2019年外研版英语七年级上册 Module 4 质量评估试卷D卷

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2019年外研版英语七年级上册 Module 4 质量评估试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空People ,especially women want to keep slim(苗条的). They usually care about what they eat _drink. The secret of losing weight isnt just what you eat. It has_to do with what you drink. For example, some popular soft drinks might influence your weightloss plan. They may even make you_some weight. Here are four kinds of drinks for you if you dont want to put on weight. Water Its important to remember that water is the _choice for weight loss. Water is not tasty(味道的). Lots of people dont like to drink water. _you are one of those people, try adding fresh lemon slices(片), cucumber(黄瓜),or a slice of tomato. These things may make your water tasty. Vegetable juice Vegetable juice is an excellent _to get nutrients (营养)our body needs. Vegetable juice is good for your body, and it can also help you lose weight. Black coffeeA morning cup of coffee or an_iced black coffee can help you lose wight . It can hold back your feeling of hunger. Just be careful about what you add to your coffee. If necessary, skim milk(脱脂牛奶)with _sugar is enough. Skim milkMilk is good for our health. But youd better _milk with a little fat. You can choose skim milk . Skim milk is not tasty. If you think so, you can choose to drink lowfat milk. Nothing is more important than exercise, so if you want to keep in good _and be slim, dont only care about your food or drinks, just go out for exercise, liking walking in the park, playing tennis and so on. If you do, youll be fit and slim.1 . AinsteadBinstead ofCwithDand2 . AsomethingBanythingCnothingDeverything3 . Aput offBput awayCput onDput down4 . AgoodBbetterCbestDwell5 . ASoB,IfCBecauseDThough6 . AchanceBcandleCchoiceDchange7 . AmorningBafternoonCnoonDnight8 . AfewBa fewClittleDa little9 . AdrinksBdrinkCdrinkingDto drink10 . AhealthyBhealthChealthsDhealthily二、阅读单选Cola is bad for our health. Cola is sweet, because it has sugar in it. Too much sugar can let you get fat. Drinking one bottle of cola each day can make you get fifteen pounds(磅) each year. And because the sugar in cola can make you feel full, you cant eat much healthy food, such as fruit, vegetables and rice. And cola is bad for your teeth and bones(骨头).Drink water, please. Water is very important to our body. It keeps us healthy. We get water from drink and food, especially(特别是) from fruit and vegetables. But its better to drink water. If you dont like plain(清淡的) water, you can put a little 100% fruit juice into it.11 . How many pounds can you get each year by drinking one bottle of cola each day?A5 pounds.B10 pounds.C15 pounds.D25 pounds.12 . The underlined word full means .A饥饿的B饱的C健康的D甜的13 . According to (根据) the passage, how can we get water? By drinking milk. By drinking soup. By playing basketball. By eating fruit and vegetables.ABCD14 . What can we do if we dont like plain water?APut some tea into the water.BAdd some ice cream to the water.CAdd some sugar to the water.DPut a little 100% fruit juice into the water.15 . Whats the best title for the passage?AMy Favourite DrinkBCola or WaterCCola Is Bad for UsDWhy Is Water Important阅读表格,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Do you have healthy habits?Yeah! I think my habits are very healthy. Every(每个) day I get up early and go to bed early. Every morning I eat breakfast and eat well. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. And every day I play soccer for two hours with my friends.No, I dont. I get up late so I have no time to eat breakfast. For lunch, I usually eat lots of hamburgers. I know they are not good for me but I like them. I never play sports. In the evening, after I finish my homework, I usually play computer games. I go to bed late, at about eleven oclock.Yes. My habits are very good. I never eat unhealthy food. Icecream tastes good but I never eat it. Its unhealthy. Every day I get up at six oclock and go to bed at eight thirty. I eat well and play sports every day. I run with my father for half an hour in the morning. So Im very healthy.16 . Mary _ for two hours every day.AwritesBsingsCexercisesDtalks17 . What does Alan usually have for lunch?AHamburgers.BVegetables.CChicken.DFruit.18 . Why doesnt Helen eat icecream?ABecause she doesnt like it.BBecause its not healthy.CBecause it doesnt taste good.DBecause her parents dont let her eat.19 . Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)?AMary goes to school early.BAlan has breakfast quickly.CHelen gets up late.DMary and Helen get up early.20 . Who has healthy habits?AMary and Alan.BAlan and Helen.CHelen and Mary.DMary, Alan and Helen.Food may help you understand your personality(个性). Choose your favorite food from the five foods.A. You always try to make yourself different from others. Sometimes its not easy for you to have friends.B. Your only interest is success, so you spend most of your time working and have no time to relax yourself.C. There are so many new ideas in your mind. Also you like sharing them with your friends.D. People think that you are shy (害羞的) but you are a good listener. And you would like to give others a hand. E. Because you are outgoing (外向的) and are good at telling jokes, people like to make friends with you.Does your choice really tell you who you are?Just for fun!21 . We can read this personality test in a _.AmagazineBnews reportCmenuDstory book22 . Nelly chooses hamburgers, she may _Anot work very hard.Bspend much time relaxingCwant to be the best.Dlike sharing them with her friends23 . Larry often helps others. He might choose _Anoodles.Bfried chicken.Ccakes.Dapples.24 . From the answers, we can know that _Aif you choose noodles, you are similar to others.Bif you choose apples, you are shy.Cif you choose cakes, you always make others laugh.Dif you choose hamburgers, you may have many new ideas in your mind.25 . The writer thinks _Ait is fun to choose your favorite food.Bfood can make your personality different.Cwe shouldnt take the results seriously.DPeople in the world only have four personalities.In many English homes people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge,eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soups, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas,apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very necessary.26 . Many English people have _meals a day.AtwoBthreeCfourDthree or four27 . People may have _ for their breakfast.Atea and eggsBporridge,eggs,bread,tea or coffeeCtea and coffeeDbread and eggs28 . People have lunch at _ Aany timeBnineCfiveDone29 . People dont have _ for their dinner.AporridgeBbananas and applesCsome soup and meatDmeat and fish30 . In many English homes dinner comes_Aat one oclockBabout half past sevenCat noonDat night三、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空biology,butterfly,complete,chemical,draw ones attention31 . What he did in class _ the teachers _.32 . The snow covered the ground _.33 . Farmers often use _ to kill insects.34 . Look! There are so many beautiful _ in the garden.35 . Ms. Wang teaches us _.四、单词填空根据下面短文内容,在短文空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。What can you do to keep healthy? Perhaps for children, healthy eating is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about36 . to eat healthily.Having breakfastA good breakfast is very important to children. Its necessary to have it in the morning. But some children often go to school without breakfast (不吃早餐),37 . they want to sleep a little longer. Remember that a good breakfast will help you study better.Having milkMilk is also very important to childrens health. It makes children grow stronger. Its better for you to drink a glass of warm milk38 . going to bed. As 39 . as you drink milk every night, you will have a good sleep.Having healthy foodHaving healthy food is the most important. That means eating lots of different 40 . of food, especially(尤其) fruits and vegetables. Dont eat too much chocolate41 . ice-cream, because 42 . of them are unhealthy food. Some of you like eating fast food, but in 43 . , it is not good for your health. Have healthy eating habits, and you will have a strong body.五、语法填空根据短文内容及首字母或所给词提示完成短文This is Mr. Jones. He is in Beijing now. He44 . (like) Chinese food. For breakfast, he has 45 . (noodle). He would like 46 . (have) lunch in a restaurant today. He wants some dumplings47 . carrots and eggs. He thinks they are d48 . 六、填空Most of us drink soda. Even if we know soft drinks are bad for the health. I think we need to know more about this drink that we love so much. And here are five reasons why we drink soda:The taste could be one thing that makes us like drinking soda. It is delicious. In fact, it is so good that many people drink it with every meal.Even if you wanted to drink something else, you would be hard to find it as displayed in stores, at fast-food chains and supermarket. You might not realize that Coke and Pepsi are everywhere until you try to stop drinking soda.The most important thing about soda is convenient. If you want something in a hurry, it can be taken easily and convenient to drink.Everyone in the world knows these soft drinks. Companies spend billions of dollars on advertising sodas, and put them up everywhere, in stores, restaurants, stations, museums, and even schools.Soda may be cheaper than the fruit juice and milk. With meals, a large soda is only a dollar, and you get chips!The Reasons You Drink SodaSoda is very49 . .Many people drink Soda with every meal.You can buy soda50 . .You would be hard to find something else as displayed.Soda is convenient.Soda is51 . and convenient to drink.Companies spend much money52 . .Everyone in the world knows these soft drinks.Soda costs53 . .People drink soda instead of the fruit juice and milk.七、话题作文54 . 书面表达请写一篇英语短文,介绍一下你每天的日程安排、喜欢的食物和饮料及三餐常吃的食物。_.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、完型填空1、二、阅读单选1、2、3、4、三、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、四、单词填空1、五、语法填空1、六、填空1、七、话题作文1、

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