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上海版2019-2020学年九年级十月月考英语试题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . (题文)Excuse me, do you know David?Yes. He lives next door to me. I watched him _.Alie downBlying downCgrowing upDgrow up2 . Whats your sons? He prefers drawing.AbusinessBhobbyCdirectorDBody3 . Jim, keep quiet! _ talk loudly in the classroom.ANotBDontCDoesntDIsnt4 . Both Kate and I are ready _ the picnic nowAofBonCforDto5 . I think Science is _ than Japanese.Amuch importantBimportantCmuch more importantDmore much important6 . You will never get anywhere you set a goal. So whatever we do, we should first have a goal.AunlessBbecauseCthough7 . We often see Bob _ pingpong in the park.AplayBto playCplayingDplayed8 . Your phone number again? Iquite catch it.Its 9568442.AdidntBcouldntCdontDcant9 . She isnice. Shella model.Aso, possible beBtoo, possibly beCtoo, possible beDso, possibly be10 . Mr Johnson is a very rich man who lives _ and enjoys cooking.AlonelyBaloneClivingDalive11 . Excuse me.Could you tell me_?Which of the following is WRONG?Ahow to get to the city libraryBwhich is the way to the city libraryCthe way to the city libraryDhow can I get to the city library12 . -My computer doesnt work. Can you do me a favor?-_.AYou are rightBNo problemCThank youDIt doesnt matter13 . Is thiselephant or lion?Aan; aBa; anCa; aDan; an14 . _ one-year-old boy isnt old enough to dress _.AAn, himBAn, himselfCA, himDA, himself15 . we had at the party yesterday!Yes, and the food was so nice.AHow good timeBWhat good timeCHow a good timeDWhat a good time二、补全对话7选5请阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容从方框中选择恰当的句子填入空白中,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整,并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑。A: Hello,Grace!Are these your books?B;No,they arent .Theyre Johns.A:16 . B: No it isnt. The yellow pencil box is his.A17 . B: Its Kates.18 . A: And this watch?Is it Kates,too?B:No,it isnt.19 . A:OK.Thank you for your help.B:20 . AIts mine.BWhat about this notebook?CYoure welcome.DAnd is this his blue pencil box?EYes.They are Johns.FAnd the blue pencil box is hers,too.GThat is a notebook.三、完型填空Tolstoy, the greatest Russian writer, liked to walk about in a railway station near his home. One day when he was walking up and down as _1_, looking at people getting on and off the trains, he heard a lady _2_ after him, “Hey, you old man, go and bring back my handbag I left in the _3_ room.”Tolstoy went there. He picked the bag up and walked quickly along the platform (站台). At the same time the lady was waiting beside the carriage (车厢), looking _4_. When at last the old man gave the bag back to her, she opened it to make sure nothing was _5_. “ Good, old man,” said the woman. “ You are just as quick as I can _6_. Here you are. ” She gave a coin to him. Tolstoy _7_ the coin and put it into his pocket with a smile.The woman was very _8_ when she heard he was Tolstoy, the writer of the great novel War and Peace. She returned to Tolstoy and said, “ Oh, excuse me . Oh, how silly I was to _9_ you as a porter (搬运工). Please throw back that coin if you forgive me.”“Oh, madam, why? You have nothing wrong,” Tolstoy laughed and said, “ The coin is given for my work, so Ill _10_ it. Thank you, madam! ”21 . ApossibleBoftenCusualDwell22 . AtalkingBspeakingCtellingDshouting23 . AreadingBmeetingCwaitingDdining24 . AhappyBbackCwellDworried25 . AthereBinsideCmissingDwrong26 . AexpectBrunCdoDlike27 . AshowedBwatchedCacceptedDpicked28 . AangryBsurprisedChappyDsad29 . AseeBtreatChaveDlook30 . AthrowBputCkeepDstay四、阅读单选A table of contents usually includes the titles or descriptions of the first-level headers, such as chapter titles in longer works. An index is a list of something such as subjects or names at the back of a book.31 . Which chapter should you read to find ideas for meals?AChapter 3BChapter 4CChapter 5DChapter 632 . On Page 8, you can find out.Awhat clothes to wearBwhich tools to takeCwhen to put up tentsDhow to make a campfireWhen I was 13 years old ,a boy gave me an important gift . It was a smile.It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school ,and my old school was far away.As a result ,no one knew who I was. I was very lonely ,and afraid to make friends with anyone.Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing , I felt my heart break. I couldnt talk to anyone about my problem ,and I didnt want my parents to worry about me .Then one day ,my classmates talked with their friends,but I sat at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment,a boy entered the classroom. I didnt know who he was . He passed me and then turned back. He looked at me and ,without a word , smiled.Suddenly, I felt the touch of something bright and friendly ,It made me feel happy, lively and warm.That smile changed my life .I started to talk with the other students and made friends.Day by day ,I became closer to everone in my class . The boy with the lucky smile has become my best friend now.One day ,I asked him why he