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人教版八年级上英语Unit9单元练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy refuses _ the question.AanswerBto answerCansweringDto answering2 . Many students in our school wantmoneyProject Hope.Adonate ; toBto raise ; forCto raise ; toDto donate ; for3 . Could you please _ me your CD? Sorry, Emily _ it an hour ago.Alend; borrowBlend; borrowedCborrow; lentDborrow; lend4 . _ are your school rules?I must wear the school uniform.AWhatBHowCWhyDWho5 . Is Helen the physics problem?Yes, its easy for her.Aworking onBtrying onCtalking about6 . _is it to the nearest hotel ? About 15 minutes walk along this street.AHow muchBHow soonCHow farDHow long7 . The movie is _ wonderful _ I want to see it again.Atoo ; toBso; thatCas; asDso; as8 . I wont believe that the 5-year-old boy can read magazines I test him myself.AifBwhenCafterDuntil9 . -Do you know the result of the _ race ? -Yes . The winner is a boy _ Tom from Class 7 .A100-meters; calledB100-meter;callingC100-meter;calledD100-meters;named10 . Its not a good_for students to go online just for answers to homework.AskillBgameChobbyDhabit11 . Jack,can you _ with us at the City Park this Sunday?Ahang inBcome outChang outDcome on12 . (题文)Can you look at the _ and tell me the activities?AmenuBcalendarCclockDphone13 . The medical team _ ten doctors.Amakes upBmakes up ofCis made upDis made up of14 . We need to do some research to_ the answer.Alook outBfind outChand outDtake out15 . I often see him because he lives _ me .Anext toBoverCbesidesDnear to16 . What a great gift! Im _.Who bought it for me? Your best friend, Paul.AsurprisingBsurprisedCsurprise17 . Where is the post office,please? It is _ the Center Street.Ain the end ofBat the end ofCby the end ofDon the end of18 . (题文)They are going to watch a movie _Friday night.AinBatConDfor19 . (题文)Thank you for showing me the way to the bank.No problem.Im _ to help you.AgladBsadChungryDpoor20 . We must find a place _.Ato liveBlivingCto live in二、补全对话7选5情景交际。根据对话内容,从方框内选择适当的选项补全对话,有两个多余选项。Mary: Hi, Alice! Next Saturday is my birthday. 21 . Alice: Oh, Id love to. 22 . Mary: At 3:30 p.m.Alice: OK. Ill remember it.Mary: Dont forget to tell Peter. I hope he can come, too.Alice: Peter? Look! There he is. Lets go and tell him.Mary: Hello, Peter. 23 . Peter: Nice to see you, too.Mary: I hope you can come to my party next Saturday.Peter: Party? What kind of party?Mary: 24 . Would you like to come? Peter: 25 . Mary: Thank you very much. See you then.Peter: See you.A.Nice to see you!B.Im afraid I cant come.C.Can you come to my party?D.Sure, Id love to.E.What time does the party start?F.Thanks a lot for the invitation.G.Its my birthday party.A.Nice to see you!B.Im afraid I cant come.C.Can you come to my party?D.Sure, Id love to.E.What time does the party start?F.Thanks a lot for the invitation.G.Its my birthday party.三、完型填空Its eight oclock on Saturday evening. Bettys friends are_a small party with her at her home. _are Daming, Tony, Lucy, Alex and Meimei. Daming can_and dance well. Now he isnt singing. He_fruits for his friends, because they like fruits. _are the others_? Tony is playing the piano. Lucy_Alex are dancing. _is Meimei? Oh, she is in the room. She_her nice dress(连衣裙). She is going to dance with Betty. _, they have a good time.26 . AsendingBcallingChavingDdoing27 . AHeBTheyCYouDWe28 . AsingBplayCwaitDlie29 . AwashBwashesCis washingDto wash30 . AWhatBWhereCWhyDHow31 . AdoBdoingCdoesDis doing32 . AorBbutCandDwith33 . AWhereBWhatCHow oftenDHow soon34 . Ais makingBis putting onCwearingDput on35 . AButBOKCAnywayDGood四、阅读单选ANancys GymKeep fit! Lose weight!