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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期期中教学质量联合检测英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . They stopped in_beautiful place for camping,near_farmhouse of the Smiths.Aa; aBthe; anCa; the:Dthe; the2 . Compared with the earthquake in San Francisco of 1906, the one in Haiti of 2010 caused far_ injuries.AseriousBmore seriousCmost seriousDthe most serious3 . How many birds can you see in the trees? I can see _ birds.Ahundreds ofBfive hundredsChundred ofDfive hundreds of4 . -Tom! You missed _ “u” in _word “ unusual ” again!-Sorry, Miss Green.Athe, aBan, theCa, the5 . is the cost of the trip to Shanghai Wild Animal Zoo?Oh, a little . More than 200 yuan.AWhat; expensiveBWhat; highCHow much; highDHow much; expensive6 . Uncle Wang gave all his savings to the Hope School _ he himself was not rich.Abecause B. as if C. though D. or7 . _ you _ to Nanhu Park a week ago?Yes.We had a good time there.ADo;goBDid;goCDid;wentDDoes;go8 . Which can go, a racing bicycle or a mountain bicycle?AfastBfasterCfastestDthe fastest9 . The Changjiang River is _ in China.Aone of the long riversBlongest riverCone of long riverDone of the longest rivers10 . Everyone _ supposed _ a seat-belt (安全带)in the car to keep safe.Ais; wearingBis; to wearCare; wearingDare; to wear11 . Hello, Bob! This book is Lindas. Pleaseit to her.AbuyBseeCgiveDthanks12 . Can you _ anything strange? Yes. It _ like a whisper.Alisten; soundsBhear; listensChear; soundsDsounds; hears13 . (2017年贵州安顺)Why are you so happy, Mr. Wu?Because the movie yesterday evening was so _and it made me.Amoving; movingBmoving; movedCmoved; movingDmoved; moved14 . The doors of the palace _ gold. Theyre shining in the sun.Amade ofBare made inCmade fromDare made of15 . We usually watch the basketball game _ TV and enjoy _ very much.Aon; oneselfBby; oneselfCon; ourselvesDby; ourselves二、完型填空Her small hand seemed lost in Grandmas as they walked along the road leading back home.“Shall we rest for a _? Its too hot!” the young girl said. “Lets _ over there under the tree.” Grandma said. Resting under the tree, they _ a butterfly nearby. “Do butterflies feel hot?” she asked.Grandma thought for a while and said. “I think they keep very _.”“I wish I were a butterfly,” the child said. Then she began to flap(拍动) her _. “But that takes a lot of work!”“You wish for a lot of things, child,” Grandma said.“Yes, I do,” she said, putting down her arms. “I wish I had _ I wanted.”“Do you get all you wish for all the time?” Grandma asked.“No, I wish for a lot _ nothing happens,” she said. “How I wish that Johnny Jeffries would stay at home yesterday morning!” “What happened to him?” Grandma asked.“Ah, his grandma died after he left home _ school.” She stopped suddenly and _ her grandma when her eyes were _with tears.“Grandma,” she tried to finish. “I wish that you would never .” Grandma held her. She never said a word _ the young girl stopped. Then Grandma said with a beautiful smile, “Dear, sometimes in our life _ dont come true, but it doesnt mean life isnt wonderful. If you want something, work for it and wish for it.”“Then _ do I work to keep you around forever?” the young child asked.“Keep loving me, and dont waste time wishing.” They hugged(拥抱) _ again and continued on the road towards home.Life is a _ that always leads home. Love it and work for it.16 . AweekBmonthCwhileDday17 . AlieBsitCsleepDwait18 . AnoticedBheardCsmeltDfelt19 . AhotBcoldCcoolDwarm20 . AlegsBfeetChandsDarms21 . AeverythingBeveryoneCsomethingDsomeone22 . AandBbutCsoDor23 . AatBforCtoDnear24 . Alooked forBlooked afterClooked overDlooked at25 . AangryBsadCfilledDfull26 . AuntilBafterCwhenDbecause27 . AwordsBdreamsCwishesDlives28 . AwhatBwhenCwhereDhow29 . Athe otherBeach otherCthe othersDeach one30 . AroadBtoolCriverDbusMy name is Brad. Im_Sichuan. Im a(n)_monkey and I am only one year old. I like eating_and bananas are my favorites. I like forests(森林),but now I live in a_I am in a big cage(笼子)_other monkeys. People like me and often give me some fruit to eat_Im not really happy_? Because I cant live with my parents and I cant climb trees(爬树) here. Every day, I get up in the cage. I eat food in the cage. I_and relax in the