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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Some whales are very friendly_ us. Why not call on more people to protect them from killing?AforBwithCtoDby2 . Jill is not so smart _ her sister, but she is hard-working.AasBtoCthan3 . (2017年黑龙江齐齐哈尔)The light is on. When you leave, please _.OK, I wont forget _it.Aturn it off; to doBturn off it ; doingCturn on it; to do4 . Could you please _ the radio a bit? Its too loud.Aturn upBturn downCturn off5 . - Thanks for giving me_ on how to improve my English.- You are welcome.Asuch much adviceBso many useful adviceCso useful adviceDsuch useful advice6 . The team will movea speed of 15 kilometers per hour, and have a short break every 2 hours. During the break they will tell stories_ English.Awith ; byBat ; withCin ; atDat ; in7 . Mike _ TV when his mother came back home yesterday.AwatchedBis watchingCwas watchingDhas watched8 . -Alan, you always listen _ the Geography teacher carefully in class. Can you tell me some interesting facts about the Sun?- Yes. If the Sun were hollow(中空的), we could put about one million Earths _ it.Aof, intoBfor, upCin, outDto, into9 . Its sunny outside. Lets_for a walk.Ato goBgoingCgoDgoes10 . There are _ students in this middle school. And two _ are girls.Ahundred; hundredsBhundreds of; hundredsChundred of; hundredDhundreds of; hundred11 . Its unusual for him to be so active because he is often a boy of words.AfewBlittleCmanyDmuch12 . Whats on the desk?There _ a pen, a book and two keys.AisBareChasDhave13 . Do you have any plans for your winter vacation? Yes. I am _ for Paris next month.AlivingBwatchingCthinkingDleaving14 . The question is very difficult for me.I think I need _time to finish it.Thats all right.AmanyBmany ofClots ofDa lot15 . I have_, so I often eat chocolate,sugar and so on.Asweet toothBa sweet toothCsweet teethDa sweet teeth16 . How much honey do we need to pour into the hot tea?_. I dont want it to be too sweet.AA littleBA fewCA lot17 . Is _ necessary that we train _ before the show?Ait; usBthat; usCit; ourselvesDthat; ourselves18 . The new student is _ shy.Aa little bitBlittleCa bit ofDbit19 . If ittomorrow well go shopping.Adoesnt rainBwont rainCnot rain.Disnt raining.20 . -You dont like English, do you?-_.I think it is interesting.AYes,I dontBNo, I dontCYes, I doDNo,I do21 . Alice _ to see his aunt if she _free tomorrow.Awill come; will beBcome ; isCwill come ;isDcomes ;will be22 . My cousin made me _ down the radio just now.AturnedBturnCwas turningDto turn23 . In the past three years, Ive learned a lot _ my teachers help.AbyBwithCinDunder24 . Mr.Zhu is not here. Where _ he _?Adid; goBdoes; goesCdoes; goDwill go25 . Do you want to keep goldfish?No, they are _ difficult for me_ take care of.Aso; thatBnot; enough toCtoo; toDsuch; that26 . All the ingredients are in the bowl. Please mix.Ait upBup themCthem up27 . He said that light _much faster than sound.Ahas travelledBwentCtravelsDtravelled28 . “I _ as everyone expects ”, Yao Ming said .Ahavent playedBhavent been playingCdidnt playDam not playing29 . He made the birthday cake for me _ person.AinBatCbyDon30 . Do you know _? Next month.Awhen did our new teacher come hereBwhen will our new teacher come hereCwhen our new teacher to come hereDwhen our new teacher will come here二、补全对话6选5Alice: Hi, Frank! Are you free on Saturday?Frank: Yes. 31 . Alice: I heard a baby panda was born in the zoo. Lets go and have a look. Frank: Oh, I have been there twice. I think youd better learn something about pandas before you go to the zoo. Alice: I know a little. 32 . There are about 2, 000 pandas living in the forests. Frank: Thats true. They are endangered now. Alice: Why? Is it because they dont have babies very often?Frank:33 . Another main reason is that humans cut down lots of bamboo forests, and pandas dont have enough food to eat. Alice: What a pity!34 . Frank: We can make some posters to tell people the importance of saving pandas. Alice: I will take some photos of the pandas first when I visit the zoo. Frank:35 . Have a good time!Alice: Thank you. 从方框中选择正确选项. (方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)、ADont forget to show me the photos when you come back. BAn adult panda has only one baby every two years. CWhat can we do to help them?DThis is one of the reasons. EIs it very cute?FWhats up?