smiled ,but be couldnt remember smiling at me !It doesnt matter because all the dark days have gone. Now I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are lonely ,you might always be alone .So smile at the world and it will smile back.33 . Why was the smile an important gift?ABecause the writers old school was far away.BBecause the smile didnt mean anything to the boy.CBecause it made the writer feel happy, lively and warm .34 . The writer couldnt talk to anyone in her new school about her problem because_.Ashe was always unhappyBshe didnt have any friends there.Cshe was in the first year at a junior high school.35 . How did the smile change the writers life?AShe started to make friends.BShe became best friends with the boy.CHer parents didnt worry about her any more.36 . Where does the writer now think her feeling of unhappiness come from?AFrom her old school.BFrom her parents.CFrom herself.37 . Which of the following is TRUE from the passage?AThe boy still remembered why he smiled at me.BNobody knew me at the beginning of my first year at a junior high school.CI felt very happy when I heard the other students talking and laughing.During the past week, Beijing has been covered with thick smog that is forecast to stay until this weekend at least.The smog, covering 1.43 million square kilometers mainly in northern China, made the Beijing government give an orange alert - the second-highest warning - and ordered people not to leave their homes.A study in 2013 by researchers at Tsinghua University said that there were more than 1,300 microbes(可吸入颗粒) in the atmosphere over Beijing. Although most of them may do no harm to human health, the number still makes people worried.Zhuang Guoshun, director of the Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Study at Fudan University, said Beijing is covered by smog for an average of 60 percent of the year, while the number for Shanghai is 30 to 50 percent.However, research studies have found that higher air pollution levels do not exactly mean higher risks of early death or other health illnesses.One of the scientists main attentions is the level of PM2.5 - floating matter of 2.5 microns (微米)or smaller, which can go deep into the lungs(肺) and even enter the blood.Guangzhou and Shanghai in the south of China have slightly higher relative risks to early death from the effects of PM2.5 than Xian and Beijing in the north, even though the levels of PM2.5 in the northern cities were nearly twice those in the south, according to a study published in September 2013, led by Pan Xiaochuan, a professor at Peking Universitys School of Public Health.38 . What colour warning is the second-highest one?ABlue.BOrange.CRed.DBlack.39 . The third paragraph mainly tells us that _Athe number of microbes worries peopleBsmog does no harm to our healthCthe professor is from Fudan UniversityDBeijing must pay attention to the pollution now40 . According to the fourth paragraph, we can see that in a year Shanghai is covered with smog at least _ days.A73B110C146D18341 . Which city has a little higher relative risk to early death from PM 2.5?AXianBBeijingCNanjingDGuangzhouTony is the monitor of his class. He wants to host a fun picnic in order to bring all his classmates together. Lets see how Tony plans a picnic. Send invitations He makes cute invitations with a fun picnic scene. The invitation includes the location and time of the picnic. Then he emails his invitations to all his classmates. Prepare foodHe makes some easy and classic(经典的)picnic foods. He prepares chicken sandwiches using cooked chicken breast, a few sliced purple grapes and thin slices of celery(芹菜). Then he makes a simple salad to go with the sandwiches. In addition to the main food, he also prepares some fresh fruits and some desserts. Plan some activitiesIf you want to host a fun picnic, you have to plan some activities. Tony brings some ropes, pillow cases(枕头套)and eggs for the classic picnic games-the three legged race, pillow case races or egg toss(投掷). Heres hoping Tonys picnic will be successful!42 . Tony wants to host a picnic because_.Ahe wants to have funBhe wants to bring all his classmates togetherChis classmates ask him to host oneDhis class teacher asks him to host one43 . The first step of hosting a fun picnic is to_.Aprepare some foodBplan some fun activitiesCsend invitationsDbuy some ropes44 . He chooses_ to go with the sandwiches.Aa simple saladBvegetablesCeggsDchicken breast45 . The classic picnic games are _Apillow case racesBthree legged raceCegg tossDall of the above46 . The best title for this passage should possibly be“_”. AHow to host a fun picnicBHow to send invitationsCHow to prepare foodDHow to plan activities五、句型转换Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空限填一词)47 . The hall is too small to hold so many students. (保持句意不变)The hall is _small _ it cant hold so many students.48 . Few students could solve this difficult math problem. (改为反意疑问句)Few students could solve this difficult math problem, _ ?49 . It took the workers three years to build the new bridge. (保持句意基本不变)The workers _ three years _ the new bridge.50 . Hangzhou is about two hours drive from Shanghai. (对划线部分提问)_ is Hangzhou from Shanghai?51 . When, turn off, a class, please, you, your mobile phones, are having. (连词成句)_ .