$ 25/hourOpen two days a weekSaturday And SundayPh:4556223Icy WorldHave Fun Shaking here$20/hour for children$30/ hour foe adultsTel:88682526Water World Come to Water WorldOpen :9:am to 9 pm Two pools for childrenAdults:10$ Two large pools for adultChildren(aged 15 or under):$7 Two restaurantsTel:21518296Water World Come to Water WorldOpen :9:am to 9 pm Two pools for childrenAdults:10$ Two large pools for adultChildren(aged 15 or under):$7 Two restaurantsTel:2151829636 . What do people want to do at Nancys Gym?Ato enjoy swimmingBto learn skatingCto becoming thinner37 . A Lucy likes skating . What ad is she probably interested in?AIcy WorldBWater WorldCNancys Gym38 . You can call _ when you want to swimA4556223B88682526C2151829639 . You can go to swim in Water World at _A8:00AMB9:30AMC10:00pm40 . Which costs the most for an adult?AKeeping fit at Nancys GymBSkating in Icy WorldCSwimming in Water WorldIn America and England, if you go to a birthday party, youll have a good meal and a lot of drinks. After that, you will play different kinds of games.The children between the age of 1014 will have a “sleepover” party.Usually this kind of party is on a Friday or a Saturday night when the children do not have lessons the next morning. For this kind of party, the birthday person invites 56 close friends over for dinner. After dinner, the children will eat cakes and icecream, and the birthday person will open his or her gifts.During the evening, the children may go iceskating, go to watch basketball or soccer games or something else. Also, the children will eat pancakes at midnight and then go on talking and playing games, such as card games or computer games. Next morning the mother will make a big breakfast of some nice food such as cakes, bread with meat or eggs. Then their parents will pick_up the children at about nine oclock the next morning.41 . When do children have a “sleepover” party?AOn a Friday night.BOn a Tuesday afternoon.COn a Thursday morning.DOn a Monday night.42 . The birthday person will open his or her gifts _Aafter dinnerBbefore dinnerCafter the partyDbefore the party43 . The underlined phrase “pick up” means “_” in Chinese.A捡起来B接某人C送过去D挑选出44 . Children will do the following things at the party EXCEPT (除之外) _Aeating pancakesBhaving a good dinnerCplaying card gamesDmaking a big breakfast45 . The best title of this passage is _AHow to Make DinnerBA Birthday PartyCA “Sleepover” PartyDHow to Make FriendsHolidays are an important part in peoples life. Here are holidays in different countries.AmericaAmerican peoples holidays are flexible. They can use up their holidays once, and they can also use them for a few times. During the holidays, they can still get paid.CanadaMany people in Canada can rest three days a week. They have all kinds of activities for holidays. They may go fishing, boating or mountain climbing. Also, they have long holidays. They may go to the beach to spend a sunny winter holiday. Like American people, Canadians can also get paid during the holidays.FrancePeople in France are very good at enjoying life. They have a six-week holiday every year, and they work less than 40 hours a week.46 . How many countries are mentioned in the passage?ATwoBThree.CFour.DSix.47 . Which of the following activities is not mentioned in the passage?AGo fishingBGo boating.CGo skating.DGo mountain climbing.48 . In which country can people work less than 40 hours a week?AAmerica.BCanada.CFrance.DChina.49 . What does the underlined word “flexible” mean in Chinese?A灵活的B悠长的C匆忙的D不确定的50 . Which is the best title for this passage?AImportant holidaysBHolidays in different countriesCPeoples work timeDActivities in different countries五、阅读判断Dear Liz,Thank you so much for inviting us to the birthday party for your daughter Mary.As her aunt and uncle,we are glad to take part in(参加) such a happy event.We are going to get to your house on the evening of May 10 at seven oclock.We are looking forward to meeting you.And wed like to take some dishes.Yours,Jenny & BobDear Simon,Daniel and I were happy when you accepted our invitation to our dinner party on July 10.I feel really sorry that I have to cancel(取消) it.Daniel became ill yesterday and he is in hospital now.Im looking forward to inviting you again.Yours,Tina根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。