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人教版2020年中考英语语法专题练习2名词姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . How _ is it from Xian to Taian? Its less than 3 _ flight.Along, hoursBfar, hoursClong, hoursDfar, hours2 . Your mothers sister is your_.AgrandmotherBbrotherCauntDsister3 . Tony,Im going to the supermarket. Do you need anything? Yes,that will save me a _.AvisitBtripChandDtime4 . Would you please give us some _ on how to keep fit, Doctor Wang?AideaBadviceCtipDsuggestion5 . A good friend is like a _. He or she will share your joy and point out your mistakes.AteaBwinnerCmirror6 . - When we hurt those who are close to us, we had better make an _ first.- Yes. But sometimes we want to save our face so we may keep _.Aagreement; stillBadvantage; quietCapology; silent7 . This computer has the biggest _.I like it.AscreenBseatCsongDticket8 . Lilys apartment is on the fifteenth _of the building and it has a good view.AfloorBpartCroomDHouse9 . Can you give me _ English?Asome advice to learn Bany suggestions on learningCsome advice on learningDsome suggestions to lean10 . - Do you know the Indian girl Malala?-Of course,hermakes the world shocked(震惊的) and she becomes the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.AadvantageBprogressCachievementDattention11 . Do _ like going to _?I dont know.Awoman teachers, clothes shopsBwomen teachers, clothes shopsCwoman teachers, sport shopsDwomen teachers, vegetables shops12 . Why do you wear uniforms every day?Because its a school _.AruleBgameCtripDquestion13 . I used to keep a _every day when I was a primary school student.AdiaryBdairyCdiariesDdairies14 . Jason got _ a fight with Kevin. He hit Kevin _ the face.Aonto; inBonto; withCinto; inDinto; with15 . To children, _ are their first teachers.AparentsBgrandparentsCdoctorsDfriends16 . Whats the news about?Here is todays _. You can read it and learn about some news in it.AbookBnewspaperCcomputerDplay17 . Our school has fifty-six _teachers.AwomanBwomenCwomansDwomens18 . My are in the bookcase.Atape playersBtapes playerCtapes playersDtape player19 . He likes playing basketball.AtheBaCanD/20 . You can see lots of _ in the zoo, like tigers and lions.AanimalsBtreesCstudents21 . Mike is from _and he is_.AChinese, ChinaBAmerica, AmericanCEnglish, EnglandDChina, China22 . His favourite _ is science.AcolourBsubjectCfriendDbook23 . Guangzhou is in the _ of China.AwestBeastCnorthDsouth24 . We have made a great _, but we failed _.Aprogress; by chanceBdeal; by accidentCeffort; by mistake25 . The famous singer will come and sing for us _,so I will go to the concert tonight.Ain personBtake care ofClook afterDall the time26 . It is beyond _ that Professor Tus achievement doesnt come from good luck but from her dedication to her research work.AimaginationBdoubtCexpectationDpossibility27 . Her lovely dogs _ made her very sad.AdyingBdieCdeadDdeath.28 . Could you give me _ about improving my English?Asome advicesBan adviceCsome adviceDa advice29 . Jackie Chan was one of the most famous _ in the world.Aactress Bactresses Cactor Dactors30 . Mary gets up at 5:00 every day, really?-Yeah, it was her _to rise earlyAactionBsignCexampleDcustom31 . 一What_would you like?一A cup of orangeAfoodBfruitCdrinkDdrinks32 . The students were happy that they would have a _ winter holiday.Athree-weeksBthree weeksCthree-weeksDthree-weeks33 . How can I get more _ about your club?Well, you can search on the Internet or email to us.AnotesBsignsCinformation34 . Susan was ill. The doctor gave her someand asked her to take it twice a day.AinformationBticketsCbooksDmedicine35 . What day is it today? Its _ .A12: 00BWednesdayCSeptemberD201436 . Pork is healthy _ and tea is a healthy _ .Adrink; foodBdrink; drinkCfood; drinkDfood; food37 . He is a clever boy. His _ are of great _ to us.Aadvice; valueBsuggestions; valueCadvice; valuableDsuggestion; valuable38 . _ is it from your house to the bus stop? About five minutes walk.AHow farBHow oftenCHow soonDHow long39 . Therere some _ in my pencil box.AschoolbagsBdictionariesCrulersDchairs40 . ABC41 . Huangmei opera(黄梅戏) sounds so beautiful. I often enjoy listening to it in the local _.AmuseumBhotelCtheatreDmall42 . -Where are the _?-They are on the desk.AbaseballBbaseballsCkeyesDkeies43 . Can you get a piano for me, dear?But there isnt enough _ for it in our house.AplaceBfloorCroomDground44 . In order to keep healthy, you should stop eating _ and get some exercise.Aspace travelBfirst prizeCstomach acheDfast food45 . Jenny is a girl, your father is her uncle, she is your _AauntBsisterCdaughterDcousin46 . What is Zhang Lus to language learning? Never stop studying and work hard.AserviceBsecretCskill47 . _ mothers cant go to the parents meeting because they are too busy.AJacks and PaulBJacks and PaulsCJack and PaulsDJack and Paul48 . I can use my _ to take high-quality images.AradioBwatchCtelevisionDcamera第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、

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