人教版七年级英语下册测试Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B(2a-2c)-1

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人教版七年级英语下册测试Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B(2a-2c)-1_第1页
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人教版七年级英语下册测试Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B(2a-2c)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you have the new iPad mini II ?Sorry, they have been_. You may come next week.Agiven outBlooked outCcome outDsold out2 . is our duty the environment.AThis; protectBIt; to protectCThis; protectingDIt; protect3 . We noticed our new teacher _ into the dining hall when we were running.AwalkingBwalksCto walkDwalked4 . It is _ interesting book that I want to read it again.Aso anBsuch aCsuch anDso a5 . Can you see the boy _ a kite on the playground?AfliesBflyingCto flyDflew二、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据下列句中所给汉语或通过上下文, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只填一词。6 . Can you tell me Timmys _ (祖父母)names?7 . Its easy to answer some of the teachers _ (问题).8 . The apple juice tastes delicious, so she wants to _ (点单)another glass.9 . How many _ (千克)of beef do you want10 . Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back _ (甜蜜的)memories.11 . I like eating _ (汉堡). How about you?12 . We all think our dreams can come _ .13 . The book is so interesting that we are all _ in it.14 . We should take _ when we are having lessons.15 . Jim wants to buy a new iPhone. It will _ him more than 5, 000 yuan.三、完成句子完成句子16 . 不要担心你儿子的学习。他非常聪明和刻苦。Dont _ your sons study. He is very clever and hard-working.17 . 你介意我关上窗户吗?_ I close the window?18 . 我家离学校很远,所以我乘坐公交车去上学。My home is _ the school,so I take a bus to school.19 . 这道题太难了,我算不出来。The question is _ hard for me _ work out.20 . 我尝试过很多次,但是失败了。I _ it _ many times, but I failed.四、用单词的正确形式完成句子根据句意,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空use,start,scared,jump,tent21 . They_ to go on a trip by bike last year.22 . He had a hard life and always lived in a _.23 . When I saw a snake,I was so _.24 . Dont_ like a monkey,Tom!25 . This was a very _lesson for her.五、回答问题How do students spend their spare time after finishing their homework? Watch TV, play computer games, or go outside to relax? Heres a good example.Tim and Kerry Meek are both teachers. They live in the UK with their two daughters: eleven-year-old Amy and nine-year-old Ella. Recently, the Meek family has become the focus of the whole country after they completed 100 different outdoor activities in one year.The Meek couple didnt want their children to spend all their free time in front of the TV and become “couch tomatoes”. So about one year ago, the Meeks decided that watching TV and playing computer games were not permitted(许可,允许) . Instead, they set 100 tasks for the two girls to do outside. Although Mr. and Mrs. Meek are not outdoor activity fans, they took part in all the activities to encourage(鼓励) their daughters. It turns out that the two sisters really had a good time joining in activities.Every holiday and weekend, whether its sunny, rainy or snowy, the Meeks would set off to try the activities on their list, including hiking, sailing, climbing , skiing, and so on. The two little girls not only had a wonderful time, but also learned a lot of skills from the activities. They were even able to stand up in front of their school to give a talk for charity. “Our friends spend a lot of their free time doing things which are harmful to their health. Luckily, weve had the chance to experience(体验) something different.” Amy and Ella also helped their parents to draw up a new list of challenges for the next 12 months.26 . Why did the Meeks become the focus of the UK?27 . Why did the Meek couple set 100 tasks for their daughter to do outside?28 . When did the Meeks go out to do the activities?29 . What are the outdoor activities30 . What do you think of the Meek couples idea of relaxing?第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、二、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、三、完成句子1、四、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、五、回答问题1、

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