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2020年春外研版英语八年级下册期末检测B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Children like to _ in summer.Aget lostBgo skatingCgo swimmingDset the table2 . Bob lives_here. Lets go to his home_a bus.Aaway from; inBfar away; onCfar from; withDfar from; on3 . He said he had an important meeting _.AattendingBto joinCto attendDwill join4 . Every thing needs air. Without it, nothing can keep .Aliving; livingBliving; aliveCalive; aliveDalive; living5 . Sally decided _ sorry _ her parents.Asaid; inBto say; atCto say; toDsaying; to6 . Our teacher _ a new computer. He uses it for work every day.AhasBhaveCbuyDmake7 . (题文)We should _ eating too much meat in our daily life.AspeakBshowChearDavoid8 . The paper is made _ wood and the desk is also made _ wood.Aof, fromBof, ofCfrom, ofDin, of9 . helps build a better world for everyone, especially children around the world.AORBISBUNICEFCOXFAMDWWF10 . The little girl looked _at her mother because she got a few sweets.AlovelyBhappilyCfriendlyDtidily11 . _ nice weather! Lets go outside!AWhat aBHow aCWhatDHow12 . Nowadays quite a few people think that health becomes first and they usually have the physical exam _ in the hospital.Aonce a yearBthree time a yearChardly everDone time a week13 . In winter, the weather in Harbin is much than that in Guangzhou.AcoolerBwarmerChotterDcolder14 . -What put you in a really bad ?-The plum rain(梅雨).AprojectBmatterCmoodDenvironment15 . _When dose Tom _ lunch ?_At two oclock .AhasBeatCeatsDmakes16 . Help _to some fruits. Thank you.AyourselfByourCyouDyours17 . The koala sleeps_ the day, but _ night he gets up and eats leaves.Aat; atBin; inCduring; atDat; during18 . (2017贵港)Im going to Hong Kong next month.What about you,Jenny?I will _social practice.Atake part inBtake placeCtake offDtake action19 . What a nice camera! Yeah. It _ Beijing and my father bought it for me.Ais made byBis made inCis made ofDis made from20 . Im going to a party this evening._! You have to do your homework.ACome onBHave a good timeCThats OKDYoure welcome二、补全对话7选5A: Hey, Jane.21 . B: Im watching TV.A: 22 . B: Twice a week, on Saturday and Sunday.A: 23 . B: Sitcoms. Do you like them? A:24 . B: Well, what do you think of game shows?A: I love them. What about you?B: Me, too. 25 . Come and join me!A: That sounds good.三、完型填空完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。How do you go to school? Some students may answer, “By car”. Maybe some others will look at them through green glasses (羡慕地).You_feel bad if you have no cars. Its true that cars are_Many people find it hard to think about_life will be like if they have no cars. But now more people know that too many cars bring great_They make streets too_People are trying to stop pollution (污染) from cars. One way is to make_cars. But it_.much money to make these cars. And more people think about better ways. We can_our lifestyle. A lot of Americans go to work_bike now. Riding bikes is clean and healthy. It helps people get strong. Lets try together! I hope we can live in a green world with no pollution_26 . AcantBneedntCwontDarent27 . AinterestingBimportantCdifficultDdangerous28 . AhowBwhatCwhyDwhere29 . AlessonsBfunCskillsDproblems30 . AsmallBcleanCbusyDmodern31 . AgreenBredCyellowDwhite32 . AtakesBspendsCpaysDcosts33 . AhaveBchangeCenjoyDmake34 . AonBbyCwithDride35 . AsomethingBsome daysCsome dayDany day四、阅读单选Should Children Be Allowed to Get Bored?Children need time to stand and stare. They should be allowed to get bored to that they can develop their ability to be creative.Children are expected by their parents to be reading a textbook all the time. However, research shows that it may hamper the development of their imagination, while boredom can give them opportunities to develop creativity.Boredom is often linked with loneliness, but a writer named Meera Syal said boredom had helped here in developing her mind. She told researchers about her childhood. Having few things todo, Syal often talked with her neighbors. She also tried to do things like learning to bake cakes. “But importantly, I Thought and wrote a lot, because I was bored,” Syal said. She kept a diary, filling here time with short stories and poems she made up.Grayson Perry, an artist, grew up in a family with little money. He enjoyed himself by making up stories, drawing pictures for his stories and reading many books in the library. Bored but free, he spent hours looking out of the window, watching the changing clouds and seasons. Perry