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人教版2019年九年级英语寒假作业-作业十一(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . New Year is coming. Were _ having a great evening party.Me, too.Ahoping toBplanning toClooking forward toDexpecting to2 . The old men who gave away lots of money_ highly of at yesterdays meeting.AspokeBspokenCwas spokenDwere spoken3 . They _ many happy hours _ along the beach during the holiday.Aspend;walkingBspent;walkingCcost;walkingDgave;walking4 . I hope well study_home_computers in the future.Ain; withBat; onCat; withDin; on5 . Many students show their love for teachers _ giving cards and flowers on Teachers Day.AtoBbyCatDwith二、完型填空Marco Polo,an Italian trader ,was the most famous European to visit China in ancient China.He traveled on the Silk Roads with his father and uncle,_China around 1275.Polo had learned several Asian languages in his travels, and Kublai Khan(忽必烈)sent him to many Chinese cities on government missions,Polo_the Great Khan well for 17 years.In 1292,the Pols left China and made the long journey back to_.Later, during a war ,Polo was captured and_.In prison, he had time to tell the full story of his travels and_ .To his listeners, he spoke of Chinas amazing cities,its_wealth,and the strange things he had seen there.Here is his_of trade in Beijing:“More precious and costly goods are imported into Khan balik Beijingthan into any other city in the world.All the_that come from India are brought here”A fellow prisoner gathered Polos stories into a book.It was a great success in Europe,_most readers did not believe a word of it. They thought Polos description was a collection of all tales. It was clear to Marco Polo,however,that the country he had visited was _in the world.6 . A. arriving in B. hearing from C. returning to7 . A. served B. cared C. played8 . A. Germany B. Asia C. Italy9 . A. killed B. fooled C. imprisoned10 . A. advertisements B. adventures C. experiments11 . A. terrible B. fantastic C. common12 . A. postcard B. description C. decision13 . A. treasures B. clothes C. foods14 . A. and B. but C. so15 . A. the worst B. the poorest C. the greatest三、句型转换完成句子。根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。16 . My aunt likes watching TV plays.(改为否定句)My aunt _ watching TV plays.17 . Sara was late for school because of the heavy rain. (对划线部分提问)_Sara late for school?18 . Youd better go to different clubs. Dont stay in the classroom. (改为同义句)Youd better go to different clubs _ staying in the classroom.19 . 天冷了,请把外套穿上。(完成译句)Its getting cold. Please _ your coat.20 . 听到这个消息后,大家兴奋得睡不着觉。(完成译句)On hearing the news, everyone was _excited _fall asleep.第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、

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