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人教版九年级中考二模英语试题(不含听力材料)一、听短对话回答问题1 . AHe must see the dentist.BHe must give a speech.CHe has a meeting to attend.DHe must see the lions.2 . AHell wash the clothes by hand.BHell press the button.CHell use the washing machine.DHe wont wash the clothes.3 . ANo.130BNo.113CNo.1034 . How many times has Jack been to Hong Kong?ATwice.BMany times.CNever.5 . AJohn.BAliceCLinda.DPeter.6 . What will the man have to do next week?AHe will lend some money to the woman.BHe will borrow the money from the woman.CHe will give the money back to the woman.7 . When will Susan arrive?AAt 4:30.BAt 4:45.CAt 5:20.8 . Why does Kate often sing songs?ABecause it can make her excited.BBecause it can make her relaxed.CBecause it can make her look cool.二、单选题9 . 一 _do you visit your grandparents?Twice a year. They live in the countryside.AHow longBHow soonCHow often10 . He rarely complains about his life though he isnt rich enough. Which of the following is the correct pronunciation for the underlined part?A/:/B/C/e/D/11 . You cant spread some news on the Internet freelyyou are sure about it.AsinceBbeforeCwhenDunless12 . I suppose everyone will be interested in these after-school activities, _?Adont IBwont ICdont theyDwont they13 . The little boy is crying because his toy _ by someone a moment ago.Awas brokenBis brokenCbroke14 . I am making a model spaceship for our school. I will finish it soon.ApurposeBprojectCenvironmentDcourse15 . Do you know Lucys grandma? Of course. She is a kind woman, but she hasfor about a month since shein the accident.Abeen dead; was killedBdied; was killedCbeen dead; killedDdied; killed16 . Last summer vacation,the Greens went to the beach and enjoyed_.AhimBthemChimselfDthemselves17 . Peter is keen on _football and would like _a football player.Aplay.beingBto play.beCplaying.to beDplaying.be18 . Its cold outside.Remember_ your coatAput onBto put onCto put up19 . We cant have a picnic today_ it is still raining now.AbecauseBbutCandDso20 . Susan with her parents _ the yard when I saw her.Ais cleaningBare cleaningCwas cleaningDwere cleaning21 . - Will you be able to come to our school tomorrow?- _.AIm not sure so.BI dont think not.CIm afraid not.DI dont think that.22 . I will work in Beijing _ ten years.AatBforCafterDin23 . Look at the _ in the sky. Yeah, its very _ today.Acloudy; cloudsBclouds; cloudyCcloudy; cloudyDclouds; clouds24 . -Whose blouse is this? Is it Lilys?-It cant belong to _. _ isnt as big as this one.Ashe; HersBshe; HerCher; HersDhers; Her25 . People all over the world love sports. Some like football, some like bicycles, and _ like running.Athe otherBanotherCothersDother26 . -My package hasnt arrived yet. Whats taking so long?-You just placed your order last night. _AWatch out!BBe patient!CHow terrible!DShut up!27 . The bookJennys. There is her name on it.Amight beBcould beCcant beDmust be28 . The temple has been here for almost 100 years. It is one of _ buildings in this town.AoldBolderCthe olderDthe oldest三、完型填空I was bored last night. So I went to watch the film Treasure Island. Im not a _ of pirates(海盗),and I didnt watch many pirate movies. I think this movie is the best one I have seen.It took me to a world of pirates. Though they are pirates,_ they arent scary. Eddie Irzard _ the role of Long lohn Silver in the movie. I think he acted best. I have never thought much of him. As an actor before,but the movie certainly beat my mind. Toby Regbo,who played Jim Hawkins,performed very _,too. He told us that the real treasure to us was kindness,not the gold on the island. Other _ also did a good job.The movie was really a _. So Id like to _it to you. Im sure you will love it.29 . AfanBwriterCkid30 . AbutBifC不填31 . AstudiedBplayedCshowed32 . ArightBgoodCwell33 . AsingersBdoctorsCactors34 . AtroubleBsuccessCquestion35 . AintroduceBleadCreport四、阅读单选Lost: My cameraIt is white. I lost it in the morning in the park.My name is Jane Smith.My telephone number is 43359654.Lost: My schoolbagIt is blue. There is a watch, three books and a wallet in it.My name is Cindy Green.Email me at cindygreen126.com.Found: A footballI found a football on the playground this afternoon. Is it yours?Now it is in the lost and found box.HenryFound: A coatIs this coat yours? It is red. There is a picture of two ducks on it.Please call me at 69657743 or email me at kelly0790163.com.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案并在答题卡上按要求作答。36 . _ lost a camera.AJaneBCindyCHenry37 . What colour is Cindys schoolbag?AIts red.BIts yellow.CIts blue.38 . _ is / are in the lost and found box.AA watchBA footballCA red coat39 . Sarah lost a coat, and she can _.Acall 43359654Bemail cindygreen163.comCemail kelly0790126.com40 . Which of the following is TURE?AJanes family name is Green.BThere is a pencil in Cindys schoolbag.CWe know Janes telephone number.五、听录音补全句子Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成句子。每空格填一词)41 . The National Trust has made a list of “50 things to do _” for teenagers.42 . The things on the list are all _, such as climbing a tree, etc.43 . The things were all once common childhood pleasures and _ or nothing.44 . Many adults say their children spend less time _ than they did at their age.45 . The National Trust aims to encourage teenagers to get in touch with the _.六、听对话给句子排序Listen and choose the right picture (根据听到的内容,选出相应的图片)ABCDEFGH46 . _47 . _48 . _49 . _50 . _51 . _七、听句子或对话判断Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):52 . Shirley is Peters classmate.53 . Peter is from the U. S.54 . Peter asked Shirley to have dinner in the KFA55 . Shirley liked Chinese food very much.56 . Peter will teach Shirley how to cook Chinese dishes too.八、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。