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人教版(PEP)二年级下册Module5单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . WhatsJohndoing? ( )Heis _ dinner.AeatBeatsCeating2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbookBpencilCcat3 . It was time for _.( )AbreakfastBhave lunchCto lunch4 . _is a bad habit. ( )AWatching too much TVBPlaying basketballCDoing housework5 . They often go shopping on_. ( )AweekendBSaturdayCSaturdays单词释义。6 . museum ( )A科学B博物馆C邮局7 . right ( )A左B转弯C右8 . visit ( )A跟着B拜访C交通9 . postcard ( )A明信片B太空C词典10 . travel ( )A价格B旅行C聚会11 . I have a problem.A、You should ask policeman.B、You should tell your parents.12 . - _?- Im fine, thank you.AWhats your nameBHow are you13 . What time _ your uncle _ his work? ( )Ado;startBdoes;startCdoes;startsDdo;starts14 . I think math is too _, I dont want to learn it. ( )AeasyBhungryCdifficult选出每组中不同一类别的词。15 . AbreakfastBhomeClunch16 . AhomeworkBclassroomCplayground17 . AwashBcleanCbusy18 . AexercisesBsportsCclass19 . AlateBalwaysCoften慧眼识珠。选出每组单词中不同类的一项。20 . AbookBpenCred21 . AteacherBeggCstudent22 . AcakeBriceCten23 . AtodayBgirlCboy24 . AheadBdogChand25 . AmonkeyBpigCpupil26 . Have some rice, please! ( )AB27 . (题文)-Whos that_? ( )-Hes my father.AmanBwoman28 . What _ he_ when his mother opened the door?Adid, doBhad, doneCwill, doDwas, doing根据图片内容,选出正确的答句。29 . ( )AHello, Yang Ling.BHello, Mike.CYes, I am.30 . ( )AYes, I am.BNo, Im not.CIm Su Hai.31 . ( )AGood morning, John.BGoodbye.CGood morning, Bobby.32 . ( )AAre you Liu Tao?BAre you Wang Bing?CAre you Su Hai?33 . ( )AAre you Yang Ling?BHi, Im Mike.CHi, Mike.34 . Its _ cold( )AgettingBgetCgets35 . 读句子,选出下列句子中划线部分的正确翻译。(_)1.Peters mother is cooking in the kitchen. A.家B.厨房C.卧室(_)2.Peters sister is reading. A.看电视B.读书C.唱歌(_)3.The dog is sleeping . A.睡觉B.跳舞C.唱歌(_)4.Peter is writing a letter. A.写信B.唱歌C.喝水(_)5. The cat is playing. A.玩B.跳舞C.听音乐选择每组单词中不同类的一项。36 . AbesideBbehindCbrown37 . AshopBsupermarketCsoup38 . AthirstyBtodayCtired39 . AhisBhelpCher40 . AwelcomeBwhereCwhat41 . Summer is her favourite. ( )AseasonBmonthCday42 . You can _ the No.62 bus. ( )AbyBtakeCgoDto43 . 给下列单词选择正确的中文翻译只填序号。A回家B火车站( )(1) go home( )(2)train station( )(3) go to the hospital ( )(4) go down a hill( )(5) on the train( )(6)touch the groundC下山D触摸地面E去医院F在火车上44 . I am listening to music and _ my homework. ( )AdidBdoCdoing45 . We willeggs at the Easter party. ( )ALook atBlook forClooks二、匹配题46 . 给短语选择正确的汉语意思。(_)1. tidy upA玩得开(_)2. take awayB跳得高(_)3. have funC上床睡觉(_)4. go to bedD许多(_)5. take downE很久很久以前(_)6. do morning exercisesF收拾;整理(_)7. jump highG取下;拿下(_)8. lots of H. 七十分(_)9. long long ago I. 移走;拿走(_)10. seventy points J. 做早操三、连词成句47 . 连词成句:saw, of, lots, mountains, they ( . )_48 . 连词成句: going, get, were, to, up, 6, at, oclock(.)_49 . 连词成句: father love I playing football with my (.)_连词成句。50 . are old you How(?)_51 . likericeIdsome(.)_52 . eraserIanhave(.)_53 . apuppetLetsmake(.)_54 . someCanhaveIjuice(?)_55 . 连词成句。1. a fox has good clever a idea_2. you to late should go not bed_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、二、匹配题1、三、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、

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