filled up his free time with what he liked. He became creative, because he could think freely.Dr. Belton is an expert on the effects of emotions on learning. “Boredom could be an uncomfortable feeling,” she said. “But some young people cannot deal with that boredom creatively. So sometimes they may break a classroom window, or drive a car out for a mad race.”Usually, when children have nothing to do, they would turn on the TV, the computer, or the phone. Their time on these things has increased, yet they need to have time to think about their experiences through play or just watching the world around them.It is this kind of thinking that can inspire the imagination. On the other hand, the TV or phone may cut short the thinking process. That can be harmful to the development of creativity. “For developing the ability to be creative,” Dr. Belton advised, “perhaps we need to stand and stare, and stay off-line from time to time.”36 . What does the word “hamper” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?ASlow down.BKeep up with.CGo beyond.DGive rise to.37 . The writer talks about Syal and Perry to .Astress the great differences between themBintroduce a popular writer and a famous artistCsuggest good ways of going through boredomDshow effects of boredom on developing creativity38 . What can we learn from the passage?ABoredom provides children with space to think freely.BIts much better for children to be busy than be bored.CBoredom helps children deal with difficulties properly.DIts boring for children to think about their experiences.39 . Which park will bring you into a magic world?ADisneyland.BDollywood.C. Camelot Park.CThe PCC.40 . Whats Dollywoods main attraction?AMagic shows.BKing Arthurs life.CPolynesian culture.DAmericas southeast culture.41 . What can you enjoy in Camelot Park?AMeeting Snow White.BExperiencing ancient England.CRiding on the steam-engine train.DFeeling the Polynesian way of life.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意或中英文提示,写出句中所缺单词。42 . Small gifts dont cost much but they can give people much _ (愉快).43 . When I go to the movies, I like sitting at the front, very close to the_.44 . Its more meaningful to give than to _ (接受).45 . I find it _ (difficult) to work at home because there are too many distractions.46 . Egypt is a country in_.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空47 . We can _ (build) the house by ourselves.48 . You should _ (read)the instructions first.49 . Shall we _ (go)shopping with Millie today?50 . DIY _ (stand) for “do-it-yourself”.51 . The boy is going to _ (paint) his room and fix his _ (break) desk.七、完成句子二.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。52 . 这些说英语的学生将在这儿待四天。These _ students will stay here _ four days.53 . 我们对那个新学生很友好。We _ very _ the new student.54 . 我们的地理测验要么在周三,要么在周五。Our geography test is _ on Wednesday _ on Friday.55 . 张先生很善于跟老人打交道。Mr. Zhang is very _ old people.56 . 珍妮想成为一名教师。她的梦想能实现吗?Jenny wants to be a teacher. Can her dream _?八、回答问题(2017-2018淮安市淮安区七下期中)We can see many people riding shared bikes(共享单车)in China now.Bike-sharing helps people to borrow a bike from one place and retum it at another place easily.This kind of bike has GPS or Bluetooth on it.If you want to use the shared bikes,you must have a smartphone(智能手机).First,you have to download(下载)an APP on your smartphone.Then what you need to do is to find a nearest bike through the APP,scan(扫描)the QR code on the bike and you will get the bike.Then you can enjoy your trip.Whats more,you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it.Every hour you ride,you need to pay only one yuan.It doesnt cost so much,does it?Science changes our lifestyles. We have to say bike-sharing makes our life easier. And we also hope that people can not only enjoy it but also put it to good use.57 . What can you see many people doing in China now according to the passage?_58 . What must you have if you want to use the shared bikes?_59 . What do you never worry about after using the bike?_60 . How much should you pay if you use the bike for two hours?_61 . Does bike-sharing make our lire easier?_九、材料作文62 . 书面表达根据要求完成短文写作,请将作文写在答题卡指定的位置上。每年春节,每个孩子都能收到来自长辈的压岁钱(lucky money)。随着生活水平的提高,大部分孩子得到越来越多的压岁钱,有些甚至通过微信(WeChat)或支付宝(Alipay)收压岁钱。同学们该如何管理自己的钱,让自己的钱用得更有意义?请结合自己的实际写一篇文章,词数 80 词以上,文中不能出现真实校名和人名。内容包括如下:1. 你的压岁钱的来源和用途;2. 对合理使用压岁钱的建议(至少 3 点);3. 呼吁大家节约用钱,把自己的压岁钱用在最需要、最有意义的地方。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、回答问题1、九、材料作文1、


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