人教版七年级英语上册练习题:Unit1 Making New Friends Topic1

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人教版七年级英语上册练习题:Unit1 Making New Friends Topic1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . This _ my friend.AisBareCbe2 . is my cousin, and names Mike.AHe, hisBShe, shesChe, hesDShe, she3 . The German girl _ Anna usually comes here with her parents.AcallBcallsCcallingDcalled4 . -Look, there _ a pair of shoes under the sofa.-Oh, yes. The shoes _ mine.Ais; areBare; isCare; areDis; is5 . -What_ five and three?-.Aare; Its eight.Bare; eightCis; It eight.Dis; Eight6 . The woman _ a white coat is Miss Gao.AwearsBputs onCwithDIn7 . 字母表中第四个字母是ACBDCEDH8 . _ water is there in the world?AHow oldBHow muchCHow manyDHow9 . your sister like apples?.AIs; Yes, she isBDoes; Yes, she doesCDo; No, she dontDDoes; No, she dont10 . Who is that girl?Oh, shes my sister. But we look _.AdifferentBsameCthe same11 . Hello! Im Jim. Hi, Jim! Im Marry. _ABye.BThank you.CNice to meet you.DNo, thanks.12 . Could you please _ me your name?Sure. My name is Kate.Ato sayBsayCtell13 . they your ?AIs, sisterBis, sistersCAre, sistersDAre, sister14 . Amy often says “ _” to her parents when she goes to school.AGood morningBGood afternoonCGood eveningDGoodbye.15 . 当你下午遇见同学时,你可以用“_”表示问候。AGood morning!BGood afternoon!CGood evening!二、填写适当的单词补全句子Once upon a time, two young men were on holiday in the countryOne day, while taking a walk together, they crossed a large field“L _16 . _ out!” one of the young men shouted, because a bull(公牛)suddenly appeared and began to chase(追赶)themThey w_17 . _ very frightenedThey ran as fast as they could, but the bull kept r_18 . _ after themFinally, one of the men climbed u_19 . _ a treeThe other jumped into a hole, but soon he came out of itAnd then the bull chased him)b_20 . _ into the hole“Stay there!” his friend shouted, b_21 . _ soon the man came out again, and again the bull chased him right backThis went on five or six more t_22 . _At last, the man in the tree got a_23 . _ and shouted to his friend in the hole, “You fool! I have t_24 . _ you to stay in the hole for a while! Why are you always coming out?”“Thats easy for you to say,” the other man said as he jumped one m_25 . _ time back into the hole, “But there happened to be a bear in this hole!”三、用所给单词的正确形式填空根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。26 . Which bike would you like ,the blue one or the yellow ?Its hard for me to make a _(decide),They are both very nice.27 . Teenagers should _to design their own school uniforms (allow).28 . Reading loudly is good for _(learn) English.29 . Mr. Zhang is a _scientist He does all kinds of researches every year(knowledge).30 . Though many people know the _ (dangerous)of smoking ,they still smoke every day .31 . These_( teenager )like to go out at night.32 . He thinks this is his_( success) lifestyle.33 . We would feel more _( comfort ) and that is good for studying.34 . He goes to help the old man_( one ) a week.35 . We are very_( sleep ) in spring.36 . I was_(surprise) to find hardly anyone in the zoo.37 . How many_(monkey) can you see?38 . The old man looks_(worry). What happened to him?39 . If I felt some pain, Id stop_(exercise)40 . She is a_(confidence) girl.四、完成句子完成句子41 . 他下了火车,然后就回家了。He _ the train and then went home.42 . 多亏了那位老人,我们找到了回家的路。_ the old man, we found our way home.43 . 请记住当你生气的时候,不要做决定。Please remember not to _ when you are angry.44 . 为了能赶上火车,我六点钟就出发了。I left at six _ I could catch the train.45 . 为了成功你不得不去冒险。You have to _ in order catch to succeed.46 . 我们有许多要捐赠的衣服。We have lots of clothes to_.47 . 你觉得募捐的最佳方式是什么?What do you think is the best way to _?48 . 这些队要参加奥林匹克运动会的选拔赛。These teams are going to _ for the Olympic Games.49 . 振作起来!情况不会那么糟。_! It cant be as bad as all that.50 . 凯特一点儿也不像她妈妈。Kate doesnt _her mother at all.五、填写适当的句子补全对话(B)从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A: Good afternoon, Mr. Wang. 51 . B: Good afternoon, Mr. Zhang. Nice to see you, too.A: 52 . B: Im fine, thanks.53 . A: Im fine, too. Mr. Wang, 54 . C: How do you do?B: 55 . Goodbye.A&C: Bye.AHow are you?BAre you Miss Brown?CAnd you?DThank you.ENice to see you.Fthis is Ms. Jones.GHow do you do?六、句子配对56 . I like music, but I cant sing. Go and ask Mr Zhang._.AHe is a Chinese teacher.BHe dances very well.CHe knows how to sing DHe is over there七、多任务混合问题Have you ever felt angry with your parents? Do you sometimes quarrel with your parents? If youre upset or angry, try to keep yourself cool. Sometimes, the more you show your anger, the unhappier your parents will be. Try to come up with an idea that can solve your problem so that it wont happen again.It might seem that your parents dont understand youbut dont give up. Remember that they dont really want to make things difficult for you. Your parents care about you, but sometimes its just hard for them to know what you are thinking.One of parents jobs is to take care of you and keep you safeuntil youre old enough to take care of yourself (but some parents have trouble giving up looking after their children even then)!Usually, kids who quarrel with their parents learn to get along with them sooner or later. This is especially true if kids are able to make their parents know how they feel and whats important to them.And remember that this may take time. Its not always easy. Talking with your parents about your opinions patientlyinstead of shouting at themwill also make them listen to you more carefully. And youll get respect(尊敬) and learn how to get along with them.57 . If kids want to get along with their parents, they should try to make their parents know _ their thoughts are.(填单词)58 . Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._59 . What does “this” in the last paragraph refer to?_60 . How can you make your parents listen to you more carefully?_61 . Give a proper title to the passage._八、英汉互译:单词/短语英汉互译62 . have a great time_63 . stay at home_64 . talk about_65 . 一些小礼物_66 . 订餐_67 . potato chips_68 . 开班会_69 . 要求某人做某事_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、填写适当的单词补全句子1、三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、四、完成句子1、五、填写适当的句子补全对话1、六、句子配对1、七、多任务混合问题1、八、英汉互译:单词/短语1、

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