六、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)52 . No matter what you do, _ comes first. (安全).53 . The thieves are considering _ some jewellery from the shop (偷).54 . Its so cold here. Can we go _ warm (某处)?55 . He left the room _ at the news (匆忙).56 . Which do you like? _. I think they are both ugly (都不).57 . Who do you suppose is Chinas _ businessman this year (wealth)? According to Forbes福布斯, Wang Jianlin is on the top of the list.58 . Audrey Hepburn acted so well in the Hollywood film Roman Holiday that many people _ her for a real princess (mistake).59 . When did Audrey make her final _ in films (appear)?60 . Look at your _ room. Why not clean it up (tidy)?61 . He has _flown to the USA already (probable).七、单词填空Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Do you remember when you wrote a letter last time? If the answer is “not recently”, dont worry. You are not a 62 . .A survey of 1,000 teenagers around the world done by a French company BIC found that a third of todays teenagers had never written a letter, half had not written a thank-you letter, and a quarter had not even written a birthday or Christmas card. In fact, 58 percent of teenagers c63 . that handwriting was “too slow” and 17 percent believed it was “outdated”.These results have caused w64 . that the art of handwriting may one day die out.“Hand-writing” is one of the most c65 . art forms we have and should be given the same importance as other art form such as painting, or photography,” Jonathan Skyrme, general manager at BIC UK & Ireland, told the Daily Mail.The New York Times once explained that a handwritten letter sends a message in a way that o66 . messages can never do. “When you get an email, you can never be sure that you are the o 67 . person to have received it - or even that it was written by the person who sent it,” said the newspaper.As US author Simon Garfield once wrote, “Emails are a poke(蜻蜓点水), but letters are a loving touch.” So imagine the powerful message you send when you actually write out your thought by hand, buy a stamp, take it to a mailbox, and wait days for your special s68 . to receive it.八、回答问题Answer the questions.Big floods in Beijing and Tianjin last summer took the lives if nearly one hundred people.Most of them drowned,but a few people were electrocuted by power lines falling into the water. Cites like Beijing do not often experience big floods -it was called a once-in-a-hundred-year event-and the people in the cities were unprepared when the disaster came.Climate change seems to be making “unlikely”weather events such as floods more common and it only makes sense to prepare ourselves for when disaster strikes. In the case of floods, just learning to swim wont help you much. The water flows so fast and is so filled with floating debris(碎片)that even Olympic gold medal winner Ye Shiwen would have troubles keeping her head above water.The first thing you should do is to take the warnings of heavy rains or typhoons seriously. You should stay home, listen to the news reports and wait for the waters to subside(回落). If you live at ground level, move to a higher level. You should also call people to tell them you are safe so that they dont risk their lives searching for you. Its also a good idea to have a “grab”bag (an emergency bag)”ready at home filled with power bars(能量棒),a flashlight and bottles of water. In a flood , the electricity is often knocked out and drinking water-becomes contaminated(被污染的).The most important thing is to stay calm and be patient. Its the best way of keeping your head above water.69 . The people in Beijing and Tianjin got prepared when big floods came, didnt they?_.70 . Why would Ye Shiwen even have trouble saving herself if a flood comes?_.71 . Is it important to take the warnings of heavy rains or typhoons seriously or not?_.72 . How can we stop people risking their lives searching for us in a flood?We can stop people by _.73 . What should we put into our “grab bag”?_.74 . What will you do if a flood comes? Tell me your reason(s), please._.九、书信作文75 . 书面表达假如你是王玲,你的外国朋友Mike刚刚在中国度过了第一个国庆节,他想了解更多的有关中国节日的情况,请你写一封信给Mike介绍一种你最喜欢的中国节日。(如:the Mid-Autumn Festival; the Dragon Boat Festival; the Chinese Spring Festival; the Lantern Festival.)要求:1.词数80-120词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总数2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在班级的名称。参考要点:1.简要介绍该节日(名称、时间;2.谈谈你和家人如何庆祝该节日(吃什么、做什么、看什么;3.你对该节日的看法或感受Dear Mike,How are you doing? You asked me about the Chinese festivals. Let me introduce my favourite Chinese festival to you. _Yours truly,Wang Ling第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、4、五、句型转换1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、单词填空1、八、回答问题1、九、书信作文1、


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