外研版英语九年级上册Moudle 3 第三模块综合提升测评卷

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外研版英语九年级上册Moudle 3 第三模块综合提升测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Tom, who cleaned the room today? I did it _.Aof my ownBof me ownCof I ownDon my own2 . With the help of Mr Wang,Liu Ling hasgreat progress in English.AdoneBtakenCmadeDpicked3 . Do you like music that you can_?Yes,I do.Asing alongBsing along withCto sing along withDsing along with it4 . It is very nice _ you _ photos for us.Aof; takeBof; to takeCfor; to takeDfor; taking5 . _ the help of the teacher,he became a good student.AUnderBOnCWithDIn6 . There is _ news about this movie star in the newspaper. Where can I get some?AmanyBa fewCa lotDlittle7 . His best friend is _, and he comes from _.ACanada; CanadianBCanada; CanadaCCanadian; CanadaDCanadian; Canadian8 . It is _ an important meeting _ I cant miss it.Atoo; toBsuch; thatCso; thatDso; too9 . When I met Daniel at the station _ the first time, he was in the waiting hall _.Afor; aloneBat; aloneCfor; himselfDat; by himself10 . We often sit at the front _ we can hear the speaker.AbecauseBorCthatDso that11 . I am saving money _. I can buy a bigger house.AthatBwhyCsoDif12 . The beautiful house is_ sale, but it wont be on sale.Aon;Bfor;Cwith;Din13 . (题文)Alice spends too much time _computer games.AplayBplaysCto playDplaying14 . He didnt listen to the teacher carefully in class. _, he couldnt pass the exam.AEven thoughBAs a resultCInsteadDIn order to15 . -I am going to take this summer holiday in Taiwan.-Oh, really? Taiwan is _ a beautiful island that _ people in Guangdong go to visit it every year.Aso; thousandsBso; thousands ofCsuch; many thousandDsuch; thousands of二、补全对话6选5补全对话(有一个多余选项)AWhats your dream?BAnd then where do you want to work in the future?CI think everyone has his own dream.DDo you want to be a doctor?EI hope your dream will come true.FHow are you going to do that?A: Hi, Li Ming. People are talking about Chinese Dream, arent they?B: Yes, Chinese Dream is all the Chinese peoples dream. 16 . A: I agree with you. 17 . B: I have a lot of dreams. But I want to be a doctor very much.A: Sounds good. 18 . B: Well, I will work hard and go to a famous medical college.A: 19 . B: In a hospital in my hometown. I hear they need lots of doctors.A: Thats great. 20 . B: Thank you.三、完型填空A 14yearold boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.Dean Bluey from Dallas, Texas, is a school boy who has much _ in computers. One day, he _ an email to a friend on the Internet. Suddenly he received a message saying“Help!Pain! Help!”The message was from Finland,_ kilometers away from America.“I didnt know _ I should do,” Dean said to a reporter afterwards.“It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.” So Dean did nothing at first. _ the message kept coming.“By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,” Dean explained. He _ and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja, who was alone in a university library.She was ill. What was _there was no phone around her. Her only way of communicating with the world was by email. Dean got in touch _ the police immediately. And they realized that the situation was quite serious. They called the police in Finland. Then an ambulance rushed to the library._, she was still alive and was sent to hospital quickly.“Im glad shes OK,” Dean said.“Its hard to believe, but_ saved her life.”21 . AinterestBinterestedCinterestingDinterests22 . AsentBsendsCwas sendingDis sending23 . AthousandBthousand ofCthousandsDthousands of24 . AhowBwhatCwhereDwhen25 . ASoBAndCButDAs26 . AtelephonedBrepliedCfoundDtalked27 . AbetterBworseCharderDeasier28 . AwithBonCtoDat29 . AHardlyBHappilyCLuckilyDCarefully30 . AgirlsBdoctorsCthe policeDemail四、阅读单选Once, Einstein gave a lecture in a university.After his speech, the audience started asking questions.A girl asked, “Do you think youre a giant of science?” Einstein said with a smile, “A giant is a person who is tall in height.You see Im so small, how can I be a giant? Maybe I see a bit farther, only because I stand higher!”Then a boy asked, “You mentioned you stand higher than the others.It reminds me that you had a talk with a lady on the top of the Alps (阿尔卑斯山)I dont want to ask what you talked, but I want to know whether you realised you have been a top in the history of science when you stood on the top.”Looking at the boy carefully, Einstein replied, “Well, my height cannot become a top.And there is no top that no one can get to, so we dont want to be a top, but we want to be a person to climb the top!”Then he took up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard, “Standing on the top, you are not tall, but even smaller!”Then he said, “Though I stand tall, in the eyes of the world Im still small! Finally, I can tell you a sentence, which was the last one I told the lady on the top of the Alps, Any top can be reached, for there is no giant in the world but the one who stands higher!”A storm of applause(掌声) sounded.The lady who listened to Einsteins instruction on the Alps that year was no other than Madam Curie!31 . After Einsteins speech in a university, Einstein _.Ahappened to meet a