牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit 2 Reading(2)课时练习

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牛津译林版九年级下册Unit 2 Reading(2)课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . _ you like to go with me to the cinema this evening?Id love to, but I have to look after my little brother.AWouldBMayCMustDDare2 . Every year driving after drinking winea lot of traffic accidents.AhappensBprovidesCcausesDmade3 . The _ she eats, the fatter she becomes.AmuchBmostCmanyDmore4 . Mr.Zhang has visited Shaoxing Museum. I am going to _ him somewhere else tomorrow.AtakeBbringCpushDcarry5 . Neither of them _ in China.Ais madeBare madeCwere madeDmade6 . I_for an English test when she came in at this time of yesterday.AstudiedBam studyingCwas studyingDstudy7 . It _ me about 25 minutes to get to the railway station yesterday.AtookBtakesCspendsDspent二、完型填空Have you ever heard of the satellite(卫星) called the Early Bird, which was built by a group of scientists from 14 countries? Up till now dozens of satellites have been put into _and they help people in many ways.You can speak to people on the other side of the world over the telephone with the help of a satellite. They can help to take the photos of the earth and other _. Some pictures taken by the satellites show us the right places where different metals can be _. They can also tell the difference between healthy plants and poor ones. This is a great _to the scientists who work in the forests and in agriculture(农业).Satellites are quite useful in our daily life. For example, satellites for _ are used to send radio and TV programs from one part of the world to another. It is the satellites that make our world seem _.A number of research stations have been set up to study the outer space. In the past, it was difficult for the scientists to get a _picture of space because of the dusty air, _ satellites make it easier. They are being used more and more to _ information about space just like _between space and men.8 . AroomBearthCspaceDair9 . AmoonBstarsCsunDsky10 . AfoundBmadeClostDput11 . AdiscoveryBwonderCinterestDhelp12 . AweatherBcommunicationCcomputerDtraveling13 . AbiggerBlongerCsmallerDshorter14 . AcleanBclearCcompleteDfresh15 . AbutBwhenCandDso16 . AcollectBmakeChideDknow17 . AlinesBtrafficCholesDbridges三、根据首字母、中文提示填空请根据句意、首字母、英文释义和中文提示,写出句中所缺单词使句子通顺。18 . When will you_(go to) the meeting? Next Monday afternoon.19 . Jim spent half an hour_ (fix) my bike now.20 . Sorry, I cant understand what it means. Can you give me some _? (例子)21 . Please tell me the time _(准确地), or Ill be late.22 . Mike doesnt want others to know where he lives, so he keeps it s_.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空23 . _ you_ (notice) the man with black glasses over there ? He is a film star.24 . After a _ (week) hard work , you can have a good rest .25 . Many people _ (gather) in front of the hospital at 9 a.m. yesterday morning .26 . It is exciting for you _ (start) a new tour online .27 . Broadway is famous for _ (it) theatres .28 . So_ (many) for today . Class is over .29 . Every year , many _ (thousand) of people visit Taiwan .30 . The song Memory comes from the famous Broadway _ (music) Cats .31 . Did you see a star _ (shine) in the sky at last night .32 . Many big _ (company) have been open in our city since 2015 .33 . When you visit New York , _ (not miss) Times Square .34 . Can you find _ (much) information about Yangshu ?35 . Mr. Wang _ (take) a lot of photos in Yancheng yesterday .36 . My father _ (go) to Nanjing for business . He will be back in ten days .37 . I _ already _ (see) it .五、回答问题Its been a long journeyFrom DJ to producer to singer, Mark Ronson is now a pop star in his own rightOn Feb 15, his hit song Uptown Funk won Record of the Year, one of the most important prizes, at the 2016 Grammy AwardsWhile the world has gone crazy for the song, Ronson, 40, went through six difficult months to produce it In fact, the UK musician made 17 versions (版本) of Uptown, FunkIn an interview with the Daily Mail, Ronson told the UK newspaper that he worked so hard that his hair started to fall out At one point, the stress of trying to come up with a suitable guitar part even caused him to faint (晕倒) in a restaurantThe difficulties didnt stop there. Ronson also didnt have enough confidence in his singing, as he had been a producer for a long time. I work with great singers, he told the New York Post, so Ive always heard what really good voices sound like Still, things worked out great in the endHis family plays an important part in his success His stepfather guitarist Mick Jones was one of the first members of the rock band Foreigner and faometimes Jones would share ideas with RonsonAfter school, Jones would play me the most recent mix of songs in the studio and ask what I thought, and l would tell him in my little English schoolboy voice, I remember the bass (贝司) was turned up a little more on the mix from last week, Ronson told The Guardian, I was kind of meant to live in the studio All these influences led to his success Ronson taught himself how to DJ when he was 16 I practiced by copying my favorite DJs on the radio, he told US radio station NPR I would listen to them and try and copy in my best way what they were doing With the goal of being a cool DJ, Ronson dropped out of New York University and played in clubs in downtown New York, where popular artists often visitedIf you do a good job, theres the chance they might remember who you are, he told NPRAnd doing a good job is how Ronson got into show business Never underestimate (低估) Ronson, UK DJ Zane Lowe told Esquire magazine, he is fully prepared for opportunities 38 . Is Mark Ronson a pop star now?39 . What did he win on Feb 15, 2016?40 . How did he teach himself to be a DJ?41 . Where did he play after dropping out of university?42 . What made him successful?六、汉译英:整句句子翻译43 . 西蒙总是把零花钱捐给贫困地区的孩子们。_44 . 他们没有足够的时间和金钱去美国拜访他们的祖父母。_45 . 你想试穿它们吗?_46 . 请问,你的外套多少尺码?36码。_47 . 你们多久为需要帮助的人募捐一次?第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、二、完型填空1、三、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、回答问题1、六、汉译英:整句1、

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