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人教版2019-2020学年八年级第二学期第一次月考英语试题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The government has promised to _ more money on education.AcostBpayCspendDtake2 . Have you _ spoken to an Englishman? No. I have never spoken to a foreigner.AjustBneverCeverDalready3 . Chiang Mai (清迈) has been one oftourist places for Chinese since the movie Lost in Thailand (泰囧) was shown.AhotBhotterChottestDthe hottest4 . -That actor often joins in different activities in Beijing. Do you know _?-For 5 years.Ahow soon he will come backBhow long he has stayed thereCwhen he went thereDwhen he will come here5 . Therere few oranges in the box,_ ? Aarent they Barent thereCare theyDare there6 . -In April, the weather in some places in Wuhan was really changeable.-Yes, We still remember we have _four seasons in a week.AorganizedBexperiencedCdescribedDpracticed7 . -Could I borrow your bike, please? -_.AOf course you can.BIt doesnt matter.CYes, Id love to.DNo, thank you.8 . -She devoted as much time as she could _patients.-So she did.AhelpBhelpedChelpingDto helping9 . Which of the following signs means DONT GET WATER HERE?ABC10 . How does your father go to work every day?He_ take a bus but now he _ walking.Aused to; is used toBis used to; use toCis used for; used to11 . The building will _ 2 months later.Ais finishedBto be finished Cbe finishedDwas finished12 . Dont sleep all day. You should _ to keep fit.Anot eatBto runCdo many exerciseDdo morning exercises13 . He always keepsat the meeting,and he never gives his opinions.AseriousBactiveCexcitedDsilent14 . Why not come and join us in the game, John?, but I have to finish my homework first.AId love toBLets goCYes, pleaseDIts a pleasure15 . A new movie unbroken is on. Lets go and watch it.Oh, no. I _ it twice. I dont want to see it a third time.AsawBam seeingChave seen二、完型填空A mother duck and her ducklings(幼鸭) were on their way to a lake Suddenly, the mother duck_ a fox not far away from them She was_ about her children, so she shouted to them, Children, hurry to the _ Theres a fox! The ducklings hurried to the lake The mother duck began to walk slowly to interest the_When the fox saw her, he felt _ He said to himself, She is hurt I can easily_ her! Then he ran towards herThe mother duck began to run She led the fox away from the lake The ducklings already reached the lake The fox_ hurt them She didnt worry any more,_she stopped runningThe fox thought she was tired He _ came closer to her Just then, the mother duck flew and landed in the lake Her ducklings_ to her The fox was very angry16 . AtoldBsawChelpedDtaught17 . AsurprisedBstrictCworriedDafraid18 . AlakeBtreeCforestDhole19 . AchildrenBmotherCfoxDducklings20 . AbusyBtiredCpoliteDexcited21 . AcatchBshowCleadDmove22 . AmustntBcouldntCshouldntDneednt23 . AifBbutCorDso24 . AslowlyBangrilyChappilyDluckily25 . AjumpedBswamCranDwalked三、阅读单选For several years, a computer game “Happy Farm” has been popular among Chinese people. Today, many Chinese have their own real Happy Farms. A Farm of Her Own It is Saturday. Yan Zhen is leaving for her grounds at edge of Beijing. She rents a piece of farmland for eight hundred yuan per year in the happy farm in the west of Beijing, an area of fifteen square meters. If youre not good at farming, you can pay a farmer to care for the land, and you just pick the vegetables and visit the countryside with your friends or family on weekends. However, on some other farms, you just bring your basket and pick the fruits and vegetables you want before paying money. Concern about Food Safety “I think we Chinese have been troubled by problems of food safety. When you have planted your own vegetables, and you know what fertilizers(肥料) you have used. Pick them with your own hands, this is very safe.” Yan Zhen said. The Happy Farm Older people often remember that many years ago, farm products were untreated and food was clean, but now they are worrying about the poor food quality. Some of them find on these farms a means to help the community and to better feed the family. Some of them start gardening for their pregnant(怀孕)daughters to protect the health of the mother and child. On the other hand, some parents want to teach their children the value of work and healthy foods on a farm.26 . If you arent good at farming, you can_.APay a farmer to take care of the Land.BPick the vegetables for free.CAsk a friend to help you.DRent the land to others.27 . We can learn from the 4th paragraph that_.AWe must know how to use fertilizers.BWe must plant vegetables with our own hands.CChinese are worried about food safety.DPicking vegetables can make us safe.28 . The underlined word “untreated” probably means _ in Chinese.A未种植的B未治疗的C未实现的D未处理的29 . Some parents want to teach children_.AThe importance of food.BThe quality of food.CThe advantages of farm.DThe value of work.30 . The writer write the second paragraph mainly to tell us that Yan Zhen_.Awants to be a foreigner.Brents a piece of farm.Clives in the west of Beijing.Dbuilds a house of fifteen square meters.Artist training