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人教版2020版九年级期中考试英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Excuse me, please look at the sign“No Smoking”.Sorry, I it.Adont noticeBam not noticingCdidnt noticeDwasnt noticing2 . Do you go to school by bus?No,I go to school by bike.The number of the students who ride bikes _increased in the past few months.AwasBhaveChas3 . (题文)Reading can make you become _ expert and change your life.AaBanC/Dthe4 . Excuse me, sir. When can we visit the museum?Not until itnext month.ArepairsBwill repairCis repairedDwill be repaired5 . Jack always finishes his work on time. We should learn from him.Thats right. He leaves it for tomorrow.AalwaysBneverCusually6 . - How are you, Allen? You dont look well. Im afraid I have _.Aa fluBan fluCthe fluDsome flu7 . Please _ the coat, its time to get up.Aput awayBput onCtake awayDtry on8 . _ good time the children had flying kites in the park last week!AWhatBWhat aCHowDHow a9 . Why _ most stars _ in the daytime? Because the sun is too bright.Acant; seeBcant; be seenCwerent; seeDwerent; seen10 . Mom, can I go to the concert with you? _ you are back home by 7:00 oclock tonight, we can go there together.AIn order thatBAs long asCThough二、完型填空In the east, the dragons live in the deepest sea, they have amazing powers. For example, they can make _with their tails. All koi(锦鲤)know of the Dragon Gate. It is the entrance to the dragons home._ a koi goes into the Dragon Gate, it will turn into a dragon. But only the _ try to enter because the gate is always blocked(阻碍)by dragons.One day, a small koi told his mom, I will enter the gate and be a dragon!Are you kidding, dear, youre too young to_ here, mom said.The little koi said. All dragons started as small koi. I know I can join _.The next day, the small koi set out. He had to travel around the small area of boiling water. The little koi was _, but he kept going. At last, he saw the shining dragon at the gate, he was really worried about_ to deal with it.I can do it. He_himself and then swam over.Stop! roared(咆哮)the golden dragon. I will soon be a dragon, too called the koi.Thats big_ for a little koi. The dragon called back, You are supposed to go home. Over and over, the small koi tried to get_. But the dragon blocked him. Although the little koi was tired, he wouldnt _. In the end, he stopped and came up with an idea. I thought dragons could_. called the koi. But I dont think you can.I can. shouted the dragon_. Just look!The dragon swung his tail and flew into the air. He made a circle and fell back down. Pleased, he did it again. Meanwhile, the small koi entered the Dragon Grate and became a real dragon. He was happy he faced his_to reach his dream. It_takes bravery to try something difficult. Yet, if you do not try, you may miss out lifes biggest joys.11 . AwavesBfacesCfriendsDchoices12 . AUnlessBIfCBecauseDAlthough13 . AsmartestByoungestCbravestDfriendliest14 . AleaveBstayChideDtravel15 . AitBthemChimDus16 . AscaredBupsetCproudDexcited17 . AwhatBhowCwhyDwhere18 . AenjoyedBtaughtCencouragedDsuggested19 . AnoiseBsoundCvoiceDtalk20 . AoutBinConDoff21 . Atake outBgive upCput offDthrow away22 . AsingBdanceCswimDfly23 . AquietlyBangrilyCsoftlyDnervously24 . AfearsBgoalsCaccidentsDjobs25 . AneverBalwaysCsometimesDhardly三、阅读单选A series of Chinese landscapes (风景) created by an AI (人工智能) robot, named Gemini, is shown in London.It was believed to be the first AI-made ink work. Ink Now Chairman Calvin Hui sees it as the start of the tech ink times.It took Victor Wong, the Hong Kong artist, around three years to build and program Gemini. He has been interested in traditional art since he was young. Few younger people nowadays care about ink, so I decided to bring technology and ink art together. says the artist, I want to tell them that ink painting is not that hard to do.Each landscape painting can take around 60 hours to finish. First, the robot artist creates his own landscape in his AI mind. Then hes traveling inside his mind and picking up an angle (角度) because its 3D. After that he uses an arm that puts the brush into ink and water before sweeping across Xuan paper to create Chinese Shuimo artwork.However, in some peoples opinion, whether robots can create ink art like human artists is not sure because the ink lines were too, straight while works created by human hands are better. Im open to all comments, he said, Im keeping an open mind as to whether machine-made art can be seen as art. But I hope it will bring an imagination to artists on how to mix technology while painting or creating.26 . The underlined word it in the first paragraph refers to _.AGeminiBthe ink workCChinese landscapeDAI27 . Victor Wong decided to bring technology and ink art together because _.AYounger people arent interested in inkByounger people know little of AI.Che wants to build GeminiDink painting is not hard28 . According to paragraph 4, Gemini works in the order of _.sweep across Xuan paperput the brush into ink and watercreate his landscapepick up an angleABCD29 . The underlined word comments means _.A想象B创造C进步D评论30 . The purpose (目的) of the passage is mainly to _.Ashow us Chinese Shuimo artBtell the story of Victor WongCintroduce AI ink artDmake Gemini more popularYou Cant Miss It!Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort sits in Sanxiang Town at the foot of Luosanmei Mountain in Zhongshan City. It is a popular place for families and friends in Zhuhai and Zhongshan to have fun during holidays. There are forty-eight hot spring pools and a 3000-square-meter swimming pool. That means you can enjoy both hot springs and cool water at the same time. If you bring kids, they can have fun in the Happy World for Children. Whats more, free fruit and drinks are offered. It is also interesting to try fish massage. You can simply lay your feet under water and the fish will come and clean them by eating dead skin. Most importantly, there is a special offer now. You cant miss it!Usual Prices:Adult: 198 yuanChild: 80 yuan (1.1m-1.5m)Child: free (under 1.1m)Special Offers: (From September 1st to December 31st ) One adult and one child (1.1 m-1.5 m ): 69 yuanNote: 50 RMB more during weekends and holidaysYou can book the tickets online. After the payment, you will receive a verification code(验证码) on your phone. Make sure you keep the code well and show it to the staff when you check in. For more information, please call 0760-86683888.31 . Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort is _.Ain Zhongshan TownBin Sanxiang CityCin Zhongshan CityDon Luosanmei Mountain32 . You cant enjoy_ at Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort.Acool waterBfish massageCfruit and drinksDcakes and candies33 . Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?AThere isnt a fun place for children.BPeople must bring drinks with them.CSpecial offers are different between weekdays and weekends.DPeople cant enjoy the good prices in November.34 . If Mr. Green and his 1.2 meter-tall son visit Zhongshan Hot Spring Resort next Sunday, they will pay _.A69 yuanB119 yuanC198 yuanD278 yuan35 . Which of the following orders is right?Receive a verification code on your phone. Book the tickets onlineShow your code to the staff.Check in at the resort.A BCDChildren laugh often and easily . But as we grow up , we laugh less and feel more stressed. Try laughing for no reason at all . Thats how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world , and doctors now think that having a good laugh may be one of the best ways to stay healthy. The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai ,India ,in June,1995 by Dr Madam Kataria. “ Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day , ”says Dr Kataria . “Everyones naturally good at laughing . We want people to feel happy with their lives .” There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 worldwide.Place: 264 North Main Street , East Longmeadow. Were in an office building near the entrance . Walk down the hall and were on the right .When : Every Sunday afternoon from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.Cost : Free. Donation will be welcomed.Ages : Adults from 18 to 75.Parking (停车):If youre facing the building ,the car park is on the right of the building .Teacher : Robert Rivest.More information ,go to http:/ www. robertrivest.com.If you want to feel like a kid again ,try our Laughter Club . You will get used to it in five minutes and begin to laugh for real in ten minutes and sometimes you just cant stop! Youll experience deeper pleasure in half an hour. Youll meet other people who want more fun and laughter. And you will feel so relaxed in about one hour !Come and join us for laughter and a fun social experience!36 . The text is a _ .AnoteBreportCstoryDposter37 . How soon will you start laughing in the Laughter Club ?AIn five minutes.BIn ten minutes.CIn half an hour.DIn about one hour.38 . The main purpose of Paragraph 1 is to _.Atell people where the first Laughter Club isBexplain how laugh makes people stay healthyCshow Laughter Clubs are popular in the worldDdescribe the reason why children laugh often and easily39 . Which of the following is true ?AWhen you go out of the Laughter Club ,you should turn left for the car park .BYou may stay in the Laughter Club for more than one hour.CChildren can go to the Laughter Club with their parents.DYou have to donate to join the Laughter Club .