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四年级上学期期中试卷姓名:_ 班级:_听力部分(30分)一听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( ) 1.A.stickerB.stand C.swim ( ) 2.A.juice B.twelve C.juice ( ) 3.A.sad B.swim C.sit ( ) 4.A.four B.fourteen C.five ( ) 5.A.many B.any C.make ( ) 6A.nine B.nice C.nineteen ( ) 7.A.five B.fifteen C.fine ( ) 8.A.pencil B.pen C.play ( ) 9.A.five dogs B.fifty dogs C.four dogs ( ) 10.A.how many B.how old C.how much 二听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分)( ) 1.A.No, he cant.B. OK. C.Yes, I can.( ) 2.A.I like dogs.B. Yes, she can. C.No, I dont.( ) 3.A.Yes, I do.B. I have a robot. C.No, I cant.( ) 4.A.No, I do.B. OK. C.He can swim.( ) 5.A.Yes, I do.B. Yes, I can. C.Yes, he can.三听录音,完成句子。(10分)1. He can _ football very _.2. _ you _, Yang Ling?3. What _ you, Su Hai? Can you _?4. _ a _ , Wang Bing.5. _ be _, Bobby. I cant fly either.笔试部分四、 选出发音与其他不同的一项(5分)( )1AgirlB. grapeC. orange( )2AhotB. oldC.cold( )3AmakeB. cat C.cake( )4AfiveB. likeC. English ( )5AskateB. swim C.dogs五、英汉互译。(10分) 1.喜欢黄色贴画_2.funny and lovely_ 3.给你。 _ 4.play football very well_ 5. 想要一个香蕉_ 6.have a cake with a cherry_ 7.多少菠萝和葡萄_ 8.our beautiful pencil case_ 9.怎么样? _10.the lion in the library_ 六、按要求写单词(5分)1. basketball(复数形式) 2. good(副词形式) 3. cant(完整形式) 4. I(宾格) 5. lets (完整形式) 6. either(同义词) 7. happy (反义词) 8. mango(复数形式) 9. bus (复数形式) 10. I am (缩写形式) 七选择题。(10分) ( )1. Do you like_? A. a cat B.four catsC.cats( )2. This is _elephant and those are _. A.an,apple treesB,apple tree C.apples,trees( )3. -Would you like a pie? - _. A.Yes,I do.B.No,thanks. C.Yes,I would.( )4. I want to _ football. A.play the B.play C.some( )5. _the birds!So cool! A.Look B.Have a look C.Look at ( )6.Do they have _apples? No ,but they have_ oranges. A. any,anyB.any,some C.some,any( )7.Mike is a_studentand he can ski very_. A.good,wellB.good,good C.well,good( )8.Can you have a look? _. A.Yes,you canB.No,I can C.Sure( )9.Can Sam do it _?No,he cant do it _ . A.too,tooB.too,either C.either,too( )10. I dont like _?Do you have _tiger _? A.tigers,any,toysB.a tiger,any toys C.tigers,some toys八.词汇运用。(10分)1.We like_(mango).Do they like_(mango pie)?2.How many _do you have?I have one _.(cherry)3.These _(shoe) are for you.But that _(jacket)isnt.4.Would you like _(some) _(egg)?5.I have many _(box)?How a _you?6.Who are those_ (woman)? Theyre_(I)teacher.7.Look a_ toy_ (fish).8.The little _(monkey)are in the tree.T_lovely.9.Is that _(you) juice?Yes, its_(I)juice.10.Donny_(can not)fly _(too). 九连词成句并翻译。(10分)1.do,like,Sam,you,dogs(,?)_2.many,would,how,pears,you,like(?)_3.have,big,red,you ,do,any,apples(?)_4.is,rubber,this,her,for,Bobby(,.) _5.Can,Lily,a,make,fruit,pie(?)_十、按要求改句子(5分)1. I have thirteen oranges . (对划线部分提问) _ _ oranges _ you have ?2. I like tigers . (变为一般疑问句) _ you _ tigers ?3. He can play football . (对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ ? 4. I can jump too . (变为否定句) I _ jump _ .十一、根据中文翻译句子(5分)1我会溜冰和游泳。I can_ and _ 2你喜欢老虎吗?是的,我不喜欢。 Do you like_ ?Yes. I _ like _3这只大象很可爱。 This is _ 4我有一些葡萄。 I have 十二改错。(5分)( )1.These toy animal are cute. _ A B C( )2.Do you like some cakes?Yes,please. _ A B C( )3.Lets making a salad. _ A B C( )4.I like some milk. _ A B C( )5.Can WangBing ski?Yes,I can. _ A B C十三、阅读理解,判断正误,用T或F表示。(10分)Nancy: Excuse me,MikeIs this my pencil case?Mike: No,it isntNancy: Im sorry,but wheres my pencil case?Mike: Look,its on the deskNancy: Thank youMike: Whats this in your pencil case ?Nancy: Its a bookmarkDo you like this red bookmark?Mike: Yes,I doNancy: Me,too( )1Nancy cant find her pencil case( )2Mikes pencil case is on the desk( )3Theres a bookmark in the pencil case( )4They dont like the bookmark( )5The bookmark is yellow四年级上学期期中试卷答案听力部分(30分)1 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) 1.swim 2.twelve 3.sad 4.fourteen 5.many 6.nine 7.fine 8.play 9.five dogs 10.how much答案:1-5 C B A B A 6-10 A C C A C二听录音,选择合适的应答句。(10分)1. An you fly?.2. I like cats. What about you?3. What do you have?4. Have a try, Liu Tao.5. Can Mike swim? 答案:C A B B C三听录音,完成句子。(10分)1. He can play football very well.2. Can you skate, Yang Ling?3. What about you, Su Hai? Can you swim?4. Have a try, Wang Bing.5. Dont be sad, Bobby. I cant fly either. 笔试部分四、 选出发音与其他不同的一项(5分)CABCC5 英汉互译。(共10分)1.like yellow stickers 2.又可爱又滑稽(有趣)3.Here you are. 4.足球踢得好5.want/would like a banana 6.吃一块樱桃蛋糕 7. how many pineapples and grapes8.我们的漂亮文具盒 9.What about?10.在图书馆里的狮子六选择(共10分)15CABCB 6-10BACBA7 词汇。(每空0.5分,共10分)1.mangoes,mango pies 2.cherries,cherry3.shoes,jacket 4.some ,eggs 5.boxes,about6.women,our 7.at,fish 8.monkeys,Thheyre9.your ,my 10.cant,either八.连词成句并翻译。(共10分)1.Do you like dogs,Sam?你喜欢狗吗,山姆?2.How many pears would you like?你想要多少梨子。3. Do you have big red apples?你有又大又红的苹果吗?4. This rubber is for her,Bobby?这个橡皮是给你的,波比。5. Can Lily make a fruit pie?丽丽可以制作一份水果吗?十、按要求改句子(5分)1. How many do 2. Do like 3. What can do 4. cant either 十一、根据中文翻译句子(5分)1. skate swim 2. tigers dont tigers 3. elephant very cute 4. some grapes十二改错。(1.B,toy animals 2.A,Would 3.B,make 4.A,have 5.C.he十三阅读理解 TFTFF8

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