51 . Jenny is going to Lizs birthday party.52 . The birthday day is on the evening of May 10.53 . Bob will take some dishes to the birthday party.54 . Tina planned to have a housewarming party.55 . Simon cancelled his party because Daniel is not well.六、用单词的正确形式完成短文A. with B. out C. still D. other E. foreignerMany of Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are 56 . unable to speak English fluently when they meet a 57 . . They seem to have mastered the basic language structure but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that 58 . people might find 59 . their mistakes.AmannersBpoliteCimpoliteDliftEdifferentPeople in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something that is polite in one country may be quite 60 . in another. In Britain, you mustnt 61 . your bowl to your mouth when having liquid food(液体食物). But its 62 . in China. And in Japan you even neednt worry about making noises when you have it. It shows that you are enjoying it. But it is regarded as bad 63 . in Britain. If you are a visitor to Mongolia, what manners do they wish you to have? They wish you give a loud “burp” after you finish eating. Burping shows that you like the food.七、填写适当的单词补全对话填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。A:Can you go to the movies,Cindy?B:Id love to, but64 . is it?A:At 7:00 this evening. B:Im sorry, I cant. My parents will go to a party tonight. I have to look 65 . my little brother.A:Sorry to hear that.B:You can ask John to go with you. He likes 66 . movies. You can call him.A: But I dont know his phone number. 67 . you know it?B:Yes. Its 908526.A:Thanks a lot. Maybe we can go to the movies 68 . time.B:OK. Thank you.八、信息归纳任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据文中信息完成表格,每空不多于两词。Carp Flags Fly in JapanIf you go to Japan in early May,you will see colorful carp flags(鲤鱼旗)in the sky.The flags fly to celebrate Childrens Day,which falls on May.In some places,people start to fly their flags in April.Families that have boys will usually fly the flags outside their homes.They also put warrior dolls(武士人偶)around their homes.They use the flags and dolls to encourage their boys to be strong and healthy,according to TheJapanTimes.People usually eat kashiwamochi(柏饼)on this day.It is a kind of rice cake inside of oak leaves(橡树叶)The cake has sweettasting red bean jam(红豆馅)inside.Childrens Day in 69 . DateOn May 5.Celebration*People fly carp flags in the sky as early as 70 . .*For boys,families also put 71 . around their homes.*People usually eat kashiwamochi,a kind of 72 . inside of oak leaves.It has sweettasting red bean jam inside.MeaningThey use the flags and dolls to encourage boys to be 73 . and healthy.九、多任务混合问题Do you know many students arent healthy today?Now many students know sports are good for (1)_ health. But they dont like playing sports. Some of them only watch them on TV. Whats more (而且), many of them only like watching TV and playing computer games. They often say, “Play soccer? Oh, it sounds boring. Play basketball? Oh, it sounds (2) _.”And many boys and girls dont like vegetables. They dont have carrots for lunch and they dont have tomatoes for dinner. But vegetables and fruit are healthy food. They need to eat lots of them every day. But they like junk food(垃圾食品). They like eating hamburgers, French fries, ice-cream_1_74 . 在 (1) 处填入they的适当形式。_75 . 请选择一个恰当的词填到文中(2)处,(填写字母代号)_ArelaxingBdifficultCeasy76 . Why do students need to eat lots of vegetables and fruit? _77 . 请从文中找出两种垃圾食品名称。_78 . 将文中划线的句子译成汉语。_十、材料作文79 . 书面表达假设你是Li Ling,你在网上注册了自己的新博客,下面表格中的内容是你的个人资料,请根据这些资料,写一段英文自我介绍,发布在你的博客上。要求:1、语句通顺,语意连贯;2、自我介绍要包括表格中的所有内容,并可适当发挥;3、80字左右。NameLi LingEnglish nameKateAge13SchoolNo. 2 Middle SchoolFamily members(成员)Parents, a sisterFavorite colorredE-mailLiling163.com_第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、二、补全对话7选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、阅读判断1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、填写适当的单词补全对话1、八、信息归纳1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、

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