courseDo you want to get $75$200 each hour?You will get good jobs if you spend only a week on our course about ads,TV programs,films and fashion.Website:/www.awardmakeupschol.comTelephone number:3103640665Teaching English overseasA 4week language course is offered monthly in Prague. Its helpful for you to get good jobs around the world.Cost:1,300 dollarsWebsite:http:/www.teflworldwideprague.comLooking for a housemateIm Mary. I have a house with 3 bedrooms. There are many things in it including a TV,a washing machine and a refrigerator. You only need to pay $300 for a bedroom each month. And it includes the cost of surfing the Internet. There are two rules for you to obey:you mustnt make lots of noise in the house and you must keep the house clean.Email:room.to.renthotmail.com31 . The artist training course lasts _.Atwo daysBfour daysCseven daysDa month32 . Marys house provides the following things except _Aa TVBa computerCa refrigeratorDa washing machine33 . Which of the following is TRUE?AIf you are Marys housemate ,you can surf the Internet for free.BPeople who take the 4week language course can all get a job overseas.CThe cost of the artist training course is $75 each hour.DSomeone who wants to be Marys housemate should pay $3600 a year.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和所给汉语完成句子。每空一词。34 . Don t worry! We are old enough to look after_ (我们自己) .35 . There is a big park_(在旁边) the supermarket. I prefer to take a walk there.36 . Rose s father is the_ (忙碌的) in the hospital, because he is an excellent doctor.37 . People who learn_ (明智地) and well will achieve their dreams more easily.38 . Keeping English_ (日记) is a good way to improve English.五、填空八、任务型阅读(每空一词)One afternoon, in Paris, Kate visited an art museum. She looked forward to seeing some great paintings in a quiet place like that. But a young man and his wife talked all the time. Kate watched them because of the noise(噪音)and decided to go away.Kate met them many times when she walked through the museum. Every time Kate heard their noise, she went away quickly.Kate was buying cards at the gate of the museum when those two people got there, too. “Hes brave(勇敢的)man,” said the shopkeeper. “Most of us would give up if we were blind(失明), but he and his wife come when theres a new art show anytime.” “But how does the man enjoy the paintings?” Kate felt very sorry and asked.“His wife tells him about every painting.”At that moment Kate knew what patience(耐心)and bravery are. Kate saw patience from the wife and bravery from the man. He would not let blindness change his love on art.Another kind of bravery39 . One afternoon.PlaceA(n) 40 . museum.PeopleKate, a young man and his 41 . .Kates planTo enjoy some paintings in a 42 . place.Development(事件发展)The man his wife 43 . all the time. Kate thought they were making 44 . , so she went 45 . quickly.EndThe 46 . thought the man was 47 . , and he told Kate about them. The young man 48 . see things with his eyes.六、多任务混合问题What would you do if you had $76 billion? Bill Gates was happy to give a third of it away to the charity. He spends at least $1.2 billion every year helping the poor.Bill is the richest, and also the most generous man in the world. He was born on October 28, 1955.(A) When_he_was_20,_he_left_university_and_started_Microsoft. For 11 years, Bill has been the worlds richest man.“Ill give my money back to the world,” said the rich man. “Many people still need medicine and care to become healthier.”Bill loves helping others just as he loves computers. He always says “super” when he talks about making peoples health better. “(B)Solving_the_worlds_health_problem_ _is_like_solving_computer_problems. You get smart people together. You take it on because there has never been an answer before,” he said. If you ask him why he likes giving away his money, he will turn his head and say, “Its because of my mum. She asked me to do (C) it years ago when I was just a small boss.”根据短文内容,完成下面的任务。49 . 将(A)处的句子改为同义句(每空一词):_ 20, he left university and started Microsoft.50 . 将(B)处的句子译成汉语:_51 . (C)处的it指的是(用英文回答,不超过5个词)_52 . 回答问题:When did Bill Gates start Microsoft?_53 . 单项选择:The writer of the passage wants to _.Aintroduce Microsoft to usBlet us know something about the charityCtell us who is the richest person in the worldDpraise Bill for his help to the poor people七、汉译英:整句用括号内所给的短语,将下列句子译成英语。54 . 我从车里出来,穿过一扇门沿着一条小路走。(get out of)_55 . 我仔细地观察,但是仍然太黑,什么也看不见。(too to)_56 . 如果你把世界上最高的三座楼房放在山谷的底部,它们仍然到不了顶部。(at the bottom of)_57 . 我站在峡谷的边缘,它是自然界中的奇迹之一。(on the edge of)_八、材料作文58 . 书面表达假设你的笔友Daniel写信询问你家乡情况,请你给他回信,介绍你的家乡近年来的变化。词数不少于80个字。开头已给出,不计入总数。past: narrow and dirty roads now:wide and clean streetssmall old houses new flatson foot or by bicyclehave own cars or by bus(自拟12点,可适当自由发挥)。Changes in my hometownHi,Daniel:How are you? I have heard from you that you want to know about my hometown.now,I will tell you something. Yours sincerelyWangyuan第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、填空1、六、多任务混合问题1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、

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