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人教版初三年级二诊英语姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Tim, can you tell menow?-Harry Potter.Awhat you readBwhatare you readingCwhat did you readDwhat you are reading2 . I think only Jack can carry this heavy box. He is _ in our class.AstrongBstrongerCstrongestDthe strongest3 . . - What should we pay attention to when travelling in Southeast Asia?- Remember to use _ hands to pass things to someone else.AallBeachCeitherDboth4 . Today he came to school _ the school bus, not _ bike.Aby, byBon, onCby, onDon, by5 . Dont be angry _ me. Im kidding.AatBwithCforDabout6 . I cant remember when exactly she left _city. I only remember it was _SundayAthe ; aBthe ; theC ; aDthe ; 7 . Always believe that smile at the world, the world will smile back to you.AandBorCasDthough8 . Alex and his friends _ the evening party very well. It was a great success.AdiscussedBorganizedCmindedDshared9 . After class, I like to _ the trees and buildings for some time.Alook outBlook atClook out atDlook for10 . Why dont you go to the party?Because I _ my homework yet.Adidnt finishBdont finishChavent finished二、补全对话5选5补全对话A:Hello,Amy!B:Hello,Jack!A:11 . B:Not yet.12 . A:Its about a man named Robinson. It tells us how the man lived on a lonely island.B:Really?13 . Who is the writer?A:It was written by a British novelist named Daniel Defoe.B:Do you have the book?A:Yes.14 . B:Could you lend it to me?A:Sure.15 . B:No problem.AThat sounds interesting. BI bought it two months ago.CBut you must give it back to me on time.DHave you read the book RobinsonCrusoe?E. What is it about?三、补全短文6选5从方框中选择合适的句子还原到短文中,有一个多余选项。My name is Frank Green. 16 . My last name is Green. Im an English boy. My parents work in China. 17 . My parents are English teachers. I have a twin sister but I dont have a brother. My sister and I are in the same(相同的)school in Beijing.18 . We have a nice house. My room is big. But its not tidy. My books and clothes(衣服)are everywhereon the bed, on the sofa and under the chair. I cant find my watch now. The yellow one is my sisters. 19 . Oh, its under the dictionary. 20 . I always ask my sister and my parents.ABut we are not in the same class.BSo we are in Beijing now.C“Where are my things?”DMy first name is Frank.EThey are under the bed.FMine is black.四、完型填空What is a museum? A museum is a good place to keep _ and beautiful things. A museum may be a place for people to learn about science. A museum can be a place _ art of people or animals. What is inside a museum? Some museums _ old cars and airplanes. _ museums have pictures and statues(雕像). Others have rocks and old bones. One museum even has _ coal mine inside! Many cities have museums. Some very small _ have museums, _. Indianapolis(印第安纳波利斯) has a _ museum. Children do not have to pay to get in. Children often go to the museum. They like _ at the dinosaur bones. They see a white bear that is ten feet tall. On Saturdays children there can _ talks about animals and trees.21 . AuselessBoldCvaluelessDworthless22 . AatBinCaboutDto23 . AhasBhaveCthere isDthere are24 . AA bitBA littleCMuchDMany25 . AanyBanCaD/26 . AhomeBtownsCvillageDcountry27 . AtooBalsoCeitherDneither28 . AchildsBchildsCchildrensDchilds29 . AseeBto seeClookDto look30 . AlistenBto listenChearDto hearDo you like going to the movies? Most of the_in high schools like movies very much. Last Sunday I went to a school and asked some students_their favorite movies._of their answers were really interesting. Here are their likes and_:Jim, a_boy, likes watching thrillers because they are scary_exciting. His classmate, Kate, cant stand documentaries. She told me they were_parents. But she really likes comedies because they are funny. Jack is a big boy. He said he_mind documentaries. But he doesnt like comedies_they are boring! And the coolest movies are action movies. Everyone_them very much!31 . AteacherBstudentsCparentsDpeople32 . AaboutBofCatDfrom33 . AAnyBSomeCLotDMuch34 . AdislikeBdislikesChobbiesDenjoyments35 . A13-year-oldB13-years-oldC11 year-oldD11-years-old36 . AalsoBtooCbutDand37 . AforBwithCtoDof38 . AcantBdidntCdoesntDcouldnt39 . AsoBwhyCbecauseDbefore40 . AenjoyBenjoysCwatchDwatches五、阅读单选The following dogs are available for adoption from Pets with Disabilities(PWD). Please e-mail us for specific information if you want to adopt one.Name: ChesterAge: 8 years oldDisability: BlindChester has much more energy. He is very healthy and loves walks. He is very happy to be with people. He will follow you wherever you go and