人教版九年级上册英语 unit3 第3课时(sectionA Grammar focus-4c)练习

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人教版九年级上册英语 unit3 第3课时(sectionA Grammar focus-4c)练习_第3页
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人教版九年级上册英语 unit3 第3课时(sectionA Grammar focus-4c)练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . When did the snowstorm hit Beijing? Last Friday, while we_ a Geography lesson.Ahave hadBare havingCwere havingDwill have2 . In the UK, a woman usually doesnt like to be asked_.Awhether she has been marriedBwhat is her jobChow much she weighsDwhere she comes from3 . - Could you tell me?- His home is quite far away from the office, I think.AwhenhegotupBwhyheboughtthecarCwhereheworksDhowhelikeshisjob4 . Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? Go along and turn _ left at the second crossing, youll find it on _ left.Athe; theB/; theCthe; /D/; /5 . Its difficult for me _ my homework in such a short time. Come on! Im sure you can.AfinishedBto finishCwill finishDfinishes6 . Yu Gong and his Children triedthe mountain in their life.Afinishing to moveBto finish movingCto finish to move7 . What will you do tomorrow?-Im not sure. I _ go shopping.AwillBmightCmust8 . I think _necessary for us _the birds.Ait , protectBits, to protectCits , protectingDit , to protect9 . I dont like this TV programme, Its too _.AexcitingBexcitedCboringDbored10 . I dont like bananas. Jim doesnt like them _.AtooBeitherCalsoDas well11 . It smells terrible. What has happened here?Look, there is much waste gas _ from the chemical factory.ApourBpouringCpouredDpours12 . (题文)A direct order like “Daisy, pass me the book” sounds less polite. Wed better say, “_”.ADaisy, give me the book!BDaisy, I wonder if you can pass me the book.CDaisy, could you please pass me the book?DDaisy. I think you can pass me the book.13 . Students should learn howproblems.AsolveBsolvingCcan solveDto solve二、完型填空Choose words or expressions and complete the passage.Are you thinking of spending part of your summer holidays in Britain? We can help you. Just read the following introduction of its nicest holiday townBrighton.Brighton, a famous holiday town next to the sea in Sussex, on the southeast coast of England, is only 50 minutes on a fast train from London.The town usually has a population of 134,000 people, but in the summer this number_ a lot as Brighton gets a lot of tourists. They come here to spend their holidays by the sea and students come from lots of different countries. It is a very busy place at this time of the year, and there always seems to be a party going on!A long time ago Brighton was a quiet fishing town. It_had a different name from todays, Bright helm stone. Later on, when swimming in the sea became popular, many rich and important people, as well as writers, musicians and_began to arrive and Brighton became a popular seaside holiday town. Prince George(later became King George IV),first came to Brighton in 1783. He liked it so much and used to spend part of the summer there. He asked John Nash, who was a very famous builder at the time, to build him a palace. It took about 40 years to build the palace and it_ half a million pounds! Many famous and important people enjoyed Brighton over the years. Now more than 400,000 tourists come to Brighton and the palaceRoyal Pavilionevery year.The Royal Pavilion, with its beautiful rooms and museum, is not the_ interesting thing in Brighton. In May, this friendly and colorful town holds an international _ with many different kinds of music, dance, and theatre from all over the world.So if you are also interested in this wonderful holiday town, why not come and enjoy?14 . AimprovesBraisesCrisesDincludes15 . AevenBstillChardlyDnever16 . AfishermenBpolicemenCdriversDartists17 . AusedBtookCpaidDcost18 . AfirstBonlyCwholeDvery19 . AplaceBprizeCfestivalDphoto三、句型转换.句型转换20 . Why dont you come a little earlier? (改为同义句)Why_a little earlier?21 . John can read magazines during this week. (画线部分提问)_ during this week?22 . Jack joins the fewest clubs of all the boys in my class. ( 改为同义句)Jack joins _any other boy in my class.23 . There are some differences between the two boys. (改为同义句)The two boys are_each other.24 . She watches CCTV news every day. (画线部分提问)_she _CCTV news?25 . Chinese is not as interesting as English. (改为同义句)English is _ Chinese.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空26 . My _ (brother) birthday is on November 23rd.27 . Today is May 9th.It is my _ (twelve) birthday.28 . There are twelve _ (month) in a year.29 . She _ (have) a birthday party every year.30 . How old _ (be) your friend, Li Lei?五、单词填空John had a t31 . to England last winter. He went by air. There were lots of p32 . on the plane. John was very e33 . to take a plane. When he arrived at the a34 . , his friend Jack was waiting for him.When they a35 . at Jacks home, John was very happy. The house was so beautiful w36 . many flowers. He lived with Jacks family. They were very f37 . to him. He was a38 . to cook Chinese food, and Jacks family loved it very much. At Christmas, John r39 . some presents from Jacks family and he had a good time. He dreams to study in England one day. He hopes his dream will come t40 . .第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、句型转换1、四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、五、单词填空1、

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