girlBwas happy to answer a girls questionsCdiscussed some questions with his studentsDrefused to visit his students32 . Einstein didnt think he was a giant of science because _.Ahe only stood higher and he could see a bit fartherBhe was both small and shortChe didnt have a clever brainDhe was short of more intelligence33 . Einstein told the boy _.Ahe had become one of the tallest persons in scienceBhe wanted to be a person to climb to the top of the AlpsChis height could not become a top because there was no top that nobody could get toDhis height was not tall enough for a giant34 . According to Einsteins words, we can know his view is that _.Ahe had already been a giant of scienceBhe hadnt got to the highest mountain of scienceCthough he was short then, hed become a person who was tallDthough he stood tall, in the eyes of the world he was still small五、句型转换按要求,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。35 . Those are his keys. (改否定句)_ his keys.36 . This is my dictionary.(改复数)_ are my _ .37 . Her family name is Brown.(对划线部分提问)_ family name?38 . 打扰一下,这是七年级一班吗?(翻译句子)_ . Is this Class 1 Grade 7 ?39 . 感谢你的帮助。(翻译句子)_ you _ your help.六、完成句子.完成句子40 . 中国人的名字姓在前,名在后。In Chinese, the _ name is first and the _ name is last.41 . 我的父亲是一名工厂经理。My father is a _.42 . 图书馆在科学实验室的旁边。The library is _ the science lab.43 . 贝蒂家有多少人?_ people are there in Bettys family?44 . 大米和胡萝卜是健康食品。Rice and carrots are _.根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词45 . 这会儿电话占线。The lines busy_46 . 中国文化与其他国家的文化不同。Chinese culture _that of other countries.47 . 到目前为止,这座城市的人口已达到100多万。_,the population of the city has been more than 1,000,000.48 . 去年这个小男孩的父母把他送到了一所特殊的学校。The little boys parents _a special school last year.49 . 我们为得了一等奖而高兴。We _winning the first prize.根据所给的中文意思完成句子,每空一词。50 . 当你去国外旅游的时候,遵守你所去的国家的习俗是很重要的。When you are traveling abroad, _ important to follow the _ of the country which you are visiting.51 . 很抱歉让你失望了,我没能赢得这次比赛。Im sorry to _ you _. I failed to win the competition.52 . Peter购物回来时顺便拜访了他的朋友。Peter _ to visit his friend when he came back from shopping.53 . 青少年在面对人生选择时应该由自己做出决定,而不是由他们的父母来代替他们作决定。Teenagers should make up their own minds when they are facing life choices _ their parents making the decisions for them.54 . 电影我和我的祖国自2019年10月份开播以来受到数百万人的欢迎。The movie The Country and Me has become popular among _ of people _ it was shown in October of 2019.七、回答问题Answer the questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题):If you speak to Benjamin K.hammer on the phone, you would think you were talking to a person who had lived in a Chinese-speaking environment since childhood, as he uses Mandarins four tones correctly.But Hammer started learning Mandarin when he was a high school senior in San Jose,California. Since there were no Chinese-related courses at his high school in the 1990s, Hammer studied Mandarin in a community schools night classes.“In the United States, people are curious about Eastern culture, such as the culture of religion, Kung fu and traditional Chinese medicine,” Hammer said.Hammer is one of the US citizens who show a great interest in Chinese culture.In addition to Mandarin, he learned Kung fu from a Chinese teacher when he was a student at American University in Washington.He got his Chinese name, Meng Weilong, from his Kung fu teacher.At American university, Hammer majored in (专业主修) international relations, and selected Chinese as his foreign language without any hesitation. From then on, Hammer spent more time and effort in learning Chinese than he did on his major.“Chinese and English belong to different language families. Learning Chinese is a great challenge, but I do like it. Its rare that a Western foreigner can speak Chinese very well. I believe learning Chinese, rather than Spanish, can make me stand out from my friends. That makes me fel so great,” he said.Hammer received his masters degree in Chinese Classical Philology(中国古典文献学) at Shandong University and spent another four years getting his doctorate(博士学位) in the same major from Peking University. Now the 37-year-old man works as a teacher at the Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies of Shandong University in Jinan. He is also the assistant editor of the English version of the Journal of Chinese Humanities.55 . Hammer is a foreigner who was born and grew up in China, isnt he?_,_56 . Where did Hammer first start to learn Mandarin as a high school student?_57 . What Eastern culture attracts Hammer and some other US citizens? _58 . Why do many westerners find it difficult to learn Chinese?_59 . What does the phrase “stand out” in paragraph 6 probably mean? _60 . What kind of impression has Hammer left on you? Please find the proofs from the passage.I think_八、材料作文61 . 书面表达假设你刚刚看完电视剧江姐,请根据下面的提示,用英语写一篇观后感。江姐原名江竹筠,江姐是人们对她的爱称。江姐1920年出生于四川省自贡市,1939年加入中国共产党,1948年不幸被捕。在狱中,她始终坚贞不屈,1949年11月英勇就义。要求:1内容应包含所有提示信息;2不少于80词。参考词汇:SisterJiang江姐;the Chinese Communist Party中国共产党;be arrested被捕;give in屈服;prison监狱;heroine女英雄_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全对话6选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、五、句型转换1、六、完成句子1、2、3、七、回答问题1、八、材料作文1、

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