前六小题每空格限填一词。最后一小题注意句首大写)57 . The children read quite a few English magazines last year.(改为一般疑问句句)_the children _quite a few English magazines last year?58 . China International Import Expo is held in Shanghai once a year.(对划线部分提问)_is China International Import Expo held in Shanghai?59 . You can buy paints, glue and other things in the shop.(改为被动语态)Paints, glue and other things can _ in the shop.60 . The two men managed to escape from the prison at last .(保持句意基本不变)The two men _in _from the prison at last.61 . If he improves his IT skills, he will easily get a job here.(保持句意基本不变)He _get a job easily here _he improves his IT skills.62 . I have left the notebook in the library. Kitty said to me .(改为间接引语)Kitty told me that _left the notebook in the library.63 . to send messages, is popular, to people all over the world, it , to use online services(连词成句)_.九、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)64 . The students were surprised to see so many_windows in the flat. ( break )65 . _ speak English as well. (Canada)66 . Underground Line 1 is very_ , so I often take a bus to work. ( crowd )67 . My neighbour, Mark, is_and nobody likes to make friends with him. ( kind )68 . The blind can cross the road_with the help of dogs. (safe)69 . Whats his _? Can you tell me? Sorry, I dont know. (nation)十、用单词的正确形式完成短文用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 完成短文paint, hundred, sun, across, enjoyWelcome to this short tour of London from Trafalgar Square. Now we are standing 70 . from the National Gallery, a museum with a lot of famous 71 . . Well walk along the red street to Buckingham Palace, the Queens home. Turn left and go to Big Ben. Opposite Big Ben is the London Eye. It takes 135 metres above the River Thames. We can see most of London on a(n) 72 . day. The best way 73 . London is to take a boat tour along the River Thames. You can get off the boat at Tower Bridge. Next to it is the Tower of London, over nine 74 . years old. After visiting it, lets go back to the square to finish our trip.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。seecleanbuyhavevisitwatchgobesharktakeClass975 . agreattimeontheschooltrip.They76 . toBlueWaterAquariumfortheday.Firstthey77 . theVisitorsCenterandwatchedamovieabout78 . .Thenthey79 . adolphinshow.Afterthat,theywenttotheOutdoorPooland80 . abigoctopus(章鱼).Afterlunch,theywenttotheGiftShopand81 . lotsofgifts.Finally,tiredbuthappy,they82 . thebusbacktoschool.Attheendoftheday,thescienceteacher83 . veryhappybecausetheclassmonitor84 . thebusafterthetrip.十一、单词填空In Britain, the government, school leaders, teachers and parents all agree that students should wear uniforms. Almost all the British private schools have their o85 . school uniforms. They believe that its i86 . to wear school uniforms. School leaders usually decide if students will have to wear a uniform, and they a87 . decide what it will look like. You know, no students want to wear u88 . uniforms. Everybody wants to wear beautifully. Leaders have to follow the rules, and they c89 . just choose anything they like. They have to t90 . of the students feelings. Here are a few f91 . leaders should consider.Cost. This is the first fact they should consider. Their uniforms shouldnt be too e92 . .If so, it may cause problems for some families because not all the families can afford it. Sexism(性别歧视). The uniform policy must be equally fair(公平的) for boys and g93 . .Cultures and races. School rules must a94 . students from all backgrounds to wear a uniform, for example, allowing Muslim(穆斯林) girls to wear a proper dress and Sikh(印度锡克教徒) boys to wear a traditional headdress(头饰).十二、回答问题阅读下文并回答问题。On Monday, May 14th, Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633 took off from Chongqing and was headed to Lhasa. When it flew over Chengdu, the windshield cracked (风挡玻璃脱落) and blew out. Everything in the cockpit(驾驶舱) was flying in the air. Most of the equipment (设备) didnt work. Because of too much noise, Captain(机长) Liu Chuanjian couldnt hear the radio at all. Whats worse, the plane was shaking hard. He even couldnt read the gauges(操作台).Although there were many difficulties, Captain Liu managed to land in Chengdu safely in about 20 minutes finally. None of the 119 passengers on the flight were hurt in the accident.How did he make it in such a mess and danger? “More than 20 years of flying experience helps a lot.” Captain Liu said. “Besides, my flight team is really excellent. Without their help, I cant do that.” Later, one passenger described the accident in an interview as “too scary and too dangerous.” At the same time, he spoke highly of the flight team. They were well-trained and they tried their best to keep all the passengers safe.Now, Captain Liu is regarded as the superhero in many peoples eyes. But he said, “Im not a superhero. I just did what I should do.”95 . Did the plane land in Lhasa in the end on May 14th?_96 . How many passengers were there on the plane?_97 . Whats the reason for Captain Lius success in landing the plane?_98 . Do you want to be a superhero? Why or why not?_十三、书信作文99 . 书面表达下面是大明写给他的朋友Tom的信,信中描述了他的烦恼。DearTom,Myclassmate,Lucy,boughtanewpen.Ilikeditverymuch,soIuseditwithoutherpermission.Unluckily,Ibrokeit.ThenIputitbacksecretly.Nowshefindsoutthetruthandisveryangrywithme.Idontknowwhattodo.Canyouhelpme?Yours,Daming请你以Tom的身份,给他写一封80100词的回信,在信中指出他的问题并给他建议。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、听短对话回答问题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、听录音补全句子1、六、听对话给句子排序1、七、听句子或对话判断1、八、句型转换1、九、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、十、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、2、十一、单词填空1、十二、回答问题1、十三、书信作文1、


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