四、阅读判断French kids can be editors for a dayCan kids make their own newspapers? They do in Paris. Student editors at a French newspaper for kids called Mon Quotidien, do every day.The ten-year-old newspaper sometimes sells 200,000 copies every day. It gets more than one million dollars every year! This is much more than many other newspapers.How do they decide what to put in the paper? All the adult editors working on the childrens newspaper agree that the paper should be simple to read. Kids should be able to finish it within 10 minutes. The paper covers(报道) kids favorite subjects like school life, animals and science. It also talks about big world problems.In order to make the paper more popular with kids, adult editors invite students aged 10 to 15 to join them. They have meetings every Wednesday and Sunday. Adult editors, reporters and kids sit together and decide which topics should come out in the paper and on which page. Which topic should come out on the front page, world news or bears in the zoo? Often the kid editors and adult editors disagree. Sometimes, the adult editors have to give up because their little editors wont give in. Usually the student editors stay in the newspaper office for three hours at each meeting. Any kid in France can call the newspaper if they are interested in being a one-day editor.40 . The French newspaper Mon Quotidien has a history of 10 years.41 . The newspaper is for the kids to create and practice, not to earn any money.42 . The editors of the newspaper are all kids.43 . The children can finish reading the newspaper within 10 minutes because its simple.五、填写适当的句子补全对话五、补全对话通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容.(A:MrWuB:Sally)A:Hi,Sally44 . ?B:Notbad,MrWu45 . ?A:ImtranslatinganEnglishpassageintoChineseforLoudiAssociationofTranslatorsandinterpreters(娄底市翻译协会)B:OhIveneverheardofit46 . ?A:ItwassetuponMay30,2019B:Haveyoujoinedit?A:47 . IjoinedittwoweeksageB:Great!IalsowanttobeamemberofitwhenIgrowupWhatshouldIdo?A:48 . B:Thanksforyouradvice六、回答问题阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。As we all know, every country has its own special festival. In China, Qingming Festival, or Tomb-Sweeping Day, is a traditional festival. It usually falls on the 4th or 5th day in April. On that day, Chinese pay respects to their ancestors and the dead. People in different parts of the country enjoy different foods on the day because of local customs(风俗). Here are some traditional foods people eat on the special day. 1QingtuanQingtuan is widely eaten in Chinas Jiangnan Area-the southern part of the Yangtze River-around Qingming Festival. The seasonal food is usually made from glutinous rice(糯米) mixed with pounded mugwort-an eatable wild herb thought to prevent insect bites. 2SanziIn both northern and southern China, it is an age-old tradition to eat sanzi, or fried dough twists, on Tomb-Sweeping Day. However, sanzi in North and South China are different in size and material. Northern people prefer larger ones made from wheat, while people in the South enjoy smaller ones made from rice. 3 Thin PancakesThin pancakes are a popular food for people in Xiamen in Fujian Province on Tomb-Sweeping Day. To make it tastier, they usually add dried seaweed, omelet (! R), vegetables and chili sauce to the pancakes. 4Spring Onion and OmeletIn Qingdao in Shandong Province, people eat spring onion and omelet on the day. They believe a mix of the two helps improve eyesight and makes eyes brighter. In ancient times, pupils often sent eggs to their teachers to show respect on the day. 5 Steamed Rice with Leaf Mustard(盖菜)In many places in Fujian Province, people thought eating steamed rice with leaf mustard on Tomb-Sweeping Day could help prevent skin diseases for the whole year. Besides the above special foods in different places, people in Shanxi Province often eat a kind of steamed bun named after Jie Zitui. Therefore, Chinese love to eat different kinds of foods to celebrate different festivals. Maybe that is a common way for people all over the world to celebrate special festivals.49 . When is Tomb-Sweeping Day?50 . Where is Qingtuan widely eaten in China around Qingming Festival?51 . How are sanzi in North and South China different?52 . Why do people eat steamed rice with leaf mustard on Tomb-Sweeping Day?53 . What is the main idea of the passage?七、材料作文54 . 书面表达根据下面的表格内容写一篇文章。要求:80词左右。InventionsWhenWhoBe used forabacus in the sixth century Chinese people countingbicycle 1880speople in England travelingpotato chips1853George Crumeatingteaover three thousand years agothe Chinese Emperor Shen Nongdrinking八、其他写出下列所给单词相对应的大写或小写形式。55 . ABLE56 . bed57 . THANK58 . MORNING59 . mike第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、阅读判断1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、回答问题1、七、材料作文1、八、其他1、

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