he is just as happy to be lying calmly at your feet. He gets along well with other dogs, but is very curious about cats. He will not hurt them, but is very interested in them.Name:SkyeAge: 2 years oldDisability: DeafSkye is amazing in how well she gets along with all other dogs. She is very confident. She is also good with cats. Skye can be a little shy when she is meeting new people in any new environment.Name: PierceAge: 5 years oldDisability: Club-footed(畸形足的) and shy Pierce, along with many other dogs, was held for 3 years. A wonderful group of volunteers were allowed into the shelter to help socialize the dogs. He is very shy and fearful, having never eaten out of a bowl, never climbed stairs, never climbed stairs, never slept on a sofa.Name: VinnieAge: 1 year oldDisability: Has 4 legs, but only uses 3 of them.Vinnie, a lovable little dog, will certainly melt your heart when you see him! He is very playful and keeps up with the rest of the dogs! His whole mouth smiles when you pet him! He is very cute.41 . Which of the following dogs can get on with a cat in your house?AChester and Pierce.BChester and Skye.CSkye and Pierce.DPierce and Vinnie.42 . It can be inferred that Pierce _.Ais blindBis deafCcant walk quite wellDcan walk on three legs43 . Which of the following best describes Vinnie?AEnergetic.BCurious.CShy.DNaughty.44 . From the text we know that Chester _.Aenjoys being together with peopleBis the oldest dog in PWDCcan neither see nor hear anythingDshows little interest in other dogs45 . Whats the purpose of the text?ATo introduce Pets with Disabilities.BTo adopt more disabled dogs from outside.CTo let people focus on disabled dogs.DTo call on people to adopt disabled dogs.(题文)One afternoon, I went to pick up my mother from work. I got there a little early, so I_my car by a small park, and_for her.As I looked outside the car window, I saw a little boy, around two years old, running_on the grass as his mother_from a short distance. The boy had a big smile on his face as if he had just been_free from some sort of prison. The boy would then fall to the grass,_up, without looking back at his mother, run as_as he could, again, still with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened .At that moment, I thought to myself, “Why arent most adults this way?” Most adults, when they fall down, make a big deal out of it and dont even_a second attempt. They would be so_that they would not try again if someone saw them fall. Or, because they fall, they would find a good_for themselves that theyre not fit for it. They would end up too afraid to attempt again for fear of failure.However, with kids, when they fall down, they dont consider their falling down as a failure, instead, they treat it as a_experience. They try again and again until they_The answer must be that they have not connected “falling down” with the word “failure”. As a_, they are not discouraged in any way. Besides, they_think to themselves that its quite okay to fall down and that its not wrong to do so. In other words, they allow themselves to make_, so they remain energetic.I was deeply impressed by the boys persistence (坚持不懈) and the manner in which he did.46 . (小题1)A. left B. stopped C. repaired47 . (小题2)A. waited B. cared C. prepared48 . (小题3)A. carefully B. anxiously C. freely49 . (小题4)A. watched B. noticed C. surveyed50 . (小题5)A. cut B. kept C. set51 . (小题6)A. hold B. get C. end52 . (小题7)A. well B. long C. fast53 . (小题8)A. make B. provide C. practice54 . (小题9)A. confused B. embarrassed C. excited55 . (小题10)A. cause B. sign C. excuse56 . (小题11)A. learning B. running C. teaching57 . (小题12)A. progress B. improve C. succeed58 . (小题13)A. decision B. result C. reason59 . (小题14)A. hardly B. perfectly C. probably60 . (小题15)A. mistakes B. choices C. plans六、阅读判断Hello, boys and girls! Im Joe.This is my school.There are 36 classrooms and 6 science labs.And there is a gym, a library and a dining hall in it.My classroom is near the library.The library is next to the art classroom.Across from the art classroom is the music classroom.My music teachers office is behind the music classroom.lts near the gym.l like my music teacher,Mrs White.Shes very fun(风趣).Shes from the United States.She plays the piano(钢琴) and dances very well.At noon, l often eat lunch with Mrs White in the dining hall.My favourite food is chicken and Mrs Whites favourite is salad(色拉).Well, the dining hall is in front of No.l science Lab.判断正误用“A”表示正确,“B”表示错误。