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2019-2020学年人教PEP版三年级上册期末检测英语试卷(四)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Can I_you?( )AhelpBhappyChave2 . 找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(_) 1. A. monkeyB. short C. long(_) 2. A. elephant B. dog C. teacher(_) 3.A. pigB. bigC. fat(_) 4.A. catB. fat C. bird(_) 5.A. brotherB. sisterC. long3 . _ a big map of China! ( )AHowBWhatsCWhat4 . _ in your schoolbag? ( )Many books and a pencil box.AWhatBWhatsCWhere5 . 我是老师。( )AIm the teacher.BIm the student.6 . I will study hard from now _. ( )AinBonCat7 . Show _ the letter U. ( )AmeBmyCI8 . Touch your. ( )AnoseBearCleg9 . _ in the box?AWhatsBWhereCHow10 . your fathers job? ( )Hes a driver.AWhosBWheresCWhats11 . ( )There arevisitors come to visit Beijing every year.Amillion ofBthousands ofChundred of12 . Does Jenny alwaysa bus .( )AhaveBtakeCbyDgo二、情景交际13 . 当你想让别人打开门,你应该说:AOpen the window, please.BOpen the door, please.CClose the door, please.14 . 你看见今天的天气很晴朗,你可以说:( )AIts sunny.BIts cloudy.15 . 当你看到有人往外窗外扔垃圾时,你会说:( )ADont throw things out of the window.BDont climb on the teachers desk.16 . 你如何向别人介绍自己的朋友John?_ ( )AHi, Im John.BHi, this is John.CHi, whos John?三、单词拼写17 . 根据字母提示,补全单词。1. I have a good friend. He is very f_.2.- Whats in the c_? - A blackboard, a TV, many desks and chairs.3. Put your m_ books under your schoolbag.4. My friend has short h_. 5.- Where is it? - Its n_ the door.18 . Look and write the letters. fl_r四、任务型阅读19 . 阅读。阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的“T”, 不符的 “F”。It was very cold in the morning . I was playing with some of my classmates in the park . We were running about on the ice, laughing and joking . Suddenly, something dangerous happened(发生).The ice broke(破) and one of my classmates fell(掉) into the cold water . We all shouted ,“ Help! Help! ”Just at this time , a boy of the same age ran over. With the help of him ,we pulled(拉) our classmate out of the water.In the face to danger ,the boy was very brave. We all admire(敬佩) him very much. I will never forget(忘记) him. What a lovely world we live in.(1)It wasnt hot in the morning.(2)I was playing with my classmates in a zoo.(3)One of my classmates likes swimming in the cold water.(4)A young man ran over and pulled our classmate out of the water.(5)Here the word “ Help! ”means 救命.五、判断题20 . 判断画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。(_)1. A. bambooB. vacation(_)2. A. whiteB. when(_)3. A. musicB. cute(_)4. A. whoseB. what(_)5. A. listenB. dinner六、填内容补全对话补全对话。John: Id 21 . some bread, please.Mom: 22 . you are.John: Can I have some milk, 23 . ?Mom: OK.John: 24 . , mom.Mom: Youre 25 . .七、匹配题选择相应的答语。A. No, you cant. You are too young.B.I live in Sunshine Town.C. Turn right at the traffic lights.D. Lets get there by taxi.E. Yes, there is.F. No. They are bad for us.G.OK.H. Because I get a new dress.I. Yes, they do.J. Yes, I do.26 . Where do you live? (_)27 . How do I get to the zoo? (_)28 . The bus is full, Tina. (_)29 . Can I go to school by bike? (_)30 . Why are you so happy? (_)31 . Would you like these mushrooms? (_)32 . Lets take the metro. (_)33 . Do you take a bus? (_)34 . Do they get to the cinema by bus? (_)35 . Is there a park near your house? (_)八、字母题在四线三格里写出下列字母对应的大写或小写。36 . q37 . h38 . d39 . f40 . e41 . R42 . N43 . W44 . B45 . G46 . 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。1. Cc 2. i 3. Ff4. Mm 5. K 九、连词成句47 . 连词成句1.is , Lanlans , small , bag , _ .2.Whats , colour , favourite , your , _ ?3.elephant , The , fat , is , _ .4.it , a , lion , Is , ? , _ ?5.they , dogs ,They , are , are ,What ? , . , _ ? _ .第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、三、单词拼写1、2、四、任务型阅读1、五、判断题1、六、填内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、八、字母题1、2、九、连词成句1、

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