose weight , but I cant make it even though I have tried many ways. I dont want to go to school anymore.Yours, Mary注意事项:1.可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2意思清楚,表达通顺,行文连贯,书写规范;3请勿在文中使用真实的姓名、校名及提示信息以外的地名。Dear Mary,Im glad to hear from you. I feel sorry about your problem. Id like to give you some advice.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、书信作文1、

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