三、完型填空Sarah Winchester lived in California. She was a very_woman. She didnt buy many jewels(珠宝)or_clothes._, she spent millions in_was that it seemed never finished. The work on the house went on for_because Sarah was afraid to_building it.Sarahs house was near San Jose. Every day, a lot of_arrived there to work for her. Sarah wanted more rooms and more doors and more windows,_the workers kept on building them. The house was seven floors high and had 160 rooms. There were 200 doors and 1,_There were also three lifts, nine kitchens, and 47 fireplaces.Why did Sarah want a house that kept getting_? It was because Sarah was afraid of_She thought she would die when the house was finished, so she didnt want her house to be finished.Sarah Winchesters_seemed to have worked_she lived to be 83 years old. But_, her house was finished.36 . ApoorBrichCusefulDbrave37 . AcheapBexpensiveCsimpleDold38 . AStillBUsuallyCInsteadDEven39 . AbuildingBbuyingCsellingDsetting40 . AdoorBwindowCkitchenDhouse41 . AyearsBmonthsCweeksDdays42 . AkeepBenjoyCstopDhelp43 . AdriversBworkersCfarmersDvisitors44 . AbutBuntilCsinceDso45 . AfloorsBkitchensCwindowsDrooms46 . AbiggerBsmallerCstrongerDcleaner47 . AworkingBdying ClivingDgrowing48 . AageBfamilyCplanDhusband49 . AorBbecauseCneitherDnor50 . AhardlyBusefullyCcarefullyDfinally四、阅读单选My name is Sally. I am 13 years old. I go to Green City Middle School. My favorite subject is music. I dont like science because its boring. I do homework at 5:00 and I always finish it in an hour. My favorite teacher is Mr. Black.Hi, there. Im Joy. l m I2 and my birthday is November 2d. Ms. Miller is my favorite teacher. She teaches math. I like math and music class. I can play the piano, but 1 cant sing very well. I dont like science. Its so difficult.My name is Jackie. Im 11 years old. I eat breakfast at 6oclock and goto school at 7oclock. I like science. I like P.E., too. I can play basketball and ping-pong. I think they are interesting.My name is He Ling. What do I do every day? I have my breakfast at7:00 and go to school at 7:30. I have eight classes every day from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m. And I go home at 5:00. I do homework inthe evening, I hate science because its boring, but I like history.51 . When does Sally finish her homework?AAt 5:00.BAt 6:00.CAt 7:00.DAt 8:00.52 . Who is Joys favorite teacher?AMr. Black.BMr. Miller.CThe science teacher.DThe math teacher.53 . What does He Ling do in the evening?AShe goes to the classes.BShe plays sportsCShe plays the piano.DShe does her homework.54 . Some students dont like science. Who are they?ASally and Jackie.BJoy and He Ling.CHe Ling and JackieDJoy, Sally and He Ling.55 . Why dont they like science?ABecause it has too much homework.BBecause they dont like the science teacher.CBecause its too difficult and boring.DBecause its too dangerous to have science classesWhen Kyle walks into Ernies Pet World, he looks veryanxious. The shop owner, Ernie, jumps out of his seat to greet Kyle. He is the shops first customer(顾客)of the day.“Good morning, sir!” Ernie says, “What can I help you with?”“Well, I. “Kyle starts to say.“Wait, dont tell me,” Ernie stops him, “Youre looking for a.a little dog. for your daughters birthday. Right?”“Not really, I just ”Ernie doesnt let him finish. “Ah, Ive got it. You just moved to a new office, and you want some fish for it, I have some very nice fish bowls over here.”“In fact, I.”Kyle starts to look verynervousand strange(奇怪的).“No fish? Ah, a cat! You look like a cat person. At Ernies Pet World, we have the best cats. Take a look at this lovely one with long, white hair. Shes looking at you. Shes thinking, Take me home. Take me home. Would you like some cat food and toys, too?”“No, thank you,” Kyle says. By this time, he is walking up and down. He has a terrible look on his face. “Really, Im not interested in cats or fish or little dogs.”“What do you want, then?” Ernie asks.Kyle looks like he is going to cry. “I just want to know if I can use your toilet!” he says at last.56 . When does Kyle walk into Ernies Pet World?AIn the morning.BIn the afternoon.CAt lunch time.DIn the evening.57 . Which is TRUE about Ernies Pet World?AIt has many workers.BKyle goes there often.CIt sells school things.DErnie is the owner of the shop.58 . Kyle went into the Ernies Pet World to _.Abuy a little dogBtake fish homeCmeet the shop ownerDlook for a toilet59 . What does the underlined word anxious mean in Chinese?A焦急的B兴奋的C生气的D失望60 . What is the best title of the story?AKyle and ErnieBPet or ToiletCA Pet LoverDA Busy Pet ShopWhen a cake is brought to the table at a birthday party, it is usually decorated with candles. It is said that the tradition of lighting birthday candles was invented by the ancient Greeks; it has taken on different meanings through the years. Today, one of the most popular birthday traditions is to blow out the candles all at once to make a secret wish come true.In order to please Artemis, the goddess of the moon, the ancient Greeks arranged something special for