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人教版2020年九年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Do you think the rain will stop tomorrow?_. It has rained for several days. Its too wet.AI hope notBCome onCI hope soDNo wonder2 . This is_school bag. That one is_.Amy; yoursBmy; yourCmine; yoursDmine; your3 . On weekends, most of the children do nothing play computer games.AbutBandCso4 . I am trying my best to study English _ I want to get the first place in thefollowing exam.AuntilBbecauseCthoughDunless5 . I dont know when my sonback, but when heback, Ill call you.Acomes;comesBwill come;will comeCcomes;will comeDwill come;comes6 . The Voice of China is very popular , lots of people love to _ to watch it.Awake upBget upCstay upDmake up7 . His family is big.Her family is also(也)big. So these two_are big.AfamilyBfamilysCfamiliesDa family8 . Our teacher told us to _ junk food. Its not healthy.Akeep away fromBfall in love withCpay attention toDget used to9 . We are proud that China _ stronger and stronger these years.Awill is becomeBbecameCis becomingDwas becoming10 . Lucy and I are classmates. We _ in Class One.Aall areBare allCboth areDare both11 . Kitty, will you go to see Spider-man 3 with us this evening? Sorry. I _ the film already.Ahave seenBsawCam seeingDwill see12 . As a fan of sports,Carl always takesactive part in ball games after school.AaBanCtheD/13 . Is he going to attend the meeting?I think he _,but Im not sure.AmustBshouldCcanDmight14 . (题文)He has a collection of. He can not only enjoy them but also use them to mail letters.AstampsBtoy carsCinstruments15 . -I called you yesterday morning ,but no one answered.-Oh, I in my garden.Awatered the flowersBam watering the flowersCwas watering the flowers二、完型填空完型填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。After seating myself in my room and turning on my computer, I noticed a Post-it note stuck to my monitor(显示器). It read, “Dont turn on your computer. You stayed up until midnight doing your homework last night.Mom.”I_the note into the wastebasket.“Why do they_? ”I thought. “Theyre never here anyway.”Right after high school started,I almost lost contact with my parents. With all their business_,they asked the neighbors to watch over me. Of course,the neighbors didnt do such a(n)_job,as they had kids of their own to worry about. The only means of communication between me and my parents was through Post-it notes.After spending about eight hours away from home,I usually came home to find the house_empty. It made me sad. I would come home from school to be welcomed by_,to talk to no one and to be watched over by my neighbors. That was when I started_more clubs and staying after school more often so I didnt have to feel so lonely. Luckily,at school,my friends were there for me. They were all there to give me a_or talk with me when I wanted to talk. I felt great when I was at school. Yet, something was still_ my parents.Now I realize that nobody can take the place of my parents. I wish that they would be there at home,waiting for me to come back from school. There are too many things my parents dont know about me. I wish that they actually had a( n)_to understand me. I want them to understand that theyre my parents and Im their kid and I need them.16 . AshowedBthrewCledDpulled17 . AcheckBknowCcareDspeak18 . AdesignsBdreamsCtripsDpartners19 . AfreeBeasyCcarelessDgood20 . AsuddenlyBespeciallyCcompletelyDnecessarily21 . AeverybodyBanybodyCsomebodyDnobody22 . AcreatingBjoiningCfindingDserving23 . AhandBwishCsuggestionDreason24 . AsurprisingBmissingCexcitingDamazing25 . AexcuseBchanceCtaskDplace三、阅读单选Libraries give kids a quiet and safe place to read and learn. For over 100 years, libraries have played an important role in Americans education. But how are these book-filled buildings changing with the times? You may be surprised to find out.Benjamin Franklin famously founded (创建) Americas first lending library in 1731. But the public library system got its biggest development in the American history in the late 1800s. Businessman Andrew Carnegie donated millions of dollars to help build free public libraries across the country. Between 1886 and 1919, Carnegies donations helped build 1,679 new libraries.Carnegie believed that libraries could offer the chances to Americans, young and old. He knew that the more libraries there were, the more people would have opportunities to read and use books, speeches and news. If you can easily find a public library in your community(社区), youll get more chances. After all, the United States has 9,225 public libraries. Today, libraries keep growing. Seven tenths of the libraries have free Internet. It provides much more information and opportunities to ask for jobs online.Libraries are also teaching kids about the fun of reading. The new program Read! Build! Play! adds reading into playtime. As kids listen to a book that is being read aloud, they use Legos (乐高积木) to build images(图像) from the