2019-2020学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测

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2019-2020学年七年级英语人教(下)Unit 9单元检测姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Why not consider a trip, say, to Hangzhou or Beijing?Thats a good _.AquestionBsayingCdecisionDsuggestion2 . Stephen Hawking was knowna scientist. He made a great contributions to the world, and he diedMarch 14th, 2018.Afor; onBas; inCas; onDfor; in3 . _ She is tall and she has big eyes.AWhere is she from? B. Whats her name?BWhat does she look like? D. What does she have ?4 . (题文)My names Gina Hand.Whats my family name?AGinaBHandCGina Hand5 . Mum asked me to _for dinner.Alay the tableBgo to sleepCkeep a diaryDlake a vacation6 . Remember _ to my daughters dance show next Friday.Of course I will. Ill never forgot _ her dance for the first time last year.Ato come; to seeBcoming; to seeCto come; seeingDcoming; seeing7 . Mary wanted to go to the partyher parents told her not to.AbecauseBorCbut8 . Lets discussthis problemyour partner.Aabout, withB/, withCabout, for9 . -Can you catch what the teacher said, Erick?-Sorry, I can _ understand it .Because she speaks very quickly.AalmostBprobablyCmostlyDhardly10 . Finish your homework first, then youll surf the Internet for half an hour.AcanBneedCbe able toDmay11 . (题文)Our English teacher is very strict _ us and he is strict _ his teaching.Awith;atBin;atCwith;inDin;in12 . Jack is too short. I need a _ boy to help me do the work.AnewBfunnyCyoungDtall13 . My grandma _ to the radio when I got home just now.AlistensBlistenedCis listeningDwas listening14 . I hear people can pay for almost everything by ZHI FU BAO in China. Actually, its that people often go shopping without taking any paper money.AimportantBimpossibleCsurprisingDnecessary15 . FM 97.4 is the best. It plays popular music every day.Afast food restaurantBclothing storeCradio stationDmusic store二、完型填空I am a middle school student. I am grade eight now. I live near our school. I live _ our school student in our class. I have two good friends.Mike and Jack. Mike is 13-year-oldand Jack is one year _ than Mike. I am three months younger than Mike. So Jack is _ of us. But Mike is the _ of usI am _ than Mike. Jack is _ in our class. He has many friends.Yesterday we went shopping,I wanted to buy a T-shirt. Mike and Jack wanted to buy sport shoes. We went to a clothes store. But the things in it is very expensive. Mike _ a pair of shoes. It cost $258. Thats too expensive! I think it is _ in this store. Then we went to another clothes store. This store is _ than the first one. I bought a green T-shirt and Jack bought his sport shoes, it take us just about $50. Finally, we went home. I enjoyed _ a good time with my friends.16 . A. near B. nearer C. the nearest17 . A. older B. oldest C. the oldest18 . A. older B. oldest C. the oldest19 . A. taller B. tallest C. the tallest20 . A. quiet B. quieter C. quietest21 . A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing22 . A. bought B. buy C. to buy23 . A. expensive B. cheapest C. the most expensive24 . A. cheaper B. expensive C. more cheaper25 . A. have B. having C. had三、阅读单选Chinese Culture Centers AbroadWe offer Chinese language courses and activities of Chinese culture.26 . The first Chinese Culture Center in Asia was opened_.Ain July, 1988Bon October 29. 2002Cin December, 2004Don December 5,201227 . If you want to learn Chinese painting. you can call_.A230-2088547B0020-2-37798203C00822-733-8307D007-495-612119728 . You can do Chinese kung fu at the Chinese Culure Center_.Ain MauritiusBin CairoCin SeoulDin Moscow四、阅读判断Boys and girls, do you want to be an actor or actress(演员)? Zhang Zifeng is a student and actress. She was born on (出生于)August 27, 2001, in Henan. She started acting at an early age. In 2010, she was famous for(因而闻名) the film Aftershock. Today she is one of the best young actresses in China.Zhang Zifeng studies and works very hard. She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 55th Golden Horse Awards(金马奖). She is a nice girl. She always helps people in need.根据短文内容判断正(A)误(B)。29 . Zhang Zifengs birthday is on August 27.30 . Zhang Zifeng is seventeen years old now.31 . Zhang Zifeng was famous for the film Aftershock.32 . Zhang Zifeng is only an actress.33 . Zhang Zifeng loves to help people in need.五、句型转换句式转换34 . Tara goes to the movies twice a month. (对画线部分提提问) _does Tara go to the movies?35 . The baby sleeps ten hours every day. (对画线部分提问) _hours does the baby sleep every day?36 . My father often reads newspapers after supper. (对画线部分提问) _ does your father often_after supper?37 . Watching TV too much is bad for our eyes. (改为同义句) _ bad for our eyes _ TV too much.38 . My brother would like me to exercise with him. (改为同义句) My brother _ to exercise with him.39 . 上个月我们问了学生们有关他们的业余时间活动的情况。Last month, we _ our students _ their free time activities.40 . 我们每天应当至少睡八个小时。We should sleep _eight hours.41 . 他们班上百分之四十的学生是女孩。Forty _ of the students in their class _ girl42 . 昨天他给他的父母写了一封800字的信。Yesterday he wrote _ letter to his parents.43 . 我懂四种语言,比如日语和英语。I know four languages, _Japanese and English.六、根据首字母、中文提示填空44 . There is a f_of 30 years between Jim and me45 . Taiwan Strait s_Taiwan from Fujian46 . Our math teacher can e_every question to us very clearly47 . Im afraid hes in trouble but he r_any help48 . If you dont do it now,you1l only r_it49 . My teacher_(鼓励)me to speak English every day50 . Mrs Smith asked us to_(介绍)ourselves51 . Why not_(参加)in the game?52 . Dont_(提及;谈到)it to her,or she will be angry53 . The nurse is very_(有耐心的)with the sick people七、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空一词.54 . The old man still stays healthy in his _ (ninety)A55 . Mount Zijin is a beautiful mountain which _(lie) in the eastern part of NanjingA56 . The pancakes made by my mother are much _(taste)A57 . Millie is too shy to make _(speak) in front of the whole schoolA58 . The _(hot) of the suns rays can make the wet ground dry.八、完成句子完成句子,每空一词59 . 我买了一本新词典,你想看一下吗?I bought a new dictionary.Would you like to _?60 . 这个大沙发占据了太多的空间。The big sofa _ too much room.61 . 琳达有许多爱好,比如阅读、绘画和游泳。Linda has many hobbies,_ reading,painting and swimming.62 . 昨天雨下得很大,结果,大部分同学都迟到了。It rained heavily yesterday._,most students were late.63 . 你的那本新书什么时候出版?When will your new book _?九、材料作文64 . 书面表达有一天,你的朋友(Dale)到你家作客,你向他介绍你家庭成员。用下面提示的单词,注意单复数形式。(mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparents, sisters, brothers)第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、四、阅读判断1、五、句型转换1、六、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、七、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、八、完成句子1、九、材料作文1、


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