cage. I really want to_my parents and climb trees in the forests. Dear people, animals are your_We live in the same world. Please let us live in the forests, not in the cages.31 . AforBatCwithDfrom32 . AbigBlongClittleDold33 . AmeatBfruitCgrassDleaves34 . AzooBforestCtreeDschool35 . AwithBinCaboutDat36 . AAndBOrCSoDBut37 . AWhatBWhyCWhereDWhen38 . AsleepBtake a showerCwatch TVDlisten to music39 . AlikeBaskCmeetDeat40 . AfriendsBteachersCsistersDcousins三、阅读单选Everyone worries. But how do you deal with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can take these steps to deal with your worries.Try to find out what you are worry about.Sometimes, you will know what youre worried about. Other times, you might not. Try to find it out. If you cant, you can ask for help.Think of ways to make it better.There is always something you can do to help you feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it wont solve your problem.Grades at school are often a top worry for kids. If you are worried about grades, ask yourself these questions:Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?(A)How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isnt a test?(B)Do I have a good place to do my homework?(C)Have I tried different ways of studying?If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could dowrite a note to her or him, invite her or him to a basketball game, say sorry to her or him, etc. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.Ask for help.When you are worried, it can help to find someone to talk to. You can ask your parents, friends or teachers for help.41 . How many steps are mentioned to deal with your worries in the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DSeven.42 . If youre worried about your grades, you can ask yourself these questions EXCEPT “_”.AWhy are grades important?BWhat do grades mean to me?CHow do I get ready for class?DWhy dont my friends like me?43 . According to the passage, what will you do if you have a fight with your friend?AMake a new friend.BDont talk to her or him anymore.CHave another fight with her or him.DInvite her or him to a basketball game.44 . The passage mainly tells us _ .Awho is often worriedBwhen people are worriedChow to deal with our worriesDwhat kind of worries people haveWhat would the world be like if cars could drive themselves? Imagine seeing an empty car passing by on its way to pick up its owner, or a car full of passengers who are reading, listening to music or even sleeping. But none of them are worried about the road ahead.Well, all of this could be the future of driving. There are several companies, including Google, working on driverless (无人驾驶) cars. These cars are now in testing (测试). If the tests are successful, these self-driving cars can be used very soon. But how is it possible for a car to drive itself?Some cars already have many features (特点) allowing them to take the place of drivers during certain situations. Some features include cars being able to park themselves, or slow down when they discover objects close by. They can also control the speed (速度) if there are dangerous conditions, such as snow or wet roads.Other features have also changed the way drivers deal with some situations. Scientists believe, with the help of wireless signals (无线信号), cameras and GPS, making a safe self-driving car can be possible. The cause of serious road accidents is usually careless driving or dangerous conditions. The self-driving car may be able to prevent (阻止) these. However, some people do not like the idea. American lawyer White Drake, for example, doesnt believe these cars are safe. He thinks that technology can also make mistakes.45 . Driverless cars _.Acost more than normal carBmake the road saferCcant control the speedDare still in testing46 . From the passage, we know some cars already have the ability (能力) to _.Apark themselvesBpick up their ownersCprevent all the dangerous situationsDrefuse careless drivers47 . According to scientists, safe driverless cars can work well with the help of _.AAmerican lawyersBexcellent driversCwireless signals, cameras and GPSDscientists and passengers48 . Whats the passage mainly talked about?AThe successful tests of driverless cars.BDriverless