61 . There are 6 classrooms in Joes school.62 . Joes classroom is near the library.63 . Mrs White can play the piano very well.64 . Mrs White often has lunch at home.65 . Joes music teachers office is front of the music classroom.七、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据所给汉语提示完成单词66 . The _ (人) cant be Mr.Liu;he has gone to Beijing.67 . We cant wait to know the _(结果) of the exam.68 . My sister has shown an _(兴趣) in learning English.69 . Could you tell me how to improve my English speaking _(技能)?70 . The little boy enjoys watching cartoons just for _(快乐).八、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使对话内容完整正确,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 5155 的相应位置上。scared wait visitors different kinds of live on(Wendy and Daniel are chatting in the playground after lunch.)Wendy: Hi, Daniel. How was your trip to Hongshan Forest Zoo?Daniel: Wonderful! There are71 . animals in the zoo.Wendy: Have you seen the pandas? They are the most popular animals in the zoo. Daniel: Yes. Pandas are cute. Every year, lots of72 . come to see them. Wendy: The newspaper says the zoo has two lovely koalas. Did you take photoswith them?Daniel: No, koalas are shy animals. The zoo keeper told us cameras might make them get73 . easily.Wendy: Why are there so few koalas in China? Are they difficult to keep? Daniel: Yes. They 74 . a special kind of tree leaves. This kind of trees arehard to grow in Nanjing.Wendy: Really? I simply cant 75 . to visit them in the zoo. Daniel: Remember not to take photos of them.Wendy: OK, I will.九、填写适当的单词补全对话补全对话根据对话内容,在空格上填入适当的话语,使对话完整。Peter: Hi, Bill. I want to watch TV tonight. Do you want to join?Bill: Sure. What do you want to watch?Peter:I want to watch a talk show. 76 . talk shows?Bill: I cant stand them. Usually they are a little 77 . .I feel sleepy(困倦的) when I watch them.Peter: Thats true. Do you want to just watch the news?Bill: The news? 78 . ?Peter: Because I hope79 . a reporter for CCTV one day.Bill: I believe your dream can80 . .十、填空A large numbers of emojis (表情符号) are sent online every day. Emojis are pictures used in texts and web pages. Since emojis were invented in the late 1990s, they have been used as a modern international languages.We like emojis for different reasons. A written message is always black and white, but emojis show meanings beautifully. Sometimes emojis also change the way we write. The more emojis we use, the fewer words we use.There are many emojis with different meanings. They are easy to understand. For example, a smiling face means “Im happy”. A cake with candles means “Happy birthday”. When we want to say “Goodbye”, we use a smiling face with a waving hand. When we are in a terrible situation but we have to laugh to cheer ourselves up, we can use a “cry laugh” emoji.Now emojis have great influence on us. Sometimes, emojis can be helpful to people from different countries in understanding each other. And when we are feeling exchange. Then the invention of emojis helps change the situation. For example, when we receive a smiling face from our friends online, we try to exchange our feelings by sending the same picture.It seems that emojis change as time goes by. However, we should be careful when we use them online.EmojisBrief introductionlEmojis are 81 . that we use in texts and web pages.lEmojis have been used as a82 . international languages.Reasons for their popularitylEmojis can show 83 . beautifully.lEmojis change the way we 84 . .Examples of emojislA smiling face means “Im happy.”lA cake with 85 . means “Happy birthday.”lA smiling face with waving hand means “Goodbye”.lA “cry-laugh” emoji means we want to86 . up.The 87 . of emojislEmojis can 88 . people from different countries to understand each other.lEmojis can allow us to exchange our89 . .ConclusionWe should be90 . when we use emojis.十一、材料作文91 . 书面表达下面是一封求职信。请你模仿该信内容另写一封教师职业的求职信。词数:5070。Dear Sir or Madam,I am a college student and I will graduate from a nursing college this June. Im looking for a job now. I hear your hospital needs nurses. Im very warm-hearted and Im good at looking after others. I wished to be a nurse when I was a child. I hope my dream will come true. If you think Im the right person to be a nurse in your hospital, please let me know. My telephone number is 13871002828.Many thanks!Mary_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、补全对话5选51、三、补全短文6选51、四、完型填空1、2、五、阅读单选1、2、六、阅读判断1、七、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、八、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、九、填写适当的单词补全对话1、十、填空1、十一、材料作文1、

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