birthdays. A moon-shaped cake was baked and decorated with lit candles. They thought the smoke from the candles would carry an offering(祭品) up into the sky, where they believed Artemis lived.The tradition of lighting birthday candles continued in Europe, where candles were sometimes kept burning all day on a persons birthday, partly as celebration and partly to keep away evil spirits. It was believed that the blowing out of candles represented ones prayers(祈祷) to the gods. Some cultures believe it is a bad luck to blow out the candles until after the evening meal is eaten.Traditionally, one candle represents a year of the persons age. Some families prefer to add an extra candle for good luck. But that practice is improper when a very young child is celebrating a third birthday. Generally, older peoples birthdays are celebrated by placing just a few candles to represent, such as an eight for 80th birthday.Todays birthday candles are made in different shapes, like animals or flowers. One or two candles in the shape of numbers are sometimes used instead of lots of candles; for example, a four-shaped and a zero-shaped candle would represent 40.61 . Why did the ancient Greeks arrange something special for birthdays?ATo make their dreams come true.BTo celebrate a persons birthday.CTo protect themselves from evil spirits.DTo please the goddess of the moon.62 . What is the tradition of lighting candles for birthdays like in Europe?AThe candles were always kept burning all day on a persons birthday.BThe blowing out of candles represented ones prayers to the god.CSome cultures believe it is right to blow out the candles before the evening meal.DThe Europeans sometimes keep burning the candles all day just as a celebration.63 . What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?AIn some families, people would add an extra candle without any special meaning.BIt is common to see a cake with four candles on a three-year-old childs birthday.CTraditionally, people can use an eight-shaped and a zero-shaped candle to represent 80.DUsually one candle is placed on a cake for each year of the persons age.Nancy is an English school girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Nancy likes him very much. Today is Sunday. Nancy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pencil-box and opens it. Oh, dear! Wheres my pen? She cant find her pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.John! I cant find my pen. Can you seeOh, what are you doing with my pen?Im writing to my friend, Peter. John answers.But how can you? You dont know how to write!It doesnt matter. Peter cant read. John says.64 . How old is Nancys brother?AFive.BFour.CSix.DThree.65 . _ cant find her pen.ANancyBPeterCJohnDFriend66 . Wheres John?AIn the school.BIn a shop.CIn his bedroom.DIn her fathers car.67 . Which is not right?ANancy finds her pen in Johns room.BJohn cant write.CJohn is writing with her sisters pen.DPeter can read.五、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限填一词):68 . There was a lot of traffic in our city in the past.(改为否定句)There _ traffic in our city in the past.69 . We have moved to a new estate in Dragon Bay.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _to a new estate in Dragon Bay?70 . The sign means: we mustnt eat or drink in the classroom.(对划线部分提问)_ this sign mean?71 . Susan usually takes notes carefully at work.(对划线部分提问)_ Susan do carefully at work?72 . Mary sold all her old books last week.(对划线部分提问)_ Mary sell her old books?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词):73 . Ive put my bag on the chair. You can put _ on the table. (you)74 . Lily was glad to get a pet dog as a present at her _ birthday party. (twelve)75 . Mr. Smith heard a terrible _ when he passed the meeting room. (argue)76 . It is very _ for your health to eat too much meat and sweet food. (harm)77 . We were beginning to worry. It was _ for David to be so late. (usual)78 . The fans of the losing team stood up and left _. (silent)七、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子。79 . 我们将努力提高英语水平。Well _our English.80 . 这里曾经有很多的树木,但现在它已经成为沙漠。There _a lot of trees here but now it has become desert.81 . 互联网在我们的日常生活中发挥着重要作用。Internet _important _our daily life.82 . 大量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。A lot of work and too little rest often _illnesses.83 . 我们应该把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。We should _rubbish _the bins.八、便条84 . Peter明天和父母去度假,他给朋友杨军留言。请求杨军帮助照看一下他的家。内容包括:打扫房间,照看宠物,浇浇花等等。开头结尾已给出,不计词数。Dear Yang Jun ,_Peter第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、二、补全对话6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、便条1、

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