story happily. Todays libraries are always looking for creative programs to bring people into the library.Benjamin Franklin once said, “The doors of wisdom(智慧) are never shut.” As long as the doors of public libraries are open, what he said is most certainly correct!26 . Benjamin Franklin founded the first lending library in _.A1731B1800C1886D191927 . How many public libraries have free Internet now?A2767.B6458.C9225.D1679.28 . The right order of the following statements is _ .The public library system in America developed fast.The first lending library was founded. Libraries provide information and chances to ask for job online. Libraries try to bring people into the library by using creative programs.ABCD29 . The last paragraph mainly tells us_.Alibraries have played an important role in Americans educationBpublic libraries in the US should never close the doorsCthe writer doesnt agree with Benjamin FranklinDlibraries help people to open the doors of wisdom30 . The best title for the passage is _.Athe libraries in the worldBlibraries and opportunitiesClibraries teach kids to read and learnDthe development of the American librariesIn 1955, Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney Park in Los Angeles, the USA. Later Disney World was opened in Florida in 1971. It cost between $500 and $600 million to build. Tokyo Disney Park opened in Japan in 1983, and Europe Disney opened in France in 1992.Now Hong Kong is going to build a Disney Park and it will be open in 2005.More than 80% of Hong Kongs population would like to visit the Disney Park when it is opened. But about half of them thought the adult admission fee (成人参观费), of between HK $250 to HK $300 (US $32 to US $38), was too high. The childrens admission fee is not known yet. But children may not mind paying any entrance fee. “If I start saving money now, Ill have enough money to pay the entrance fee in five years time.” Said Chan Posang, a 12-year-old girl. “ I cant take my son to the Disney Park in the USA.” Said Mrs Yu, mother of a small boy, “Thats why I agree with the governments plan to build one here. There Ill be able to take my son there. The admission fee of several hundred dollars is nothing compared with (与相比)the price of an air ticket to the USA.”31 . The first Disney Park was built in _.AFranceBTokyoCAmericaDHong Kong32 . How many Disney Parks will there be in Asia by the year 2005?A1.B2.C3.D433 . What do the Hong Kong people think about the plan?AMost of them agree with it.BHalf of them dont agree with it.CFew of them agree with it.DOnly children like it.34 . Do all the Hong Kong people care(关心)much about the entrance fee?AYes, they all think that the fee is too high.BNo, the children may not mind how much the fee will be.CYes, they all think that the fee is reasonable.DThe writer doesnt tell us.35 . According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?AThe adult admission fee is lower than the children admission fee.BDisney Parks are getting more and more popular among children and adults.CThe childrens admission fee is about HK $250 to HK $300.DSince the fee is too high, few Hong Kong people want to visit the park.36 . What time do western people usually have dinner?AAfter midday.BAt 5: 00 in the afternoon.CBefore 7: 00 in the afternoon.DAround 7 pm or even later.37 . What will a host(主人) probably say to a guest at the start of a meal?ACan I help you?BEat slowly!CHelp yourself!DCan you serve me?38 . Which of the following is helpful when youre in the west according to the poster?AYou can leave as soon as youve finished eating.BThe fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.CIf you dont know what to do, just watch the others and do as they do.DYou cant eat chicken legs with your fingers.Do you know that womens brains are smaller than mens? Normally the womens brain weighs 10% less than mens. Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the cleverer the animal, men must be more intelligent(聪明的) than women. Right? Wrong. Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size. Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that its whats inside that matters, not just the size of the brain. The brain is made up of “grey matter” and “white matter”. While men have more of the white matter, the amount(数量)of “thinking” brain is almost the same in both men and women.It has been suggested that smaller brain appears to work faster, perhaps because the two sides of the brain are better connected in women. This means that little girls may learn to speak earlier, and that women can understand sorts of different information at the same time. When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby all at the same time, its women who come out on top every time.There are other important differences between two sexes(性别). As white matter is the key to spatial(空间的)tasks, men know better where things are in relation to other things. “A great footballer always knows where he is in relation to the other players, and he knows where to go,” says one researcher. That may explain one of lifes great mysteries: why men refuse to ask for directions and women often need to!The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿)are about nine weeks old, which can be seen in the action of children when they are very young. A boy would try to climb a barrier before him or push it down while a girl would ask for help from others. These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills, while more women speech skills. It may all go back to our ancestors, among whom women needed speech skills to take care of their babies and men needed spatial skills to hunt, according to one research.39 . Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 1?AGrey matter controls thinking in the brain.BMens brain is 10% less than womens.CGrey matter plays the same role as white matter.DMen and women have the same amount of white matter.40 . What can you infer from Paragraphs 2 and 3?AMen have weaker spatial abilities.BWomen do not need to tell directions.CWomen prefer doing many things at a time.DWomen do many jobs at a time better than men.41 . What can you learn from Paragraph 4?AOur children needed more spatial skills.BWomen may have more feelings than men.CYoung boys may be stronger than young girls.DMore women take up jobs requiring speech skills.42 . The passage is mainly about _.Aways of being more intelligentBdifferences between men and womenCstudies on brains between two sexesDstudies on white matter and grey matter四、填写适当的单词补全句子根据句意及汉语意思填写单词。43 . Mr. Wood is a young and (有耐心的) teacher.44 . Im good at (地理). What about you, Jenny?45 . This is not my car. Mis over there.46 . At school we study many s_ such as English, Chinese, maths and so on.47 . When do people c_ Thanksgiving in Canada?短文填空根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整通顺。(10分)Stress is usual in life. It may come from heavy traffic to bad work environments, or from relationship problems to financial(财政的) difficulties. We all need a48 . w_ to reduce our stress, understand where it comes from and how to work through it. If not, stress will certainly49 . l_ to illness, low spirits, broken relationships or unending pain.Keeping diaries is the50 . e_ way of all to reduce stress. Keeping diaries will help51 . u_ deal with our stress before it makes us ill. Writing down our thoughts and52 . f_, as in keeping a diary, is a good method to reduce stress and53 . i_ happiness. We put down on paper what we are unhappy with and worried about. This54 . h_ us begin to understand in a clearer manner, what we are going through.Keeping a regular diary about55 . d_ events, joys and struggles, can really help us to face every day, and solve our problems with less stress. When we record our days on paper or on the computer, we are dealing56 . w_ our feelings, fears and joys, as we are writing.Lets start living the healthy, balanced and57 . m_ life we have been meant to live, with our simple diary writing.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,答案书写在答题卡卷各小题规定的位置。58 . T_ right, and youll find it on your left.59 . M _is the second day of a week.60 . He cooks very well and he is a c_.61 . Everyone must f_ the traffic rules.62 . How is your uncle?F_, thank you.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当时态填空,使句子通顺。devote fix move have offer63 . Did you see Jack at the meeting room?No, Lily told me that he _ his I-phone 6 plus at Apple Store then.64 . When I was young, I often wondered if the earth _ (move) around the sun.65 . She _ two years to this research. She is still working hard to find out more.66 . Do you have any problems if you _(offer) this job?Well, Im thinking about the working hours.67 . The rest of the class _ (have) a picnic next week, arent they?六、单词填空Mr. Jones argued with his wife. Mr. Jones was very angry with hiswife, and she was angry with her 68 . . For several days they didnt 69 . to each other.One evening Mr. Jones was very 70 . after he came back from work. So he went to bed soon after dinner. Of course he didnt 71 . anything to Mrs. Jones before he went upstairs. Mrs. Jones washed the Dinner dishes and then 72 . some sewing(缝纫). She went to bed much73 . than her husband. She found a piece of 74 . on the small table near her bed. On it were the words, “Please wake me up at 7a.m. Jones.” When Mr. Jones 75 . up in the morning, it was nearly 9 a.m. and on the table near his bed, he also 76 . a piece of paper. It wrote “Please wake up, it is 7 a.m.” He was 77 . angry to say a word.七、材料作文78 . Writing (作文) 99. Write at least 60 words on the topic A pleasant trip to . according to the suggested outlines. Suggested outlines:When did you have the trip?What did you do during the trip?What do you think of the trip?第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、填写适当的单词补全句子1、2、3、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、单词填空1、七、材料作文1、

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