cars will take the place of normal cars soon.CTo introduce the advantages (优点) and disadvantages (缺点) of driverless cars.DThe future of driverless cars.Do you know eBay? You can go to www.ebaycom. It is a shopping website where we can sell our own(自己的) things around the world. We sell new or old books, music or clothes, and so on.But there are some strange things for sale on eBay, too. For example, one man is selling his time.A woman is selling her teeth(牙齿). A man in the UK is trying to sell his mother- in- law(丈母娘).Tony is a father of three. His mother-in-law, Mary has been in the USA for 20 years. This September, she came to the UK Now his mother-in-law lives with Tony and his family.My mother-in-law comes to my room every day, says Tony, And she always complains (抱怨)! She says my room is untidy and I dont play sports. She complains my watching TV, too. Sonow Tony is trying to sell Mary on eBay. He puts her photo on the website and he wants only I dollar for her.“Do you really want to sell your mother-in law?” someone asks.“Oh, yes!” Tony says, “I want my mother-in-law not to be here. I want her out of the UK. ButI only sell her to someone from the USA.” he says And what does Mary think? “Im not happy. Hes selling me for only 1 dollar? Thats too cheap!”49 . What does the word strange mean in Paragraph 1?A廉价的B创意的C奇怪的50 . Tony wants to sell his mother-in-law to _.Athe USABthe UKCChina51 . Tony wants to sell his mother-in-law because _.Aher room is not tidyBshe always complains about TomCshe likes watching TV in his room every dayHave you felt nervous when a mobile phone rings during the class? Something must be done to stop this. Now in New York City, USA, a rule is carried out in schools. Students cant even bring mobile phones to school. Is it a good thing or not?Worried parents say that mobile phones are an important tool in holding New York citys families together. “I worry about it,” said Elizabeth Lorris Ritter, a mother of a middle school kid, “Its necessary in our everyday life. We have a washing machine. We have running water, and we have mobile phones.” Many American parents think mobile phones connect them to their children on buses, getting out from undergrounds, walking through strange places. “I have her call me when she gets out of school,” said Lindsay Walt, a schoolgirls mother. “No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a mobile phone.”What about the mobile phone owners, the students? Most of the students say mobile phones are necessary and the mobile phone is like an extra hand or foot for them. “I feel so empty,” said May Chom, 14. “There is also no way to listen to music on the way to school without my phone. It will be a really, really boring trip.”52 . Students often use a mobile phone _ according to the passage.Ato enjoy listening to musicBto make phone calls to their teachersCto work as running waterDto work as a washing machine53 . Which of the following statements is TRUE ?AMobile phones can help students learn better.BMobile phones only bring troubles to the school life.CMobile phones connect children with their families when they are outside.DMany American parents dont think mobile phones are necessary for the students.54 . The article is about the _ in carrying out the rule not to use a mobile phone in school.AhappinessBinterestCproblemDexpense(费用)四、句型转换按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。55 . I have a good time talking with some old friends.(改为同义句)I_ talking with some old friends.56 . They are shopping in the supermarket.Theyre having fun.(合并为一句)Theyre having fun _ in the supermarket.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据中文提示或首字母提示写出句中所缺单词。57 . Mr. Wu _(邀请) me to join their school trip to the World Park yesterday.58 . We became very _(兴奋) when we saw the Eiffel Tower from the coach.59 . Do you know the _(主要的) idea of the article?60 . There are many places of i_ in Nanjing.61 . The p_ of the USA lives in the White House.六、材料作文62 . 书面表达根据你自己的情况完成下面表格, 并用英语写一篇短文介绍自己, 不少于7句话。Name: _ English name: _Age: _ From: _School: _Tel: _第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、2、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、材料作文1、

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